BB6 Official thread - lets chat

Sorry you've got to work especially on a BH weekend :sad2:
I know the feeling I'm a nurse and have just done 3w/e on the trot 'cause we never close.

Never mind at least you have ::MickeyMo and ::MinnieMo to keep you going, have a great hol :love:
Don't worry we will despite the weather forecast.
It's blowing a gale out here now and feels like October.
At lest nobody seems to have throttled Kemal yet :rotfl2: It's all quiet at the moment

P.S. I'll go and pack when DW :love: decides to get up :)
Another BB fan here too. I couldn't watch the live start of it last night either so I recorded it on my sky plus and watched it before I went to bed!! The contestants sure do seem like an interesting mix!
i enjoyed the show last night, davina made me laugh as usual and the housemates certainly looked an interesting lot :rotfl:
derek def annoyed me as did scary mary, i thought the gay hairdresser was very funny
it will be very intersting to see who gets nominated this week :teeth:
very funny how that girl who got pulled into the diary room who was immediately up for nomination for doing so, totaly did not understand the task she was given.
i thought the show was grwat too (but where are the chickens?)

and roberto is quiet nice to look at..
The chickens have been replaced by the gnomes. Looking at that lot they put in last night I think the chickens got a major let-off as none of them look remotely capable of looking after themselves never mind chickens!!
I thought Makosi didn't get her first challenge, but she caused a fight this morning so she just might get nominated.

Lesley is Very, Very scary :)
I can't wait to get my BB fix, hopefully in a day or two I'll know who everyone is

mandymouse :earsgirl:
well my opinion of mary has changed after last night.....i think she came across as very sensible when she was taliking about the housemates stripping off and that they thought they were revealing themselves, but actually that they were not revealing their innermost selves :) science was a bit ott over the chicken and maxwell should have broken the rules and brought a book in......if ever anyone needed a DICTIONARY its him every orher word is F*** :)

i must admit is was :rotfl: for most of last nights show and thought bb giving makosi those spare keys for her case was inspired :teeth:
Lots of swearing :( and me, me, me.

Didn't see last nights, but hope to catch up tonight.
Does anybody else find that there are no contestants this year (or last year in my case) that they actually like? In the past there were Brian and Helen both of whom I really liked and Craig before that but this years' lot I haven't warmed to. I'll still watch because it's still addictive but there's no one yet who I would say I would like to win.
Joanne UK said:
Does anybody else find that there are no contestants this year (or last year in my case) that they actually like? In the past there were Brian and Helen both of whom I really liked and Craig before that but this years' lot I haven't warmed to. I'll still watch because it's still addictive but there's no one yet who I would say I would like to win.

i never form a strong enough opinion on the hm's this early, it usually takes a week or so before i can form an opinion either way.
i am definatly on the fence for all of them so far ( except derek perhaps, who annoyed me straight away and still does!!) :)
It all sounds so good! I haven't had a chance to watch even a minute of it yet, things have been too hectic with revision, but I can't wait until it's over so I can get stuck in! :teeth:
I have just watched the Sat and Sun episodes that I taped. I'm hooked as usual!!! Some real charcters as ever!! I feel stressed just watching them! ;)
My favourite housemate so far is the rat ;) He is more interesting than any of them :teeth:


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