Becoming a Better Sarah ~ 2015 Journal (The End)

I have a Garmin ForeRunner10. It's about as basic as you can get - but I got a great deal on it and it was really a tester to see if I'd actually use the watch for runs or not. I'll probably end up upgrading to a nicer one for Christmas.

As far as shoes go ... I tend to agree with the general gist of the story. That said, pronation has never been a deciding factor for me because of my clubfoot.

I really do think there is a mental action towards whether you're successful in specific shoes. In the past, when I would attempt to start running (in top-of-the-line Sauconeys, Asics and New Balances), I would always end up ultimately giving up because my hips and knees would just hurt too much (again, thanks a lot clubfoot - I've got about a 3/4-inch difference in leg length and a seriously atrophied calf muscle that really screws up my gait to begin with).

When I walk around at home, etc., I'm usually barefoot. Or I wear sandals or Chuck Taylors, but that's pretty much it. They are always the most comfortable shoe for me.

So, when my husband got REALLY in to CrossFit, he encouraged me to get sized for a pair of minimalist shoes (I wear Inov-8s) - he used to workout in Chuck Taylors at his CrossFit box until he bought a pair of these shoes. So, I got sized (two sizes, actually) and then bought my first pair.

It was like night and day. These shoes are the reason that I feel like I've been successful in running. The ONLY issue I've had was one half-marathon (the April one), where it was really sunny and we ran a significant portion (like 10 miles) on unshaded asphalt that was basically like running on a frying surface (this race didn't start until 8 - ugh). The bottoms of my feet felt incredibly hot - almost like they were on fire, or I guess what Athlete's Foot feels like. It really made the last mile or so pretty difficult. BUT. I also haven't started running in socks until June - I would run barefoot inside these shoes. As soon as I took my shoes off and slipped into sandals that had a little more sole to them (Reef J-Bays, my fave!), my feet were totally fine.

Now I run in socks and I have zero problems. And it's totally because of the shoes.

My old shoes would wear out on the soles funny based on how my gait was going and would almost encourage me to overcompensate on my movement path - hence, the added pounding and stress on my right knee and right hip. In these minimalist shoes, there's very little between the bottom of my foot and the ground - basically just enough to keep me from getting punctures and stuff (though, they do have thicker soles than, say, Vibram Five Fingers - which is a rant for another time), so I almost feel like it enables my movement to be more natural and fluid rather than a movement path that's been settled over time and that leads to overcompensation.

This probably makes no sense now that I'm reading it back ...
The 620 doesn't track steps but it is a nice watch. I understand about the investment part of things. I think the 220 is the cheaper version that has a lot of the features of the 620. I had the same problem with using a phone for tracking and that is why I originally got a watch. That and I hated having to lug around the phone on runs. I also found that hearing the rhythm of my breathing help settle me into a good pace without the distraction of music. I also liked that without the music I was more aware of my surroundings (traffic, other runners, ect). For really good reviews of almost any watch you would be interested in I would suggest reading dcrainmakers reviews.

I'm definitely going to at least start with a cheaper model (maybe I'll upgrade eventually), so I'll look at the 220 if it's similar to the 620 but cheaper.
I can't imagine going out without my phone ... maybe it's because I've had a cell phone for my entire adult life, but I can't imagine going out and not having a phone in case of emergencies. Especially because I have a history of knee pain and I'm always afraid my knee will give out while I'm running and I won't be able to walk home. Also, I can't run without my music - I get distracted too easily, and having the music gives me something non-destructive to focus on when I'm having trouble focusing on running. I do keep my music low when I'm somewhere that other runners, cyclists, cars, etc could be a problem (although I only started doing that after I almost got hit by a cyclist who I'm pretty sure had warned me that he was coming up behind me and had no room)
I will definitely check out dcrainmaker for reviews when it's time to buy - thanks for the recommendation!

I have a Garmin ForeRunner10. It's about as basic as you can get - but I got a great deal on it and it was really a tester to see if I'd actually use the watch for runs or not. I'll probably end up upgrading to a nicer one for Christmas.

The Forerunner 10 is one that I've heard of as a good entry-level Garmin, so it's definitely on my radar. I'm pretty sure I'd end up using it no matter what I get, but depending on what my budget is in a few months, I may end up with the Forerunner 10 because I think it's the cheapest.

As far as shoes go ... I tend to agree with the general gist of the story. That said, pronation has never been a deciding factor for me because of my clubfoot.

I really do think there is a mental action towards whether you're successful in specific shoes. In the past, when I would attempt to start running (in top-of-the-line Sauconeys, Asics and New Balances), I would always end up ultimately giving up because my hips and knees would just hurt too much (again, thanks a lot clubfoot - I've got about a 3/4-inch difference in leg length and a seriously atrophied calf muscle that really screws up my gait to begin with).

When I walk around at home, etc., I'm usually barefoot. Or I wear sandals or Chuck Taylors, but that's pretty much it. They are always the most comfortable shoe for me.

So, when my husband got REALLY in to CrossFit, he encouraged me to get sized for a pair of minimalist shoes (I wear Inov-8s) - he used to workout in Chuck Taylors at his CrossFit box until he bought a pair of these shoes. So, I got sized (two sizes, actually) and then bought my first pair.

It was like night and day. These shoes are the reason that I feel like I've been successful in running. The ONLY issue I've had was one half-marathon (the April one), where it was really sunny and we ran a significant portion (like 10 miles) on unshaded asphalt that was basically like running on a frying surface (this race didn't start until 8 - ugh). The bottoms of my feet felt incredibly hot - almost like they were on fire, or I guess what Athlete's Foot feels like. It really made the last mile or so pretty difficult. BUT. I also haven't started running in socks until June - I would run barefoot inside these shoes. As soon as I took my shoes off and slipped into sandals that had a little more sole to them (Reef J-Bays, my fave!), my feet were totally fine.

Now I run in socks and I have zero problems. And it's totally because of the shoes.

My old shoes would wear out on the soles funny based on how my gait was going and would almost encourage me to overcompensate on my movement path - hence, the added pounding and stress on my right knee and right hip. In these minimalist shoes, there's very little between the bottom of my foot and the ground - basically just enough to keep me from getting punctures and stuff (though, they do have thicker soles than, say, Vibram Five Fingers - which is a rant for another time), so I almost feel like it enables my movement to be more natural and fluid rather than a movement path that's been settled over time and that leads to overcompensation.

This probably makes no sense now that I'm reading it back ...

I don't know about making sense (I rarely do, so I'm never sure when anyone else does), but there's absolutely a lot of good information there.

Finding the right running shoe is definitely a very individual process (much like many other things in running), and I think I'm starting to see that now. For you, moving from the "big brand" shoes to minimalist shoes was what made the difference. For me, I was hoping that moving from whatever Asics I had (which were actually mostly okay, but not great) to shoes picked out based on my running style would make the difference. We'll see what happens over the next few months - I'm certainly not giving up on these shoes when they're getting better with every run - but I'm wondering if eventually I'll end up back in Asics. I've had Asics for so long that maybe mentally that's all I can picture myself wearing. Or maybe I'm just so used to Asics (which is what I've been wearing since I started running) that my running style/gait has adjusted itself to those shoes and that cushioning and my body is resisting the Sauconys because they're different, but it'll adjust eventually. When I got fitted for my shoes, I went in looking for a miracle, when what I really should have been looking for was the best fit.

I think what I'm really starting to learn (and to some degree this study confirms) is that there's no formula - it's about trying different things and seeing what works best. Just because a shoe works well for most people with my foot type and my running gait, doesn't mean it will work for me. I have to try it and see. And that's what the article is saying - try the shoes, see how they feel, and your body will tell you what is best for you.
@SarahDisney I completely identify with everything you said about wanting your phone with you and also about needing music to not get distracted.
I'm stalking all this shoe talk. I'm no expert and I currently like my shoes, but my husband is in the same boat as you about looking for the right I'm studying up here to offer his some advise :)
I'm stalking all this shoe talk. I'm no expert and I currently like my shoes, but my husband is in the same boat as you about looking for the right I'm studying up here to offer his some advise :)

Finding the right shoes is definitely a more difficult process than I thought it would be. The best advice I could give someone just starting the process is to be patient. Try lots of different shoes, run around the store in all of them (and run outside if you can), and then once you find the most comfortable/helpful pair, try them at home a few times before deciding if you like them or not. Don't be afraid to return them if they're not right - the right shoes are out there somewhere, it just might take a while to find them.
(By the way, I wish I could follow my own advice ... if I knew then what I know now, I might have done this shoe process a little differently ... but I'm getting used to my shoes and they barely hurt yesterday, so I think in a few weeks they'll be great)
Progress Update: 8/14

We’re sticking with the new format, because I like the way it lets me break my week down by day.

Saturday: Rest Day; 5 fruit/veggie (aka freggie) servings
We were visiting cousins for Shabbos, and my cousin served a few different salads that I enjoyed, so that’s where all the freggies came from. I also learned that I’m terrible at getting two 3-year-olds to play together nicely … especially when the two kids don’t speak the same language and I don’t know how to say “share” or “let him have a turn” in one of the two languages.

Sunday: 70 minutes running + 24 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 7 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 5.74 miles in 1:10:14 hours (12’14” pace)
I went out a little too strong (mile 1 was my fastest mile at 11:50), but found a steady rhythm eventually that I was able to maintain. My slowest mile was when I stopped for my nutrition break, but even that was only 12:41 … so it was definitely an improvement over the pace of last week’s long run.
For the most part it was a great run. There were some aches and pains, and a few not-so-great moments, but those were few and far between. I did notice that my walk breaks felt a little long, especially earlier in the run, but that’s something I’ll worry about when the weather gets nicer. Overall, this really was a great run and I’m very happy with it.

Monday: 65 minutes Low Intensity Walking; 3 freggie servings
What a day. On the plus side, I stopped at Jack Rabbit and got more Jelly Belly Sport Beans (and some Body Glide). The bad part was … I realized (shortly after an important meeting) that I make a terrible first impression, and until I can figure out how to fix that, I’m gonna have a lot of problems (and that was your weekly life interlude).

Tuesday: 20 minutes Low-Intensity Walking + 13 minutes Cross Training (Cardio Barre video); 3 freggie servings; forgot unofficial weigh-in
This was originally scheduled as a run day, but … rain. Like monsoon-level rain when I woke up. I had to be in the city anyway, so I did some walking while I was there, and I switched cross-training to today. I chose Cardio Barre in continuing with the barre theme, and because I thought it would be a little easier on my legs than last week’s barre video. It was a little easier on them … but not much. Those pliés aren’t as easy as they look.
Also, I forgot to do my unofficial weigh-in in the morning. And then forgot again on Wednesday.

Wednesday: 36 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 4 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 3.12 miles in 36:25 minutes (11’40” pace)
This was originally scheduled as a 3-mile run, but I decided to up it to 5K just because. My goal was to do the first mile at an easy effort, second mile at a medium effort, and third mile at a medium-high effort. Well, I went too fast on mile 2 (11:27), which slowed me down for mile 3 (11:53 – my slowest mile). I did get a bit of a second wind for the last half of mile 3 & beginning of mile 4, but it still wasn’t entirely what I wanted. In general this was just not the best of runs.
This was also my first run using Body Glide (I really need to replace the pants I wore…), and I love that stuff. I may start wearing it for all my long runs (even with pants that don’t normally chafe) just in case.

Thursday: 35 minutes running + 25 warm up/cool down (walking) + 7 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
I don’t normally like to run two days in a row, but since I hate running on Fridays, I figured I’d give it a try. It wasn’t too bad, but I’m still trying to avoid it for the most part (in November or so I’ll start including it in my training to help with the back-to-back race days).
Run Recap: 3.03 miles in 35:00 minutes (11’32” pace)
I read an article in last week’s Science Times about a fun and effective way to do high-intensity intervals. Essentially, it discusses a new method of interval training, called 10-20-30, which starts with 30 seconds of easy intensity, 20 seconds of moderate intensity, then 10 seconds of all-out effort. This is done 5 times, then there’s a 2 minute rest (stand or walk) before doing another 5 minute set. Originally I had planned to do this for 33 minutes, but it was a lot more exhausting than I had thought it would be. I ended up doing 21 minutes (3 sets of 5 minutes + 3 walk breaks), and then I switched to a 3:1 run/walk ratio, with the first minute of the run using the 10-20-30 method (have I lost you yet?).
I actually liked the intervals, but I definitely can’t do it for more than 10-15 minutes (it’s meant to be 12 minutes, so that’s fine). I want to incorporate it into my running somehow, but not for a full run. I’m thinking either do it for 12 minutes (5 + 2 + 5) at the beginning or end of a short run every other week, or maybe do it as the first minute of a run interval (like I did at the end of today’s run) for one short run every week or two. I think it will be a nice “change of pace” for me.

Friday: 18 minutes Cross Training (Cardio Kickboxing); 3 freggie servings (including the salad I will have at dinner); Weigh-in @ 1 lb up from last week (0.5 lb up for the month)
If you know my personality very well (which I understand that you guys do not yet), kickboxing does not seem like the kind of thing I would enjoy, but I actually really do. I discovered cardio kickboxing a few years ago and it was basically the only exercise I stuck to semi-regularly (this was pre-running) … I stopped because I had basically stopped exercising in general (other than walking, which I will always do). So I think this is another good addition to the cross training repertoire that I have a good chance of sticking with.
Originally I had planned to try Zumba again today (but for real this time), but I was looking at videos online trying to find one I liked, and I don’t think Zumba is right for me. I may try to find a different dance-style video with which I am more comfortable, because I like dance, and I think it will be nice to have 3 cross-training options so that I’m not doing the exact same 2 things every week.
My weigh-in was up … not surprising since I’ve had a few big snacking days, but still disappointing. I think part of it was that I missed my mid-week weigh-in – I think the extra weigh-in gives me a good sense of where I am mid-week and what I need to be better about, and I didn’t get that this week. Oh well, hopefully next week will be better.

August Weight Loss Progress: 0/3 lb (0%)

Total Fruits & Veggies, Week 2: 23/25
Clearly 25 servings is too much to ask of myself right now. So I think that starting next week I’m lowering my goal to 21 servings (aka 3 per day), and I’ll work my way up from there.
Weekly Fruits & Veggies Goal Progress: 0/4 weeks (0%)

August Running Goal: 20.98/40 miles (52%)

General Comments:
I actually have three comments:

#1 - One of my goals for August was to pick our first Half-Marathon … and we did! We decided to do Disneyland 2016 as our first half. For a few reasons, but the biggest one is that it’s further away than Tink (our other main option), which gives us more time to both train and find the money to pay for the trip. I would like to eventually do Tinker Bell (assuming I don’t quit running after my first half), but at the end of the day, I think 2016 is not the year for it.

#2 - I really need a haircut. My hair has gotten too long to run without it falling out of whatever hairdo I choose and annoying me. What’s interesting about this is … I’ve had my current hairstyle for about a year and a half now. Before this hairstyle, cutting my hair was a once a year thing - I'd cut it short and then let it grow long for a year or so. Since I decided that I like this hairstyle, I cut it when it gets too long for ironing to make it look the way I like it. My hair still looks great when I iron it. The only reason I want to get it cut is because it bothers me when I run. Does that make me a runner?

#3 - For the past few weeks I’ve been waking up at 6 on run days with the hopes of heading out the door at 7. On the one hand, getting up at 6 isn’t so easy for me (I like the snooze button), and I’ve been getting out closer to 7:15 some days. On the other hand, I really like that I’m home and usually out of the shower by 9 (even on long run days … although when I do my long run on Sundays, I get started an hour later), which means my day isn’t starting at 11 like it used to. I really don’t know whether to stick with it or not.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:

That is a quote from
The Big Bang Theory. Which has come up a few times lately. So I made a graphic for it. Because why not.
It seems like you had a really good week of exercise! I like seeing you exploring more types of cross training!

I'm struggling with figuring out the speedwork/interval training stuff too. I had originally picked a more advanced training plan that incorporated this stuff and then this week I totally had a breakdown over the pressure of it all and just decided I need to find a plan that (hopefully) gets me a PR for my half in October but in the end is something that keeps running enjoyable so I've decided to do a beginner plan again and just maybe amp up the miles here and there IF I want to. I just don't think I am ready for the pressure of speedwork yet. Good for you for giving it a go!

So happy you guys are running the DL half in 2016! :)
Hey Sarah, I am loving your journal! Your runs seem to be going great and yahoo for signing up for the DL half!

Your shoe conversation has been enlightening. I was fitted years ago for shoes-more for just exercise then, I wasn't running. Asics were the shoes that i got. I have found that over the years I have stuck with them b/c I like the way they feel. I have tried other brands and will switch to mizunos on occasion but will go between these two brands even now that I'm running. So I guess for me, the article rings true.

I recently upgraded to a garmin 225 and I love it. So, I do have the forerunner 10 that I am not using anymore (and it worked great by the way). It's just sitting here collecting dust, would you like it? I understand about budgets and stuff. At this point in my life I am fortunate enough to be able to upgrade. I really don't want to sell it, I would rather just give it to someone who would use it, so its yours if you would like it. Let me know.

Again, thanks for sharing your journal with us. It is inspiring to many and I for one appreciate your bravery in sharing your struggles and triumphs in such a public arena.
It seems like you had a really good week of exercise! I like seeing you exploring more types of cross training!

Thanks! I'm definitely hoping to have a variety of cross-training activities available to me - the more the merrier! (Also, I get bored easily, so I like to have options).

I'm struggling with figuring out the speedwork/interval training stuff too. I had originally picked a more advanced training plan that incorporated this stuff and then this week I totally had a breakdown over the pressure of it all and just decided I need to find a plan that (hopefully) gets me a PR for my half in October but in the end is something that keeps running enjoyable so I've decided to do a beginner plan again and just maybe amp up the miles here and there IF I want to. I just don't think I am ready for the pressure of speedwork yet. Good for you for giving it a go!

I have an aversion to speedwork. For some reason, once I hear "speedwork," I basically shut down and refuse to think about it. I think the fact that this was advertised as fun intervals made it easier for me to handle. Ultimately, I don't know that it will have a significant impact on my speed, but it's better than nothing.
I think one of the things that scares me most about moving up to half marathon distance is finding the right plan. There are so many plans out there, and while I'm most likely going to start with the runDisney plan, I don't know if it will work for me. And I don't know if I'd be able to switch in the middle if it doesn't work for me. Kudos to you for knowing that the plan you were working with wasn't right for now and switching. You've (hopefully) got plenty of years of running ahead of you to get that PR!

So happy you guys are running the DL half in 2016! :)

I knew you would be ;). I think we made the right decision (although Tinkerbell hasnt sold out yet...)

Hey Sarah, I am loving your journal! Your runs seem to be going great and yahoo for signing up for the DL half!

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words!
(Although we're not actually signed up for the DL Half yet ... just excitedly waiting for registration to open in a few months)

Your shoe conversation has been enlightening. I was fitted years ago for shoes-more for just exercise then, I wasn't running. Asics were the shoes that i got. I have found that over the years I have stuck with them b/c I like the way they feel. I have tried other brands and will switch to mizunos on occasion but will go between these two brands even now that I'm running. So I guess for me, the article rings true.

Thanks for sharing your experience!
Depending on how things go with my current shoes, I may end up switching back to Asics. I always loved my Asics (even before I started running), and I think that if I continue to struggle in my current shoes, I may back to what was most comfortable. It's definitely been an enlightening process for me.

I recently upgraded to a garmin 225 and I love it. So, I do have the forerunner 10 that I am not using anymore (and it worked great by the way). It's just sitting here collecting dust, would you like it? I understand about budgets and stuff. At this point in my life I am fortunate enough to be able to upgrade. I really don't want to sell it, I would rather just give it to someone who would use it, so its yours if you would like it. Let me know.

That is such an unbelievably kind offer! I'm definitely interested - I'll send you a message to coordinate. I'm glad to hear you're loving your current model!

Again, thanks for sharing your journal with us. It is inspiring to many and I for one appreciate your bravery in sharing your struggles and triumphs in such a public arena.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by, read through, and comment. I really appreciate it!
Progress Update: 8/21

Saturday: Rest Day; 3 fruit/veggie (aka freggie) servings
I was actually thinking about changing this from a rest day to a low-intensity exercise day, and then taking my rest day in the middle of the week. But I have a hard time getting myself to focus on exercise on Saturdays, so I decided to just keep it as a rest day.

Sunday: 15 minutes low-intensity walking;2 freggie servings
We went to an evening baseball game that ran longer than expected, so I didn’t end up having dinner. Which probably wasn’t a smart idea, but I’m not always known for having smart ideas.

Monday: 76 minutes running + 15 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 6.04 miles in 1:15:42 hours (12’32” pace)
I went out hoping to hit 6 miles. After about 2 miles, I decided to cut it to a 4 mile run, and turned around at 2.5 miles (because of differences in where I start and stop, my turnaround point is generally about 0.5-0.75 miles after half of my planned distance). Mile 2 was really rough for me (hard and slow – my time was 13:03, and I had to fight for every second of it), so I knew I couldn’t do my full long run. But once I turned around, I actually started to feel better, so I figured I’d head back to the park where I started, go for at least 5.5 miles, and decide at 5.5 miles whether to stop there or go for 6. I probably should have stopped at 5.5, because I did push myself too hard, but … hindsight is 20/20. And I have 5 months to get to the point where I can do 6.2 comfortably. So I’m taking this run as a good accomplishment, but an ignorable run. I’ll hit 6 miles again eventually.

Tuesday: 28 minutes Cross Training (Cardio Dance); 3 freggie servings; unofficial weigh-in down 1.5 lb
It was very nice to step on the scale and see that not only had I lost the pound I gained last week, I lost a little more too. However, I reminded myself as soon as I stepped off the scale that this is just an unofficial weigh-in, and it doesn’t mean I can slack off the rest of the week!
This was attempt #2 at dance as cross training … I don’t think it’s going to work for me unless I find a video intended for people who can’t follow steps. No matter how easy the dance seemed (and I tried 2 videos that explained the steps well), I couldn’t follow. Oh well, I tried.

Wednesday: 36 minutes low-intensity walking; 2 freggie servings
Today was not a good fruit and vegetable day. It’s entirely my own fault – I could have added freggies to both breakfast and lunch, but I just didn’t feel like it. I need to do better at reminding myself that freggies are essential to the meal, and not optional. Dinner redeemed it a little, but it wasn’t enough.

Thursday: 37 minutes running + 23 minutes warm up/cool down + 4 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 3.02 miles in 37:08 minutes (12’18” pace)
Between Monday’s exhausting 6-miler and the weather report (it ended up being about 85% humidity), I decided to play this one by feel – I was hoping for 3+ miles and 40 minutes, but figured I’d see how I felt. I ended up not feeling great, but I still managed to make it to 3 miles … just not at the pace I was hoping for (I wanted to dip below 12). Oh well, something is always better than nothing.

Friday: 24 minutes Cross Training (Barre); 3 freggie servings; Weigh-in @ down 0.5 lb
Today’s weigh-in was down 0.5 lb from last week, putting me back where I started the month. Not great, especially because I was down more earlier in the week, but still not bad. I don’t think I’ll meet my August goal, but I think that if I can lose a little over the next 10 days, I’ll be happy.

August Weight Loss Progress: 0/3 lb (0%)

Total Fruits & Veggies, Week 3: 19/21
I thought I would make it to the lower goal this week, but I struggled a few days. It’s definitely disappointing.
Weekly Fruits & Veggies Goal Progress: 0/4 weeks (0%)

August Running Goal: 30.04/40 miles (75%)

Other Comments:
I sometimes struggle with drinking water after a run, which is probably not good. I drink so much water during my runs (especially my longer runs) that once I get home I don’t want to drink water for the next few hours. Often I’ll make myself a cup of coffee, which is certainly better than nothing, but other days I’ll just leave my water bottle in the fridge (which is where I store it when I won’t be drinking for a while) and not drink anything. It’s not the taste that bothers me (so flavored water wouldn’t help), it’s just that I’m sick of water.

I think part of the solution will be learning to drink less during my runs. During the summer, I drink anywhere from 30-50 oz of water during a long run (I usually refill my 32 oz bottle at least once – but I don’t always wait until it’s completely empty to refill, it depends on when I pass a water fountain). That’s a lot of water, and since I don’t know that I will want to continue dragging along my 32 oz water bottle as my runs get longer (it gets annoying to hold after a while), I need to learn to get through a run with less water.
Plus, the water fountains where I refill will get shut off for the winter in a few months. And since I don’t run by anywhere else that I could refill, I will be limited to 32 oz for my warm up, run, and cool down. I am thinking about buying a small water bottle attachment for my Fitletic belt, but while I could fill it up with additional water for short runs (when I don’t need it as much), the whole reason I want it is so that I can fill it up with Vitamin Water (which is the closest I get to sports drinks) for extra electrolytes after my long runs.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
I forgot this week’s funny.
Seriously … I had something really funny, and then I forgot it.
Story of my life.
Hi Sarah, I am catching up on your journal and excited for you that you chose the Disneyland half for 2016. That's exciting!

I had a question about the water. I'm only ever running 3-4 miles max, and will go into about 5 miles tops soon only because I'm not doing longer distances yet. But I do not drink anything while running or carry anything to drink with me. I'm wondering how frequently you take sips and when do you decide to sip? I'm not pro or con anything...I'm a newbie who doesn't know what she's doing quite yet and trying to figure it out. I struggle with drinking water as well and so that's why I am asking. I seem to be able to slam a water bottle (the 12oz kind) pretty quickly after a run, but I have a real hard time prior or during races. So I try to hydrate the night before. When I take water cups during a race I tend to feel like I want to gag the water right back up weirdly...maybe that's more nerves related and less normal run related???

Also there is a dance called Bokwa (I may be spelling that wrong) that is kind of like Zumba but is different. It's not as seductive/hippy and a little more like aerobics class than dance. At least in my one experience with it. You use your arms and feet to create letters and shapes or something. I did it once so I'm no expert. Just something else to look for online :)
I had a question about the water. I'm only ever running 3-4 miles max, and will go into about 5 miles tops soon only because I'm not doing longer distances yet. But I do not drink anything while running or carry anything to drink with me. I'm wondering how frequently you take sips and when do you decide to sip? I'm not pro or con anything...I'm a newbie who doesn't know what she's doing quite yet and trying to figure it out. I struggle with drinking water as well and so that's why I am asking. I seem to be able to slam a water bottle (the 12oz kind) pretty quickly after a run, but I have a real hard time prior or during races. So I try to hydrate the night before. When I take water cups during a race I tend to feel like I want to gag the water right back up weirdly...maybe that's more nerves related and less normal run related???

I actually noticed one day this week that when I take a 1 minute walk break, I'll spend the first 30 seconds or so drinking water. That's probably when I drink most of my water, and I probably do it out of habit more than need (I'm actually trying to cut down on this a bit and only drink when I'm actually thirsty). I'll also drink sometimes during my run periods - I'll take 1-2 sips when my mouth feels a little dry or I feel thirsty, which is usually every 5-6 minutes. I'm a really big water drinker in the mornings in general, though - even when I'm not running I'll go through my 32-oz water bottle at least once before noon most days. I think that if I was running later in the day, when I'm used to drinking a little less, I might drink a little less while running too.
But like you, I'm still trying to figure it out. I've done a little research, and from what I've seen the best advice is to drink when you're thirsty - just make sure you hydrate before and after the run. First thing in the morning it's hard to drink a lot, so what I do is try to drink the night before, and then force myself to have a cup of water while I'm getting dressed.

I have very little race experience, but my guess is that the gagging at races is partially nerves and partially that you're just not used to it. The first time I ate something during my run I wanted to gag right away, but I knew I had to because I was getting sick when I didn't eat (happened for me just short of 4 miles, but many people can go longer without refueling). I got used to it after a while. I think that if you practice drinking during runs, it'll be better at the race. If you don't want to carry a water bottle, you can leave one on your front porch and run a loop where you'll pass your house about halfway through (I don't know if that makes any sense). On the flip side, if you're not used to drinking during your run, stopping for water during the race may not be the best idea. But that's just what I think based off my limited experience and a little research.

Also there is a dance called Bokwa (I may be spelling that wrong) that is kind of like Zumba but is different. It's not as seductive/hippy and a little more like aerobics class than dance. At least in my one experience with it. You use your arms and feet to create letters and shapes or something. I did it once so I'm no expert. Just something else to look for online :)

Thanks - I'll look into it! I think something a little more aerobics-y may work better for me than dance...
Progress Update: 8/21

Saturday: Rest Day; 3 fruit/veggie (aka freggie) servings
I was actually thinking about changing this from a rest day to a low-intensity exercise day, and then taking my rest day in the middle of the week. But I have a hard time getting myself to focus on exercise on Saturdays, so I decided to just keep it as a rest day.

Sunday: 15 minutes low-intensity walking;2 freggie servings
We went to an evening baseball game that ran longer than expected, so I didn’t end up having dinner. Which probably wasn’t a smart idea, but I’m not always known for having smart ideas.

Monday: 76 minutes running + 15 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 6.04 miles in 1:15:42 hours (12’32” pace)
I went out hoping to hit 6 miles. After about 2 miles, I decided to cut it to a 4 mile run, and turned around at 2.5 miles (because of differences in where I start and stop, my turnaround point is generally about 0.5-0.75 miles after half of my planned distance). Mile 2 was really rough for me (hard and slow – my time was 13:03, and I had to fight for every second of it), so I knew I couldn’t do my full long run. But once I turned around, I actually started to feel better, so I figured I’d head back to the park where I started, go for at least 5.5 miles, and decide at 5.5 miles whether to stop there or go for 6. I probably should have stopped at 5.5, because I did push myself too hard, but … hindsight is 20/20. And I have 5 months to get to the point where I can do 6.2 comfortably. So I’m taking this run as a good accomplishment, but an ignorable run. I’ll hit 6 miles again eventually.

Tuesday: 28 minutes Cross Training (Cardio Dance); 3 freggie servings; unofficial weigh-in down 1.5 lb
It was very nice to step on the scale and see that not only had I lost the pound I gained last week, I lost a little more too. However, I reminded myself as soon as I stepped off the scale that this is just an unofficial weigh-in, and it doesn’t mean I can slack off the rest of the week!
This was attempt #2 at dance as cross training … I don’t think it’s going to work for me unless I find a video intended for people who can’t follow steps. No matter how easy the dance seemed (and I tried 2 videos that explained the steps well), I couldn’t follow. Oh well, I tried.

Wednesday: 36 minutes low-intensity walking; 2 freggie servings
Today was not a good fruit and vegetable day. It’s entirely my own fault – I could have added freggies to both breakfast and lunch, but I just didn’t feel like it. I need to do better at reminding myself that freggies are essential to the meal, and not optional. Dinner redeemed it a little, but it wasn’t enough.

Thursday: 37 minutes running + 23 minutes warm up/cool down + 4 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 3.02 miles in 37:08 minutes (12’18” pace)
Between Monday’s exhausting 6-miler and the weather report (it ended up being about 85% humidity), I decided to play this one by feel – I was hoping for 3+ miles and 40 minutes, but figured I’d see how I felt. I ended up not feeling great, but I still managed to make it to 3 miles … just not at the pace I was hoping for (I wanted to dip below 12). Oh well, something is always better than nothing.

Friday: 24 minutes Cross Training (Barre); 3 freggie servings; Weigh-in @ down 0.5 lb
Today’s weigh-in was down 0.5 lb from last week, putting me back where I started the month. Not great, especially because I was down more earlier in the week, but still not bad. I don’t think I’ll meet my August goal, but I think that if I can lose a little over the next 10 days, I’ll be happy.

August Weight Loss Progress: 0/3 lb (0%)

Total Fruits & Veggies, Week 3: 19/21
I thought I would make it to the lower goal this week, but I struggled a few days. It’s definitely disappointing.
Weekly Fruits & Veggies Goal Progress: 0/4 weeks (0%)

August Running Goal: 30.04/40 miles (75%)

Other Comments:
I sometimes struggle with drinking water after a run, which is probably not good. I drink so much water during my runs (especially my longer runs) that once I get home I don’t want to drink water for the next few hours. Often I’ll make myself a cup of coffee, which is certainly better than nothing, but other days I’ll just leave my water bottle in the fridge (which is where I store it when I won’t be drinking for a while) and not drink anything. It’s not the taste that bothers me (so flavored water wouldn’t help), it’s just that I’m sick of water.

I think part of the solution will be learning to drink less during my runs. During the summer, I drink anywhere from 30-50 oz of water during a long run (I usually refill my 32 oz bottle at least once – but I don’t always wait until it’s completely empty to refill, it depends on when I pass a water fountain). That’s a lot of water, and since I don’t know that I will want to continue dragging along my 32 oz water bottle as my runs get longer (it gets annoying to hold after a while), I need to learn to get through a run with less water.
Plus, the water fountains where I refill will get shut off for the winter in a few months. And since I don’t run by anywhere else that I could refill, I will be limited to 32 oz for my warm up, run, and cool down. I am thinking about buying a small water bottle attachment for my Fitletic belt, but while I could fill it up with additional water for short runs (when I don’t need it as much), the whole reason I want it is so that I can fill it up with Vitamin Water (which is the closest I get to sports drinks) for extra electrolytes after my long runs.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
I forgot this week’s funny.
Seriously … I had something really funny, and then I forgot it.
Story of my life.
So if you're drinking a lot of water during your runs you may not be thirsty after because you're already replacing what you've lost. I don't know how much a lot is but I am of the drink to thirst attitude. I typically don't take water with me for runs <9 miles or <75 minutes and just drink after. One thing you actually need to watch if your drink a lot on your runs is that you don't drink too much. My understanding is this is more common in longer runs and 12+m/m or so finish times but hyponatremia (too little salt due to drinking too much water) can be as serious as dehydration.
So if you're drinking a lot of water during your runs you may not be thirsty after because you're already replacing what you've lost. I don't know how much a lot is but I am of the drink to thirst attitude. I typically don't take water with me for runs <9 miles or <75 minutes and just drink after. One thing you actually need to watch if your drink a lot on your runs is that you don't drink too much. My understanding is this is more common in longer runs and 12+m/m or so finish times but hyponatremia (too little salt due to drinking too much water) can be as serious as dehydration.

Thanks for the info! I'm a big water drinker in general and could not imagine going out for a run without water - even a short run - but I definitely do want to cut back on my water because I've heard/read about overhydration & hyponatremia, and I don't want that to happen to me. Lately I've been bringing Jelly Belly Sport Beans with me on my long runs, and those help a bit with the salt (plus, I eat salted crackers before I go out for my run), but I still want to be very aware of my water/salt balance.
Now that I'm aware of the fact that I wasn't really drinking after running, I'm actually working on cutting back on my water intake while running (on my last run I only had about 24 oz of water - which is a pretty small amount for me on a run that was over an hour). I think that this is one of those things I will continue to figure out with time - with enough practice, I'll learn to not drink as much while I'm running and to make sure to have a snack with electrolytes/salt for hot runs when I might be drinking more so that I can maintain the right balance.
But as always, the information and advice is very much appreciated!
Progress Update: 8/28
Yes, this progress report is two days late. It’s been a busy/strange few days around here.

Saturday: Rest Day; 5 fruit/veggie (aka freggie) servings
As happy as I am that I was able to eat so many freggies today … I know it’s because I ate too much in general, which I hate. I really let my eating get away from me, which was pretty disappointing.

Sunday: 30 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 3 minutes stretching + 10 minutes low-intensity walking (aka walking around Yankee Stadium); 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 2.63 miles in 30:16 minutes (11’31” pace)
This could have been a faster run, but I did something to tweak my back a little at the beginning of mile 1, so I ended up slowing down and taking a few extra walk breaks to help me deal with the pain.
Also, I don’t remember my shoes bothering me at all, even at the beginning (when they usually do). I don’t know if it was my (running) new socks, if I’m finally used to the shoes, or if the back pain stopped me from noticing other problems.

Monday: 21 minutes low-intensity walking; 4 freggie servings
This was supposed to be a cross training day, but after tweaking my back a bit on Sunday, I decided to be a little more low-key … and since I had a trip to the mailbox and a DSW/Target run planned (I found great street sneakers … they were $20 more than I was willing to pay), I did some walking as my exercise.

Tuesday: 43 minutes running + 23 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 7 minutes stretching; 1 freggie servings; missed unofficial weigh-in
I didn’t get to do my unofficial weigh-in because there was someone else in the restroom where we keep the scale when I went downstairs, and by the next time I went down, I was wearing my sneakers and didn’t want to take them off.
Run Recap: 3.76 miles in 43:05 minutes (11’28” pace)
I did this run with 4/1 intervals, and the first minute of each 4-minute run interval was the 10-20-30 intervals I mentioned a few weeks ago. It definitely exhausted me a little, and after the first few intervals I had to stay with easy run, when I wanted to medium run (after my 10 seconds of “all-out effort” I like to do easy effort for about half a minute before going back to my usual medium effort – but I couldn’t get back to medium after the 3rd or 4th “all-out”). Overall, it was a decent run and I’m happy with it.
Plus, my shoes didn’t really bother me at all. So it looks like I’ve gotten used to them now!

Wednesday: 21 minutes cross training (Kickboxing); 2 freggie servings

Thursday: 72 minutes running + 21 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 5.74 miles in 1:12:08 hours (12’33” pace)
This run was a good one throughout. I struggled a little in mile 2 (which seems to be my worst mile lately), but otherwise I was feeling good the whole time.
This was also my first run with my brand new (to me) Garmin Forerunner 10. For those of you who might have missed it in the comments, the Garmin was a gift from the wonderful @girliea, who recently upgraded to the Forerunner 225 and was looking for a new home for her old Forerunner 10. Well, that beautiful pink Garmin Forerunner 10 has found its new home, and it is very much loved here. So far, at least. I’m hoping to have a full review of it in a week or two once it’s been through a few more runs.

Friday: 10 minutes cross training (Pilates); 4 freggie servings; Weigh-in @ up 1 lb :(
That weigh in was a huge bummer for me. I knew it wasn’t a great week, but I still wasn’t expecting to see that number. It definitely started my day on the wrong foot.
I’m trying to reintroduce Pilates into my cross training repertoire because I know it will be good for core strength and stability. I’m trying to start small, so I wanted to start with a 15 minute video this morning. About two minutes in, my back said “absolutely not.” My back (and schedule) allowed me to get in an easier 10 minute video in the late afternoon. But this was definitely not the best idea in a back pain week.

August Weight Loss Progress: 0/3 lb (0%)

Total Fruits & Veggies, Week 4: 21/21
Yay! Finally a week where I met my freggie goal!
Weekly Fruits & Veggies Goal Progress: 1/4 weeks (25%)

August Running Goal: 42.08/40 miles (105%)

Other Comments:
This was an interesting week. I ate everything in sight, and I had coffee almost every day (second week in a row … this time it was mostly because we were making coffee for guests). Exercise-wise I did okay, although my first run was rough because of the back pain. I really can’t decide if it was a good week, a bad week, or neither. I was hoping for a good week, but knew that because of some life stuff it had the potential to be a bad week, so I guess unknown is not too bad. It did end on a bad note, though, which is always rough.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
Sarah’s Comedy Routine of the Week: Taking Out My Contact Lenses
Background Info: I usually keep my contact lens case and a bottle of solution in my bathroom. But my bathroom sink has been out of commission for a few days, so I’ve been using the bathroom downstairs.
Thursday night I go downstairs to take out my contact lenses … and thankfully, I remembered to bring down my glasses.
But wait … I forgot the case for my lenses. So I went upstairs to get the case, and brought it down so that I could take out my lenses.
But wait … I don’t have any solution downstairs, and I need to put fresh solution in the case before I take out my lenses. So I went upstairs to get my bottle of solution and brought that down.

Finally I had everything I needed – case, solution, and glasses – and I was able to take out my lenses with no problems. But it took a while to get there, and I got lots of exercise going up and down the stairs.
September Goals
Before I start with my September goals, a recap of my August goals…

Weight Loss Goal: 0/3 lb – this was not a good month for me. Disappointing, but I guess it just means I have to take a look at my lifestyle and see what I’m doing wrong.

Lifestyle Goal: Averaged about 21 servings of fruits and veggies per week, which was below my goal of 25 (but I did hit my modified goal of 21). This is definitely something I need to work on.
Running Goal: 45.61/40 miles – I hit my goal on my second to last run of the month. It was definitely a good goal, but I think I can do more in the future.
Other Goals:

  • Get New “Street Sneakers” – I found a pair I love (click here for picture/info). Even at DSW they were $20 more than I was willing to spend (plus, I already have blue shoes – my chucks are blue). So for now I’m wearing my old Asics running shoes … I can make do with a combination of those and my chucks for a little bit, but the Asics really are at the end of their lifecycle and I can’t wear the chucks more than once or twice a week (chucks are not designed for people with wide feet). So I do need to find something on the sooner side.
  • Sign Up For Running Gear Seller Emails – I signed up for a bunch of emails – including Running Warehouse, Roadrunner Sports, and a few general sites that also have a good selection of athletic gear. One site, Sierra Trading Post, had some stuff on sale a few weeks ago and I got a New Balance long sleeve white shirt (to wear as a base layer) for $12 and a 3-pack of Brooks running socks for $5. So this has worked out great so far!
  • Pick My First Half Marathon – We decided on the Disneyland Half Marathon in September 2016. I’m pretty excited. (Except that the Tinker Bell Half hasn’t sold out yet and it’s driving me crazy)

And now, on to my September Goals:

Weight Loss Goal: 3 lbs – same as August (because that worked out so well for me…). It'll be hard because of my schedule for the month, but I want to make it work.

Lifestyle Goal: 15 minutes of “Sarah time” per day – can be reading, running, watching TV, DIS time … anything that I choose to do just for myself. This should help me stay centered despite the chaos that I think September will bring.

Running Goal: 50 miles – It'll be hard, but I may be able to do it, and I want to challenge myself. Cute little graphic (I have one already mostly created that actually covers all three of my main goals) will likely be coming with Friday’s progress update.

No “other goals” for this month because I have quite a bit of RL stuff going on right now and I don’t want to add any extra pressure.

So … those are my September goals. Check back on Friday (hopefully) for my weekly progress update and to see how I did (is that the right tense?) in the first few days of September!
Love your goals! And I may just have to join you for your first half marathon!!

As for the weight loss ... you're doing A LOT of running and better eating, so it may not be reflected so much on the scale as it will be in body changes. Don't get TOO down on yourself about that. When I first started running, I went down two pants sizes but only like 3 total pounds on the scale.

You're doing a GREAT job!
Love your goals! And I may just have to join you for your first half marathon!!

Thanks! I hope you do join me for my first half - it'll be nice to have some friendly faces and I'm hoping you enjoy your first Disneyland Half enough to want to do more!

As for the weight loss ... you're doing A LOT of running and better eating, so it may not be reflected so much on the scale as it will be in body changes. Don't get TOO down on yourself about that. When I first started running, I went down two pants sizes but only like 3 total pounds on the scale.

This is actually a really rough thing for me to come to terms with. Theoretically, I understand that there are better measures of my progress out there than just my weight. But I've been paying attention to that number on the scale for so long ... I have a hard time not taking it as the be-all and end-all just because it always has been for me (and by always I mean for like 12-13 years).

You're doing a GREAT job!

Thanks! That's something that's always nice to hear :)
Hey Sarah!

I've just read through your whole journal... I've seen you on the marathon thread but I've only just discovered the wish journals!

I've really enjoyed reading your updates. I only started running last year and can relate to a lot of what you're writing about. I like the belt reviews you've included. I bought a flip belt last year and have only just recently changed to a fitelic belt (the one with two water bottles) also in pink!

I love your Goofy graphic how did you do that?? Goofy is my favourite character!

As for the running shoes I was running a year before I got fitted (ran my first half in a random Nike running shoe) and I really did notice a difference when I changed but wow the price tag wasn't pretty. I got lucky though and found some discounted pairs in a local running store just last week so I'm stocked up now

I see you mentioned a Garmin too. I got my first again after a year running (I used the Nike plus app) and opted for the Garmin 220 and I love it. It is expensive but it's one of the things I feel now having used it for a few months is definitely worth the money.

I hear you on the weight loss battle. I managed to lose about 2 stone but I've stayed pretty constant the last few months. Running makes me HUNGRY!

Good luck with your September goals I'll be following along... I may just start one of these journals myself!
Hey Sarah!


I've just read through your whole journal... I've seen you on the marathon thread but I've only just discovered the wish journals!

Thanks for reading through! I've seen you on the marathon thread and I'm really glad you decided to stop by!

I've really enjoyed reading your updates. I only started running last year and can relate to a lot of what you're writing about. I like the belt reviews you've included. I bought a flip belt last year and have only just recently changed to a fitelic belt (the one with two water bottles) also in pink!

I was looking at the belt with two water bottles, but since I'm so used to running with my big water bottle, I figured I didn't need it. But I definitely love my fitletic belt (and who doesn't love pink???)
But I'm glad you appreciated the reviews

I love your Goofy graphic how did you do that?? Goofy is my favourite character!

Thanks! I used to be a graphic designer (I still do a little of it part-time), so this stuff is pretty easy for me. I'm actually working on a graphic for my Auugust goals which is a little more complicated, but not quite as cute.

As for the running shoes I was running a year before I got fitted (ran my first half in a random Nike running shoe) and I really did notice a difference when I changed but wow the price tag wasn't pretty. I got lucky though and found some discounted pairs in a local running store just last week so I'm stocked up now

Thanks for sharing your experience.
I was definitely hoping to notice a difference when I got new shoes and was disappointed that I didn't. But I still believe in the process and I'm hoping to go back in a few months when my current shoes wear out and hopefully get the perfect pair this time.

I see you mentioned a Garmin too. I got my first again after a year running (I used the Nike plus app) and opted for the Garmin 220 and I love it. It is expensive but it's one of the things I feel now having used it for a few months is definitely worth the money.

I'm glad to hear you love your Garmin - I love mine too! Someone here gifted me with their old one and even after only a week I love it. If/when this one wears out, I will probably upgrade to a fancier model - I definitely agree that it is worth the money!

I hear you on the weight loss battle. I managed to lose about 2 stone but I've stayed pretty constant the last few months. Running makes me HUNGRY!

Congrats on losing the 2 stone - that's a great amount!
For me, the problem isn't just that running makes me hungry ... it's that I like food too much to only eat when I'm hungry. If I only ate when I was hungry, I'd probably be fine ... but when I see food, I eat it, even if I'm not hungry ... which is not good.

Good luck with your September goals I'll be following along... I may just start one of these journals myself!

I saw that you started a journal - I'm going to head over there when I get a chance!
You are inspiring me to be better about getting those "freggies" on more of a regular basis. I get my kiddo eating them, but I'm only good for maybe once a day with myself...which needs to be better. I think I just need to do more frequent grocery trips with smaller hauls, instead of my mega trips. Because I always seem to over-buy and then under-use things that spoil. Or just stash some here at work for the whole week.

I will report back on my freggie intake if I make good on my word.


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