Becoming a Better Sarah ~ 2015 Journal (The End)

You are inspiring me to be better about getting those "freggies" on more of a regular basis. I get my kiddo eating them, but I'm only good for maybe once a day with myself...which needs to be better. I think I just need to do more frequent grocery trips with smaller hauls, instead of my mega trips. Because I always seem to over-buy and then under-use things that spoil. Or just stash some here at work for the whole week.

I will report back on my freggie intake if I make good on my word.

I'm definitely not great at the freggies (although back in the day when I used to make dinner occasionally, I always made sure to serve a vegetable ... but I don't really do that anymore). I think it's something that's not as easy as it sounds.
And the fact that things spoil is definitely a factor - we do grocery shopping once a week, and there are things that I need to eat within 2-3 days after we buy them or they'll go bad, which means the further it is from grocery day, the fewer options I have. I think it's something that many people have to work hard for.

But you should definitely make an effort to get in more freggies and report back. I want to hear how it goes and what works best for you!
Yes, I know I should be posting my progress update today. But it's been a weird/rough week, and I want to take a day or two to reflect on it before posting. So hopefully I'll get the update up before the end of the weekend, but we'll see. So stay tuned.
Progress Update: 9/7
Small change to the progress reports – because posting on Friday tends to be chaos for me (Fridays are busy days for me), I’ve decided that my progress reports will now go from Monday to Sunday (rather than Sat-Fri) and will be posted either late Sunday night or (more likely) Monday morning. Weigh-ins will still be Tuesday & Friday, because that’s what I’m used to, so it’ll be more of an early in the week & mid-week weigh in than an end of week weigh-in.
(This one’s a hybrid and includes 9 days)

Saturday 8/29: Rest Day; 4 fruit/veggie (aka freggie) servings
… and I had ice cream for my movie snack. Sometimes I have things I shouldn’t. Oh well.

Sunday 8/30: 13 minutes cross training (Cardio Barre); 2 freggie servings
I had hoped to do a second cross training session (also barre) later in the day, but I didn’t schedule myself as well as I thought I did so I didn’t end up having time.

Monday: 44 minutes running + 32 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 3 freggie servings
Run Recap: 3.52 miles in 44:08 minutes (12’29” pace)
This run was pretty rough throughout. I went out hoping for 4 miles, but once I saw how slow my pace was getting (I actually started out at a decent pace), I knew I just had to go for around 45 minutes instead, however far that took me (I ended up stopping a minute early because I was at a traffic light).

Tuesday: 23 minutes low-intensity walking; 20 minutes Sarah Time (reading); mid-week (& September 1st) weigh in same as Friday
I took my Sarah Time right before bed, which was probably a bad idea because I just wanted to go to sleep. I think I need to work on taking time for myself earlier in the day.

Life Interlude:
I try to keep the focus of this journal on my quest for a healthier lifestyle, which means leaving out some things that are not related but can affect me a lot. Sometimes I do feel that I want to mention it, and I think this is one of those times.
I’ve got some stuff going on in real life that can overwhelm me sometimes. This week it hit me with a vengeance. I was having trouble focusing on Wednesday, and then at night I just got really overwhelmed by everything (to the point where I wasn’t sure I’d be able to sleep). So that kinda affected the rest of the week.

Wednesday: 22 minutes cross training (Cardio Kickboxing); 20 minutes Sarah Time (watching stupid TV)
This was one of those days when I didn’t want to get out of bed … and things didn’t improve much, even after coffee. Watching TV was (in addition to being Sarah Time) a way to avoid my to-do list or having to focus on anything. Plus, I think pushing off my cross training until 10 PM wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had…

Thursday: 74 minutes running + 24 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; 18 minutes Sarah Time (reading)
Run Recap: 5.89 miles in 1:14:22 hours (12’37” pace)
A few things I wanted to mention about this run:
1 – While it was mostly good, I had some rough patches. After rough run intervals (I had a few), rather than try to refocus during my walk breaks, I just blamed it on thirst (which was not always true) and went straight for my water bottle. Despite that fact, I still ended up not drinking too much – I drank less than 20 oz (worked out to about 3.25 oz per mile) and I basically guzzled what was left in my water bottle (about a cup and a half) on my way home.
2 – I had originally planned to run for 72-73 minutes, but added on a minute because of bad route planning. I thought about going a little farther to hit 6 miles, but I knew I had to stop because I was starting to not feel so great. It was a tough call for me to make, but I think I made the right decision.
3 – After my rough Wednesday night, I wasn’t sure how this run would go. Overall, it was good, but I think that if I had been in a better frame of mind, it might have been better. The weather was good, my feet didn’t hurt … I think this had the potential to be a great run, but my head really wasn’t in it.

Friday: No exercise; 30 minutes Sarah Time (reading); Weigh-in @ Up 1 lb
This morning’s super exciting weigh-in was up 1 lb. I celebrated by having a delightful breakfast of 2 cookies (I wanted a bagel, but didn’t want to go to the bagel store). And then ate pretty badly for the rest of the day because I just didn’t feel like snapping out of it. It was just another bad thing in a week of rough, and I didn’t want to deal with it.
On the plus side, I took out my book to read one chapter and ended up reading selected favorite parts of the book for 30 minutes (I do that a lot when rereading books … skip to my favorite parts). That was actually some very relaxing Sarah Time.

Saturday 9/5: 10 minutes low intensity exercise; 4 hours Sarah Time (nap)
I wasn’t sure whether to count my nap as “Sarah Time,” since it’s a pretty regular Saturday afternoon occurrence, but … it’s time that I get entirely to myself and I don’t have to worry about anyone else, so I say it counts!
Since Friday was an unscheduled no exercise day, I did a quick 10-minute video Saturday night to get in those minutes. I probably should have done a little more, but I didn’t really want to mess with my usual rest day.

Sunday 9/6: 30 minutes running + 23 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 5 minutes stretching; Sarah Time (Sleeping)
Run Recap: 2.56 miles in 30:09 minutes (11’47” pace)
This was not a bad run if you consider the fact that I was working on less than 4 hours of sleep. I did realize (after the fact) that it seems like I’ve been working at a similar level of effort for all of my runs, long and short. I think I could probably put a bit more effort into the short runs. My short runs used to be faster, and I think it was because I was putting in a little more effort. I will try to do that next week and see how it works out.
Today’s “Sarah Time” was going to sleep as soon as I got back to my room (it was a long day and ended with watching TV with the family) instead of catching up on my internet. I don’t have an exact time because I don’t know how much time I would have spent on internet stuff, but I’m still very proud of myself for doing this.


Other Comments:
I’m in the house most of the day, generally on the computer. I used to bring my laptop out into the room with the TV and have the TV on as background noise when I worked, but with the whole having to go back to my room to charge every few hours thing, lately I’ve just been working in my room at my desk. I realized two things this week:
1) My desk chair isn’t great for my back, which may be why I’ve had so much back pain lately
2) I’m most comfortable in this chair with either my legs crossed, one of my legs under me (usually my left), or one of my legs on the chair leaning against the desk (also usually my left). I’m wondering if this is affecting the circulation in my left foot (because it’s the leg that’s usually in a weird position), which might explain why my left foot sometimes hurts when I run.
I really don’t want to go through the hassle of finding a new desk chair that I like, so for now I'm using a good folding chair to see if that’s more comfortable. We'll see how that affects my foot (and foot pain).

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
I rewatched Big Hero 6 one day this week. Why?
Baymax is basically my soul-robot.

Oh, Baymax. I am not fast either. But at least I try running!
Sorry to hear that you had a tough week but you did well to still get so much exercise in!
I like the idea of your 'Sarah Time' that's something I'm pretty bad at.

It's difficult when personal circumstances are really overwhelming and affect everything including your running for the week. I've had a few of those weeks over my training too and from looking at your results for the week it seems like you did a great job of pushing through and still getting those miles in.

I have a confession to make... I've still not seen Big Hero 6 :scared1:
Everyone talks about it and I keep thinking I need to see it and then I forget all about it! :sad2:

I hope this week goes better for you :D
Sarah, I think the chair and how you were sitting could definitely be the culprit! I only say that because since starting my run journey I've realized that at work I used to sit with my one leg underneath me so much! It was sub-conscious I think. But it was tweaking my one knee and I really started noticing it once I was being more mindful of my body from running. So now I have a set up under my desk where I can put my feet up on a foot stool (ok, actually just a sideways PC tower) and I'm so much more comfortable.
Sorry to hear that you had a tough week but you did well to still get so much exercise in!


I like the idea of your 'Sarah Time' that's something I'm pretty bad at.

I'm really good at putting myself and my needs aside when I have a lot going on, so I definitely get what you're saying. But it's really important to make some time to think about yourself and I highly recommend it!

It's difficult when personal circumstances are really overwhelming and affect everything including your running for the week. I've had a few of those weeks over my training too and from looking at your results for the week it seems like you did a great job of pushing through and still getting those miles in.

Thanks! I was definitely impressed that I was able to get out there and run even when things were rough, but I wish I had done better with the healthy eating and non-running exercise.

I have a confession to make... I've still not seen Big Hero 6 :scared1:
Everyone talks about it and I keep thinking I need to see it and then I forget all about it! :sad2:

I saw it for the first time a few months ago.
I thought it was cute, but not amazing. I think it's worth watching if you have some time, but it's not a must-see.

I hope this week goes better for you :D


Sarah, I think the chair and how you were sitting could definitely be the culprit! I only say that because since starting my run journey I've realized that at work I used to sit with my one leg underneath me so much! It was sub-conscious I think. But it was tweaking my one knee and I really started noticing it once I was being more mindful of my body from running. So now I have a set up under my desk where I can put my feet up on a foot stool (ok, actually just a sideways PC tower) and I'm so much more comfortable.

Thanks for sharing!
I've noticed that even with the new chair, I'm still not sitting as I should. I think that, like you, I need a foot stool. Unfortunately, I've been laptop-only for over 10 years, so I don't have any PC towers around to use. For now I'm trying the box from my rollerblades (with the rollerblades still in it ... I don't so much roller blade). Although I think I need a pillow to sit on now (this box is a little too high), but that shouldn't be a big deal.
Although ... maybe rollerblading would be decent cross training ...
I think you did well even with your stressful week. Just remember that this is a long term goal, a lifestyle change for the better. I also wanted to comment on the Sarah time. Does the time spent running/exercising not help with stress relief as well as time to yourself? I know when I go out for runs, I usually feel much less stressed and is time I have to clear my head and relax. I'm not saying additional time for yourself isn't a terrible idea, but maybe on busy days Sarah time and exercise time can become the same thing...
I think you did well even with your stressful week. Just remember that this is a long term goal, a lifestyle change for the better. I also wanted to comment on the Sarah time. Does the time spent running/exercising not help with stress relief as well as time to yourself? I know when I go out for runs, I usually feel much less stressed and is time I have to clear my head and relax. I'm not saying additional time for yourself isn't a terrible idea, but maybe on busy days Sarah time and exercise time can become the same thing...

I definitely agree with this. Whenever possible, I want to get separate Sarah time (I prefer not to "double dip"), but on days when I know my schedule is busy, that time spent exercising is really an amazing stress-free break.
In fact, tomorrow's run will likely be my Sarah Time - I know tomorrow is going to be a busy day, and since I'm planning to go for a run anyway, it'll be a nice chance to relax and refocus before the insanity starts.
Nutrition: Part 1
This is part one because I’m still learning and adjusting (and I just bought some new stuff to try), but I wanted to share my current nutrition strategy.

My general philosophy on nutrition is going with things I already have – crackers, jelly beans (I got a giant container of 49 flavors at Costco), vitamin water. I have started to incorporate some sports-related nutrition for my longer runs (electrolytes and all that), but I’m pretty picky about what I eat during my run, which is why I usually stick with regular jelly bellys mid-run (after the run I’ll be a little more adventurous).
Also, for those of you who were not aware of this – I’m kosher-observant, and there are a decent number of products out there that are not kosher-certified, so I am limited in what I can eat, which makes using some of the sports-related nutrition a little harder (but I definitely do have some options and there are quite a few kosher-certified sports nutrition products).
All of this is assuming a morning run – afternoon runs (much rarer in my life) are a little harder.
(For those of you who don’t want to read through all of this, there’s a summary at the bottom)

Short Runs (< 45 minutes)

  • 1-2 cups water
  • No food
During Run:
  • Water as Needed
  • Water as Needed
  • Breakfast Within 1 Hour
Medium Run (45 – 60 minutes)

  • 1-2 cups water
  • If Needed: 2 (Ritz-style) crackers, 30-45 minutes before leaving the house
During Run:
  • Water as Needed
  • If Needed: Jelly Bellys (I always have some in my belt and will eat a few during a walk break if I need the boost)
  • Water as Needed
  • Jelly Bellys as Needed
  • Breakfast Within 1 Hour
Long Run (>60 minutes)

  • 1-2 cups water
  • 6 (Ritz-style) crackers, 30-45 minutes before leaving the house
During Run:
  • Water as Needed
  • 7-10 Jelly Bellys on first walk break past halfway point (if I’m feeling sluggish, I’ll do two smaller (4-5 bean) nutrition breaks at 1/3rd and 2/3rds of the way through the run)
  • Water as Needed
  • 1/2 Pack Jelly Belly Sport Beans (non-caffeinated)
  • Breakfast Within 1 Hour
  • If Needed: 6-8 oz Vitamin Water
Summary of Products I Use:
- Water – and lots of it, on every run
- Ritz-Style Crackers – before a long run (and some medium runs)
- Jelly Bellys – during long runs and some medium runs
- Sport Beans – after long runs
- Vitamin Water – after some long runs

Things That Are on My Radar:

- Gels – I want to try using a gel before my long runs (instead of the crackers). So far I have two flavors of Clif Shot Gels (Chocolate and Razz) and one flavor of Hammer Gel (Apple Cinnamon). I’m worried that I won’t like the texture or consistency of the gels, but I’m willing to give them a try. As far as I know, these are the only two brands of gels that are kosher (GU kinda is, but I won’t use it … Kosher is complicated). If I find that I really like one of the brands, I’ll try some other flavors. (Beth has already tried the chocolate-hazelnut Hammer Gel and said it tastes like melted Nutella, but she’s not entirely sure how she feels about it otherwise)
- Draft Beer Jelly Bellys –I bought a pack of these (I happen to love them), and I want to add them to my mid-run Jelly Belly line up. I will probably throw one or two in my jelly belly bag for each run and eat one when I want to “celebrate” a good first half of the run (much like I usually have a few Cappuccino-flavored ones in my bag and eat one when I need a little boost).
- Honey Stinger Waffles – I had always believed these were not kosher, but we saw two flavors at the running store that were kosher certified (the Honey Stinger website doesn’t say anything about that, but the picture of the box has a kosher symbol). I want to try these once my runs start getting longer as a pre-run fuel. I also think that these will be a good pre-race fuel for the 10K in January … assuming they taste okay and agree with my system.
- Dried Fruit – I’ve read in a few places that dried fruit makes good mid-run nutrition. I like fruit, so I’m willing to give it a try. My first choice of dried fruit is apricots, so I will try to get my hands on some of those and try them out.
Progress Update: 9/13

Monday: 20 minutes Cross Training (Pilates); 15 Minutes Sarah Time (DIS Time)
The start of my week was a bit more hectic than I wanted it to be, so my “gift” to myself was 15 minutes at the end of the day to browse the DIS because it was something I wanted to do and just hadn’t gotten around to.

Tuesday: 75 minutes running + 30 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 4 minutes stretching + 108 minutes low-intensity walking; 20 minutes Sarah Time (reading); early-week weigh down 1.5 lbs
Run Recap: 5.87 miles in 1:14:50 hours (12’45” pace)
My goal for this run was to start out easy to save energy so that I could go a little faster on the second half. I hit a few bumps in the road (including a raccoon sighting, some eerily empty parts of the path, and a mentally tough highway underpass) and didn’t accomplish that goal. But I was able to put some extra effort into the last mile or so, which was nice, and I felt good at the end of the run. I probably could have made it to 6 miles, but I decided not to try because I was just happy to have made it to 75 minutes with minimal problems.
After the run I went out shopping with my sister (including a trip to the running store for some fuel), which meant a lot of walking – including walking crosstown. So that's where all the extra exercise came from.
Oh, and this was my first ever (at least since I got my Fitbit) 30,000 step day! (I was less than 10 steps short one day at Disney, but this was the first time I actually made it!)

Wednesday: Rest Day; 45 minutes Sarah Time (Sleeping)
After a few early mornings in a row, I decided to turn off my alarm and sleep in. That was my Sarah Time for the day. I was woken up by the phone at 8 AM (I really have no idea how my brother sleeps through that …), but that’s still 45 minutes after my alarm would have gone off, so I’m taking it as 45 minutes of Sarah Time.

Thursday: 38 minutes running + 25 minutes warm up/cool down + 4 minutes stretching; 67 minutes Sarah Time (the aforementioned exercise period)
Today was scheduled to be a 45 minute run, but when I woke up the forecast was calling for thunderstorms starting ASAP. So I decided to push the run off to Friday … but later decided to go out in the afternoon (when the rain stopped for a few hours). It wasn’t my best run (wasn’t even the full 45 minutes), and I might have done better on Friday, but at the end of the day, I’m really proud of myself for going out and I am happy about this run.
Also, this run doubled as my Sarah Time because I really needed some stress-free time out of the house, and this run (and its accompanying walking/stretching) really served that purpose perfectly!
Run Recap: 3.19 miles in 38:01 minutes (11’54” pace)
This run was done with 4/1 run/walk ratio, with the first minute of each run interval using the 10-20-30 method I mentioned a few weeks ago. It really wore me out. I still want to incorporate these intervals, but I really need a new way to do it.
On the plus side, my Garmin said I had two new PRs – fastest mile at 10:53 and fastest 5K at 36:56. I think I’ve done faster (pre-Garmin), but it’s still really nice to see those records!
Also, I put my Disney playlist on for the walk home. I may have been dancing to “Under the Sea” while walking in public …

Friday: 16 minutes low-intensity walking; 20 minutes Sarah Time (reading); Weigh-in @ down 2 lb from last week (1 lb down from 9/1)
I woke and my knee was fine (see below), so I knew I had to get in my scheduled cross training early before it started bothering me. I got out of bed … and as soon as I got up, the pain came. I decided to skip the cross training, which would be hard on my knee, and instead did a little low intensity walking once my knee was a bit better.

Saturday: 17 minutes Cross Training (Barre); 30 minutes Sarah Time (Reading)
My knee was feeling a bit better today (although it did hurt on and off), so I figured I could do some cross-training. I tried to keep it short just to protect my knee, and I managed to make it through a 17-minute video with no knee pain.

Sunday: 76 minutes running + 23 minutes warm up/cool down (walking) + 6 minutes stretching; 20 minutes Sarah Time (computer time)
Run Recap: 6.23 miles in 1:16:19 hours (12’15” pace)
This was my first run using a Clif Shot Gel (chocolate flavor) before the run. It tasted okay, but it was too thick for me. However, I did have a really good run (felt great and energized throughout), and I took my refueling break later than usual (and wasn’t even hungry at break time), so those are two points in favor of the Clif Shot Gel. I have another flavor (Razz) that I’ll try in a few weeks, plus another brand of gel that I’ll be trying next week, and once I’ve tried all three gels I’ll decide what my next step will be.
It was also my first 10K run. I hit 6 miles easily within my planned time, but then added a minute to get the extra 0.2. It felt good, and now that I know that I can reach this distance, I can work on other things, like nutrition, breathing, speed, etc.
I was pretty busy today (still am), but when I had 20 minutes to myself in front of my computer, rather than doing work, I took the time for myself and did some stuff I wanted to do on the computer. That was today’s Sarah Time.


Other Comments:
Last Saturday night (/Sunday morning … it was like 1 AM) I did something to my knee. I was standing still for a while and then when I tried to move it was really stiff. This does happen to me sometimes, so it wasn’t too big of a deal. The pain afterwards lasted a little longer than usual, which wasn’t great, but I was fine by bedtime.
Sunday morning I woke up okay, but my knee started hurting during my run. It was pretty good later in the day, though. Monday morning I couldn’t put any pressure on it (seriously, I was standing on one leg), but it got better as the day went on. The general theme for the rest of the week was that it was fine shortly before my runs and during my runs, but hurt once I got home from my runs and a decent chunk of the rest of the day. On non-running days it tended to hurt on and off.
There are a lot of things that could potentially be causing it. I really don’t know what it is, and I’m frustrated because I should be able to figure it out (I used to be good at differential diagnosis). Advil helps a little sometimes, but not always. Rest doesn't seem to make a difference. Ice made it worse. Compression didn’t do anything. I’m at a loss for what to do.
Thankfully it’s not unbearable, just annoying and a little frustrating. But I’m still not a happy camper.

Sarah's Funny of the Week:
I’ve read a lot about people who do run/walk and get a bit discouraged during races when (well-meaning) spectators tell them not to give up and to keep running when they take a walk break. This week, I crafted my response:
“I’m on a scheduled walk break. I need it for what’s left of my sanity.”
Congrats on the 30,000 steps, the 5k and mile PR's and hitting 10k distance. That's quite the week!

Sorry about your knee...I hope it's a short lived thing. It might just be sore from use. I tend to have a left knee soreness issue that happens after I log more miles in a week than normal. But it tends to feel better after stretching and then walking on it for awhile to loosen it up. Hope it's just something like that.
I don't know why this insane idea popped in my head...but imagine if you could make an LED screen for the back of someone's shirt or belt that showed intervals. Like "Running in" and a countdown clock below it. Then it would switch to "Walking in"

It would be totally just for people to look at and go "OMG that is so cool" and really for no other reason. You may even get a following of people behind you pacing off of your intervals!

I bet you could even use this made up technology for race pacers or training clubs. Throw current pace and distance on there. Doesn't even have to be walk/run intervals. You could have it say all kinds of things.

Anyone want to go on Shark Tank with me?
Congrats on the 30,000 steps, the 5k and mile PR's and hitting 10k distance. That's quite the week!

I was so busy last week that it was all so spaced out in my head ... I didn't really "get" that it was all within one week until just now!

Sorry about your knee...I hope it's a short lived thing. It might just be sore from use. I tend to have a left knee soreness issue that happens after I log more miles in a week than normal. But it tends to feel better after stretching and then walking on it for awhile to loosen it up. Hope it's just something like that.

Thanks. I'm hoping it's just overuse, but I am a little nervous that it's something more, especially because it's lasted for so long (about a week and a half now). I'm hoping I can get to a doctor later this week just to get it checked out.

I don't know why this insane idea popped in my head...but imagine if you could make an LED screen for the back of someone's shirt or belt that showed intervals. Like "Running in" and a countdown clock below it. Then it would switch to "Walking in"

It would be totally just for people to look at and go "OMG that is so cool" and really for no other reason. You may even get a following of people behind you pacing off of your intervals!

I bet you could even use this made up technology for race pacers or training clubs. Throw current pace and distance on there. Doesn't even have to be walk/run intervals. You could have it say all kinds of things.

Anyone want to go on Shark Tank with me?

That is awesome. We need to find someone to do the tech stuff, but I'm definitely in!
Although it might be super distracting at Disney races to see so many people wearing these shirts with screens on them ...
Hey, Sarah! I will read this journal, soon. :tinker:Heather
Awesome numbers on our
Spectacular Star Wars September Exercise Challenge!!!!

Knee Mini-Update
I just (a few hours ago) got back from the orthopedist, and here’s the story:
No structural damage (not even arthritis, which I was about 98% sure I had). It’s plain old patellofemoral pain (aka runner’s knee), caused by quadriceps weakness. Recommended treatment is physical therapy, with an emphasis on getting some at-home exercises that will allow me to continue to manage the condition long after the PT prescription expires.

The fact that it’s nothing serious is good news. But I feel kinda stupid having gone to the doctor over something this small.

Anyway … I guess its good news. Next step is finding a PT that’s convenient for me (and my insurance will pay for … that’s the harder part). The doctor gave me some places to go, now I just have to do the research.
I can ask my PT bestie S for some simple at-home strengthening exercises that you can start with while you look for a good PT where you live!

She literally SAVED M's knee in time for the Disneyland Half.
I can ask my PT bestie S for some simple at-home strengthening exercises that you can start with while you look for a good PT where you live!

She literally SAVED M's knee in time for the Disneyland Half.

That would be awesome, thank you!
(I probably have all of those exercises in a book somewhere, but not easily accessible ... little known fact: in a past life I was a physical therapy student)

My doctor gave me a few places to call, so I'm hoping to start calling them next week and hopefully I'll be able to have my first appointment towards the end of the month. But it would definitely be great to have some exercises to do before then!
I got into reading some of your journal, and just wanted to comment on the dried fruit, I trained with dried apricots all last fall. They have great amounts of potassium which is why i used them, they worked well for me. Good luck with your progress
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I got into reading some of your journal, and just wanted to comment on the dried fruit, I trained with dried apricots all last fall. They have great amounts of potassium which is why i used them, they worked well for me. Good luck with your progress

Thanks for sharing! I'm a big dried apricot fan, and knowing that they worked well for someone else definitely pushes me to try them.
Now I just have to actually take a trip to the store and buy some...


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