Paul, Christmas, Josh, Matt & Raven all saying they will be miserable in 3 weeks when it all over, because they will miss their friends.

HAHAHAHAHA They don't know many more friends they have lost and how all of America hates them! Miserable wont even begin to describe it. Its gonna be beautiful.
I think some of you are overestimating the hate these people will feel outside of the house. Perhaps for 1 or 2 days and then it will be forgotten. I think you've typically got about 6-8 million people that watch Big Brother. Much fewer watch the live feeds. It's not the end all, be all.
I think some of you are overestimating the hate these people will feel outside of the house. Perhaps for 1 or 2 days and then it will be forgotten. I think you've typically got about 6-8 million people that watch Big Brother. Much fewer watch the live feeds. It's not the end all, be all.

I read a lot of blogs and forums, there will be a lot of hate. There are stories on TMZ and other mega sights, this is much larger than you think. You have people commenting on their behavior who don't even watch the show. They are in for a rude awakening.
I think some of you are overestimating the hate these people will feel outside of the house. Perhaps for 1 or 2 days and then it will be forgotten. I think you've typically got about 6-8 million people that watch Big Brother. Much fewer watch the live feeds. It's not the end all, be all.

You are right people have a short attention span and will forget what they did, but I think most of us are talking about not reaping the benefits some of them so crave They honestly think they will be asked back on or asked to do the Amazing Race or get a CBS gig like Jeff. That is not going to happen. Plus there are houseguests in the past that did suffer as a result of things said in the house. Spencer from BB15 is a prime example. After he pretended to be McCrae and said he was a child molester (in a joking manner), he lost his job and it took him 3 years to get another one because he was associated with that, took him a long time to shake it. I know Aaryn from that year also lost her job and was met with a lot of hate over the racist things she said. I do think some of these houseguests will not be prepared for what is waiting for them outside and would not be surprised if some lose their job, especially Jason who I think is at most risk for losing his job, not even sure if the rest even have one.
I read a lot of blogs and forums, there will be a lot of hate. There are stories on TMZ and other mega sights, this is much larger than you think. You have people commenting on their behavior who don't even watch the show. They are in for a rude awakening.
I think most of these houseguest will be unemployed and have a hard time finding jobs.
Kevin is a stay at home dad, so he is OK.
Raven lives off of grifting (hopefully that will change)
Alex thinks she's getting a big gig (doubtful)
Paul owns his t shirt business
Matt is in construction think
Josh owns a business
Christmas owns a business
Jason, he may have some issues for sure.
You are right people have a short attention span and will forget what they did, but I think most of us are talking about not reaping the benefits some of them so crave They honestly think they will be asked back on or asked to do the Amazing Race or get a CBS gig like Jeff. That is not going to happen. Plus there are houseguests in the past that did suffer as a result of things said in the house. Spencer from BB15 is a prime example. After he pretended to be McCrae and said he was a child molester (in a joking manner), he lost his job and it took him 3 years to get another one because he was associated with that, took him a long time to shake it. I know Aaryn from that year also lost her job and was met with a lot of hate over the racist things she said. I do think some of these houseguests will not be prepared for what is waiting for them outside and would not be surprised if some lose their job, especially Jason who I think is at most risk for losing his job, not even sure if the rest even have one.

As much as this board hates Paul, I could totally see him getting some gigs. Let's face it, he's a funny guy with a personality. He's dominated this game, he dominated his previous season. And I could see him on Amazing Race at some point as well.

Every season, the contestants are delusional about what awaits them after the season so no reason why this year would be any different. Don't you all remember the bragade? Enzo (the meow meow) specifically thought he was going to be a huge Hollywood star after the season. What's he doing now? Flipping burgers at Mickey D's most likely.
Jason's comments about Kevin's wife and daughters are on TMZ. Apparently there was another instance of Jason saying he would hold a houseguest down while they took turns, not sure who he was talking about but you can see it on the video they posted. I'd post it here but it has cursing in it so I'd be banned again if I did. Just google TMZ, should be able to find the story once on there.

Honestly, WHY IS HE STILL THERE! CBS should have called him into the diary room and taken him out the back door! He is beyond disgusting -- his wife must be so proud UGH.
I read a lot of blogs and forums, there will be a lot of hate. There are stories on TMZ and other mega sights, this is much larger than you think. You have people commenting on their behavior who don't even watch the show. They are in for a rude awakening.

THIS. Without a doubt, and having watched all the seasons, this is the most despicable bunch of people they have ever had in this house as a group. Even if one started out nice or tried to mind their business, they are either getting roped into the circle of bullying/hatred/zombie behavior, or they are the poor schmuck who gets targeted and ganged up on until they are voted out. The hate filled language and accusations they are making are beyond acceptable and should not be televised. Besides sounding threatening -- it must be horrid for the outside family members to hear this. It's a scary group and is starting to look like "Lord of the Flies"!!!!
And, I don't see anything special about her looks. :confused3

Not anymore -- not since she has become so mean and vengeful. Now she is always grimacing or making the Jack Nicholson crazy smile!
As much as this board hates Paul, I could totally see him getting some gigs. Let's face it, he's a funny guy with a personality. He's dominated this game, he dominated his previous season. And I could see him on Amazing Race at some point as well.

Every season, the contestants are delusional about what awaits them after the season so no reason why this year would be any different. Don't you all remember the bragade? Enzo (the meow meow) specifically thought he was going to be a huge Hollywood star after the season. What's he doing now? Flipping burgers at Mickey D's most likely.
I'm sorry but I hope your perception is wrong. I don't see him funny. He is only funny when he is scripted. I cannot admire anyone that can manipulate people, game or not. It's not a trait I find attractive and therefore I see his personality as immensely flawed. He gets the house to do his bullying for him. Another huge flaw in his personality if he thinks bullying is ok. I do not care ro see him ever again.


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