Kyland so dumb not to take out Xavier, and make a final 2 deal with him.
I don't think anyone can sit next to Xavier and win.

I agree. I think Xavier is the one to beat, unless someone targets him in the next few weeks.

I do think Kyland is smart to target Tiffany this week though. She's already shown that she cannot be easily influenced or controlled. People have said that Azah and Derek F. deserve to go first since they haven't done much. If either of them was to win HOH, the other players would have a better chance of influencing their nominations than they would with Tiffany. If they don't win HOH, they will vote with the majority. I think it's best to keep them for that reason and take out the more active players first.
Ugh, was really hoping he would. I wonder if somehow, some way, Tiffany can convince Azah and Big D to vote for her. She has to convince them that going to final 3 with her is better than going with Ky or X, which honestly is the truth.
****Just wanted to warn you guys. It looks like they filmed the double eviction yesterday. So if you want to be surprised about what 2 were evicted stay off the spoiler sites. I'm going to stay off here until after the show. I like to be spoiled, but for evictions I like to see those live :)
****Just wanted to warn you guys. It looks like they filmed the double eviction yesterday. So if you want to be surprised about what 2 were evicted stay off the spoiler sites. I'm going to stay off here until after the show. I like to be spoiled, but for evictions I like to see those live :)
I was just reading the live feeds are down so I don't know how much will be down ahead of time but good to know.
@CBSBigBrother Tweet: Heads up, BB fans! The live feeds are currently down and will be back up after the West Coast airing of tomorrow's live eviction episode. And don't forget, a brand new #BB23 is coming your way tonight at 8/7c on CBS
Kyland so dumb not to take out Xavier, and make a final 2 deal with him.
I don't think anyone can sit next to Xavier and win.
I was thinking this, too, but really, how much has X done compared to Ky? I think they might be neck and neck on this. X spent a lot of time throwing comps (or so he says).

I think Tiff deserved the win, but she just pushed too hard. If she had thrown that HOH to Ky a few weeks back, I think there would have been a chance Ky would have been loyal to her or at least believed her when she was offering humility and loyalty after he won the veto. That was her big mistake and it looks like it will cost her the game.
I was thinking this, too, but really, how much has X done compared to Ky? I think they might be neck and neck on this. X spent a lot of time throwing comps (or so he says).

I think Tiff deserved the win, but she just pushed too hard. If she had thrown that HOH to Ky a few weeks back, I think there would have been a chance Ky would have been loyal to her or at least believed her when she was offering humility and loyalty after he won the veto. That was her big mistake and it looks like it will cost her the game.

I do think it may well be Ky and X in the finale. I don't see Ky winning against him.
I really don't see anyone winning against X, he played a good game, treated everyone kindly. Kyland was a bit much when he was HOH.
That's a good point. I hadn't thought about X's jury management. He was a good guy to a lot of people and he was a team player to get them to the end, so those are points in his favor.
I read the feeds are definitely down until tonight, so I came back on here knowing there wouldn't be spoilers lol.

Even though X hasn't done much, for some reason, they all consider him a great player. I think it's his social game, he also took the father role and calmed everyone down, when they needed to be calmed down. He took a leadership role without having to do anything, it just comes naturally to him. He keeps saying he is throwing things, is it true or not who knows, but I'm guessing they are believing it's true and if he just tried he would have all these wins.

It will be interesting to see if X makes it to Final 2, can he explain what he did if he never really won anything.? How can he get his social game across? Ky definitely has a stronger resume when it comes to comp wins, but his social game stinks. I guess it depends what will the Jury weigh as more important, comp wins or social wins.
Okay, so if it's X vs Ky, how does the jury vote:

Derek F
Derek X

My guesses:

X has Tiff, Claire Alyssa, Derek F, Azah and maybe Britini

That would be a win.
I don't blame her. She didn't have a lot of time to strategize, either. It was a 1 in 5 shot that Ky would win. Quite frankly, she looked sleepy through that whole Veto comp and afterwards. I wonder if she was just resigned to whatever happens, happens.

But even if she'd put X and Ky on the block, Ky would have come down. I don't think she would have put Big D up (although it would have been the smart move), because they've been teammates from the beginning. Then, Hannah would have still gone home.
The biggest Ummm, what did you say sentence of the season was spoken tonight by none other than Derek F. " I have done a lot in this game this season."
Is he for real????

I knew Hannah was gone as soon as she lost the HOH.
The biggest Ummm, what did you say sentence of the season was spoken tonight by none other than Derek F. " I have done a lot in this game this season."
Is he for real????

I knew Hannah was gone as soon as she lost the HOH.
What did Ky mean in his vote that Big D has done a lot of things that people don't know about? I mean, sure, we don't know about it, but what did Ky mean? Or was he just justifying his vote?
What did Ky mean in his vote that Big D has done a lot of things that people don't know about? I mean, sure, we don't know about it, but what did Ky mean? Or was he just justifying his vote?

I feel like that was just words and not truth. He has done nothing all season. He's trying to hide the final 3 deal. Jury management.
Really, if it does come down to Ky and X, they should both really want to bring Derek to insure the win.


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