Big runDisney announcement coming in April

All participants get a finisher's's just the actual awards for top 3 overall, age group, etc. that they are only recognizing females for. They did say that men are eligible for awards in the co-ed team division though. I realize this doesn't make you or anyone else any less irritated with it being a women-focused race, but I wouldn't want others to think they wouldn't get anything for running 13.1!!!

I don't remember where I read this morning that there were no medals for the male finishers, but I did read it somewhere.
I've signed up !!! I'm SO glad it's another CA race. This will keep me in training after the DL 1/2 in Sept. DH and son will be cheering me on from the side lines.

The course for the Tinker Bell 1/2 is much different than the one for the DL. It looks like we will be avoiding industrial parts of town. It's not much fun running by tile and marble wearhouses. Overall we are staying much closer to the parks but we will not be running through Angels Stadium, which is always a lot of FUN.

As far as hotels....for this one I would definately stay on a hotel on Harbor since we will be running down Harbor. It will be also easy for family and friends to cheer you on.
I don't remember where I read this morning that there were no medals for the male finishers, but I did read it somewhere.

I've seen a couple of posts here and there between this thread and FB that have said that, but they never say where they got the info...maybe it was someone's post that you read. The info I got came from the race website. I also know for sure that men were given finisher medals at the Princess...I wouldn't think this one would be different. At least I would hope not! But based on the info on the runDisney website, every finisher will get a medal. Maybe if anyone read otherwise somewhere from Disney, could you let us know where?
Maybe it was just speculation.

Either way, I can't imagine any man running the Tinkerbell half. runDisney is making it quite apparent whose money they want.
Either way, I can't imagine any man running the Tinkerbell half. runDisney is making it quite apparent whose money they want.

I'd consider doing it if it was at a different time of year. Running Goofy gives me little incentive to travel to DL a few weeks later. If they offered it over Memorial Day weekend as a bookend to the current DL half over Labor Day weekend, it would hold more appeal for me. The theme doesn't bother me any. I generally don't choose races based on themes. I pick them based on the overall experience, like running the strip at night in Vegas or seeing all the sights and Marines at MCM.
I see a couple of big problems with that course. The biggest is the mile 4 crosses in front of the start line. Depending on the size of the race, people will still be crossing the start line when the leaders make it to the crossing.

The start goes under the bridge and then mile four goes over the bridge. HTH. :)

I registered. I guess I'm in the target market. I've wanted to go to the WDW January Marathon or Half Marathon and the Princess Half, but haven't because East Coast just too far away from California. Plus the idea of a womens only Disney event probably will make it less intimidating for some female newbies who aren't yet running races. Though I sincerely do feel badly that the men who were interested in a Disney race aren't included - doesn't seem too friendly of Disney to not encourage and embrace everybody who wants to run.

See ya there.
What a disappointment. I just don't understand Disney's alienation of men and boys between the women's races and all of the princess meals and activities at the parks (I have a 7 year old DS). While I ran and enjoyed the Princess Half this year, I think I would have enjoyed it more if it were just a half aimed at everyone with some sort of fun gender-neutral theme.
I'd consider doing it if it was at a different time of year. Running Goofy gives me little incentive to travel to DL a few weeks later. If they offered it over Memorial Day weekend as a bookend to the current DL half over Labor Day weekend, it would hold more appeal for me. The theme doesn't bother me any. I generally don't choose races based on themes. I pick them based on the overall experience, like running the strip at night in Vegas or seeing all the sights and Marines at MCM.

The theme doesn't bother me. What bothers me is this:

Disney takes an equal amount of money from me and SIL. (She's a few minutes slower than me - I think her PR for a half is 1:45 and change, mine is 1:35 and change.)

I start a corral behind her. (Probably. That's definitely the case at the Princess, and I doubt the Tink will be different.)

She gets a shirt that fits, mine won't.

If she runs fast enough, she can get an age award. Not going to happen for me, even if I broke a world record.

She gets official results, I don't.

If Disney gave me a substantial discount for what amounts to second-class status, then it wouldn't bug me so much. But to charge me the same, and then treat me as an annoyance or an afterthought, that's kind of galling.

(And yes, FWIW - I think it is silly that women cannot get fitted shirts at major races. Surely, any woman who preregs for the WDW marathon, or Chicago, or NYC, should be able to get a woman's shirt.)
Well...we'll find out what the big deal was all about soon.

Nancy...hi! Hope you are doing well! Congrats again on the new arrival!
Other than that, why is DL out of the question? Planes fly west as well as south, ya know! :) Or just too long a flight with little one(s) for now?


hi betsy! things are going well here. had a great appt today and everything's looking good.

a DL race isn't in the cards for a while until the kiddos are a little older. a 3 hour flight to WDW is way easier than 5-6 hours to DL. i would like to eventually go there though for a race! xoxo hope you're doing well!!


i'm another disappointed runner. but i'm trying to be happy for the west coasters. i mean, look, i get it. it's annoying for the guys that it's another women focused race. i get that. but i guess it's a good thing for the women on the west coast who couldn't do the princess half. good for them for getting a chance to be in a women's race. i am SO not girly and people were really surprised that i was going to do something with the word princess in it. but i have to say, the princess half was my first race and i'm so glad i did it. because it was women focused? nah, probably not. but it was really fun and i hope the west coasters enjoy themselves.
After reading the various thoughts on this subject, I decided to write about this subject on my blog tonight.

Women's Focused Races: Discrimination or Good Marketing?

On a related note, but not mentioned in my article because it didn't seem relevant to the over theme of the article, I whole heartdly agree with the men who are frustrated/disappointed/mad/etc that they "invested" so much into the month long RunDisney "clues" only to be let down by a women's race. I think that Disney really dropped the ball with this particular issue. I certainly think that one of the first clues should have strongly suggested that the upcoming race was going to be another women's focused race.
The theme doesn't bother me. What bothers me is this:

Disney takes an equal amount of money from me and SIL. (She's a few minutes slower than me - I think her PR for a half is 1:45 and change, mine is 1:35 and change.)

I start a corral behind her. (Probably. That's definitely the case at the Princess, and I doubt the Tink will be different.)

She gets a shirt that fits, mine won't.

If she runs fast enough, she can get an age award. Not going to happen for me, even if I broke a world record.

She gets official results, I don't.

If Disney gave me a substantial discount for what amounts to second-class status, then it wouldn't bug me so much. But to charge me the same, and then treat me as an annoyance or an afterthought, that's kind of galling.

(And yes, FWIW - I think it is silly that women cannot get fitted shirts at major races. Surely, any woman who preregs for the WDW marathon, or Chicago, or NYC, should be able to get a woman's shirt.)

I get your frustration, but you are mistaken with a few of your get an official result at the Princess regardless of if you are a lady or a man. Just look at the Active results. They are no different than any combined race. You get the finishers medal, but yes, you are not eligible for the top prizes. It is unlikely you would be in different corrals at DL. The setup there is so much different than WDW and even if you were in different corrals, they don't seem to pay attention and you could be in any corral you prefer - maybe not elite.
Champion shirts fit horribly no matter what your gender. It is a poor quality product that I wish Disney didn't partner with. I would love the option to return my shirt and receive a gift card - even if it was $5.
I get your frustration, but you are mistaken with a few of your get an official result at the Princess regardless of if you are a lady or a man. Just look at the Active results. They are no different than any combined race. You get the finishers medal, but yes, you are not eligible for the top prizes. It is unlikely you would be in different corrals at DL. The setup there is so much different than WDW and even if you were in different corrals, they don't seem to pay attention and you could be in any corral you prefer - maybe not elite.
Champion shirts fit horribly no matter what your gender. It is a poor quality product that I wish Disney didn't partner with. I would love the option to return my shirt and receive a gift card - even if it was $5.

OKay, I have an official time, it's just pretty much ignored. (The press release ignored the men entirely, IIRC. I know that the blogs pretty much did. Watch the video where the guy crosses the finish line first - everyone gets quiet, except for a muted "good job" and it's "Now waiting for our first princess.. . ") Yay? I may not get an age award (the sub-40 men categories are pretty tough), but to deny even the possiblity sure as heck ain't fair either.

Does DL really seperate that much when it comes to corral placement? If we both put an expected time of 1:45, we should be in the same corral. At the princess, that would not be the case. I don't know how dilligent they are about staying in the correct corral at DL, but at WDW, they were pretty strict.
I signed up just now. I want to get the coast-to-coast medal and a race over Labor Day Weekend in CA would never be in the cards for me (too much going on in my life that time of year). January works perfectly as a solo trip, and I'll continue with my W&DHM tradition. Plus, I'm glad to be part of another 'first' Disney race.

I do, however, empathize with those who are angry/disappointed about this race. I just can't let it hold me back from doing it. Sorry!
OKay, I have an official time, it's just pretty much ignored. (The press release ignored the men entirely, IIRC. I know that the blogs pretty much did. Watch the video where the guy crosses the finish line first - everyone gets quiet, except for a muted "good job" and it's "Now waiting for our first princess.. . ") Yay? I may not get an age award (the sub-40 men categories are pretty tough), but to deny even the possiblity sure as heck ain't fair either.

Does DL really seperate that much when it comes to corral placement? If we both put an expected time of 1:45, we should be in the same corral. At the princess, that would not be the case. I don't know how dilligent they are about staying in the correct corral at DL, but at WDW, they were pretty strict.

The only race that Disney was strict about corral placement so far was the Princess - but even then I saw people move up corrals. The WDW Marathon and DL Half...not so much. A woman won the 2010 Princess so it wasn't an issue. I had no idea that a man crossed the finish line first at the Princess this year.
I'm another one chiming in about the disappointment in the theme. My whole family went to Marathon weekend and we all competed in the races. I ran the full, my DH ran the half and the kids did the Mickey Mile. It was such a great weekend for the entire family! My kids often talk about how they can't wait to get their Donald or Mickey or Goofy medals someday. Marathon weekend is helping to create future Disney racers. The Tink race would never work for a vacation like that because my DH would have no interest in running a Tinkerbell race and I'd definitely have trouble getting my 9 and 6 year old sons excited about a Tinkerbell race weekend. IMO Disney is being a bit shortsighted. Not only are they losing current male runners, but they may be losing future male runners too. A simple change of theme to Neverland would change the whole dynamic. My DH and my boys would love that. (My DH actually ran the Jan half in a Peter Pan costume.:laughing:) Is it sad that I hope this race doesn't go over well so they will get away from the women centric events?
I am signed up!! A women-focused race works for me at this point. I am aiming for the full at WDW in 2013 so this is a good mid-way goal for me. Plus a January race encourages me not to slack off during the holidays:rotfl2:
The only race that Disney was strict about corral placement so far was the Princess - but even then I saw people move up corrals. The WDW Marathon and DL Half...not so much. A woman won the 2010 Princess so it wasn't an issue. I had no idea that a man crossed the finish line first at the Princess this year.

I guess that might depend on the year or corral. They were strict in the corrals I was near in 2010 at the WDW Half. I wanted my friend to move up with me, as she was placed in the dice. They were checking.

On a related note, but not mentioned in my article because it didn't seem relevant to the over theme of the article, I whole heartdly agree with the men who are frustrated/disappointed/mad/etc that they "invested" so much into the month long RunDisney "clues" only to be let down by a women's race. I think that Disney really dropped the ball with this particular issue. I certainly think that one of the first clues should have strongly suggested that the upcoming race was going to be another women's focused race.

But they DID give clues it was going to be a women's race by announcing it at the Princess Half and by saying it was something every princess/queen would be interested in. Should they have mentioned that in their little blurbs on Facebook? Sure. But, it was billed as something women would be excited about from the start.
I guess that might depend on the year or corral. They were strict in the corrals I was near in 2010 at the WDW Half. I wanted my friend to move up with me, as she was placed in the dice. They were checking.

They were strict on corral placement the couple of WDW races I have done too. IIRC, at the Princess, a man won clock time the first year, so they shoved men back a corral for 2010. A man won the chip time in 2010, but not clock - there is a 7 minute (or so) lag. A man won chip and clock time this year, so the cynic in me says that they will shove men back another corral, just in case.

@dismagiclover - As I said previously, women-themed stuff will stay until wives, mothers, etc start complaining on behalf of their husbands, sons, etc.


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