Book it. Buy it. BELIEVE it! - TR is started! link posted 8/11

Holy crap! :faint:

Does Kendall's mom NOT want her to go? :confused3

I really, really hope it all works out. I did hear about an adopted child not being able to get on the ship because they did not have the adoption certificate. The permanent one was still in the mail as the adoption had just been finalized. Don't know if this is true or not, but wouldn't want to find out.

Ugh - I'm sure it will all work out.

Yeah for 2 days! :cool1:
Oh my! You have a lot to deal with, don't you?!
But it's getting closer!!!

I'd bring that copy of the certified copy of the birth certificate just in case...
I honestly don't know how some people get through life when they leave EVERYTHING to the last possible minute. I'd lose my mind!

Hope the dr. visits go well for you.
Holy crap! :faint:

Does Kendall's mom NOT want her to go? :confused3

Of course she doesn't. That's never been a question. She would vastly prefer it I'm sure if there had been a soccer conflict and K couldn't go or if K didn't want to go. Facilitating a relationship with her dad, is not on K's mom's agenda at all. She'll contact Jeff for money, or to brag about K's accomplishments but that's about it. Well not really, she complains about Taylor, ignores him and expects Jeff to handle everything related to him. Very split personality with how she handles the 2 kids at least in terms of what she will facilitate as it relates to Jeff. She hasn't been able to fight this trip since K has made very clear that she is excited about it but we've lost many a vacation in the past. We haven't had a family one in 2 years as a result and we are mentally prepared that this is the last one during HS, or at least the last big one with just us.

I really, really hope it all works out. I did hear about an adopted child not being able to get on the ship because they did not have the adoption certificate. The permanent one was still in the mail as the adoption had just been finalized. Don't know if this is true or not, but wouldn't want to find out.

Ugh - I'm sure it will all work out.

Yeah for 2 days! :cool1:

There are folks every time that are turned away for not having proper documentation. It can and will happen. I've read more than one TR of folks witnessing it happening. I've expressed it every way to sunday but the reality is that this is classic for her mom, she will always wait till the last minute and not communicate status during. Normal and expected but still stressful. I'd be more worried if I thought K didn't want to go but I know she knows how important it is and we are counting on her leaning on her mom to make it happen.

but of word yet today. I have a backup plan but it won't give me the same peace of mind by itself that the permit will.

Oh my! You have a lot to deal with, don't you?!
But it's getting closer!!!

I'd bring that copy of the certified copy of the birth certificate just in case...
I honestly don't know how some people get through life when they leave EVERYTHING to the last possible minute. I'd lose my mind!

I am bringing the copy of the copy, it's already packed with the passports. And it's worked fine at the Canadian border before, at least twice.

Jeff is fairly sure his ex has an original and/or certified copy but the reality is that if i don't have confirmation of that AND the permit, I'll be driving to the record office to do a walk in request for our own copy. Because she is a minor traveling with only one legal parent, we really need both. Boys are ok since they have passports which implies that either the other parent agreed to them getting a passport, or in my case, that the other parent has no legal rights to decide whether they get one or not, or travel or not. Plus the boys are already in the DCL system with their passport numbers and that makes me feel better. I expected the passports to speed up customs at the border last year but it didn't', we still got questioned due to the different last names. At least K's last name is the same as Jeff's! Actually the boys got questioned as to how long they'd known us, it was really annoying. Makes me wonder if I should pack their b/c's to be safe but it is a US port that we are checking in through.


I have been known to procrastinate on things before but not when it impacts anyone but just me.

Hope the dr. visits go well for you.
Well I guess the good news is that the 1st doc is pretty sure she knows what's going on, bad news is that it involves 1-2 rx's that I need to get filled before the trip, awaiting results of a culture and possibly finding out that the neck treatment is causing this.

I'd tell you what it is but it was 3 long words that I can't even recall what she said! :rotfl: Basically it looks like I have horrible acne all along my back, chest, neck, temples and forehead.

Except it's not acne.

It is treatable though.

NOT the look I was going for on vacation. I would have been far happier had she confirmed that the B12 I'd been taking to ward off bus was the culprit and that by eliminating it 4 days ago, things should magically clear up soon.

But hey, at least it's not the new eyedrops...which sorta help...sometimes. Or the Vitamin D or the Flax/Fish Oil.

She asked me, with no preamble, "So, do you feel like you are falling apart?"

Yep. Pretty much.

Oh and working out, sweat, probably not helping the situation either. So I've got a new wash, some kind of overnight sloughing thing and a topical antiobitic and then potentially another antibiotic to pick up tomorrow depending on the results.

And I get the joy of asking my chiro if she is using any creams during the active tissue release. I don't think she is which still could mean that the rash is being triggered by a mechanical response to the treatment.

Arrgh! TMI I'm sure.
One drivers learners permit has been obtained!

While I am still in the dark about an actual certified copy of the BC, I feel much better. I may call DCL to see if a copy of the certified copy, along with the permit is sufficient in case her mom can't find an official copy.

In other breaking news, K's coach got a a call from the U of O coach, (the coach she happened to sit next to on the plane ride home from the college showcase, he'd caught their 3rd game but left at halftime so she filled him in lol) asking for her to attend their college ID camp in Dec.

Cool stuff!

And in other exciting college some of you may recall Jeff's ex refused to file for financial aid for Taylor last year for college. With a LOT of strong arming it was filed and...he qualified for some $$. Non loan $$! Of course it remains to be seen how it really plays out, 75% of it is grant but the other 25% is work study. T currently has a job and guess what, none of that money goes to school, all spending money. It's out of my control but man, I hate the idea of leaving that on the table and I have a sneaking suspicion it will be so he can keep working where he is (which he does love). Still though, every little bit helps. The last trimester biology grade didn't but the rest of the year was livable.

After my fiasco of a doctors appointment, the good news is quite welcome!

Plus it gives us something to do while we wait for DME to leave..though everyone around us might not appreciate the smell of bananas. Hmmn. Then again, it occurred to me this morning that there is no way they will eat all the bread in the house so perhaps I should make up PB&J and any leftover ham and cheese...then if our villa isn't ready, we have lunch.

I wouldn't worry too much about the smell of the bananas. My advice about the sandwiches, don't do PB&J, there are so many people with peanut allergies they are more likely to be upset than anyone would about a banana smell.

So sorry about the skin situation, I hope it clears up very soon. You are so close to your trip, I hope and pray it goes well for you. The BC/license thing would have me freaking out.

You will have a great time, you are an amazing planner and I can't wait to read all about your trip :goodvibes.
Well, yippee for some good news!!

I hope your skin condition clears up quick - glad you got at least some answers! I've felt like I was falling apart frequently in the recent past! I just said the other day- can't I just feel 100% for a day?
Sounds like some great news on the trip front! Hope your skin situation works out in the next couple of days.

Jill in CO
Well hallelujah for good things - a learner's permit, a college coach, and grant money for Taylor. That's all awesome! Yeah! :cool1:
I decided to stop asking. It's starting to stress me out! :faint:

It was starting to stress me out too!!! :rotfl2:

Glad it FINALLY taken care of. Now I feel like I just let out a huge sigh of relief.

:woohoo: Some good news at last!!!! :woohoo:

Sorry about your skin :hug: I hope the Bahamian sun won't make it worse. But the best news is ....... only one more sleep! Well at least if you lived here in Europe. :rotfl2:
Yeay for being so close to your trip!!! Such a relief that Kendall has her learner's permit now (our place is closed on Mondays as well so it must be a nationwide thing), and that Jeff is having a good time with his dad.

Too funny about the broken comb and the cat. Kids. :rotfl:

I love the new logos for DVC -- I hope you can find a coffee mug or several that you like. :thumbsup2

Not too much longer!!! :cheer2:
I wouldn't worry too much about the smell of the bananas. My advice about the sandwiches, don't do PB&J, there are so many people with peanut allergies they are more likely to be upset than anyone would about a banana smell.

Good point. We've been pretty lucky in that regard. Only Eric has had classmates with allergies and the parents have been pretty adamant about other kids still bringing whatever they want. Poor guy is allergic to basically everything and is incredibly on top of it for his age. We wouldn't be eating sandwiches on DME though even if we do bring them. That said, our standard bar does have peanuts in them and we do take them everywhere but I've never had anyone get upset. I do have some of those in the carry on. It really will come down to how much bread is left tomorrow night. I did make french toast for dinner last night, which helped! I am thinking I'll bring bars, bananas, pop tarts for sure and then we will see on lunch items based on what's left. That way we can all get a drink at the MCO sbux but not have it be a $40 venture that includes pastries or breakfast sandwiches!

So sorry about the skin situation, I hope it clears up very soon. You are so close to your trip, I hope and pray it goes well for you. The BC/license thing would have me freaking out.

The skin thing is the craziest thing! In speaking with my Chiro about it she confessed she'd noticed last week and almost said something but didn't. Of course she wanted to know if it was contagious (no). and then hoped I wasn't allergic to her! Given that she is HELPING and we are actually seeing progress I told her I'd deal with it. If the active release is really causing this trigger then so be it, it is worth the release.

You will have a great time, you are an amazing planner and I can't wait to read all about your trip :goodvibes.

It is almost feeling real! I never relax, truly, until I'm through security. But we are definitely in good shape, maybe Jeff should be gone the last few days before a big family trip every time. :rotfl:

Well, yippee for some good news!!

I hope your skin condition clears up quick - glad you got at least some answers! I've felt like I was falling apart frequently in the recent past! I just said the other day- can't I just feel 100% for a day?

I have said that same thing many a time recently. I have to tell you, the active release is REALLY helping, we made some major progress on the neck and if that's causing this reaction then well, so be it. Guess my body REALLY doesn't want to relax so I'll have to force the issue. :rotfl:

I hope it clears up too. Sounds like it occurring now may not bode well for menopause when that happens. I'll be seeing a natureopath when that happens, no hormone replacement for me, that freaks me out!

Sounds like some great news on the trip front! Hope your skin situation works out in the next couple of days.

Jill in CO

Thanks, me too! At least she didn't say I'd have to be out of the sun or anything she was prescribing would react with the sun, that was a relief!

Well hallelujah for good things - a learner's permit, a college coach, and grant money for Taylor. That's all awesome! Yeah! :cool1:

All very good things!

Now if she just didn't have homework to do on the trip....
It was starting to stress me out too!!! :rotfl2:

Glad it FINALLY taken care of. Now I feel like I just let out a huge sigh of relief.

Sorry to stress everyone out, I was ready to drive and get walk in records as back up today if needed. I still hope she has a certified copy (instead of my copy of the certified copy) but no response on that yet.



:woohoo: Some good news at last!!!! :woohoo:

about time huh!

Sorry about your skin :hug: I hope the Bahamian sun won't make it worse. But the best news is ....... only one more sleep! Well at least if you lived here in Europe. :rotfl2:

Doesn't sound like the sun will make it worse and hey, the good news is that my 30 bug bites from the weekend have all calmed down and cleared up so if you just look at my legs, it's all good. :rotfl:

I can hide a lot of it, problem is in the heat I prefer my hair up and then you really do notice my neck. :worried:

Yeay for being so close to your trip!!! Such a relief that Kendall has her learner's permit now (our place is closed on Mondays as well so it must be a nationwide thing), and that Jeff is having a good time with his dad.

He is and the boys and I have had some nice alone time too, all in all good for everyone! I just find it funny that they never checked whether it was open or not, just assumed. Hopefully we will hear today on the certified copy issue, I'm still tempted to go get one to be safe but don't want to spend the time or money if I don't have to.

Too funny about the broken comb and the cat. Kids. :rotfl:
Classic Evan! And when I checked his bag last night what wasn't in there? His new comb. And several other things on the list. His "pack at last minute" note to himself definitely didn't match what was missing from the bag.

I love the new logos for DVC -- I hope you can find a coffee mug or several that you like. :thumbsup2

Not too much longer!!! :cheer2:

Aren't they cute! I really hope there is something at Vero with the logo that I like as that is my favorite of the bunch, though they are all cute. And unlike ones that get away, where you'll at least be back in 6 months or a year and can try to get it (drinking out of an epcot mug at the moment that makes up for one that got away in 2009...though it isn't quite the same and I liked the other design better I think) I have no idea if we will ever be at Vero again!
I'm not sure if I'm going to get back her but have a magical time!

I'm glad to see K finally got the permit! :faint: I'm thinking you gave a sigh of relief one you actually saw it! :lmao:

You know how Florida weather is this time of year... hot steamy with a side of rain in the afternoon. You'll be fine. :goodvibes :goodvibes
Sooooo glad to hear K got her permit! WHEW! Hopefully the BC can be found as well.

All the last minute craziness is so stressful and so fun at the same time!

I likely won't make it back here before you are off, I hope you have an awesome trip and hope to see some Facebook updates too...hint. ;-)
THANK THE LORD!!!! I've been sitting on pins and needles wondering if she was ever going to get it.


Sorry to stress everyone out!

I'm not sure if I'm going to get back her but have a magical time!

I'm glad to see K finally got the permit! :faint: I'm thinking you gave a sigh of relief one you actually saw it! :lmao:

I haven't seen it. I've been told. I won't see it till I pick her up tomorrow. Which hopefully is around 6pm but...

I will have a huge sigh of relief once I see it AND the certified BC lol!

You know how Florida weather is this time of year... hot steamy with a side of rain in the afternoon. You'll be fine. :goodvibes :goodvibes

Yeah, that's all fine, it's when we get into all day storm category at the beach that it could be a drag. I don't mind the rain, it's the darn thunder/lightening that equal pool closures! And probably ocean, I imagine they come make you get out but who knows.

Sooooo glad to hear K got her permit! WHEW! Hopefully the BC can be found as well.

All the last minute craziness is so stressful and so fun at the same time!

It's always something! Although it really hasn't been too bad...I keep waiting for a work explosion today or tomorrow though! I hope I hear on the BC...

I likely won't make it back here before you are off, I hope you have an awesome trip and hope to see some Facebook updates too...hint. ;-)

thanks!!!!! I probably will have some FB updates, but not so much that they are actually spoilers :rotfl:
Have a FANTASTIC, well-deserved, relaxing, but not so relaxing that you don't have great stories for us, TRIP!!!


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