Alright everyone I'm updated to hear. We are coming down the stretch and the end of our Buzz's brigade journey. It makes me sad as I feel I've made some friends here. I know we are all on the WISH team, but it makes it easier having a separate thread to talk to each other and not trying to find everyone on those huge threads.

It's also getting really close to taper time. Everyone ready for their races? :eek:
Hi All,
I'll come back and read tomorrow but just wanted to stop in and post my miles. I had a WONDERFUL time on the cruise and ran every day except 1.

Miles: 43
Time: 430
That's it, I'll be back to read.

Chris- Congrats on your 20 miler! I'm very impressed. Do you think the ice bath helped with your recovery?

Casey- Hope your half marathon went well! Looks like you're having fun in the picture in your signature:)

Mike- Congrats on your 12.5 miles! I just saw in your ticker that you're doing the Disney Half too!

and thanks to all for the encouragement on my 8 mile run last weekend:goodvibes I actually checked in and read your posts that morning before I went out and it really gave me a boost. The run went well! This weekend is a 6 miler, and next weekend is my longest run (10-11 miles) before tapering for January.

Speaking of the half... who else is going to be in Disney for Marathon weekend? I know a few of you are. Is anyone planning to go to the WISH meet at Pop on Friday or the Disneyrunning meet on Monday?

Numbers for 12/4-12/10
Miles: 29.3
Hours: 6:13
Chris- Congrats on your 20 miler! I'm very impressed. Do you think the ice bath helped with your recovery?

Speaking of the half... who else is going to be in Disney for Marathon weekend? I know a few of you are. Is anyone planning to go to the WISH meet at Pop on Friday or the Disneyrunning meet on Monday?

Numbers for 12/4-12/10
Miles: 29.3
Hours: 6:13

Great Job and Thank you. I do think it helped. I have done something to my hip though so it's making training tough.

I will be at both the Pop meet (Solo) and the DR meet on Monday with my family.

Good luck with your 10 miler next weekend. I'll have my last 20 and then it's taper time. :banana:
Hi Team!!

I will be at the Pop WISH meet on Friday, and I hope to see as many of my teammates as possible.

Double my Vegas miles for 26.2 in 209 minutes, sorry we didn't see you Casey, maybe next year when it is a RnR event.
I'll be at Disney and at the POP meet. Can't wait to meet everyone.

Out for a 16 mile run in a few minutes (yea took the day off). Next week another 20 then taper - finally!

Taper time. Taper Time!
As a first timer I really like the sound of that. Just did my 4 miler (with MM for you Gallowayers) and gonna do 14 as a final LR next week.

Really didn't know about the meets. POP sounds great. If nothing else to meet the illustrious MEETPANDA:hippie: ! Would love to meet some of my friends. You guys do not know how much you factored into my motivation. Will depend on my group's WISHes. (2 sisters with me ya know). But we are really excited.

Miles for this week.
Miles 12.6
Time 2:35
Hi All,
Jessica, I think the ice bath works. Although I go in my pool since it is very cold right now, I just walk in up to my waist. Gosh is it cold! But, I think walking helps more than anything. After a long run I always try to walk 10 minutes before I get back into my car. I need to time it because 10 minutes seems like forever. Also try to stay active that day.

Chris, I changed my program because I went on a cruise and had to switch up a few weeks. I am going 5,8,5,10,20 this week then taper time. The schedule called for 5,20 for the weekend but I want to push it up a bit.

Casey, I can't wait to do the Las Vegas half. Congrats to you.

Mile for the week were kind of down due to work and being a step back week.
Total miles: 30.3
Total time: 303 minutes.

Good luck everyone on the final push! You can do this, one last big effort!

Here are my totals for the Week of 12/5 - 12/11:

Miles: 9.2

Hours: 3:04:10
How was the snow? Saw shots of snow on the strip. Pretty cool! Any pictures?

Wow. We must really be out there training! Need to post to get Buzzie's back up the list.

3 Weeks from today for the Half

Numbers for week 12/12-12/18
Miles 17.18
Time 3:45

Actually did a 14 mile walk/run Wed. My personal best (and goal before the 1/2). Going into taper mode now. Barring any unforseen problems I know I can finish!:drive: This time last year I was just beginning to run. I've learned so much and grown too. Thanks to all of you for kind words and inspiration. Might could've done it without you, but it wouldn't have been near as much fun:flower1: .
Hello Everyone!

Caught up to here. I'm in taper mode now. Started yesterday. So if I'm posting like crazy you will know why! :rotfl:

Oh yeah and I'm off to the January 2nd. What to do what to do........:yay:
Way to go Mike. 14 miles is awesome. Look how far you have come in 1 year! Looks like the Goofy next year for you :)

Chris, like you and Mike I too am now in taper. Did 10 yesterday and 20 this morning. I work Monday and Tuesday then an also off for the rest of the year. Sure, when I get all this time to run I don't need to run :)

Miles for this week were 45.
Around 450 minutes

I haven't been running. Can't really do much in 2 feet of snow. :(

All y'all are doing awesome though! :cheer2:
Way to go Mike. 14 miles is awesome. Look how far you have come in 1 year! Looks like the Goofy next year for you :)

Chris, like you and Mike I too am now in taper. Did 10 yesterday and 20 this morning. I work Monday and Tuesday then an also off for the rest of the year. Sure, when I get all this time to run I don't need to run :)

Miles for this week were 45.
Around 450 minutes


Duane I too did a 10 miler on Thursday night and then 20 Friday morning. My 20 miler went really bad. I only got in 10-12 miles in of actual running and the rest of it was walking. I don't know if it was because I was on the treadmill, because I just ran the night before, I didn't have enough to eat, etc. I feel alright today a little sore, but nothing at all bad.

Glad to hear your training is going so well! I really hope we have matching Goofy's come Sunday afternoon! :cheer2:
TREADMILL? You have to be crazy. I couldn't even do the 10 on a treadmill. You have plenty of base behind you, you'll be fine.

Jessica, 2 feet? I really do miss the snow. For a few days anyway other than that I love living in Florida.

Mike - Congrats on the 14 miles! Now it's taper time...
Chris - Enjoy the time off! I'm impressed that you attempted 20 miles on the treadmill. I know I couldn't handle that. Even with the walking, you still did it. way to go!
Duane - 45 miles this week:worship: Wow! Definitely sounds like you're ready for Goofy.
Jessica - We're not quite dealing with 2' of snow here... although we have had freezing rain all day. Hope you thaw out soon! Are you going to be at the Half in January?

My miles for 12/11 - 12/18
Miles: 23.9
Hours: 5:12

I had a pretty bad week with a lot of hip pain and missed 3 workouts on my schedule. I think the time off did me good though. I had a 10 miler on the schedule yesterday and felt really good so I ended up doing 11. Now I'm really sore, but confident that I'm going to be able to do this in January:) Probably won't check in again until after Christmas... hope everyone enjoys the holidays and stays safe in this crazy winter weather:santa:

In case you all missed this they are discussing continuing the teams in this thread. I haven't weighed in yet, but thought if you wanted to offer feedback here or on that thread that would be great.

I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you. I've made some friends here I may not have been able to do in the monster threads.

Take Care
Hi there everyone... Yes.. it is really me.. I just wanted to stop in to say Hi.. and Happy Holidays to everyone!!! I am truly sorry to have disappeared on you guys... Real life sort of stepped in and SUCKED the life out of me... literally... I attempted to come back a few months ago when I thought things had gotten better.. but.. alas.. I was lulled into a false sense of security.. and things just slid from bad to worse. I am THRILLED to report that my life is back on track.. and things are looking better and better every day...Not to get too personal here.. but.. I just wanted to explain my abrupt departure... and lack of leadership... Chris.. THANK YOU SOOO Much for taking over the reigns... as I felt comfortable knowing you would! :) I WILL be doing the 1/2 this year.. and look forward to seeing each and every one of you!! Big Hugs all around.. because.. I have missed you all...Happy Whatever it is you all celebrate.. and Health and Happiness to everyone... If I have learned anything over this past year.. it is to Cherish each moment we are given..and to live life giving all the love you have to give... my new motto is Fine in 2009 :)

Love to all!

Hi Kathy! Welcome Back! Glad to have you around again. Just wish I could give you a real hug in Jan., but this will have to do. :hug:


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