Hi there everyone... Yes.. it is really me.. I just wanted to stop in to say Hi.. and Happy Holidays to everyone!!! I am truly sorry to have disappeared on you guys... Real life sort of stepped in and SUCKED the life out of me... literally... I attempted to come back a few months ago when I thought things had gotten better.. but.. alas.. I was lulled into a false sense of security.. and things just slid from bad to worse. I am THRILLED to report that my life is back on track.. and things are looking better and better every day...Not to get too personal here.. but.. I just wanted to explain my abrupt departure... and lack of leadership... Chris.. THANK YOU SOOO Much for taking over the reigns... as I felt comfortable knowing you would! :) I WILL be doing the 1/2 this year.. and look forward to seeing each and every one of you!! Big Hugs all around.. because.. I have missed you all...Happy Whatever it is you all celebrate.. and Health and Happiness to everyone... If I have learned anything over this past year.. it is to Cherish each moment we are given..and to live life giving all the love you have to give... my new motto is Fine in 2009 :)

Love to all!


Kathy it's great to have you back. If nothing else to know you are doing OK. Our team is not a larger team anymore, but we have some very strong team members who have been great to get to know. I hope everything stays good for you and you can make it back in more often. Take Care and we'll see you soon!

Hi team! I'm sorry for going missing for a few weeks here. It has been a busy time in my household and I've had a hard time even squeezing in running time. Next week, I will be going on a mini running break for 6 weeks. It will go by quick and I will definitely be back since my next half marathon is Red Rock in March! I'll be out of running though for all of January. I'm very bummed!

I am really excited for those of you getting ready for the upcoming Disney Marathon and know I will enjoy all the race reports and photos after. I wish very much that I could take part in the races that weekend.

Duane, I'm glad you had a nice cruise. How cool that you stayed on track with training even while on vacation!

Chris, sounds like you are still doing fantastic with your training! I would never be able to do 20 on the treadmill, I've never even done 10 on one. I did do 9 on the treadmill last night, nothing like feeling like a gerbil, huh?! :rotfl:

Mike, good job to you with your training and miles!

Pat, congrats on the Las Vegas marathon! I too, am sorry to have missed you there.

Here's some of those snow in Vegas pictures for you, Duane!
We did get a lot of snow at our house last week. 8 inches of it at my house! That is a lot for Vegas. They said we haven't had snow like that since 1974. It was such a fun few days for me and my kids. They even closed schools for a snow day, totally unheard of for our here.

The strip

I took these next two from behind my neighborhood


Posting my miles/time for the last two weeks! Sorry to be late!

week of 12/6-12/12:
39.4 miles (got extra miles in there for the Las Vegas half marathon)
6 hours, 15 min

week of 12/13-12/19:
24.7 miles
4 hours 3 min

Just wanted to post quickly about the Las Vegas half from Dec 7th. It was a great race. I enjoyed talking with people from all over the world as we were waiting for the start. Running down the strip was such a blast and the fireworks at the start was nice. The course was super flat, which was perfect for a nice finish time. I ran with one of many Elvis runners for a while, which made me laugh. There was a run thru wedding ceremony option around mile 5.5. There were couples who took advantage of that.

My goal was to finish for the first time in under 2 hours. I finished in 1:55:49. Super happy with that result. My neighbor and I carpooled together, she ran the full in 3:37 and became a Boston qualifier like she was aiming for!

Next year, I am hoping it's even better since it will become the Rock N Roll Las Vegas! I hope to see you there, Duane! Here's a few of the race photos:



And one of the half medals - they are a casino chip shape that say 13.1 around the outside
Here are my totals for the Week of 12/12 - 12/18:

Miles: 9.61

Hours: 3:19:42

This week won't be much because I have been swamped with my Christmas procrastination. :rolleyes1

Casey: Great job on your Vegas half. That is a very impressive time! :thumbsup2 Wow, I didn't know it could snow like that in Vegas! :scared1: I have snow envy. :rotfl: You and I can hold down the fort while all the rest of them go have fun in Disney in Jan. ::yes:: That's a cool medal too! :cool2:

I want to wish all the Buzzies a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! :grouphug:

I have really enjoyed being on this team with all of you. I hope Panda decides to do this again next year. :flower3:
Hey Buzzies! Merry Christmas to all of you. It has been great getting to know all of you and I really appreciate all the advice and stories you have told. The race reports have been really cool.

I don't know where the team will go after the new year they are still discussing all of that, but thank you all for an awesome 2008. Can't wait to meet many of you at the World.

Chris :santa:
Just wanted to chime in here to welcome Kathy back, to thank Chris for not only being an awesome numbers guy (there is a reason I was an English major -- numbers are NOT my friends!) but for being an enthusiastic, encouraging and accepting team leader.

I apologize, team, for not figuring out all my miles and minutes. I won't bore you with excuses. I let you down and I wanted to at least go on record as saying I am sorry for that.

I can't change the past, but I will say I have enjoyed reading your posts -- hearing about your awesome races (Congrats again, Casey!) and your faithful training. You've been a great group and its been an honor to carry the Buzzie emblem in my signature.

Now it's time for me to finish those last few training walks and drag my aching Achilles on to Disney.
Just wanted to post quickly about the Las Vegas half from Dec 7th. It was a great race. I enjoyed talking with people from all over the world as we were waiting for the start. Running down the strip was such a blast and the fireworks at the start was nice. The course was super flat, which was perfect for a nice finish time. I ran with one of many Elvis runners for a while, which made me laugh. There was a run thru wedding ceremony option around mile 5.5. There were couples who took advantage of that.

My goal was to finish for the first time in under 2 hours. I finished in 1:55:49. Super happy with that result. My neighbor and I carpooled together, she ran the full in 3:37 and became a Boston qualifier like she was aiming for!

Next year, I am hoping it's even better since it will become the Rock N Roll Las Vegas! I hope to see you there, Duane!

Great race Casey. My PR is right about 1:55 for a half so I'll need to get into great shape to keep up with you next year :) I can't wait to run down the strip. I have actually run down the sidewalk to downtown and back, but it's not the same.

Also, thanks for posting the pictures of the snow. I'll be out there in about a month. We are staying for 9 nights. Maybe you'll get some more snow for me. Please.....

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and Holiday Season. Chris, if I can change my corral maybe I can try to keep up with you for the marathon. I am in C right now but am trying to change it to D.
Great race Casey. My PR is right about 1:55 for a half so I'll need to get into great shape to keep up with you next year :) I can't wait to run down the strip. I have actually run down the sidewalk to downtown and back, but it's not the same.

Also, thanks for posting the pictures of the snow. I'll be out there in about a month. We are staying for 9 nights. Maybe you'll get some more snow for me. Please.....

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and Holiday Season. Chris, if I can change my corral maybe I can try to keep up with you for the marathon. I am in C right now but am trying to change it to D.

I'd love for you to join me, but I'm just hoping to finish these races. Looking at 3 hours for the half and 6 to 6 1/2 for the full. Anything better is just gravy this time.
Thanks all for the congrats on the LV run. :goodvibes

Duane, hopefully more snow will fall when you're here. This morning, I noticed a few more of the surrounding mountains received a more snow but it didn't make it to the lower elevations. Enjoy your Vegas trip. If you've already run a 1:55 half before, you'd smoke that time in the 2009 Las Vegas since it's so flat. :thumbsup2

Chris, I just want to thank you for doing such a great job as a captain for the team. I know I haven't been on here long but you always made me feel welcome and have been a great leader!

Thank you to everyone for being so welcoming and for all the encouragement. Happy New Year!

My miles/time for the week of:

35.5 miles
5 hours 36 min
Thanks everyone I really appreciate it.

I hope everyone is enjoying their extended weekend and the Holidays and that you remain healthy and continue to move. I'm ready for this Goofy Challenge and a break there after. I'm sure it will only last until I get back and I'll be off and running again, but I look forward to that break.

Have a great weekend everyone. Less than two weeks away and the half will be over.
Hey there Buzzies :) I hope everyone had a wonderful Holidayl.. whatever it is that you individually celebrate! I am looking forward to seeing everyone in 2 weeks! Wow.. I cannot believe it is almost here already! I can't wait to get on that plane! Happy rest of the weekend!

Ok this is pitiful, but due to the holidays, I only had one day of exercise. :guilty:

Here are my LAME totals for the week of 12/19 - 12/25:

Miles: 1.88

Minutes: 00:38:50

Oh, and I was just looking through my photos from Jan. at the Pop meet. Wendy, you and I were standing beside each other in the photo. Wish I had known you then. :guilty:

- Did you get another dog? I was lurking on the weekly thread and saw you mention two dogs. (I think)

Who all from the team is going in Jan.? Hope we have a good showing.

Also, are some of you on FB? I think you are. :rolleyes1 I just recently joined, and have signed up for the WISH group, so you can add me as a friend if you want. :rolleyes1

It would be nice to keep up with y'all in case this thing comes to an end after Jan. :grouphug:
Ok this is pitiful, but due to the holidays, I only had one day of exercise. :guilty:

Here are my LAME totals for the week of 12/19 - 12/25:

Miles: 1.88

Minutes: 00:38:50

Oh, and I was just looking through my photos from Jan. at the Pop meet. Wendy, you and I were standing beside each other in the photo. Wish I had known you then. :guilty:

- Did you get another dog? I was lurking on the weekly thread and saw you mention two dogs. (I think)

Who all from the team is going in Jan.? Hope we have a good showing.

Also, are some of you on FB? I think you are. :rolleyes1 I just recently joined, and have signed up for the WISH group, so you can add me as a friend if you want. :rolleyes1

It would be nice to keep up with y'all in case this thing comes to an end after Jan. :grouphug:

I will be there in january... AND I am also on FB.. I will look for you on the WISH page :)
Yahoo! I'll be there in a few weeks. I am also on Facebook although I don't use it much.

Miles for the week -are we still doing this?
I did 27 this past week around 270 minutes.

Can't wait to see a lot of you in less than 2 weeks!
Yahoo! I'll be there in a few weeks. I am also on Facebook although I don't use it much.

Miles for the week -are we still doing this?
I did 27 this past week around 270 minutes.

Can't wait to see a lot of you in less than 2 weeks!

I think alot of people have either bailed or because of the Holidays just haven't had time to post. Until the end of the year I say yes we continue to post our miles and once they decide what to do with the teams go from there.

I can't wait to meet you guys. I know a few of us are going. I've got 5 runs to go before the race. Woo Hoo!
Ok, so far we have these Buzzies going in Jan.: (anybody else?)

Kathy - Valentine - Half
Duane - Duanerice - Full (?)
Chris - goofyinohio - Goofy
Jessica - jessily - Half
Jessica - Jusacuz - Half
Mike - MickeyT - Half
Wendy - getnthinr - Goofy
Pat - WDWFAN9- Half
Anne - Maherae - Half

Anybody else? I am going to be cheering for you guys by name up here in AL! :cheer2:

Well, I need to get out and do something this week, so I don't end the year with a big fat 0!
Ok, so far we have these Buzzies going in Jan.: (anybody else?)


Anybody else?

I'll be there! For the 1/2. I'll have to check back in later with my numbers from last week, but I just wanted to say hello to everyone.

A great big thank you to Chris for keeping track of us all this year:thumbsup2 I have definitely enjoyed the few months that I have spent on this team, and hope we can do something similar next year. Thank you to everyone here for all the motivation and encouragement. Many times it was just what I needed. I also really enjoyed reading about everyone else's adventures. I hope everyone had a great holiday:santa: I'm really looking foward to meeting some of you in FL!
I'll be there for the half. :goodvibes My numbers continue to be zero as the snow refuses to stop here. :(
Ok, so far we have these Buzzies going in Jan.: (anybody else?)

Kathy - Valentine
Duane - Duanerice
Chris - goofyinohio
Jessica - jessily
Jessica - Jusacuz

Anybody else? I am going to be cheering for you guys by name up here in AL! :cheer2:

Well, I need to get out and do something this week, so I don't end the year with a big fat 0!

Add me 2! We (six of us) are arriving next Tue the 6th and staying till Mon the 12th at OKW! We are all attempting the 1/2. Will be the first one for three of us. If you're gonna do a first, Why not at Disney!

I too want to take this time to thank all of you again. Through all my aches and pains and illness(es) I always looked forward to coming back on here to see what everyone was doing for the past week. Lit the little fire under me to go do some miles:cheer2: . Y'all do inspire me.

Miles for last week:
Miles 7.5
Time 1:34


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