China 2010

We've beenl living in China for 3.5 years. I am very interested to hear what you all think of it after your trips. Let me know if I can help in any way.


Thanks for your post! I know I speak for our entire group when I say we would love to hear more about Shanghai from your perspective and any advice for what we should do during our free time in Shanghai or any other Chinese city you are familiar with.
First of all, Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Happy New Year) from Shanghai. We woke this morning to a blanket of snow after all the fireworks last night. Snow is unusual here in Shanghai, so it is neat that it happened on New Years Day.

Anyway, we moved to China for my husband's job. He oversees financial operations for Asia-Pacific region for his multinational company. We originally agreed to 3 years here and have recently extended another three years. I cannot claim to be an expert on China, since a lot about this country is still something of a mystery to me, but I do have great understanding of a foreigner's experience in China.

My experience will not really be like yours though since coming here for a visit and trying to settle and create a normal life here for a family are very different issues. We have settled in now and enjoy living here but it definitely has its challenges and it took years to begin to feel at home here. Foreigners who do not look Asian in appearance still attract a LOT of attention. We have three blond sons. The chinese are fascinated with their blond hair and fair appearance, but also the concept of having three sons is akin to the Impossible Dream here, so we tend to attract a lot of curious followers when we are in areas where the people don't see many foreign faces. There have been times, especially after our third son was born, when we traveled surrounded by a mob and felt like Angelina and Brad.... Those of you bringing blond children may want to prepare them for that. It can be quite scary.

I don't want to tell you too much of my thoughts and impressions here since I would like you to have your own first impressions upon arrival instead. Kind of like not wanting to tell someone everything about a great ride before they get on it...

I'll be glad to answer any questions though. I think since this trip is with Disney, you will be somewhat insulated and perhaps not see the real china bathrooms, etc.:scared1: Haha.
How interesting to live in Shanghai. Why did you move to China? What do you like most about Shanghai?

We have been to China three times, but haven't been to Shanghai. The closest we got was to Hefei in Anhui. (Not very close, I know...)

What you saw in Anhui was much more the 'real China' than Shanghai. Culturally a place like that will be more interesting than Shanghai. Beijing is also more interesting. Shanghai is trying to make itself into a modern business city. Most of the traditional beautiful Chinese architecture building have been removed in Shanghai though to make room for modern buildings. It is kind of sad since from a glance, it can look just like Chicago or another place. It is an exciting place to be though and an exciting time to be here since China is really changing itself so quickly.
The rapidly changing face of China was the most shocking part between our trips. We were there in July 2000 and then again in July 2002 and the changes we saw especially regarding buildings and capitalism were amazing. Then we didn't return until July 2009 and were blown away by the "progress".

I completely agree about the Chinese reaction to blonde hair. I have "blonde" hair and people wanted to take pictures with me and wanted to touch my hair. At first I thought it was kind of fun, but that faded quickly.

I am also amazed at the way that if they are interested in something (like my hair) that they just openly stare or violate your personal space. Oh, we were also amazed at how at a breakfast buffet many Chinese will just push you out of the way to get what they want. One morning last summer my youngest daughter was trying to get food from the breakfast bar and someone just took it away from her. Oh, and the pushy way they tried to get us to buy things was overwhelming at times.

Things we loved included little kids saying "What is your American name?" and practicing speaking English with us. We love the pride many people had in explaining things to us or showing us art work. Oh, one man we talked to was really interested in talking to our daughters about what it is like to have a sister. He always wanted a sibling, and couldn't have one. I really like getting off the plane and walking into a completely different world. Everything looks different, smells different, sounds different and it completely overwhelms your senses and allows you to have completely new experiences.

Thanks for sharing about Shanghai. I am so glad you joined our discussion.
We just received our confirmation package and filled out all the paperwork. :cool1: Did anybody order the recommended reading material. I ordered it today, we don't live anywhere near a bookstore so this seemed like the easiest route.
We picked up as many books from the list as we could from our local library. Will continue to read as our trip gets closer.:cool1:
Hi- Our family is also going on the august 15th trip to China. We went on the Bella Italia tour last summer. I would highly recommend that trip and would be happy to give any specifics if anyone is planning that one.
Hi- Our family is also going on the august 15th trip to China. We went on the Bella Italia tour last summer. I would highly recommend that trip and would be happy to give any specifics if anyone is planning that one.

Hi lbsl18! DH and I will be on the Aug 15th trip too. :thumbsup2
We are currently debating whether to stay an extra day in Hong Kong and do some touring on our own, is anyone else doing this or if you have already done the trip, have you done this?

Any hotel recommendations, we would like to be closer to the action (I would think waterfront), don't really want to stay in Disney Hotel the extra night.

We need to decide soon because I have not booked our flights for our trip yet and really need to get that done!!! (probably the last major detail of the trip to do, other than pay for it LOL)
We are currently debating whether to stay an extra day in Hong Kong and do some touring on our own, is anyone else doing this or if you have already done the trip, have you done this?

Any hotel recommendations, we would like to be closer to the action (I would think waterfront), don't really want to stay in Disney Hotel the extra night.

We need to decide soon because I have not booked our flights for our trip yet and really need to get that done!!! (probably the last major detail of the trip to do, other than pay for it LOL)

I typically go to Asia 4 times a year and have stayed in Hong Kong several times. If you want to stay on the water, I would recommend either the Renaissance or the Intercontinental. Both are in Kowloon and provide great access to the Avenue of the Stars and great views of HK island and the nightly laser show. Although the rooms are smaller when compared to a room in the US, most rooms in HK are. Both hotels are reasonably priced. Feel free to ask any questions about HK.
We are staying an extra night in HK. Decided not to mess with moving hotels, keep the airport transfer etc.
We are going to do the HK tour on the last 'tour' day and spend our extra day at HK Disneyland.
Well I booked our flights this morning:banana:quite happy I got what I wanted and used points so it didn't cost me a thing. We decided to spend an extra day in Hong Kong, I think we are going to stay the Disney Hotel, instead of moving and just go out and tour for the day on our own, not sure if ABD will still provide a transfer to the airport if we do that but I will find out.
Well I booked our flights this morning:banana:quite happy I got what I wanted and used points so it didn't cost me a thing. We decided to spend an extra day in Hong Kong, I think we are going to stay the Disney Hotel, instead of moving and just go out and tour for the day on our own, not sure if ABD will still provide a transfer to the airport if we do that but I will find out.
Are you booking the extra day at the Disney Hotel through ABD? If you are, then they will provide you a transfer to the airport.

Congrats on getting the flights you wanted, and for points, yet! That's fabulous!

I have a question for any past China visitors. I read in one of the ABD recommended books that China is a very conservative dress country, including no bare feet, even in sandals. Is this still the case? Socks and sandals:eek: Also exactly how conservative dress do they mean. We would probably be wearing longer shorts and t-shirts or tank tops for touring, is that acceptable?
Our ABD tour guide Dusty said he might be with the China tour in 2010. He is amazing. I hope you all have him as your guide- it will be fantastic!
I finally went ahead and booked our flights yesterday for the July 4th trip, and while on the phone, I asked about the number of people booked so far. As of yesterday, there were 35 people booked with quite a few kids!




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