Cindy's Breakfast advice & encouragement

I am in the process of planning my family's first trip to WDW. I went when I was a child but hubby and children have never been. My DD is 5 and DS is 4. I have heard and read that Cindy's Breakfast is a must!!!
I was all prepared and would start calling around 6:55 every morning. (Thankfully, I live in the same time zone. I feel for you guys in other time zones.)
EVERY morning, I would get through at 7:01 or 7:02 and reservations would be gone! It was so discouraging. My husband and I would use the two house phones AND two cell phones. Still no tickets.
I kept thinking about something that I had read. I read somewhere on the internet, that when you get through and it tells you to press 1 for Albert & Victoria's or hold for all other reservations. I read that you should push 2.
So, here I am thinking ------- what the heck, it's been seven days of trying and still nothing --- what do I have to lose.
So, I did it --- I pressed 2 and was immediately connected to a CM and got my tix. Don't know if it was luck or concidence or what, but I was so thrilled to be able to tell my daughter that I GOT TICKETS when she came down the steps.
So, if you are having trouble, it can't hurt to try it.
Also, while I was talking to the CM, my hubby was still dialing in and getting the closed message. Not sure what that is all about. Maybe the CM's get started as soon as they are ready, as opposed to everyone starting together. I don't know ---- BUT I got mine!!!
Still doing the happy dance in VA!
We'll be there that week, too! How long are you guys staying? When's your CRT PS for? Congrats!

Just curious, I had similar situation with one phone getting a closed message(land line) while my cel phone got through. Happened just about every time I tried. Anyone else have this experience? Maybe the cel has an advantage?
For me it was the opposite. I got through faster on my home phone, not my cellphone. I started dialing both phones at the same time & redialing (which was harder than I thought with 2 phones) and I got the open message first on my home phone. My theory (and this is just a thoery) is it depends on where in the U.S. you are calling from. I live in Washington state and everytime I have tried to call and get a VERY hard WDW reservation (Cindy's in 2002 & an Illumination cruise in 2000) I have been able to get the reservation on my first morning of calling. I had to use redial everytime but I got my reservation on the day I wanted it. I think there are a lot more people on the east coast trying to call WDW at important times (than the west coast) and the phone lines are slowed down, while not nearly as many on the west coast are calling (because that is 4:00am our time). I can get through calling from the west coast because I am not competing with as many people for phone lines. So maybe the cellphone theory might work on the East coast because it will spread out the calls more evenly and speed things up. Well, like I said this is just a theory (so I probably don't know what I am talking about.:D :D) I also think even if you do set your clocks to atomic time you should start dialing at 6:57 or 6:58 and just keep redialing, because I got the open message at 6:59 (atomic time)!!

Well good luck to everyone!! I hope you get your Cindy PS!!:D :D
Thanks for all these wonderful posts of guidance, I was able to get a PS on our very first try! I'll have one EXTREMELY happy little birthday girl that day, I tell ya!

PS: Hit #2 as soon as the reservation guy says that stuff about Victoria and worked like a charm! The CM answered immediately!

Linda Watson
59 days to go to ASMo!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
I will be in WDW for three days in early Dec. and this is the week to make ressies.

I do not have a cell phone, so I called the first day and got in at 6:58:30. The reservationist picked up at 7:01 and they were sold out.

This morning I got in at 6:58 and have a reservationist at 7:00. He went to check and I heard a click.

A few seconds later there was a second click.

On the third click the automated operator message told me to hang up if I wanted to make a call. :( Apparently he hung up on me or, more likely I hope, accidentally cut me off.

I hit redial and was on hold (listening to HORRIBLE remixes of Disney songs) until 7:06 when I hung up.

I dialed back on the 1-800 number figuring there was no point paying to be on hold after 7:05 and an agent picked up at 7:15!

I have one more day to try..wish me luck!
I was so very excited yesterday I never got to post...but on my 5th try!! with 5!!! phone lines, (2 land 3 cell!!) going we got our ressie!! My 4 yr old DD was very excited! Now instead of crying, she's smiling all the time. And my 12 yr old DS who got through earned a "bonus" of $10.00 disney dollars!! Had to offer something to keep him dialing! we called it "Operation Cindy"!!

My only problem will be making her wait till the last day of our trip to eat with Cindy! Maybe it will just keep her going thru the week.
Got through right when then opened and I tried hitting "2" this am (after the Vic and Al stuff) and I did not get through to a CM for several more minutes -- no PS yet!
I've lurked here for a long while - you guys seem to have great advice!

On my fourth day of trying (and for the morning of our last full day at WDW) I got through and got ressies for 5 at 8:05am.

On Sunday, I woke up late and screwed up.

On Monday, I got through at 7:00am and waited for a CM. When no one answered by 7:10am, I figured they were gone anyway - when I finally got a CM at 7:15am they confirmed I lost out.

On Tuesday I thought I had it - I'd press "0" the second I heard the open message! Got through at 6:58am, had a CM on the phone at 6:59am and they were gone. All the CM could say was "Oh my God, oh my God - they're gone!!"

By Wednesday I had pretty much resigned myself to not dining with Cindy. But I got through at 6:58am, pressed "0" immediately, got a CM and got my ressies.

And the poor CM got the opportunity to listen to me blubber for about 10 minutes.

I've heard the advice about pressing "2" - but try "0" ... it worked for me!
We plan on doing this the AK day of our trip as well. And, during the period in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Santa Goofy visits as well! :cool: :cool:

Linda Watson
59 days to ASMo
OMG!!! I got it. I was so worried yesterday that I wouldn't but I got IT!!!! I dialed in at 6:57:54 and then got the open message ( I pressed 2 immediately before I could confirm this because I wanted it to go straight through!) A CM immediately answered and I got two tables for 8:30am. Let the stressing cease:bounce:
I found out that our party of 5 is seated at a table for six, so if grandma wants to join us that morning for Cindy's she definitely can. Grandpa can either sleep in or come with us and probably not get a seat. I'll check 2 days prior to see if anyone had to cancel.
Gretchen ...

You can call: 1.407.WDW.DINE.

As soon as you get the open message press "0" - some say "2" but "0" worked for me.

Good luck!
FINALLY got through and got reservations this morning - pushing 2 or 0 never worked for me - but - every morning I got through first on the cell phone while the message on the land line was still saying Disney was closed (I am in PA).
Asked this somewhere else, but am going to try herre too!

I just talked to dining and the CM told me party size between three or five should not make a difference. Does this make sense to anyone else? If there are five of us, we need a table for 6, if there are three, we need a table for 4. Are there the same number of tables for every size party? I thought I had read somewhere that they mainly had tables for four. the baby and DH are willing to miss out if ut helps us get in easier.

What do you all think? Should I try a party size of 3 tomorrow? I was unable to get one for 5 at 19 secs after 7:00 today so I am willing to try anything! I have a week left to keep trying.
I got one, too! 9:40 am Dec. 6th!
My DD's (6 and 5) are going to be SO excited!!!
I took the advice of a very kind CM who said that ALL reservation lines take CRT ressies at 7am, not just dining. She gave me the number 407-828-8101. I just kept hitting '0' once I got the menu until I finally got a CM at 6:59!!! I was so excited that I had to hand the phone to my husband (who was frantically calling on his business line!) to give her all of our information. Isn't it amazing what we do for our kids!
Have a great day--I know I will!:cool:
Hi Katie!
I'll be right in line behind you -- our WONDERFUL Dreams Unlimited agent got us a reservation for 9:50 on Dec. 6th -- me, DH, DD (8), DS (5) AND my parents! And I didn't even have to pick up the phone! :D

I just had to post this because I really couldn't be happier about going with Dreams Unlimited. They're just the best!

Hooray!! :Pinkbounc
Ok, this is nuts!
I started calling at 6:55 to get the number programed in for redial, started hitting redial. I got the message and hit #2 at 7:00. I don't remember what seconds but very few. Well, got in the hold line, and all sold out....the CM didn't come on till 7:03.
However...I had the wrong day! Don't need to start calling untill tomarrow! HA! Over excited?
I'm calling the Dine number, should I hit 0 or 2 or nothing??
Good luck and pixie dust to you all...


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