Class of 2021 Parents

We're hybrid here, with talk of going in-school fulltime (but I don't know when).

My DD has visited the local State U for the tour, and plans to visit her other two choices later this month. She got into the Honors program at the local U.

One of the things she said about the local U was, "It was so quiet!" Um, Honey, you know there's a pandemic going on, right? Her brother attends there, he was in-person for about 3 weeks, back in Sept., and has been virtual ever since. So, yeah, the campus is quiet. The other ones will be, too.

We're expecting no financial aid, but there's a shot at some merit aid at one of her choices, so we'll see how things pan out. We told her, we'll pay for undergrad, but not grad school (law, in her case), if she picks a pricey undergrad. We have a set pot of money, when it's gone, it's gone.

Mjkacmom--I've actually visited UMASS, when my oldest got accepted there. It's a huge, bustling campus...set among cornfields. They have shuttles to get around, and also get into town. Plenty going on (well, there was--in 2013), three levels of sports (teams, intramurals, where they played other schools, and recreational, where they just played for fun). I can try to answer any questions you have. My DD didn't end up going there--ironically, the young man she's been dating for 2 years is a UMASS graduate, though.
We were mostly in-person the first semester (probably 70%?) - usually 5 days per week. Since the second semester started, other than the snow/ice that shut us down two weeks ago, we've pretty much been in person for all of it (I think we were also remote that first week back in early January).

They're having some type of prom -- I don't think at a nice venue as usual, but at the school -- and only seniors (no underclassmen or outside dates). Not sure of the details yet. Our Covid numbers have gone way down, but kids/teachers/staff still have to wear masks at school.

Where DS committed for college, announced they are making plans for full in-person learning in the fall. Our orientation over the summer will be in-person. While senior year sucked in a lot of ways, I'm grateful we didn't have it as bad as others.
We were mostly in-person the first semester (probably 70%?) - usually 5 days per week. Since the second semester started, other than the snow/ice that shut us down two weeks ago, we've pretty much been in person for all of it (I think we were also remote that first week back in early January).

They're having some type of prom -- I don't think at a nice venue as usual, but at the school -- and only seniors (no underclassmen or outside dates). Not sure of the details yet. Our Covid numbers have gone way down, but kids/teachers/staff still have to wear masks at school.

Where DS committed for college, announced they are making plans for full in-person learning in the fall. Our orientation over the summer will be in-person. While senior year sucked in a lot of ways, I'm grateful we didn't have it as bad as others.
That's awesome about the in person thing. We have truly missed all of senior year, it's sad for them This is supposed to be such a fun year, and it has truly been horrible.

I honestly doubt we will have a prom, we'll be lucky to have a graduation :(

Her college was mostly in person this year, so I'm assuming it will be all in person in the Fall. My DD has checked out, I think she's resigned that nothing will happen. :(
That's awesome about the in person thing. We have truly missed all of senior year, it's sad for them This is supposed to be such a fun year, and it has truly been horrible.

I honestly doubt we will have a prom, we'll be lucky to have a graduation :(

Her college was mostly in person this year, so I'm assuming it will be all in person in the Fall. My DD has checked out, I think she's resigned that nothing will happen. :(
I hope it’s mostly in person in the fall and that dorm life is better. DS hasn’t decided where he’s going yet but my older DS goes to one of his top choices and we have heard about a lot of quarantining going on in many of the freshman dorms.

DS has started spring sports conditioning and is in the group that’s slated to go hybrid for school later in April, only 4-5 weeks before the seniors’ last day. Kind of too late to catch up on anything fun for seniors at that point. We have not heard what’s in the works for graduation yet but I doubt it can be “normal.”
What's the latest for everyone? Looks like DS's senior year will finish out pretty normal for the most part. Prom will be held at a venue (not the HS gym), but with two different "shifts". The graduation ceremony will be on the HS football field because their regular venue for that is a mass vaccination site, but with the vaccination numbers sadly going down, I'm irritated that it was moved to begin with -- in 4 weeks from now there is no way it will still be a mass vaccination site and now we're at the mercy of the weather with it being on the football field. Some other year-end senior stuff will happen as well. So, it's ending better than it started even though we can't complain too much since they've mostly been in school 5 days per week.

Has everyone made their college commitments? DS's decision was made long ago, but I know quite a few who've only nailed it down in the past week or two.
My kids have in person classes one or two mornings a week, that’s it. My daughter committed to Clemson, my son Rutgers, she is beyond excited (she applied to some southern schools because of covid, looks like Clemson will be open and Rutgers mostly online). She’s been getting great grades, working two jobs, plus tutoring and babysitting, with friends all of the time (all are vaccinated), he’s been handing in most assignments late, hasn’t been accepting reffing jobs ($40+ an hour), and we really worry about him going away to college. He’s still on two soccer teams (club and HS spring town league), but he’s so out of shape compared to a year ago when he was the fastest and highest scorer. At least they don’t need to worry about getting covid again.

It weird for them to commit to colleges that they’ve never set foot inside a single building.
Latest from CA - still a bit of a shinola show. DS18 went back hybrid last week, DD15 started back hybrid yesterday. Hybrid plan is soooo stupid!! two days on, two days off, group A, group B alternating. DS is in group A, DD is in group B. Keep in mind, there are 5 days in a week, so they will be M-T-F one week, M-TH-F, the next and so on. Confused yet? Did I mention my kids are in different groups? We need a spreadsheet to keep track - literally.

DS18 and I travelled to a bunch of schools - no tours after COVID started, but we were still able to see them. Our strategy was drive around the campus, then search for a main library, or student store, or some other campus core building, then park and walk for a few hours. Not the same as the school being open, not even close, but we did get a feel for it more than any virtual nonsense. We saw;
Pre-COVID with a tour;
University of Washington
Cal POLY SLO (My and DWs Alma Matter)
UC Santa Barbara

Post-COVID - no tour;
Cal State Channel Islands (Ventura)
UC San Diego
San Diego State
UC Davis
UC Santa Cruz
Arizona State
University of Arizona
Colorado University @ Boulder
UCLA - did not get in
UC Berkley (Cal) - did not get in

DS18 is wait-listed @ Cal Poly, UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego. If he gets in to CP SLO or UCSB that's his choice NMW. For now he has to commit; Choice is down to UC Davis, University of Arizona and CU Boulder, but frankly we (HE) can't afford Boulder (DANG is that a pretty school though!). If not for the cost of out-of-state tuition, CU Boulder would be it - hands down, discussion over. I think he's realistically leaning UC Davis - it has the best reputation and I lived there one summer - it's a really under-rated college town. It's a fun place and SUPER nice people. He's worried they won't be in person though and so am I. CA is crazy that way.

The Arizona trip was interesting. He did not like ASU - too much of a commuter school and not much of a reputation outside of the parties. The whole drive down from Phoenix to University of Arizona is through desert scrub, and Tucson is not real attractive either UNTIL you get near campus! The campus is amazing. Everyone we've talked to that went there raves about it. Personally that would be my choice - but not my decision to make.
Oh, forgot to say the school district has done N-O-T-H-I-N-G for the class of '21 except make us all angry. No prom, but you know what they say about secret underground unofficial proms. I've said too much already.

We are BEGGING for some sort of in person commencement but the school was pretty impressed with themselves after the 2020 virtual commencement so we sort-of expect that and nothing else. That will be a HARD pass from my DS.

SO tired of the adults "doing something" that amounts to nothing to make themselves feel better. To give you an idea, they had arranged for the class of '21 to do a drive-through light tour at the Orange County Fairgrounds...@ no kidding, $100 PER CAR! They could not share a car with their friends, only family, so really $100/family. So, so wrong! They were shocked when nobody wanted to do it, then got let off the hook when Orange County decided they needed the parking lot for vaccine distribution instead. Good - anything to kill that stupid idea.
My DD is back to hybrid, back to school 2 days a week, Wednesday off, Thursday/Friday virtual. She is actually loving being back in school9even if it's 2 days), she comes home happy and smiling everyday(only 14 days actually in school). :( They are having a graduation at the local university- just announced it. 2 guests each and they divided the senior class. I'll take it. they are having a Senior send off- outside with games, DJ, food and photo opportunities(instead of prom and picnic) i'm sad about the prom, some schools are doing parent planned prom- but not our school and I don't know enough to get it all together. So we'll take her junior prom dress(that was cancelled) and she was going to wear for senior prom dress and wear it for a photo shoot. LOl I gotta take pics when I can. Also, winter sports were cancelled(so no basketball), but the coach said he wants to do something for the seniors at least for a senior night.

We already paid deposit for her college a few months ago- St. Mary's College of Maryland. She is ready to just move on.
We are going to Hawaii in June for 2 weeks, and then she is going to Ocean city MD. with some friends for a few days. She's so excited about both and I'm glad she is.
DD18's school is having graduation, though we don't know what that will look like. No prom, but they are hoping to have a senior dinner. She goes to a small school, so they often do things at the last minute.

She's taking a gap year next year before heading off to college. The past year has been terrible for her, and she wasn't in the right head space to do the college application/portfolio (she's an artist) process. I think it's for the best though. She'll have a better idea of what she wants to study in college when she goes.
My DD17 was waitlisted at UNC-Chapel Hill. If she gets in, she's going, but for now, she's accepted a place at the local branch of UNC. It's literally 2 miles from home, but we agreed to let her live on campus. Interestingly, they gave her a small merit scholarship ($1500 a year) to stay on campus. She got into their Honors college, so she'll be in the nicest dorm. If Chapel Hill comes through, she'll be there in a heartbeat.

As to end of the year stuff--no prom, but the IB kids are hosting their own (there are 25 of them). DD's friend group is even getting a limo/party bus. The IB kids are also having a separate awards ceremony/banquet at a local venue. Meanwhile, graduation will be in 2 parts--all the IB kids opted for the earlier time, and then they'll all come over our house for a graduation party. Only 4 guests per student at graduation, so our older son will skip it and we'll see if we can let someone else use his ticket (I'd hate to have someone's grandparent miss due to head count).

We're all vaccinated here (well, DD17 gets shot #2 on Sat.), except for my DS15. As soon as he's eligible, we'll get him done. We hope to travel to our niece's wedding this summer, so we're very motivated.
The high school announced a senior celebration on one of the turfed fields, no word at all about graduation. Project graduation is still on since it’s a Giant’s stadium (MetLife) with other high schools and mostly outdoors, we’ll see. My daughter mentioned an unofficial prom (aka mom prom) but doesn’t have the details. Their prom house weekend is still on, about 50 friends.
My daughter committed to Clemson

Good for her! Your other kids have mainly stayed in the northeast for school, right? I'm sorry you're having some issues with your DS right now.

Latest from CA - still a bit of a shinola show. DS18 went back hybrid last week, DD15 started back hybrid yesterday. Hybrid plan is soooo stupid!! two days on, two days off, group A, group B alternating. DS is in group A, DD is in group B. Keep in mind, there are 5 days in a week, so they will be M-T-F one week, M-TH-F, the next and so on. Confused yet? Did I mention my kids are in different groups? We need a spreadsheet to keep track - literally.

DS18 and I travelled to a bunch of schools - no tours after COVID started, but we were still able to see them. Our strategy was drive around the campus, then search for a main library, or student store, or some other campus core building, then park and walk for a few hours. Not the same as the school being open, not even close, but we did get a feel for it more than any virtual nonsense. We saw;
Pre-COVID with a tour;
University of Washington
Cal POLY SLO (My and DWs Alma Matter)
UC Santa Barbara

Post-COVID - no tour;
Cal State Channel Islands (Ventura)
UC San Diego
San Diego State
UC Davis
UC Santa Cruz
Arizona State
University of Arizona
Colorado University @ Boulder
UCLA - did not get in
UC Berkley (Cal) - did not get in

DS18 is wait-listed @ Cal Poly, UC Santa Barbara and UC San Diego. If he gets in to CP SLO or UCSB that's his choice NMW. For now he has to commit; Choice is down to UC Davis, University of Arizona and CU Boulder, but frankly we (HE) can't afford Boulder (DANG is that a pretty school though!). If not for the cost of out-of-state tuition, CU Boulder would be it - hands down, discussion over. I think he's realistically leaning UC Davis - it has the best reputation and I lived there one summer - it's a really under-rated college town. It's a fun place and SUPER nice people. He's worried they won't be in person though and so am I. CA is crazy that way.

The Arizona trip was interesting. He did not like ASU - too much of a commuter school and not much of a reputation outside of the parties. The whole drive down from Phoenix to University of Arizona is through desert scrub, and Tucson is not real attractive either UNTIL you get near campus! The campus is amazing. Everyone we've talked to that went there raves about it. Personally that would be my choice - but not my decision to make.

Good luck with the decision and the waitlist!

2 weeks ago back to 5 days a week.

Oldest17 will be the forgotten class of 2021. No events or Prom. We just went back into extreme risk for our county. So for graduation, if our county is still in extreme risk by May 14, Oldest will get a time slot and walk in-person together with only up to 3 family members with them to collect their diploma and leave. Which Oldest wants to do and likes this idea. If we're in moderate to low risk, then graudation will be held outdoors with up to 4 family members in the audience. Which Oldest doesn't want to do and will skip it.

As far as college goes, Oldest won't be 18 until later this year. So due to that and Covid still in play, oldest decided to take a gap year to work, get driver's license/car, and save.

Re: the bolded -- where do you live? Sounds like a good plan with the gap year.

No prom, but you know what they say about secret underground unofficial proms. I've said too much already.


My DD is back to hybrid, back to school 2 days a week, Wednesday off, Thursday/Friday virtual. She is actually loving being back in school9even if it's 2 days), she comes home happy and smiling everyday(only 14 days actually in school). :( They are having a graduation at the local university- just announced it. 2 guests each and they divided the senior class. I'll take it. they are having a Senior send off- outside with games, DJ, food and photo opportunities(instead of prom and picnic) i'm sad about the prom, some schools are doing parent planned prom- but not our school and I don't know enough to get it all together. So we'll take her junior prom dress(that was cancelled) and she was going to wear for senior prom dress and wear it for a photo shoot. LOl I gotta take pics when I can. Also, winter sports were cancelled(so no basketball), but the coach said he wants to do something for the seniors at least for a senior night.

We already paid deposit for her college a few months ago- St. Mary's College of Maryland. She is ready to just move on.
We are going to Hawaii in June for 2 weeks, and then she is going to Ocean city MD. with some friends for a few days. She's so excited about both and I'm glad she is.

Hope y'all have a great time on your trip!

DD18's school is having graduation, though we don't know what that will look like. No prom, but they are hoping to have a senior dinner. She goes to a small school, so they often do things at the last minute.

She's taking a gap year next year before heading off to college. The past year has been terrible for her, and she wasn't in the right head space to do the college application/portfolio (she's an artist) process. I think it's for the best though. She'll have a better idea of what she wants to study in college when she goes.

I completely understand wanting to take a gap year. Good luck to her!

My DD17 was waitlisted at UNC-Chapel Hill. If she gets in, she's going, but for now, she's accepted a place at the local branch of UNC. It's literally 2 miles from home, but we agreed to let her live on campus. Interestingly, they gave her a small merit scholarship ($1500 a year) to stay on campus. She got into their Honors college, so she'll be in the nicest dorm. If Chapel Hill comes through, she'll be there in a heartbeat.

As to end of the year stuff--no prom, but the IB kids are hosting their own (there are 25 of them). DD's friend group is even getting a limo/party bus. The IB kids are also having a separate awards ceremony/banquet at a local venue. Meanwhile, graduation will be in 2 parts--all the IB kids opted for the earlier time, and then they'll all come over our house for a graduation party. Only 4 guests per student at graduation, so our older son will skip it and we'll see if we can let someone else use his ticket (I'd hate to have someone's grandparent miss due to head count).

We're all vaccinated here (well, DD17 gets shot #2 on Sat.), except for my DS15. As soon as he's eligible, we'll get him done. We hope to travel to our niece's wedding this summer, so we're very motivated.

They were initially limiting us to 4 tickets per student for graduation, but a couple of weeks ago, they lifted it to unlimited. Considering it's at our football field, I don't think there is room for unlimited. Why go from 4 to unlimited? SMH
Yes, she’s the only one leaving the northeast, my sister actually encouraged her to get away and try something new (she’s in Chicago and my niece is going to the university of Richmond, so they’ll be within a 6 hour drive of each other.)
We are in NJ, it hasn't been much of a senior year. While in school 5 days a week there is not much else, no eating lunch there, no spending time with friends in school, no activities and nothing to really acknowledge the seniors : ( They are letting them put on a musical! It will be outside, and it's a junior middle school version so it will be short and it will be on a Monday/Tuesday night. Communication hasn't been great from the school. Prom is supposedly scheduled for 6/4 but no other info has been provided. It could be on the football field (where girls would need short dresses and no heels) or in a venue. The only reason we know this information is from a few kids on the committee that have communicated it within a group text otherwise we would know nothing. The school has not released any info, prices, venue, rules etc so it's frustrating. I have a daughter so if she needs a short dress and shoes I would need to get moving on that (she has a long dress that we bought for junior prom last year)! Graduation is scheduled for late June as well but no info. They did tell them to wear their college commitment tee shirts this Friday but no other "hey you're a senior and you're graduating" attention. Hoping for a normal freshman year of college! We did get to go to an in person admitted student day for her college so that was very exciting!
We are in NJ, it hasn't been much of a senior year. While in school 5 days a week there is not much else, no eating lunch there, no spending time with friends in school, no activities and nothing to really acknowledge the seniors : ( They are letting them put on a musical! It will be outside, and it's a junior middle school version so it will be short and it will be on a Monday/Tuesday night. Communication hasn't been great from the school. Prom is supposedly scheduled for 6/4 but no other info has been provided. It could be on the football field (where girls would need short dresses and no heels) or in a venue. The only reason we know this information is from a few kids on the committee that have communicated it within a group text otherwise we would know nothing. The school has not released any info, prices, venue, rules etc so it's frustrating. I have a daughter so if she needs a short dress and shoes I would need to get moving on that (she has a long dress that we bought for junior prom last year)! Graduation is scheduled for late June as well but no info. They did tell them to wear their college commitment tee shirts this Friday but no other "hey you're a senior and you're graduating" attention. Hoping for a normal freshman year of college! We did get to go to an in person admitted student day for her college so that was very exciting!

I 'liked' your post, but really only the last two sentences. The rest stinks for your DD.
My DD17 was waitlisted at UNC-Chapel Hill. If she gets in, she's going, but for now, she's accepted a place at the local branch of UNC. It's literally 2 miles from home, but we agreed to let her live on campus. Interestingly, they gave her a small merit scholarship ($1500 a year) to stay on campus. She got into their Honors college, so she'll be in the nicest dorm. If Chapel Hill comes through, she'll be there in a heartbeat.

As to end of the year stuff--no prom, but the IB kids are hosting their own (there are 25 of them). DD's friend group is even getting a limo/party bus. The IB kids are also having a separate awards ceremony/banquet at a local venue. Meanwhile, graduation will be in 2 parts--all the IB kids opted for the earlier time, and then they'll all come over our house for a graduation party. Only 4 guests per student at graduation, so our older son will skip it and we'll see if we can let someone else use his ticket (I'd hate to have someone's grandparent miss due to head count).

We're all vaccinated here (well, DD17 gets shot #2 on Sat.), except for my DS15. As soon as he's eligible, we'll get him done. We hope to travel to our niece's wedding this summer, so we're very motivated.
Hey, even getting waitlisted there is an accomplishment these days. Had they applied their current standards back in my day, they would have noped me the heck out of there. My oldest is at one of their other branches and doing great. My class of 21 son decided to get out of dodge and will be attending an SEC school.


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