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Posted this on the WDW subreddit but I feel like it would be helpful to post here as well -

IANAD - but going in 11 days and trying to separate truth from media hype.

Put it this way, if you feel like its not worth the risk, you are immune compromised or have health issues that would make getting the virus a serious issue then I would definitely consider moving your trip to a point in the future where we are somewhat in the clear.

Knowing that the virus is in Florida and has signs of community spread does feel a little too close for comfort. Additionally, the virus itself is scary because we don't know that much about it, but what we do know so far is promising in that its not going to have an insane mortality rate and people of good to average health will pull through pretty well if they do manage to catch it.

So these are my thoughts with going in the next few days... be vigilant and prepared. Wash your hands before eating, sanitize after every ride, bring disinfectant towelettes (wet ones, clorox etc) for ride vehicles, tables, really any surface you don't feel comfortable touching. Don't touch your face and if you have to sneeze, cough, etc do it into your elbow or even better a napkin or towel. And most of all.. if you feel sick or begin to feel sick, do not go to the parks!

There's no need to live in fear, just a need to be mindful of your surroundings and others. Again, its up to each individual/family to mitigate and choose their own risks, but no need to fear monger or try and scare the magic out of others vacations!

Have a magical day - and to those who will be braving the parks with me in the next few weeks, to infinity and beyond!

PS: Disneyland is putting handsanitizers in all QS locations, which means Disney World should be following suit in the next few days.
We leave Friday the 13th LOL Im concerned a bit only because im 65 have t2 only on meds but basically healthy all around. I worry about the crowds and all the coughing and sneezing that people do without covering their faces. Should i wear a mask at this point.
No body has mentioned the fact that you could easily walk right into someones illness when they sneeze into the air.
Thats my main concern. I have all the clorox wipes and hand sanitizers galore.

I read someone is wearing surgical gloves on the rides.
Advice apprecitaed
We leave Friday the 13th LOL Im concerned a bit only because im 65 have t2 only on meds but basically healthy all around. I worry about the crowds and all the coughing and sneezing that people do without covering their faces. Should i wear a mask at this point.
No body has mentioned the fact that you could easily walk right into someones illness when they sneeze into the air.
Thats my main concern. I have all the clorox wipes and hand sanitizers galore.

I read someone is wearing surgical gloves on the rides.
Advice apprecitaed
Do whatever makes u feel more comfortable. That's the best thing to do.

I was at the parks all day this past Wednesday and I did not see anyone wearing gloves or masks.
Do whatever makes u feel more comfortable. That's the best thing to do.

I was at the parks all day this past Wednesday and I did not see anyone wearing gloves or masks.
We went Thursday and I only saw one person in all of Epcot and HS with a mask
Only saw 2 people in masks all day Friday at EPCOT As someone earlier mentioned You have to do what you feel comfortable doing and what is right for you.
My DH husband said how could WDW clean all of the rides with handles, seat belts, etc. Just wash your hands after each ride and be mindful not to touch your face.
Wipe down your phone. No one mentions that but, it is a huge thing and Surface area that everyone touches ALL the time. Just people watch you will see what I mean.

I’m more concerned about flying to get to WDW than actually being in the parks....flying for a few hours inches away from some one who might be sick is concerning. Already planning to take wipes and small bottles of Purrell to use after rides...
I doubt it if there is one company I trust to keep people safe its disney
See, I would have felt this way, but then my daughter got sick on our recent trip to DW. They don’t have a good solution to this, which seems like basic stuff. They have an affiliation with a local Orlando urgent care and they will arrange a van to pick you up and return you for free. That is nice, but the urgent care itself is very small and overwhelmed. It took hours to see a doctor and there were so many very sick people there. It isn’t really that urgent cares fault, except that it shouldn’t be the only one. Or it should be expanded significantly with more doctors and staff. It was pretty grim. If you do ever get sick on a DW trip, I would arrange transport to a different place. We just reacted and trusted Disney.
This thread is getting way to depressing people are getting too carried away blaming government about a virus no one can control. Going nuts over end of world like drama.omg chill out🙄
We leave Friday the 13th LOL Im concerned a bit only because im 65 have t2 only on meds but basically healthy all around. I worry about the crowds and all the coughing and sneezing that people do without covering their faces. Should i wear a mask at this point.
No body has mentioned the fact that you could easily walk right into someones illness when they sneeze into the air.
Thats my main concern. I have all the clorox wipes and hand sanitizers galore.

I read someone is wearing surgical gloves on the rides.
Advice apprecitaed
from what I have read the mask will most likely not help protect you from getting ill. they are made to help keep you from passing something on to others
We’ve got a trip booked in May, just made our fast passes this morning. It’s hard to get excited about a trip that I’m beginning to wonder if it’s going to happen. I’ve been reading so much it’s stressing me out. Besides the finger scan, I’ve thought about the bag checking. Having someone put their hands through everything in your bag after handling other bags always bothered me. They wear gloves to protect themselves but they don’t change them between bags.
I put my things in ziplock bags inside my day backpack. If security needs to see what's in the bag they just need to lift it out and look (easy to see everything). They can repeat this for each of the ziplocks in the day pack.
Trip planned and PIF for April 8th-16th. I have a 5yo and 2yo. The 5yo has been in our public school early childhood program since she turned 3. Before starting school we went to stores out to eat etc.. probably more than the average person. At least more than I did growing up. My 5yo was literally sick twice in her lifetime. Then she started school...constantly runny nose or a cough or SOMETHING. The last 2 years, she comes home from school and immediately gets in the shower everyday. Have seen a minor improvement. The daily shower is twofold for me tho. My daughter is on the spectrum and loves water! I wash bedding roughly once every 2 weeks. I’m certainly not overly cautious regarding germs as I’ve come to terms that if it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. We’ve been lucky in that nothing has every been serious or requires a hospital stay and the drs visits weren’t probably necessary either as we were just told to watch/treat symptoms with OTC products. Sorry...
Back to disworld...we’ve only taken our 5yo once when she was about 1.5yo we really only came to the park 2 days, driving an hour in both days as the main purpose of that trip was to see family. I’ve stayed on property one other time-with family (mom,step dad, 5yo brother) I was was the best. I thoroughly enjoyed myself-considering I was 18 and had never been before-I wasn’t too cool. The point I’m getting at, we are not every year ppl, multiple times a year ppl...maybe one day! But it’s certainly not a once in a lifetime trip. (Even tho we splurged for AKL) Again our trip is planned for April 8th-16th no intentions on changing. May drive instead of fly. Disney said I could change reservation up to 3 days before check in. I however was not inquiring about getting any $$ back. Just moving the reservation. It’s Disney’s $$ if we can’t come in April we will be going ASAP-so they can keep the money, as we will see them either way eventually.
I put my things in ziplock bags inside my day backpack. If security needs to see what's in the bag they just need to lift it out and look (easy to see everything). They can repeat this for each of the ziplocks in the day pack.
great tip!
Someone always has to bring politics into the thread and get it shut down. This happened with the last virus thread.

Let’s just focus on the virus and please leave all politics out of the discussion.
Yes, there is r/Politics for that. But I did vote for Kodos.
Good grief people. I said it pretty clearly before, so I'll quote myself.


A reminder of DISBoard rules - politics is not allowed in any form:

Political related posts will be a quick way to infraction points and/or getting this thread closed.

Thank you.

Much of the last 2 hours of conversation has been removed with warnings issued where needed.

One of the clearest DISBoard rules is No Politics - it's a pretty cut/dry rule and shouldn't be that hard to follow.

Thank you.
So, the CDC is now officially recommending that people over 60 in the US stay home and avoid crowds (family gatherings, religious services, etc.)


That seems like a pretty big deal.
The CDC's information has no such age guideline.

It says "Older adults and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease"

The age 60 comes from "two top infectious disease experts with ties to the federal government have advised people over 60 and those with underlying health problems to strongly consider avoiding activities that involve large crowds."

Older adults is a vague term though.
Since information is being withheld from above authorities, not sure which is the 3rd cruise ship Pence is referring to with possibly infected crew members from the same ship in San Francisco. But, there is a Carnival cruise ship in Southern California right now where a possible case is being tested. So, everyone on board is stuck waiting for the result.

Everyone on here can agree or disagree whether to still take a WDW trip, but I would strongly suggest not taking a cruise trip in the near future unless you want to be in a Petri dish. If even just one test comes back positive, you will get stuck on the ship for a duration of time until everyone is checked. Just not worth the hassle IMO.
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