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Also, no one is talking about the statistics on those who have recovered, or tested positive and never required treatment. That number is approaching 2/3 of all cases.

For that vast majority of those who contract it, this is a relatively minor respiratory virus, just like flu, SARS, MERS, RSV, H1N1 and the multitude of other acronyms floating around. We didn't shut down the country and go into panic mode for any of these. Data are starting to indicate that most people infected experience little more than common cold symptoms, although again the amount of data to be analyzed is still small, but what we have is pointing more in this direction. Certain groups are more at risk than others from any repository virus and will have a higher incidence of complications. For RSV that is infacnts. Similarly, the elderly seem to be the at risk group for this virus.

This is EXACTLY what I have been talking about

The majority of people who get this virus and are HEALTHY will NOT even be tested simply because for them the symptoms will not be serious enough.
A colleague of the Chinese whistleblower doctor who died of the coronavirus in the epicenter city of Wuhan has also succumbed to the illness, according to a report.

Dr. Mei Zhongming, 57, died at Jinyintan Hospital on Tuesday after “all-out rescue efforts failed,” the Daily Mail reported, citing officials at Wuhan Central Hospital, where the ophthalmologist worked.
Dr. Li Wenliang, 34, who died of COVID-19 on Feb. 7 after sounding the alarm about the illness.

On Dec. 30, Li sent out a warning over the WeChat messaging app advising fellow med school grads to wear protective clothing to avoid infection after several patients from a local seafood market exhibited symptoms similar to SARS.

I am sure both doctors had a good immunity system from working in a hospital. They didn’t die of just a cold
A colleague of the Chinese whistleblower doctor who died of the coronavirus in the epicenter city of Wuhan has also succumbed to the illness, according to a report.

Dr. Mei Zhongming, 57, died at Jinyintan Hospital on Tuesday after “all-out rescue efforts failed,” the Daily Mail reported, citing officials at Wuhan Central Hospital, where the ophthalmologist worked.
Dr. Li Wenliang, 34, who died of COVID-19 on Feb. 7 after sounding the alarm about the illness.

On Dec. 30, Li sent out a warning over the WeChat messaging app advising fellow med school grads to wear protective clothing to avoid infection after several patients from a local seafood market exhibited symptoms similar to SARS.

I am sure both doctors had a good immunity system from working in a hospital. They didn’t die of just a cold

That is an assumption since we actually don't know if they did have any underlying problems.

FACT though is, the healthy people here in the US that do have the virus are experiencing very mild cold like symptoms. That much we do know as a fact.
Unless you have someone in your group elderly or with underlying health issues, being effected by Coronavirus would in the vast majority of cases be basically the same as being effected by the flu or common cold.

I agree with being smart. If I was traveling wit h a 80 year old, I might t think twice, but otherwise for us being smart means doing the same things we do in flu season, washing hands and using sanitizer when we can't.

I 100% agree. I own a yoga/fitness studio. There have not been any confirmed cases in our state. However, the panic caused by this "epidemic" is already interfering with my ability to operate my business. We use Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer year round as a normal course of action to maintain a clean space and to help prevent the spread of colds and other illnesses. EVERY local store and online retailer is sold out of both of these items and there is price gouging for these products on Amazon. Even toilet paper is rapidly disappearing off store shelves.
Also, we have a retreat scheduled in May that normally sells out. I have only three reservations at this time. If I have to cancel, I am out the deposit I rendered to secure our locations. And those business will lose our business for the retreat, and so on and so on. I haven't allowed myself to even think what may happen to class attendance at my studio if fears here are heightened.
Stay Calm and Wash your Hands! Our restroom signs:
restroom whatever.jpg
This thing has been over hyped by the media as some kind of killer pandemic. We have, what, 100 or so cases in the US, or of millions of people? H1N1 KILLED 12,000 people in the US and no one was doomsday prepping for that. I think we need a little perspective on this.

The govt task force is having daily briefings on camera. Given that the WH no longer has briefings on other matters, this *alone* shows how serious they believe it is. In my state, our governor just held a briefing about the first reported case. Large corporations are changing their travel policies (mine has). Companies are being encouraged to use more work from home options.

The media is covering these things because they are news.

All that being said, we still plan to go to WDW next week unless there are closures.
-did you know that in China, the mortality rate is ~2% for the coronavirus
-SARS had a 10% global mortality rate in 2003
-MERS had a 34% global mortality rate in 2012

-when my mother was in the hospital last week getting surgery done to stop her breast cancer from spreading, her doctor told her that in that hospital alone there were over 100 cases of the flu.
-there are 1 billion estimated cases of the flu annually
-of which about 650,000 deaths annually are because of the flu

-of those that DO get the coronavirus , 80% experience nothing worse than a common cold
-the World Health Organization has not released travel restrictions
-Harvard Medical School says its' weaker than the flu

_Wuhan China has the highest concentration of Coronavirus. Out of a population of about 75-million, about 75-Thousand have gotten ill. So if you are in the epicenter there is a 1-in-1000 chance you will get ill.

how many people die of cancer every day?
how many people die in car accidents everyday?
how many people die from mosquito bites every day?

i have a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer
so i'm going to wash my hands...then check my breasts.
But with a two week incubation period you’d likely get sick when you get home if you contract it at WDW..
The incubation period can be as short as 3 days. I don't want to fear monger, but it's quite possible to get sick while you're still on vacation. And having done that - it sucks.
The incubation period is UP TO 14 days, but most people show symptoms by day 4.
Oh, I thought I heard that they aren’t even sure it isn’t longer than 14 days either. Someone on tv said it could incubate as long as 3-4 weeks, they just don’t know yet...
Can I ask those who are actually concerned and not of the opinion this is not a big deal and all hype a question?

What would you do with a long spring break trip with rented DVC points, 2 studios worth? It is a ton of money we would be throwing away if we don’t go, ignoring tickets and plane tickets where I’m assuming there is a bit more wiggle room. Our insurance is useless until Canada advises against travel to the US.
H1N1 KILLED 12,000 people in the US and no one was doomsday prepping for that. I think we need a little perspective on this.

Yes, they were. I remember because I was pregnant at the time and paying attention. They lifted the very strict visitor restrictions at the hospital just before MDS was born, so ODS was able to come meet him shortly after birth rather than waiting until we both came home.
The govt task force is having daily briefings on camera. Given that the WH no longer has briefings on other matters, this *alone* shows how serious they believe it is. In my state, our governor just held a briefing about the first reported case. Large corporations are changing their travel policies (mine has). Companies are being encouraged to use more work from home options.

The media is covering these things because they are news.

All that being said, we still plan to go to WDW next week unless there are closures.

It's being reported today that the briefings will not be on camera, per the WH. No audio or video but still photos okay. I think that's unfortunate...

I'm not in the public health field but I do think it's tough to talk about numbers/projection when there's been such limited testing in the US. I read an article today about my state, only 12 people had been tested (2 positive), and many in quarantine and a lot of frustration around the delays in testing.

Edited for grammer...
ETA: so from the presser today, 102 cases verified and 9 deaths, so may not be an accurate picture of the # of cases...
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The govt task force is having daily briefings on camera. Given that the WH no longer has briefings on other matters, this *alone* shows how serious they believe it is. In my state, our governor just held a briefing about the first reported case. Large corporations are changing their travel policies (mine has). Companies are being encouraged to use more work from home options.

The media is covering these things because they are news.

All that being said, we still plan to go to WDW next week unless there are closures.
Look at who is running the “government task force”. The hype machine that is this administration.
Yes, they were. I remember because I was pregnant at the time and paying attention. They lifted the very strict visitor restrictions at the hospital just before MDS was born, so ODS was able to come meet him shortly after birth rather than waiting until we both came home.
I had H1N1. No one went crazy over it. I was treated by my family doctor, told not to go out.
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