Crazy stories at disney world

What a great thread!

When my DD and I were in DTD in 2008 (she was 9 at the time) there were quite a few little birds hoping around. She kept trying to pet one and I didn't really have the heart to tell her that petting one of the birds was pretty much impossible. Well darned if she didn't actually manage to pet one! I realized after that the DTD birds are probably used to people...LOL.

After we got home she spent so much time trying to pet the birds here I was feeling kind of bad for her. Thankfully, she came to the conclusion that the birds at Disney are magical and stopped chasing all the birds she sees to pet them.

She still tells people the store of "her" Disney bird!

What a great thread!

When my DD and I were in DTD in 2008 (she was 9 at the time) there were quite a few little birds hoping around. She kept trying to pet one and I didn't really have the heart to tell her that petting one of the birds was pretty much impossible. Well darned if she didn't actually manage to pet one! I realized after that the DTD birds are probably used to people...LOL.

After we got home she spent so much time trying to pet the birds here I was feeling kind of bad for her. Thankfully, she came to the conclusion that the birds at Disney are magical and stopped chasing all the birds she sees to pet them.

She still tells people the store of "her" Disney bird!


:goodvibesOr maybe the bird she managed to pet had migrated from St. Catherines and recognized her. He just wanted to say hello.:lmao:
What a great thread!

When my DD and I were in DTD in 2008 (she was 9 at the time) there were quite a few little birds hoping around. She kept trying to pet one and I didn't really have the heart to tell her that petting one of the birds was pretty much impossible. Well darned if she didn't actually manage to pet one! I realized after that the DTD birds are probably used to people...LOL.

After we got home she spent so much time trying to pet the birds here I was feeling kind of bad for her. Thankfully, she came to the conclusion that the birds at Disney are magical and stopped chasing all the birds she sees to pet them.

She still tells people the store of "her" Disney bird!


Just do not let her try and pet the rabbits. My DH and I were at Epcot and I love to feed the birds , squirrels and bunnies, it is great since some will take it right from your hand.Well on this one occasion I was watching this one rabbit who was slightly smaller and seemed to have some raggety(spelling?)ears, Dh says to "becareful with that one, bet he is a scrapper". Me "No look how small he is I think all the other Bunnies must pick on him, and he never gets a treat." (thinking lets give the bunny a "Magical Day" right. So I kneel down place some sugar cooky in my palm, put me arm through the gate and wait. "Poor" little bunny comes hopping on over to my open hand sniffs the cooky sits back looks at me , sniffs my offering again ,looks at me and then instead of taking cooky he BITES me right on the finger:eek: and runs away.I was so startled I scream , fell back right onto my glass of RED wine in whit Capris:scared1:.DH was laughing his bum off....Magical :wizard:.
"Poor" little bunny comes hopping on over to my open hand sniffs the cooky sits back looks at me , sniffs my offering again ,looks at me and then instead of taking cooky he BITES me right on the fingerand runs away.I was so startled I scream , fell back right onto my glass of RED wine in whit Capris:scared1:.DH was laughing his bum off:.

:lmao:Sorry but I am joining your husband in laughing my bum off!:lmao:
:lmao:Sorry but I am joining your husband in laughing my bum off!:lmao:

He still laughs over that and took a pic right as it bit me , I will post it when I figure out how to do so from iphoto. I think this June I will stick with feeding Donald , Daisy and family.:hippie:
Your bunny story reminded me of the time my DSIL was trying to help her DS9 catch one of those little lizzards. It happened at Epcot also ... must be something with this park. He was chasing the lizzard and she put her hand down to block its way and, instead of stopping or turning around, this little lizzard (no more than six inches long) ran right up her arm, across the back of her shoulders (she was in a tank top so could feel it on her skin) and jumped off into the bushes. She was so startled that she too jumped, screamed like someone was killing her and fell back onto her "bum." Although she didn't fall into any red wine, she sure turned as red as any wine I have seen. We were all laughing so hard we were crying.
A couple years ago we went during Night of Joy. I went on Splash Mountain solo and there was this group of 4 or 5 teen girls behind me and they were singing. Now, they weren't singing Zipadeedooda or even a Disney song. They were singing, 'Found a Peanut, Found a peanut, found a peanut right now...' ALL OF THE VERSES!!! I found it amusing actually...

Another story...

We went to MNSSHP in '09 and went on Space Mountain. I went on with a friend and there was a teenager in front of us. He had one of the extremly tall hats and took it off before the ride so the CMs didn't see. Then, at the end of the blue tunnel, he puts it on. When we turn the corner and start picking up speed, it hits the track above us and got stuck. I know this because I looked back and there it was just hanging. I guess he was expecting it to just hit it and fly back to another car because after the ride he had this look on his face, 'my hat...' I tried so hard not to laugh.

I'll post more later. :upsidedow
Just do not let her try and pet the rabbits. My DH and I were at Epcot and I love to feed the birds , squirrels and bunnies, it is great since some will take it right from your hand.Well on this one occasion I was watching this one rabbit who was slightly smaller and seemed to have some raggety(spelling?)ears, Dh says to "becareful with that one, bet he is a scrapper". Me "No look how small he is I think all the other Bunnies must pick on him, and he never gets a treat." (thinking lets give the bunny a "Magical Day" right. So I kneel down place some sugar cooky in my palm, put me arm through the gate and wait. "Poor" little bunny comes hopping on over to my open hand sniffs the cooky sits back looks at me , sniffs my offering again ,looks at me and then instead of taking cooky he BITES me right on the finger:eek: and runs away.I was so startled I scream , fell back right onto my glass of RED wine in whit Capris:scared1:.DH was laughing his bum off....Magical :wizard:.

Not for anything,but I wish people wouldn't feed the animals at Epcot,or any of the parks.
Your bunny story reminded me of the time my DSIL was trying to help her DS9 catch one of those little lizzards. It happened at Epcot also ... must be something with this park. He was chasing the lizzard and she put her hand down to block its way and, instead of stopping or turning around, this little lizzard (no more than six inches long) ran right up her arm, across the back of her shoulders (she was in a tank top so could feel it on her skin) and jumped off into the bushes. She was so startled that she too jumped, screamed like someone was killing her and fell back onto her "bum." Although she didn't fall into any red wine, she sure turned as red as any wine I have seen. We were all laughing so hard we were crying.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::lmao: Here am worried about snakes in ground level rooms , when it is the park wildlife I should leery of. Thank goodness we at BC I was able to change my white capris , with only a few puzzled looks and snickers. The lizzards are the objects of entertainment for my DNs also.
Someone suggested I post my funny story here, so here it goes....
We were in Tusker House for Breakfast when Goofy came around to our area. I noticed his fly was down right away (he's kind of puffy in the pants, so it really shows!)...I couldn't believe the CM's didn't notice - or maybe just didn't tell him. As he got to our table, I couldn't take it anymore...I leaned forward and whispered "Goofy..your fly is down"..well....he stopped in his tracks..but he couldn't really look down at his fly...his snout is in the way. So he put his hand there and felt around..then struggled with his big Goofy hands to get the fly this time it had all become very obvious to everyone....all the tables around us were cracking up!
After he got himself straightened out, he put his palms together and bent forward - in a sort of Japanese thank you!
My mum, dad and I were at Magic Kingdom last year when something I found hilarious but was actually very ignorant happened. Firstly, my Dad is black and muslim and my mum is white and catholic, they are both in their early 60's and I am 25 and look more spanish than anything but you couldn't look at my parents and then look at me and not say we share our facial features, my skin is a pale olive colour. We also live in Britain and always thought that the US were more accepting of mixed race couples.

Anyway, we were walking down Main Street when this older southern gentleman in his seventies (he looked like the KFC man complete with white suit and dicky bow) stopped in his tracks, stared at us and said to his wife, "Goodness gracious, honey, would you look at that? That A-rab man has two wives. Two WHITE wives and look at how young that one is! She's only a teenager. Well I never!"

My parents didn't hear this and he was literally pointing his walking stick at us. I took about two steps and ran back to Colonel Sanders and his wife, as I did so, they looked petrified and I very politely said, "Excuse me, I just thought I would let you know that the man you were talking about is my Dad and he only has one wife, which is my mother who he is with and even though I'm not black I am his biological child. He is also isn't an Arab and I'm not a teenager. Enjoy your day now!"

I smiled sweetly then skipped off to find my parents leaving Colonel Sanders and his wife baffled and still as statues in the middle of Main Street. My mother thought it was hilarious when I told her, although my dad was a little grossed out!
My mum, dad and I were at Magic Kingdom last year when something I found hilarious but was actually very ignorant happened. Firstly, my Dad is black and muslim and my mum is white and catholic, they are both in their early 60's and I am 25 and look more spanish than anything but you couldn't look at my parents and then look at me and not say we share our facial features, my skin is a pale olive colour. We also live in Britain and always thought that the US were more accepting of mixed race couples.

Anyway, we were walking down Main Street when this older southern gentleman in his seventies (he looked like the KFC man complete with white suit and dicky bow) stopped in his tracks, stared at us and said to his wife, "Goodness gracious, honey, would you look at that? That A-rab man has two wives. Two WHITE wives and look at how young that one is! She's only a teenager. Well I never!"

My parents didn't hear this and he was literally pointing his walking stick at us. I took about two steps and ran back to Colonel Sanders and his wife, as I did so, they looked petrified and I very politely said, "Excuse me, I just thought I would let you know that the man you were talking about is my Dad and he only has one wife, which is my mother who he is with and even though I'm not black I am his biological child. He is also isn't an Arab and I'm not a teenager. Enjoy your day now!"

I smiled sweetly then skipped off to find my parents leaving Colonel Sanders and his wife baffled and still as statues in the middle of Main Street. My mother thought it was hilarious when I told her, although my dad was a little grossed out!

What ignorance! I am sorry you had to go through that.
people can be stupid. I can't tell you how many people have asked where we "got" our 2 Chinese kids. I wonder how they would feel if I walked up to them as a complete stranger and asked them to detail the circumstances surrounding the conception of their lovely little kid. hehe

btw - I usually say Walmart.
My mum, dad and I were at Magic Kingdom last year when something I found hilarious but was actually very ignorant happened. Firstly, my Dad is black and muslim and my mum is white and catholic, they are both in their early 60's and I am 25 and look more spanish than anything but you couldn't look at my parents and then look at me and not say we share our facial features, my skin is a pale olive colour. We also live in Britain and always thought that the US were more accepting of mixed race couples.

Anyway, we were walking down Main Street when this older southern gentleman in his seventies (he looked like the KFC man complete with white suit and dicky bow) stopped in his tracks, stared at us and said to his wife, "Goodness gracious, honey, would you look at that? That A-rab man has two wives. Two WHITE wives and look at how young that one is! She's only a teenager. Well I never!"

My parents didn't hear this and he was literally pointing his walking stick at us. I took about two steps and ran back to Colonel Sanders and his wife, as I did so, they looked petrified and I very politely said, "Excuse me, I just thought I would let you know that the man you were talking about is my Dad and he only has one wife, which is my mother who he is with and even though I'm not black I am his biological child. He is also isn't an Arab and I'm not a teenager. Enjoy your day now!"

I smiled sweetly then skipped off to find my parents leaving Colonel Sanders and his wife baffled and still as statues in the middle of Main Street. My mother thought it was hilarious when I told her, although my dad was a little grossed out!

I am sorry that you had to hear something so stupid about your family.

I hate to say it but it sounds like something my grandmother would have said. First, she couldn't hear so she would shout it so loud everyone would hear. Second, because she was so old she thought she was invincible and everything she said was just the way it was. Try to tell her different and she would chew you out for suggesting she was stupid when she was so much older and knew everything while she slapped you.

Some people are just way too ignorant and judgemental for their own good.
My mum, dad and I were at Magic Kingdom last year when something I found hilarious but was actually very ignorant happened. Firstly, my Dad is black and muslim and my mum is white and catholic, they are both in their early 60's and I am 25 and look more spanish than anything but you couldn't look at my parents and then look at me and not say we share our facial features, my skin is a pale olive colour. We also live in Britain and always thought that the US were more accepting of mixed race couples.

Anyway, we were walking down Main Street when this older southern gentleman in his seventies (he looked like the KFC man complete with white suit and dicky bow) stopped in his tracks, stared at us and said to his wife, "Goodness gracious, honey, would you look at that? That A-rab man has two wives. Two WHITE wives and look at how young that one is! She's only a teenager. Well I never!"

My parents didn't hear this and he was literally pointing his walking stick at us. I took about two steps and ran back to Colonel Sanders and his wife, as I did so, they looked petrified and I very politely said, "Excuse me, I just thought I would let you know that the man you were talking about is my Dad and he only has one wife, which is my mother who he is with and even though I'm not black I am his biological child. He is also isn't an Arab and I'm not a teenager. Enjoy your day now!"

I smiled sweetly then skipped off to find my parents leaving Colonel Sanders and his wife baffled and still as statues in the middle of Main Street. My mother thought it was hilarious when I told her, although my dad was a little grossed out!

Please don't assume all of us in the US are as ignorant as these people! I'm sorry you had to hear that, but I love how you set them straight. :flower3:
What ignorance! I am sorry you had to go through that.

I am sorry that you had to hear something so stupid about your family.

I hate to say it but it sounds like something my grandmother would have said. First, she couldn't hear so she would shout it so loud everyone would hear. Second, because she was so old she thought she was invincible and everything she said was just the way it was. Try to tell her different and she would chew you out for suggesting she was stupid when she was so much older and knew everything while she slapped you.

Some people are just way too ignorant and judgemental for their own good.

Please don't assume all of us in the US are as ignorant as these people! I'm sorry you had to hear that, but I love how you set them straight. :flower3:

Thanks, everyone :flower3:. I know it was just ignorance and honestly, we were able to laugh about it and now when people stare if the three of us are out my mum says, "Maybe they think Dad has two wives!". Also we will be paying our 15th trip to Florida very soon so it hasn't put us off, we know most people are accepting and don't bat an eyelid in the States! I don't mind being "different" by being mixed race, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same!

On similar subject, in the same trip we went to SeaWorld and saw loads of the polygamous families (the Warren Jeff type ones in their dress and hairstyles) and no one stared at them! Hope I'M not being ignorant in saying that!


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