Crazy things you've heard people say about Covid-19

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The owner of the company I was laid off from in April posted that video and firmly believes this is all an effort by the government to control us. At the very beginning of Covid she called a team meeting and told us that oil of oregano was PROVEN to get rid of the virus in 20 minutes. If only the CDC knew that! 🙄 Her and her husband pretty much mocked anyone who was nervous about it or wore a mask, she continues to post quotes like “faith over fear”, etc. Uh it’s not fear, it’s science! Needless to say, other than the paycheck I’m not sad I don’t work for them anymore.
I've heard some interesting comments from people I know over the past few months:
  • "We're social distancing with our neighbors across the street because 1 of them is immune compromised." Followed later by "We had a big get together with 10 neighbors & all of their kids to hang around the fire pit last Saturday night" in front yard of immune compromised neighbor. Nobody wore masks & there was no social distancing. Yet same person has also said, "I don't feel safe going to the grocery store."
  • "I'm worried about traveling to ___ because I'm afraid that there's a bunch of Karens going around without masks and spitting on people." :rolleyes1
  • "My child has a compromised immune system, so no children should be allowed to go back to school in person until the pandemic is over."
  • "Only __political_group_I_don't_like_ refuse to wear masks."
  • "I don't have to wear a mask. __Deity_I_worship_ will save me." Um, _Deity_you_worship_ also gave you wisdom to gather facts & information and make an informed decision.
99% of Covid cases are totally harmless

Guess it depends on what is meant by totally harmless. If one always speaks in ambiguous generic terms then very little can ever contradict the statements.

Also I think confusion about statistical terms has lead to mass miscommunication, from everyday conversation all the way to the top levels.

Let's calculate this out. So 99% of cases are harmless. We have 2,343,757 cases that have resolved one way or the other. Yes I know we have far more cases than that but the rest have not resolved yet so we do not know what the outcome is. 99% harmless would be the same thing as 1% harmful. That 1% is 23438. Subtracting that harmful figure from the total death count, That would mean that about 130,000 of the deaths were harmless!!!!! If one prefers including cases that have not resolved in the equation too, it still means about 108,000 of the deaths were harmless!!!!

Mommy. Where's Grandma?
Well Timmy she died. But you'll be pleased to know she's one of the 108,000 harmless deaths.
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I'm getting really irked at the "I'm not cowering in fear" and "I refuse to let fear control me" nonsense.

Why don't you just go lick a cobra if you're so "fearless"? Fear exists for a very good reason. We have Darwin Awards for people who don't listen to it.

What kind of monster doesn't find the idea of saying goodbye to their intubated loved one via Facetime absolutely terrifying? Or being the reason someone else has to do that???
You shouldn’t wear a mask because you breathe in your own carbon dioxide.
I can’t wear a mask because I have breathing issues (usually said loudly)
video kind of refuted that. One doctor breathed though, progressively, six disposable masks and his oxygen level doesn't drop at all.
An In-law of mine (former nurse) is spreading around that "everyone" is getting paid $800 to claim they've tested positive.
Well, hospitals are getting additional money from Medicare when treating COVID19 patients, so, same thing. Right? What do you mean, "no"?
And yes, I know a "homeopathic practitioner" who has told me that the only people that die from this are people who've had a flu shot in the past......:headache::headache::headache: so he feels safe and doesn't need a mask. Or to socially distance at all.
Well, I don't feel safe being treated by a homeopath, so we're (be and I, not you and I) even ;).
getting really irked at the "I'm not cowering in fear" and "I refuse to let fear control me" nonsense.
Ah, geeze, really? Because I'm not cowering in fear. I'm just doing what I can to reduce my chances of exposure to something that could kill me. I wear masks outside my apartment, and I do my best to stay away from people.

I also avoid poisonous snakes (okay, all snakes), woods during hunting season, jaywalking across busy roads, breathing carbon monoxide...
Another one I heard was "I have a couple of friends who are nurses. Both got it and it was just the sniffles (not even flu!)" "They also told me that if you have it and have to go to the hospital, don't let them put you on a ventilator because it'll kill you."

So that person, even if dying for air will not authorize being put on a ventilator.

Anyone hear one about the vaccine number being 666, yet?
Another one I heard was "I have a couple of friends who are nurses. Both got it and it was just the sniffles (not even flu!)" "They also told me that if you have it and have to go to the hospital, don't let them put you on a ventilator because it'll kill you."

So that person, even if dying for air will not authorize being put on a ventilator.

Anyone hear one about the vaccine number being 666, yet?

That’s awesome. Give me some 666 to keep the virus away. :)
Apparently I work with a woman-nut job-who feels that masks will compromise your immune system.I can't even....
Okay - here's the goofiest one yet. You know how people are going around saying that the government is calling all the car accidents and cancer deaths and everything else as coronavirus? Well I had some dingbat on Facebook try to say that if someone went to the doctor's office with a tick, it gets logged as a coronavirus. Of course, I called bull on that, but she insisted that she knew somebody. After some more skepticism from me, she said "The doctor pulled off the tick and held it up and asked my friend if he could call it coronavirus". Oh.. my... Lord. The doctor was joking about naming a tick "coronavirus" and this dingbat's friend, who has no sense of humor (not that the doctor's joke is hilarious, but he's a doctor not a stand-up comedian) thinks he's asking if he can report it to the authorities as a case of coronavirus. Facebook is a cesspool of idiots.
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