Cruise's (Chris) Accountability/Sap Journal :) (comments welcome)

Food has been okay so far today. Not over indulged in anything and don't plan on it today. I felt miserable this morning with the bloating so I'm watching it today.

I heard from the ENT and he talked with my regular doc and I now have to talk to my regular doc (who was out of the office today but will be in tomorrow) and he is going to help me coordinate the next steps.

Just wanted to check in. Got a huge busy weekend.

Chris, I'll be praying for you. Specifically, that your physicians would have wisdom & discernment regarding your health. Take care of yourself.
Hang in there Chris..
Let me know what the dr says--i know the waiting is the hard part, but the waiting will be over soon...hang in there and have a great weekend

Well, I haven't posted in a few days because I was having a hard time with things that have been going on in my life. I've been "jacked" around sort of with this thyroid thing and my doctors nurse but I'm not going to go into it. I have an appoinment next Thursday with a surgeon (one that I dealt with in the fall with some breast issues and I really have a lot of confidence in her and I really like how honest and open she is) to see what needs to be done and when we can do this.

My weight and eating has been horrendous. I gave my body a few days to really make sure TOM was gone (it was a very weird TOM) and it's officially gone but the weight gain isn't. So I'm up 3 pounds since last week and that puts me back at being at only 48 pounds off. I have really done this to myself and really working hard at regaining my motivation and eating better. I have been working out again this week, that is something that is very hard for me to do when TOM is here because of how bad it is for me. I went grocery shopping last night and got better foods again for me. I need to make a trip to Trader Joe's and get some unsalted almonds. I love almonds but I've been doing really well on watching the portion size but really bad with the salt gain. So I need to stay away from the salted nuts.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Life is just crazy right now and I haven't been able to get to journals since before the holidays and I really feel bad. I deeply apologize. I keep hoping to be able to get to them and then it doesn't happen.

Take care and I'll try to check in soon.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi, Chris. I'm sorry I haven't been around here. It sounds like you have so much stress in your life right now. I am sorry about all the uncertainty about your health and hope that the testing and treatment go quickly and successfully. It's great that you have jazzercise as an outlet and hopefully, you will continue to make time to go to those classes. Take care of yourself, sweetie. :hug:
It's easy to understand how you have let things slip this past week. Worrying about your health is no fun and way too stressful! I hope everything works out for you in that area.

Remember that the one bad week of eating and a couple lbs gained is not going to derail you in the long run. Once things calm down, you will be able to get back to working out consistently and journalling your food intake and get right back on track to your goal. Don't get discouraged and hang in there! :grouphug:
Keep hanging in there--i hate when drs do things to prolong the wait!
just so you know--TOM can be crazy with thyroid well as your appetite changing....hope things get better soon!
HI Chris,

Keep your head up. Things will get better. Don't be too hard on yourself for the way you have been Amy said, health issues and such are just way too stressful. You'll get back on track with time.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
Thanks guys. I think I'm pretty much back on track (except for the popcorn mishap last night - which was okay because I minimal butter and used butter/cheese shaker to replace that need but it was salty). I had misthought when I put up how much I had gained. I had, in total, gained 4 pounds and I thought it was less. I am now down 2 of those 4 pounds so I'm sitting at 50 off right now. Which made me happy. I really worked hard this past few days with working out and really watching what I'm eating. The one thing I keep forgetting is that I am upping my fruits and veggies but they also have calories and carbs, which is hard because I've been really getting myself trained to eat my fruits and veggies -they're suppose to be good for you right!!!! :)

Okay so I'm happy because I'm down 2 of those pounds but have to work hard to get the rest off. I broke down and bought some more pants that are a size bigger than the size I bought back in the fall. I think I bought them too small because when I would bloat I was extremely uncomfortable. So I'm feeling okay about that and more comfortable when I'm sitting at work.

So on to a new week. Got a very busy weekend ahead of me and that will help with foodwise. Next weekend Girl Scout cookies get here - this is gonna be hard but I think I can do it. I just have to remember that I can't sit down and eat the whole box in one sitting (not that I did but it sure seemed like it). And if I want cookies I have to stick to the portion or lower. I can do one cookie and still be okay. I can do it, I know I can (gotta keep telling myself that).

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I AM going to get to journals today because boss lady is gone!!!!! WHOOHOO

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Just wanted to offer a :hug: and let you know that I'll be thinking about you! Hope everything comes out ok w/ the thyroid thing. I agree with the others that you will get over this small gain. You already have gotten the first half out of the way and that 2nd half will come off too.
Stick with it :cheer2: and keep us posted. :sunny:

Well, my silver clippie is back. I'm officially back down to 52 pounds off. I've lost all that I gained last week. Now if I would not have gained all that weight then I would have been at 56 pounds off. I could so kick myself. But that just means that I have to keep this up so that I can get this off!!!!!!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend. I worked at a Girl Scout badge workshop that I helped host yesterday - 9.5 hours of constant moving but I only counted 2 hours of it for exercise. The heat went out in the building so it was nice to keep moving and moving fast just to stay warm. Yesterday we had wind chill advisory for our area and it was darned cold!!!!! The happy part is we'll be up to 10 degrees today - sad isn't it :)

Have a good day.
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Hi Chris. Don't we love those wind chills,lol. I think we got down to -40. My worst time is on the weekends when we just sit around the house. I do much better when I have to spend the day in my bus and I can't eat, but it makes it very hard to drink water. I asked Big V to do the Easter challege with me but I got the big NO. Keep up the good loss. Pam :cheer2:
You are doing a great job, especially with everything going on--congrats on the loss!!!!!!!!!!
Dont be too hard on yourself,,,theres always times that dont go how we would like them to--you can get through this and then focus on your weight!
Congrats on getting that clippie back! That is a huge step, can't wait to see the next one you get! :thumbsup2
Congrats on getting that clippie back....I knew you could do it!!!

Hang in are doing a great job!! Keep it up!

Well I'm pretty pleased this morning. I am down another pound. I've really been trying to watch what I'm eating to get this going again. I haven't been able to workout the last two nights and I was worried about that but it appears my stress level has been high enough that it has helped my metabolism some (that tends to happen to me when my stress level rises). So over the last week I have lost 5.5 pounds. However, I gained 4 pounds up to last Monday and so that makes the 5.5 not look so great. I'm upset with myself about that but am quickly getting over it.

Today I'm starving so I'm getting ready to go eat an apple. I've eaten the rest of my fruit for today, two pieces of toast with 2 TBSP peanut butter, and a fat free yogurt. We are having a lunch in our office and I don't want to go into that starving.

Hope everyone is having a good day. I see the surgeon tomorrow. My boss has been out sick for almost a week and I started really sniffling yesterday - I am hoping I'm not getting what she has (bronchitis and an ear infection) so I've been upping my vitamin c.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
congrats on the weight loss! you are doing great, despite everything going on..
how did the appointment with the surgeon go?
Congrats on the loss :thumbsup2

Praying for you that you get things taken care of with the surgeon, and you start feeling better. :sunny:
Boy Chris, I haven't checked in here in awhile. Sorry about that!

But, WOWZA girl!!! :thumbsup2 52 lbs GONE!!! :cheer2: :woohoo: :cool1: I am SOOOO, SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! :goodvibes :hug: :hyper:

What's with this surgeon talk tho? :confused3 Hope everything's ok. Let me/us know. ;)

Sorry that I haven't checked in for a few days (and that I haven't had a chance to email you Kim). Things have literally been nuts. I spent about 48 hours this past weekend doing volunteer work for the various things I'm involved in and when I wasn't doing that I was trying to spend time with my family.

I went to the surgeon on Thursday and she said that it appears to her that I just have an inflammed thyroid, which she has seen before. But to be sure she still wants to do an ultrasound and be ready for a needle aspiration if she sees a need to. She said the needle aspiration is not always conclusive and she really doesn't want to remove anything unless it's absolutely necessary because of all the organs and large vessels in that area. So I go for the ultrasound on Monday afternoon. I do have to say I was relieved. I'm still a bit scared but I'm feeling a bit more comfortable. I do need to talk to her more about this possible acid reflux because I've noticed it more the last couple of days.

Well weight loss has been non-moving again. I gained 4 pounds, lost 5.5 and then gained 1.5 this weekend. I've held steady the last 3 days at 52 pounds off. I didn't get to workout at all last week so I'm back to doing that and also purchased 3 Leslie Sansone WATP DVD's this weekend and a stretchie band to use on the nights I can't get to Jazzercise (or weekends). I also bought a "kickbox, stretch" DVD of hers too.

Yesterday I went a bit nuts - I'm Catholic and so today is a no meat/fast day. So yesterday for lunch we went and got burgers (and it was a huge and very good burger) and then I was sick last night. I think it must have been the grease from the burger. I haven't had a burger since July - CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!!! Well, maybe one but that would be it. It tasted soooo good, but I was so sick. So no more burgers for me, I just can't eat them. Today was little food - but a great grilled cheese sandwich for dinner - oh it was so good (I'm not a fish eater so this is going to be sad eatin' the next 6 weeks). I did try a LC Cheese Ravioli for lunch today and that was pretty good so I do have something I found that I will eat.

I had several people last night at Jazzercise come up to me and ask me if I've lost weight and then hugged me when I told them yes and how much. There is this instructor that is a little younger than me and she is really friendly and fun and she was just awesome. So that made me feel good - I also went shopping this weekend and got a shirt that was a size that I didn't think I'd get into and it fit nice - and showed my shapely figure that is coming about again. It felt good to wear it yesterday. I am finding I'm in that odd pattern again with clothes - I'm in between sizes. One size makes me look like I'm pregnant and the size lower is almost too snug. I hate that.

Well this month I have a new outlook on my weight loss. I've done some things over the last few weeks that proves I can move this weight off again. I'm going to kickstart my workouts again because I'm tired of being tired and sluggish. I'm going to try and do a workout when I get up to get Britt off to school on the early mornings rather than going back to bed (except for tomorrow since I didn't sleep well last night at all). So that's my goal for next week, might have to be a day at a time because I'm NOT a morning person.

Hope everyone is doing well and I keep you all in my thoughts. Sorry I have yet to get to journals - I do feel horrible about that. Work has been absolutely nuts and night has been even worse. And I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel until June, maybe. I have told my husband I'm giving up a good portion of my volunteer activities after this calendar year. I just can't keep this pace up and I can't miss out on Britt's fun the next two years - especially college visits. I just won't do it.

6 weeks until Hilton Head - I'M READY!!!!!
Keep on :banana: :banana: and keep on working on what you're doing - no matter what, do it for you!!!!


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