Daniella & Phil's TR( WP/ADH/Italy) Complete with pics/ video added 6/18

Right away we did our special dances. We wanted to get it over early before we ate so there was more time for everyone to have fun and not just sit there watching us. We aren’t a fan of being watched, we even picked a short song because of it. So we got up to dance to Tony Bennet and Michael Buble’s “Just in Time”. Phil and I don’t dance very well together, I have rhythm and he doesn’t. We did the best we could and even threw in a couple spins.

This is me dancing with my dad: Song:” The way you look tonight” Sanatra

Phil and his mom: This was Rod Stewart’s version of “What a Wonderful World” It was almost 5 minutes long so they dance and then got other to get up and dance too. So I grabbed my mom and danced with her. I was glad because she didn’t have anyone to dance with and it made her feel special.



After the dances our best man (Phil’s Brother) gave his speech. Let me tell you it was one of the best/funniest/entertaining speeches I have ever heard. We watch it over and over and end up laughing every time. We didn’t know he could be so funny. Even DJ Scooter was impressed because when it was over he said “ that was awesome, can I get a copy of that”.

Finally it was time to eat. DJ Scooter made everyone repeat after him.” I promise, not to go to the buffet, until somebody that works here says I can, so help me Walt” It was funny. So we got up first and had escorts to hold our plates, we felt like royalty. There was so much food, it was displayed so beautiful too.


We had a buffet with Chicken Marsala, Mahi Mahi piccata, roasted asparagus, Tom/moz salad and roasted potatos


We also had a carving station of beef tenderloin and a separate pasta station with 2 kinds of pasta- penne ala vodka and some veggies tossed with pasta in a garlic sauce. It was yummy!

I actually ate everything and remember it. A lot of girls say they don’t even eat, not me, I ate.
Just as the first people were finished the dancing got started. I was so happy to see people dance. I mean they were dancing right away, no one waiting for other to get out there. Next thing you know almost everyone is on the dance floor. I have no idea of the time but I would say about 45 minutes into the dance our special guest arrived.









As soon as Minnie and Mickey arrived it was like a mad rush to the dance floor. Everyone that wasn’t dancing came with cameras. It was just a huge surprise for most of our guest. I have to say at first we were skeptical if we should get them nor not but now I look back and it was priceless. I am so glad we did it. The danced with everyone! It thing about 20 minutes went by and I wanted pictures of the wedding party with Mickey and Minnie so we all headed outside to the boardwalk. Our ring bearer was in awe. Mickey grabbed his hand to walk him outside, its so cute, we have that on video. First Phil and I took pictures with them in the lobby and head outside.





At that point I thought Mickey and Minnie would have to leave, after all we only pay them for ½ hr. Well they came back inside and danced some more, at least another ½hr. I wanted to get a group picture of everyone with Mickey and Minnie and there was enough time for that too! I was so happy.


So after they leave most people are still dancing. In the mean time I walked over to the folks sitting at the side table, not big dancers, to say hi. I look over and I see the paramedics. I was like, what is going on? Here one of our guest’s kids was running up and down the steps, fell and sprained her ankle. Our niece Natalie was doing the same and fell and had a bloody lip. Her dress had blood all over it. I remember saying, “ its not my problem, their parents are here , they should have been watching them” and walked away. I was not going to let it worry me, I knew they were ok.


I love the photo of the little ones! How adorable. What a lovely day. The pirate ears were a great idea! And your cake is gorgeous!

Ah, we're posting at the same time. ;) I love that photo with everyone and Mickey & Minnie. Kudo's to you for not worrying about the hurt kids!

Thanks Denise- I wasn't going to let anything bother me that day.
Daniella - fabulous!!!!! everything looks so perfect - I'm so glad it was wonderful for you and Phil!! :flower3:

Michelle :cloud9:
I love your cake. So classy and elegant!

It looks like everyone had a great time :) More please!
I love your cake. So classy and elegant!

It looks like everyone had a great time :) More please!

I promise to post more. Thanks, I know that is where you had your reception, your TR is what made me seal the deal to use the ADH.
I just read your whole TR. The color of the girl's dresses were beautiful (I love green) Everything looked wonderful. Your cake was gorgeous too. I can't wait for more.
Beautiful pics! They bring back great memories, since we also had a WP/ADH wedding back in 2003. :)
Everything looks like to went great. I'm glad to hear that you were able to taste all your food. After our menu tasting I told my mom I don't care what happens at the reception as long as I have a chance to try our all our food and I'm sticking to that promise!

I can't wait to read about your dessert party.
Everything looks like to went great. I'm glad to hear that you were able to taste all your food. After our menu tasting I told my mom I don't care what happens at the reception as long as I have a chance to try our all our food and I'm sticking to that promise!

I can't wait to read about your dessert party.

Thanks! Yes the food was great! I really wanted to take in everything that was taking place that day. What was great is we made it to some of the coctail hour so we got to say hello and didn't have to spend time making sure we got around to everyone. I know alot of brides say it went by fast but i don't think it did in my case which I am happy about.
Beautiful pictures! I especially love the ones that you took with Mickey and Minnie. Very nice trip report!
The Dessert Party: Italy Isola

It was about 8:15 and the DJ made an announcement for everyone to board the busses at the Boardwalk Resort. So all 100 of us strolled down the boardwalk to the lobby where the busses met us. I wish I had taken pictures on the bus but I didn't think to tell anyone to. It was a fun ride over, although I didn't get to sit with my new hubby. It was a little bit crazy boarding the buses but as we drove through the back end of Ecpot the busses stopped and we were told to depart. Its amazing all the parking and security behind the scenes.

We finally made it to the Isola, it was a huge space but perfect for the amount of people we had. They had Phil and I walk over the bridge first and our guest trailed behind us. Oh yeah, I recieved a Year of a Million Dreams wish while we were walking in. The guide congradulated me and handed me special pins to share with someone else. It was a nice surprise. Anyway, We walked over the bridge and there was Randy and Kyla( videographer) waiting for us. Phil was ran to the restroom so we were waiting for him before we entered.
Waiting for Phil:


The mad rush in:

There was a huge round table and it was filled to the gill with all kind of scrumptous desserts! It was amazing, it was more than we expected. Really we were speachless! Just look at the pictures, you will understand.






The tables were set up for our guest with white linens and centerpieces that glowed with mickey confetti.


Everyone was in awe when they saw the dessert spread. I think this was the icing on the cake for our guest. They just couldn't believe how wonderful everything was and either could I. In addition to the dessert table there was a beverage table and 2 cast members working it. It had coffee, tea, dessert wine and punch.



So we quickly filled our plates with desserts,there was tiramisu, berries, chocolate, Rice crispie treats for the kids and italian pastries.

I noticed right away that the chocolate covered strawberries we requested to have were not there, I quickly went over the the cast member working the beverages and told her. Next thing you know she was booking it across the bridge. Later after she got back she told me they were on the way. Well, I was expecting just a small to medium size tray of strawberries. The cast member delivered the strawberries on this huge marbel slab, with at least 100 strawberries on it. I was very happy and every was very eager to grab one. Then a little later they came out with another slab full of strawberries. I think they messed up and were making up for it which was fine with us.
The night went on and we mingles abit before the Illuminates began. It was very cold, like 55-60 degrees. Everyone had jackets and sweaters except me. I must have been so happy that the cold really didn't bother me one bit. Everyone kept asking me if I was cold.
As Illuminations started we headed over to the bridge to view as Randy instructed. Lots of pictures were taken.


The area right next to the Isola had some sort of party or get together and when we kissed as Randy took a picture they all clapped. It was great!



Once Illuminates ended we headed back to the dessert table. I had packed a few zip lock bags so we could stash what ever was left. I was telling people to grab empty cups and take what they wanted. I hated to see it all go to waste. We cleared it out pretty good but there was still some left behind.

It was just a phonomenal day, we couldn't have asked for anything more or changed anything. We are so happy we made the decision to get married in Disney.

As we headed back to the busses I got another Wish, yes another set of pins from a different cast member. I took it graciously and thank her.

Finally we got back to the Boarwalk to stay our complimentary night in the honeymoon suite. Phil and I were finally alone. We found out our room# and head to the villa. It was so cute, but our living room was packed with all the flowers from the wedding that the bell hop had delivered including our cake. We just sat on the bed and talked for a while on how great everything was. We recalled special moments of the day, trying to make sure we don't forget them.

We tried to take a pictures of us in the suite, this was the best we could do:

The suite:

Our front yard( with the Heart):


It truly was one of the best days of our lives….a happily ever after for sure.

More to come…wedding week and home reception.
I love your Illuminations photos.

The dessert spread was quite impressive. The Isola looked gorgeous. Your guests must have been blown away!


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