Daughters who have lost their Mother

I see that I am not alone in this. I lost my mom on April 15 (two months ago) from a tornado that hit Missisppi. She was the only one that died in the storm that rip thru our small community. My dad died 15 yrs ago. So it had been mom & me for a while until I got married and had kids. I am the only child. Oh my, it has been to hard because mom was one of my best friends. We talked several times a day. Her birthday is July 9 which will be very hard for me since I was planning a surprise party for her. We went on our first disney trip in May, & I wanted to bad to call her & tell her all the characters and fun time we are having, but realized that she would never pick up the phone. She always told me (when I was planning the trip) to take plenty of pics of the kids and their excitement. I look at my phone everyday and wonder why mom hasn't call me today. I told my dh that I don't know how I am going to get thru the holidays without mom. I miss her so much. The hardest part is that I didn't tell her goodbye and I love her before we hung up an hr before the tornado hit. Please pray for me and I will do the same for you guys.

That must be so difficult for you :hug:. I was lucky enough to get to take my mom on our first trip to WDW and several others before she passed away, she was such a big kid there and loved it so much.

It is getting close to 3 years since I lost my mom and I still wonder why she hasn't called me today, and why can't I call her and tell her exciting news when I have it. I am an only child and we were very close, best friends, and it is very difficult, because I don't have other friends, except my husband and there are just some things he doesn't see as exciting that she would have.

Where in GA are you?

Remember we are here to listen and we all understand. The holiday's will be really tough, but focus hard on your children and that will help some. I dealt with the first years holidays at home, then decided that the next years we would go to Disney for Christmas, but this is the first year, we won't be going, we have to wait until Jan, and I am dreading it already.
Hi and :grouphug: to everyone here. I know you all know how I feel. I am really missing my mom more lately. I guess July will always be hard for me, since she died in July 2003. 8 years ago. And sometimes it seems like yesterday.

She was diagnosed with lung cancer in Feb 2003 and 5 months later she was gone. :sad1: She was only 58.

My mom was my best friend, and Disney planning was her thing. She passed that on to me, but everytime I plan a trip it is somewhat bittersweet.

My DD was only 4 when my mom died, and I know she really doesn't remember too much, which makes me so sad because my mom loved her sooo much and would have done anything for her!

I went to a Dis-meet last Sat, had fun, and sat with a great table of women. But I left feeling sad because 2 of the women (around my age) were there with their moms. They travel to WDW all the time with them, and it made me really miss the trips with my mom, and I know if she was still here, she'd be right on these boards with me, planning away.
I know I am very fortunate that I now get to plan trips for DD and I, and make the kind of memories with her that my mom and I had. But, I still can't help feeling sad about it sometimes too.

Just a hard day I guess. Thanks for listening!
Hi and :grouphug: to everyone here. I know you all know how I feel. I am really missing my mom more lately. I guess July will always be hard for me, since she died in July 2003. 8 years ago. And sometimes it seems like yesterday.

She was diagnosed with lung cancer in Feb 2003 and 5 months later she was gone. :sad1: She was only 58.

My mom was my best friend, and Disney planning was her thing. She passed that on to me, but everytime I plan a trip it is somewhat bittersweet.

Hugs to you too!:hug: Keep the traditions going and you'll build wonderful memories with you DD.

July is rough for me too as my Mom passed away in July 1998 at 59 from cancer. Lucky for me June/July are really busy at work so it doesn't let me dwell on it for to long.
I miss my mom too. I really didnt even have time to grieve as I had to take in my 90 year old grandma who lived with her and I was recovering from surgery which I had complications from and almost died from like a week before that.

Now I have been fighting cancer all this year. I really wish my mom was around to encourage me and give me a hug etc. Her best friend lives in the next state. I call her aunt and she talks to me on the phone alot, I love her like a mom, but I miss my real mom.

Hope you'll except a :hug: from me.
I lost my Mom in 95 and miss her every day.
Hi and :grouphug: to everyone here. I know you all know how I feel. I am really missing my mom more lately. I guess July will always be hard for me, since she died in July 2003. 8 years ago. And sometimes it seems like yesterday.

She was diagnosed with lung cancer in Feb 2003 and 5 months later she was gone. :sad1: She was only 58.

My mom was my best friend, and Disney planning was her thing. She passed that on to me, but everytime I plan a trip it is somewhat bittersweet.

My DD was only 4 when my mom died, and I know she really doesn't remember too much, which makes me so sad because my mom loved her sooo much and would have done anything for her!

I went to a Dis-meet last Sat, had fun, and sat with a great table of women. But I left feeling sad because 2 of the women (around my age) were there with their moms. They travel to WDW all the time with them, and it made me really miss the trips with my mom, and I know if she was still here, she'd be right on these boards with me, planning away.
I know I am very fortunate that I now get to plan trips for DD and I, and make the kind of memories with her that my mom and I had. But, I still can't help feeling sad about it sometimes too.

Just a hard day I guess. Thanks for listening!

I totally understand! My mom died of small cell lung cancer 3 and 1/2 months after diagnoses. That was 5 years ago and many days it feels like yesterday. She too was my best friend. We would talk on the phone many times daily. Hang in there---even on those hard days. Pass all that disney fun down to your daughter and she will have those wonderful memories to cherish just like you have of your mom. As for that feeling of sadness sometimes I don't think it goes away it just teaches us how precious life is and reminds us to make all the memories we can so others will remember us with smiles on their faces. Always remember this disboard site is a great place to find someone else who does understand what you are going through. :)
I totally understand! My mom died of small cell lung cancer 3 and 1/2 months after diagnoses. That was 5 years ago and many days it feels like yesterday. She too was my best friend. We would talk on the phone many times daily. Hang in there---even on those hard days. Pass all that disney fun down to your daughter and she will have those wonderful memories to cherish just like you have of your mom. As for that feeling of sadness sometimes I don't think it goes away it just teaches us how precious life is and reminds us to make all the memories we can so others will remember us with smiles on their faces. Always remember this disboard site is a great place to find someone else who does understand what you are going through. :)

Thanks kimis, it is true...I definitely realize so much more now how short life can be, and I try to do as much as I can in the time I have, especially when it comes to making wonderful memories with my DD.
I'm glad there are others who do understand here...none of my friends have lost a parent, so don't truly know how hard it can be.
:hug: to you for having to go through all of it too!
Hugs to you too!:hug: Keep the traditions going and you'll build wonderful memories with you DD.

July is rough for me too as my Mom passed away in July 1998 at 59 from cancer. Lucky for me June/July are really busy at work so it doesn't let me dwell on it for to long.

:hug: for your comments, and because July is hard on you as well. I see all the trips you have planned in your signature! Have great trips!
Hi everyone...

My 50 year old mom died on May 18 of this year, three weeks after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am starting to get out of the black hole of grief and depression that I've been in. I have a baby boy. so I am trying to be a happy mommy for him, but it's hard. Losing my mom changed my identity completely. I feel lost sometimes...
Hi everyone...

My 50 year old mom died on May 18 of this year, three weeks after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am starting to get out of the black hole of grief and depression that I've been in. I have a baby boy. so I am trying to be a happy mommy for him, but it's hard. Losing my mom changed my identity completely. I feel lost sometimes...

First, I am so sorry for your loss - hugs to you :hug: My Mom died at 48 when my daughter was 6 months old and my sons were 4 and 6. I can honestly tell you it's hard to remember the first 6 months after she died - thank goodness we have videos and pics of the children during that time, because I honestly felt like a zombie going through the motions. She was my best friend, and I saw her every day, so I can agree with you when you say it changed your identity completely - Even after 15 years, I miss her terribly and I know I have made choices with my life I would never have had she still been here (like jobs and moving). But you learn to adapt, you try your best to be a great mom for your children to make your Mom proud, and the pain does become a little less sharp with time. :littleangel:
Hi everyone...

My 50 year old mom died on May 18 of this year, three weeks after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am starting to get out of the black hole of grief and depression that I've been in. I have a baby boy. so I am trying to be a happy mommy for him, but it's hard. Losing my mom changed my identity completely. I feel lost sometimes...

I am so sorry for your loss...I can so identify with you, I feel like I lost myself for right at a year. I just didn't care about anybody or anything, it is probably a miracle my DH didn't leave me and that I didn't lose my job. I was transferred to a different supervisor and to a new office and that was what broke me out of my own little world. I am so greatful to my supervisor...who shares a birthday with my mother...I think it was fate.

I am not the same person I was before, but I am not in that world of depression that I was then. Don't force yourself to change, let time do what it is supposed to.

My mom passed away 3 years ago this past Friday and I made it through, especially because of my husband.

I am glad this board is still around that I started. I have been going through a rough time lately and sadly I may not be alive much longer. It is so nice to see so much support on here and I hope you guys will keep this board going in honor of my memory.
Take care and may God bless all of you and ease your pain.
Hi everyone...

My 50 year old mom died on May 18 of this year, three weeks after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I am starting to get out of the black hole of grief and depression that I've been in. I have a baby boy. so I am trying to be a happy mommy for him, but it's hard. Losing my mom changed my identity completely. I feel lost sometimes...

:hug: to you. Take it one day at a time and with time your pain will ease it just might seem like it now but it will.
I am glad this board is still around that I started. I have been going through a rough time lately and sadly I may not be alive much longer. It is so nice to see so much support on here and I hope you guys will keep this board going in honor of my memory.
Take care and may God bless all of you and ease your pain.

Now, Shelly, don't talk like that. You do have alot of support here. If you need to talk, I am just a PM away, I am on facebook, and I would even be happy to talk to you on the phone, DH works at night, so I am home with only the cats to talk to...LOL

I am going to ask for prayers for a little girl (she is 9 or 10) in our community, her 40 year old mother passed away on Sunday afternoon probably from a stroke. She dances with my cousins and her mother was very involved with her as well as the rest of the little girls, she was also on our local police force. She will be laid to rest this morning.

I feel so sorry for this little girl, she and her mother were as close as my mother and I were. My cousin read me a note she had laid on her mother's chest at the visitation and I just cried, I knew them both but not as well.
I lost my mom about 15 years ago in 1996 she passed on my 14th birthday of lung cancer.I lived with her and my grandma (my dad's mom ) they was really close after my dad bailed on us his choice he wanted boys not girls and i was his first girl and he came back in my life so many times but promises my kids to go and do something and then doesn't show just like he did to me and I told him that was enought just to leave us alone but anyways back to my mom, I miss her so much, I wish she could have seen my kids and meet my hubby.

In 2003 I had my first son Caleb and was the best little baby and he passed away from sids on feb 9th 2004 he was only 4 months old

Then about 5 years ago my grandma (my dad's mom) passed away 10 years and 1 week after my mom did. She had breast cancer then it spread to the liver and lungs.
I miss them all so much I don't really have a favorite memory just all of them i guess
I am glad this board is still around that I started. I have been going through a rough time lately and sadly I may not be alive much longer. It is so nice to see so much support on here and I hope you guys will keep this board going in honor of my memory.
Take care and may God bless all of you and ease your pain.

Shelly, What is wrong? Did I miss something? Are you okay? Stupid question, Kim...obviously you are not okay!

Is there anything we can do? Hugs :grouphug:to you right now and please let us at least try to help! :goodvibes
That is so sad. That poor little thing.

Now, Shelly, don't talk like that. You do have alot of support here. If you need to talk, I am just a PM away, I am on facebook, and I would even be happy to talk to you on the phone, DH works at night, so I am home with only the cats to talk to...LOL

I am going to ask for prayers for a little girl (she is 9 or 10) in our community, her 40 year old mother passed away on Sunday afternoon probably from a stroke. She dances with my cousins and her mother was very involved with her as well as the rest of the little girls, she was also on our local police force. She will be laid to rest this morning.

I feel so sorry for this little girl, she and her mother were as close as my mother and I were. My cousin read me a note she had laid on her mother's chest at the visitation and I just cried, I knew them both but not as well.
I lost my mom on 12 Sept. 2011.
She had Alzheimers and heart disease, it was a stroke that took her.
I was informed of her " not going to make it thru the night", as I was trying to wake up from the 2 am call. I got out of bed to call my boss, I was called again to let me know she was with my dad. And uninvited to come to California for the services... I wasnt wanted there.
Arrangements were made the week before when she had the stroke and put into the hospital. I knew nothing of this. My brother and sisters were there to say good bye and make her arrangments. Im glad she didnt go alone.
Im sad that I wasnt included in her last week, just to hold her hand one last time. I figured the last time I did see her would be our last time together, so I really did get to say good bye.

I lost my mom on 12 Sept. 2011.
She had Alzheimers and heart disease, it was a stroke that took her.
I was informed of her " not going to make it thru the night", as I was trying to wake up from the 2 am call. I got out of bed to call my boss, I was called again to let me know she was with my dad. And uninvited to come to California for the services... I wasnt wanted there.
Arrangements were made the week before when she had the stroke and put into the hospital. I knew nothing of this. My brother and sisters were there to say good bye and make her arrangments. Im glad she didnt go alone.
Im sad that I wasnt included in her last week, just to hold her hand one last time. I figured the last time I did see her would be our last time together, so I really did get to say good bye.


I am so sorry for your loss Ann.

It must be very distressing for you to lose your mum and not be included in the arrangements for her funeral and I sorry that you have to endure this additional pain.

Perhaps you can find your own way to say 'goodbye' and honor your mum's life.

Please know that I am thinking of you:hug:

I am so sorry for your loss Ann.

It must be very distressing for you to lose your mum and not be included in the arrangements for her funeral and I sorry that you have to endure this additional pain.

Perhaps you can find your own way to say 'goodbye' and honor your mum's life.

Please know that I am thinking of you:hug:


Thanks. We have planned a balloon release for her tomorrow. And a dinner at her fav mexican place. We all have to eat a chile!:scared1:

I lost my Mom in 1993 when I was only 18.

She passed away from Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) after a 5 year battle.

She missed all my major milestones - graduations, wedding, grandchildren, etc.

I miss her more than anything, she was my best friend. Even now, 18 years later, I get teary eye'd just thinking of her.


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