Daughters who have lost their Mother

Thanks. We have planned a balloon release for her tomorrow. And a dinner at her fav mexican place. We all have to eat a chile!:scared1:


The balloon release and dinner sound very special.
Good luck with the chilli, I hope it's not too hot.

:hug: Quasar
I lost my Mom in 1993 when I was only 18.

She passed away from Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) after a 5 year battle.

She missed all my major milestones - graduations, wedding, grandchildren, etc.

I miss her more than anything, she was my best friend. Even now, 18 years later, I get teary eye'd just thinking of her.

I am so sorry you lost your mum at such a young age:hug:
A part of your mum will always be with you at those special milestones but it is not the same as being physically there and I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you.

I happened upon a great book tonite at the library called Feathers Brush My Heart (true stories of mothers touching their daughters' lives after death), by Sinclair Browning. It has short stories in it about how mothers contact their daughters through dreams, objects, etc. and show that their love, care and concern for us never really dies.

I have been missing my mom a lot lately, more so than usual, and she has been gone for more than 8 years, so I was glad to see this book. I really relate to the stories, because I truly feel my mom has been there for me at times. It is a long story, but we relate seeing a red cardinal as a sign of my mom being there, and cardinals have shown up at times that are too odd to be coincidental. I know it was her, just showing me she is still there, and watching over me.

I have only read 2 stories in the book so far, but know it will be a comfort. So, thought I'd share it!
:hug: to all!
Just saw this thread.

Unfortunately I also can say that we lost my wife to breast cancer on April 28, 2010 after a 4 year battle. She was a wonderful mother to our 2 children daughter 11 and son 7. It is such a nasty disease, she never stopped fighting it right up to the end. Her strength is certainly in our children, they don't let anything stop them. We all miss our loved ones so much, but also we must keep moving forward thats what they all would want.
Just saw this thread.

Unfortunately I also can say that we lost my wife to breast cancer on April 28, 2010 after a 4 year battle. She was a wonderful mother to our 2 children daughter 11 and son 7. It is such a nasty disease, she never stopped fighting it right up to the end. Her strength is certainly in our children, they don't let anything stop them. We all miss our loved ones so much, but also we must keep moving forward thats what they all would want.[/QUOTE

I am so sorry that you lost your wife at such a young age.:hug:

You are right that no matter what happens in life we must go on but sometimes it is a difficult journey.

Big :grouphug: to you and your precious children. It must be a blessing to see your wife's strength in your children.

Just saw this thread.

Unfortunately I also can say that we lost my wife to breast cancer on April 28, 2010 after a 4 year battle. She was a wonderful mother to our 2 children daughter 11 and son 7. It is such a nasty disease, she never stopped fighting it right up to the end. Her strength is certainly in our children, they don't let anything stop them. We all miss our loved ones so much, but also we must keep moving forward thats what they all would want.

:hug: I'm so sorry
I lost my mom in 2004. She used to go with us to Disneyland. I remember the first year we went without her (2001- after her cancer dx).
I lost my mom for the final time on Saturday, 10/22. :sad1:

It was suppose to be a happy day as it was our 35th Wedding Anniversary. My husband and I had nothing really special planned, just time with each other and our oldest son. We happened to be in his town that weekend getting some winterizing done to my mother's Ohio home.

The call came early in the morning. She had passed away, alone, in a bed, in an institution in FL.

I remember my last words to her, "Mom, It will be okay." The words were so inadequate for the situation at hand.

It was seven months and 7 days before her death. She was being taken away from me and her home. She was placed by her sons into an institution in FL, where according to them she would get care. My father, her husband had died three days earlier. His wishes were for me to care for her. It was in his will and before his death the entire family had agreed to it.

I will never understand what went down. I will never get over the pain of seeing her ripped away. She was so upset and wanted me.

A new widow who is 92 years old should not be taken from everything they know and hold dear! :sad2:

She had dementia but she had very lucid times. She knew what she wanted and she understood what they were doing to her. She begged me to hide her away and find a way to stop them from taking her from her home. I tried every legal thing I could think of to stop them.

I lost Mom to dementia, my Mama appeared. She was a very different person from my Mom, but still a pretty great person. I lost my Mama to my brothers and their greed. Losing her three times has been impossibly difficult.

I am so glad she is now at peace and in Heaven. :cloud9: She knows that I kept every promise made to her and to dad. I will live a good life to celebrate hers!

She was the most amazing mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife and friend. We who loved her most, are happy that she is no longer suffering!
I lost my mom for the final time on Saturday, 10/22. :sad1:

It was suppose to be a happy day as it was our 35th Wedding Anniversary. My husband and I had nothing really special planned, just time with each other and our oldest son. We happened to be in his town that weekend getting some winterizing done to my mother's Ohio home.

The call came early in the morning. She had passed away, alone, in a bed, in an institution in FL.

I remember my last words to her, "Mom, It will be okay." The words were so inadequate for the situation at hand.

It was seven months and 7 days before her death. She was being taken away from me and her home. She was placed by her sons into an institution in FL, where according to them she would get care. My father, her husband had died three days earlier. His wishes were for me to care for her. It was in his will and before his death the entire family had agreed to it.

I will never understand what went down. I will never get over the pain of seeing her ripped away. She was so upset and wanted me.

A new widow who is 92 years old should not be taken from everything they know and hold dear! :sad2:

She had dementia but she had very lucid times. She knew what she wanted and she understood what they were doing to her. She begged me to hide her away and find a way to stop them from taking her from her home. I tried every legal thing I could think of to stop them.

I lost Mom to dementia, my Mama appeared. She was a very different person from my Mom, but still a pretty great person. I lost my Mama to my brothers and their greed. Losing her three times has been impossibly difficult.

I am so glad she is now at peace and in Heaven. :cloud9: She knows that I kept every promise made to her and to dad. I will live a good life to celebrate hers!

She was the most amazing mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife and friend. We who loved her most, are happy that she is no longer suffering!

I am so sorry that you have lost your mum, it must have been a very difficult dealing with all these ongoing losses over the past few years.

Hold on to you happy memories and please know that I am thinking of you and your family during this sad time:grouphug:

My mom died at the age of 78 on 11/6/01, so it is her 10 year anniversary. We lost her to early onset alzheimers and she was in a nursing home since 1997. She was loving and trusting and the aids at the nursing home loved her and took good care of her. She did not speak for the last 3 years of her life, but my dad, sisters & I visited often. I still miss her. She loved Disney, and even when she was sick I took her to Universal and WDW.
So sorry for your loss honey :hug:
It sounds as though your Mom lead a very long and happy life until her dementia hit.
Your Mom & Dad had a long life together and they say when one passes on so does the other. Take comfort that the two of them are together again.
I know hard it is not to be there when she passes but remember she loves you. So hold that thought in your heart as you try to get through this very rough time.

On another note..I have been to Canfield Ohio. Went there to see Jo Dee Messina at the fair a few years ago.
Hugs to you :hug:

I lost my mom for the final time on Saturday, 10/22. :sad1:

It was suppose to be a happy day as it was our 35th Wedding Anniversary. My husband and I had nothing really special planned, just time with each other and our oldest son. We happened to be in his town that weekend getting some winterizing done to my mother's Ohio home.

The call came early in the morning. She had passed away, alone, in a bed, in an institution in FL.

I remember my last words to her, "Mom, It will be okay." The words were so inadequate for the situation at hand.

It was seven months and 7 days before her death. She was being taken away from me and her home. She was placed by her sons into an institution in FL, where according to them she would get care. My father, her husband had died three days earlier. His wishes were for me to care for her. It was in his will and before his death the entire family had agreed to it.

I will never understand what went down. I will never get over the pain of seeing her ripped away. She was so upset and wanted me.

A new widow who is 92 years old should not be taken from everything they know and hold dear! :sad2:

She had dementia but she had very lucid times. She knew what she wanted and she understood what they were doing to her. She begged me to hide her away and find a way to stop them from taking her from her home. I tried every legal thing I could think of to stop them.

I lost Mom to dementia, my Mama appeared. She was a very different person from my Mom, but still a pretty great person. I lost my Mama to my brothers and their greed. Losing her three times has been impossibly difficult.

I am so glad she is now at peace and in Heaven. :cloud9: She knows that I kept every promise made to her and to dad. I will live a good life to celebrate hers!

She was the most amazing mother, grandmother, great grandmother, wife and friend. We who loved her most, are happy that she is no longer suffering!
I lost my mom this past year 12/19/11, 19 days after we found out that she had cancer. She would have been 72 later this month.

She was able to come home and spend her last couple days at home with family at her side. If it was not for the excellent help Hospice helped provide I do not know what we would have done.

I am not sure I have really come to terms yet. It just seems like a dream and I will wake up and she will be here. We were starting to plan for our next WDW trip and she kept telling me she was not going to be able to come. Not sure WDW will ever be the same as my mom came with us every time we went.
I lost my mom this past year 12/19/11, 19 days after we found out that she had cancer. She would have been 72 later this month.

She was able to come home and spend her last couple days at home with family at her side. If it was not for the excellent help Hospice helped provide I do not know what we would have done.

I am not sure I have really come to terms yet. It just seems like a dream and I will wake up and she will be here. We were starting to plan for our next WDW trip and she kept telling me she was not going to be able to come. Not sure WDW will ever be the same as my mom came with us every time we went.

First of all, I am so sorry for your loss and right at the holidays :hug:

That sounds exctly how I talked when I lost my mom and I still have difficult days, especially holidays. I still have times I wish I would wake up or that I could have 1 more day, or just some time to talk to her when she can talk back.

My experience was a bit different, my mother passed unexpectedly and very quickly, talk about a shock. Hospice was a blessing when my grandmother passed away.

The first thing I wanted to do after her funeral was to take off and go to WDW, because I thought I would feel closer to her there. Our trips are so bittersweet now with her memories, I always kind of feel her presence when we're there and we always make sure to do something that she liked to do like ride IASW.

You will eventually feel better, I didn't believe that when everyone told me that, but it does get better, although it will never disappear.
Here is a big :hug::hug::hug: for you. I can see how it feels like a dream to you after lossing your Mom. The holidays came and you have been if fast forward for a few weeks now.
Now that the holidays are over it may hit you so have your support network close by. Remember we are here too. We have walked in your shoes and will help you through this.
Planning a WDW trip is a great diversion. When are you going? Where will you be staying at?

I lost my mom this past year 12/19/11, 19 days after we found out that she had cancer. She would have been 72 later this month.

She was able to come home and spend her last couple days at home with family at her side. If it was not for the excellent help Hospice helped provide I do not know what we would have done.

I am not sure I have really come to terms yet. It just seems like a dream and I will wake up and she will be here. We were starting to plan for our next WDW trip and she kept telling me she was not going to be able to come. Not sure WDW will ever be the same as my mom came with us every time we went.
I lost my mom this past year 12/19/11, 19 days after we found out that she had cancer. She would have been 72 later this month.

She was able to come home and spend her last couple days at home with family at her side. If it was not for the excellent help Hospice helped provide I do not know what we would have done.

I am not sure I have really come to terms yet. It just seems like a dream and I will wake up and she will be here. We were starting to plan for our next WDW trip and she kept telling me she was not going to be able to come. Not sure WDW will ever be the same as my mom came with us every time we went.

:hug::hug::hug:I am sorry for your loss. I lost my mother almost 9 months ago. And sometimes I still feels like its a dream too. I have gotten thru my first holidays without her. I remembered telling my mom that I was going to take her on our second trip to WDW this yr. Like your mom, she said the same thing that she isn't going to be here much longer to see that magical place. I think that both of your moms knew that their time on this Earth was not going to be long.

It has been difficult at times especially when I want to talk to her. Yesterday, I got a chance to talk to her friend up north. Mom and her friend use to talk twice a wk. Mom's friend is an elderly lady and mom would call to check on her. Mom's friend missed her dearly and had a few crying spells on the phone. I amazed myself that I handled it well...I cried too but at the same time was consoling her too. She missed those calls and talking to mom just like me. Next month, I decided to take grief support class at a local church. I heard that it is a wonderful support program. I believe that it is nationwide. It's called griefshare.org if anybody wants to check it out.

Thanks for keeping this thread going....
I want to offer my most sincere condolences to everyone here. I have seen this thread but haven't read any posts, until this morning. I thought even opening it up would just start a whole new 'can of worms' so to speak.

And get this... it's been 13 years since my mom was cured of cancer. I say "cured of cancer" because even the terminology of "died..." vs. "cured..." seems to help my mindset. 13 years and some days it still feels like it just happened, although it does get less raw.

I'll say more later, but I wanted to add my support to those of you who are in a very raw state of suffering right now. I know what it's like, yet we're all so different in our grief. My best friend also passed, 2 years ago, at age 40, from breast cancer, she left her 2 sweet kiddos behind... ages 12 and 9. I try to help them through as best I can, but ... well, you all know... that is something that almost has to be journeyed at their own pace.

Sending you all a lot of love right now... I wish you all more good days than bad, and I hope for you all to allow your sweet memories to wrap themselves around you and comfort you.

Ever have one of those days where you really need your Mom? Today is one of those days. I need some hugs and compassion today :( and a few prayers to keep me going.
Shelly F.... consider yourself hugged!!!


I just said a prayer for you, and for everyone who is suffering.

There's a passage in The Secret Life Of Bees, and this isn't an exact quote, but the sentiment has always stuck with me. A motherless child is told by a woman who is her guardian of sorts, and very nurturing towards her, "Sometimes we have to learn to mother ourselves." Again, not an exact quote, but the explanation goes on to say that we learn to do what we need to to comfort ourselves, we get to know ourselves---our needs and our wants--- better, and then learn to compensate as best we can by nurturing ourselves.

Not even close to having your own mom though.
Some times I just need a hug and reassurance that everything will be okay :(

Shelly F.... consider yourself hugged!!!


I just said a prayer for you, and for everyone who is suffering.

There's a passage in The Secret Life Of Bees, and this isn't an exact quote, but the sentiment has always stuck with me. A motherless child is told by a woman who is her guardian of sorts, and very nurturing towards her, "Sometimes we have to learn to mother ourselves." Again, not an exact quote, but the explanation goes on to say that we learn to do what we need to to comfort ourselves, we get to know ourselves---our needs and our wants--- better, and then learn to compensate as best we can by nurturing ourselves.

Not even close to having your own mom though.
Ever have one of those days where you really need your Mom? Today is one of those days. I need some hugs and compassion today :( and a few prayers to keep me going.

Some times I just need a hug and reassurance that everything will be okay :(

I know exactly how that feels. I just have to sit down and cry and that seems to help.


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