DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning all.

Cloudy day here in the north, bit of rain in the forecast. Working on some quotes today and it is sad to see the price for a WDW package. Getting pretty tough for people to afford it, especially if they stay on property.

Have a great Thursday.
Working on some quotes today and it is sad to see the price for a WDW package. Getting pretty tough for people to afford it, especially if they stay on property.
It's gotten pretty bad. Here's a few quotes, just for fun...

“A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland’s operational tone. Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the ‘pitches,’ game wheels, sharp practices, and devices designed to milk the visitor’s pocketbook.” – Walt Disney


“Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America… with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.” – Walt Disney

While monetarily excluding most of it??

“The idea of Disneyland is a simple one. It will be a place for people to find happiness and knowledge. It will be a place for parents and children to share pleasant times in one another’s company; a place for teachers and pupils to discover greater ways of understanding and education. Here the older generation can recapture the nostalgia of days gone by, and the younger generation can savor the challenge of the future.” – Walt Disney

Parents with child... maybe. Children? Hope you like 2nd mortgages. And don't make me laugh with "teachers and pupils". A teacher's salary doesn't allow a teacher to go to Disney. The older generation can't go with their pensions and the younger generation doesn't have a high enough paying job to afford it.

“Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It’s unique, and I want it kept that way. Besides, you don’t work for a dollar- you work to create and have fun.” – Walt Disney

'Nuff said.
Cloudy day here in the north, bit of rain in the forecast. Working on some quotes today and it is sad to see the price for a WDW package. Getting pretty tough for people to afford it, especially if they stay on property.
I think I'm going to have to wait till my kids move out and are on their own before I can get back! A family of 6 is just cost-prohibitive at this point.

t's gotten pretty bad. Here's a few quotes, just for fun...

“A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland’s operational tone. Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the ‘pitches,’ game wheels, sharp practices, and devices designed to milk the visitor’s pocketbook.” – Walt Disney


“Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America… with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.” – Walt Disney

While monetarily excluding most of it??

“The idea of Disneyland is a simple one. It will be a place for people to find happiness and knowledge. It will be a place for parents and children to share pleasant times in one another’s company; a place for teachers and pupils to discover greater ways of understanding and education. Here the older generation can recapture the nostalgia of days gone by, and the younger generation can savor the challenge of the future.” – Walt Disney

Parents with child... maybe. Children? Hope you like 2nd mortgages. And don't make me laugh with "teachers and pupils". A teacher's salary doesn't allow a teacher to go to Disney. The older generation can't go with their pensions and the younger generation doesn't have a high enough paying job to afford it.

“Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It’s unique, and I want it kept that way. Besides, you don’t work for a dollar- you work to create and have fun.” – Walt Disney

'Nuff said.
They've strayed so far from the original vision. Sad.
Morning, Gents! Been spending time lately editing pictures from my DD's dance recital last weekend. I'm outta here early today, so just a quick stop to say hey. Hope all are well.

You just surfacing for air?

Hope he hasn't been holding his breath this whole time.

Dang. Wish I'd thought of that when my DDs were younger.

It certainly helps that they are close and willing to take her. Now, it's important to point out that they can't take her for the three weeks my DW is working during the day, that's why we're sending my DD to camp, but for that one week it certainly helped.

You think so? I never noticed it until much later. They've got it down to a science. Kids come off, lights go down, teacher dashes out with a mop, cleans up and off stage. Next group goes on, lights, action.

That's funny because I never noticed, and I've thought about it after I first read your response. That's funny

I have mixed feelings about it. I like the extra income... but am sure getting burned out.

This happened to me. In fact, it was at my last temp job. I was willing to take all the overtime because I wanted to show I was willing and wanted a job. Burned me out because I was the only one to do that overtime.

I had various reasons for being backstage. Either I was dancing too, or, at recitals, I was working.

See I didn't, and wish I had a reason. There' s a cute video of a little girl holding the hand of a teen girl getting ready to go on saying, "Wow!" as she watched the dancers on stage. Wish I had been the one to capture that. I've watched that video multiple times because that was such a cute moment.

Morning all.

Cloudy day here in the north, bit of rain in the forecast. Working on some quotes today and it is sad to see the price for a WDW package. Getting pretty tough for people to afford it, especially if they stay on property.

With these prices I'm not sure if I'll be going anytime soon.
Morning, all.

Rough night last night, which wasn't a surprise, given my last few work shifts. But getting up this morning sure wasn't fun.
On top of that, I've been struggling with getting the pool open. Still having issues.

Ah, heck with it. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and not come out until vacation.

That's funny because I never noticed, and I've thought about it after I first read your response. That's funny
Trust me. It happens.
This happened to me. In fact, it was at my last temp job. I was willing to take all the overtime because I wanted to show I was willing and wanted a job. Burned me out because I was the only one to do that overtime.
Yeah, job burnout is a thing... and your boss won't care at all.
See I didn't, and wish I had a reason. There' s a cute video of a little girl holding the hand of a teen girl getting ready to go on saying, "Wow!" as she watched the dancers on stage. Wish I had been the one to capture that. I've watched that video multiple times because that was such a cute moment.
Like that. :)
I saw some pretty cute things with the little ones over the years. :)
Morning All.

Wet Monday morning here and today I'm working for myself but not all that motivated after working all weekend in the garden center. I think I'll just ease into the day while watching Destination Tokyo.

Have a good one all.

Morning, Gents! Been spending time lately editing pictures from my DD's dance recital last weekend. I'm outta here early today, so just a quick stop to say hey. Hope all are well.

Pictures I've seen so far are amazing!
Rough night last night, which wasn't a surprise, given my last few work shifts. But getting up this morning sure wasn't fun.
On top of that, I've been struggling with getting the pool open. Still having issues.

Ah, heck with it. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and not come out until vacation.
Hang in there. How long till vacation?
Morning, Fellas! How was your Monday? Mine was, well, interesting, it started off when I set off the alarm at work. I then had a belligerent patient go off on me, which forced me to kick him out, but not before I lost my patience with him and yelled. I then came home, got into my comfy clothes, grabbed a beer and went to sit in my char. I put my beer down on a table next to the chair, went to sit in the chair and the back broke sending me flying backwards. To say a string of colorful words came out of my mouth was an understatement. OMG! I was pretty t'd off. Just the perfect ending to a nonperfect day. (heavy sigh) May my day go better than yesterday.

May everyone's day go smoothly.


Morning, all.

Rough night last night, which wasn't a surprise, given my last few work shifts. But getting up this morning sure wasn't fun.
On top of that, I've been struggling with getting the pool open. Still having issues.

Ah, heck with it. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and not come out until vacation.

Sorry, man, it'll get better. Just keep counting down to the vacation, it'll get here before you know it. And if it doesn't? Blanket forts.

Trust me. It happens.

I'll trust you on this one.

Yeah, job burnout is a thing... and your boss won't care at all.

It is, and I was getting burned out.

Like that. :)
I saw some pretty cute things with the little ones over the years. :)

It was so cute, and I hope to see more of that over the years.

Morning All.

Wet Monday morning here and today I'm working for myself but not all that motivated after working all weekend in the garden center. I think I'll just ease into the day while watching Destination Tokyo.

Have a good one all

Never seen that movie, I'll have to take a look.

Pictures I've seen so far are amazing!

Thanks. I'd have to say that something clicked this year and it all came into place beautifully.
Morning, Fellas! How was your Monday? Mine was, well, interesting, it started off when I set off the alarm at work. I then had a belligerent patient go off on me, which forced me to kick him out, but not before I lost my patience with him and yelled. I then came home, got into my comfy clothes, grabbed a beer and went to sit in my char. I put my beer down on a table next to the chair, went to sit in the chair and the back broke sending me flying backwards. To say a string of colorful words came out of my mouth was an understatement. OMG! I was pretty t'd off. Just the perfect ending to a nonperfect day. (heavy sigh) May my day go better than yesterday.

May everyone's day go smoothly.


I hope today is a better day.
Morning, folks.

Should be interesting. This is youngest DD's and my one and only camping opportunity for the summer... and the forecast is thunderstorms and when it's not storming... rain. Perfect tenting weather. :rolleyes:

I told her if she wants to put up a tent in a thunderstorm, she's welcome to it, but I'm going to sleep in the car.

Morning, Fellas! How was your Monday? Mine was, well, interesting, it started off when I set off the alarm at work. I then had a belligerent patient go off on me, which forced me to kick him out, but not before I lost my patience with him and yelled. I then came home, got into my comfy clothes, grabbed a beer and went to sit in my char. I put my beer down on a table next to the chair, went to sit in the chair and the back broke sending me flying backwards. To say a string of colorful words came out of my mouth was an understatement. OMG! I was pretty t'd off. Just the perfect ending to a nonperfect day. (heavy sigh) May my day go better than yesterday.
Ugh. That sounds like a bad comedy movie. Hope today's better for you.
And replace that chair with a better one!
Sorry, man, it'll get better. Just keep counting down to the vacation, it'll get here before you know it. And if it doesn't? Blanket forts.
Or tenting in thunderstorms?
It was so cute, and I hope to see more of that over the years.
Morning, Fellas! How was your Monday? Mine was, well, interesting, it started off when I set off the alarm at work. I then had a belligerent patient go off on me, which forced me to kick him out, but not before I lost my patience with him and yelled. I then came home, got into my comfy clothes, grabbed a beer and went to sit in my char. I put my beer down on a table next to the chair, went to sit in the chair and the back broke sending me flying backwards. To say a string of colorful words came out of my mouth was an understatement. OMG! I was pretty t'd off. Just the perfect ending to a nonperfect day. (heavy sigh) May my day go better than yesterday.
Well, there's nowhere to go but up!

Should be interesting. This is youngest DD's and my one and only camping opportunity for the summer... and the forecast is thunderstorms and when it's not storming... rain. Perfect tenting weather. :rolleyes:

I told her if she wants to put up a tent in a thunderstorm, she's welcome to it, but I'm going to sleep in the car.
You're not camping in Yellowstone, are you? :eek:


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