DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Evening, Gents! Well, it's currently Sunday evening and I've done pretty much nothing all day. Ok, I lied. I fed the DD and did a load of laundry...man am I tired. So a bit of an update regarding the interview I had last week with the big bank: I got a second interview scheduled for Tuesday. So excited. I was told by the recruiter that while I didn't have the background/experience they were looking for, I was the top choice because I was outgoing and had a personality, which in the job I'm going for is a HUGE plus. I've got my dad to thank for the outgoing personality and the ability to talk to anyone. Hahaha I just hope it works out. Well, outside that all's well. Had a great first day back at my old job. I definitely surprised everyone when I walked in. And it was like I never left. I sat down at my old desk and started working. Funny how quickly that came back to me. Well, gents, gotta run. The DW's cooking dinner and the DD wants to watch Moana as a family.


Morning all. Production ran fairly smoothly last night at work. This morning, I received a call from an application I submitted yesterday. It is back in clinical services, working with substance use/ addiction, something I'm degreed, trained, and licensed to do. I'm not sure if I'm ready to jump back into that world, but they are setting up an interview next week and I'll entertain offers. I play tennis with the guy who runs it, and he'll be there for the interview as well.

Do you know which one you'd take if offered?

Planning trips are fun and free. But, it doesn't replace going. We've went and spent way more money than we should have over the years, but I can't say I regret it. We've had 24 Disney vacations, plus a few other locations. Sure, I had to wait to get my truck until I retired, and our house is a modest one. But, we've made some great memories as my dds now have their own lives. I don't see much of them now, and it will be less in the future.

Planning trips are fun, but the problem with planning them is that I get down when I can't go. And honestly, having those memories are the best...especially when you have gone with family. I've gone a few times, and spent more than I should have, but the memories of those trips are best. I'm hoping to get this bank job, which will pay pretty good from what I've been told, and will save up a lot of money to be able to convince the wife to go on one. She still might not want to go, she hates spending money, but I'll try.

I'm not sure I can pull that off either. The pay is great. Time away, not so much. I felt guilty in applying for other jobs so quickly, however, I wasn't told about that much overtime.

Don't feel bad. They didn't tell you everything you needed to know about the job, so they did it to themselves if you leave. You have to make the decision that is right for you, not for them.

I don't know enough about photography, but guns can be an expensive hobby.

So can photography. A top end lens can cost in excess of 1K. The lens I'm looking at, which although highly rated by majority of the people who have used it, is not top end can still run me around $600 So both are in the same boat when it comes to price.

As much as I would love to see you guys out there, I've gotta let the Lady K offer it up, it's a bit of a p!ss take if I'm off on a jolly while she is looking after the littl'uns. Also, there is a very real possibility that I won't be allowed to fly. Or your fine nation will be busy with the Second Civil War.
But nothing is cancelled yet, apart from the marathon.

Yeah, best let to the Mrs. come up with the idea. If she comes up with it it'll be ok to go. Happy wife, happy life. I'm hoping that if I keep on about a trip to the World, my DW will just say, "Plan a trip for just you and E (Elizabeth, our DD)." It wouldn't be the first time I've taken a trip without her. I had to go to a couple of family weddings without her because of her busy gig schedule. However, this would be different as this would be a vacation and not a family obligation. Either way, my friend, you'll make back out here.

I’m constantly planning in my head. It’s fun to dream. One day it might come true.

I love planning trips. When we went to Germany several years ago to visit my brother, his company sent him there for 5 years, she left all the planning to me. I admit that I was overwhelmed at planning that trip. Thankfully my brother gave me some starting points, and between the two of us, with him living there and knowing the area, and me loving to plan trips, we figured out a great itinerary. One of the highlights of that trip was when me and the Mrs. got lost in Mainz. We saw more cool stuff from just walking and getting away from the tourist areas. (heavy sigh) I miss Germany.

Sounds familiar. Not that I booked anything, but I was hoping things might work out. Although I don’t have little kids anymore I’m not sure me going off on a lark would go over too well. Plus closed borders and everything else, probably not going to happen for me.

"Going off on a lark?" Is that just packing up and taking a last minute trip? Solo? Family?

Evening guys. Quick check in before heading to sleep.


Can you get a lens that fits on a gun?

Not sure, but there seems to be photography stuff for just about everything else. So....

So far. Will find out more tomorrow when I'm back at work. Nervous.

Keep us in the loop. Praying that everything goes well.

How did it go?

Wonderful. I surprised everyone when I walked in. And as for slipping back into work mode? Like I never left. Sure, there's a couple of things that's changed that I'll have to get use to, but nothing major.

Happy Saturday afternoon. Off early yesterday, around 8 PM, as it was the end of their 19 days. I got to learn the load side machines. Nothing too difficult, but mostly it's reading the error message and trying to figure out the solution. Plus, it is the paperwork to provide records that we cooked the white sauce at the right temperatures.

Learning something new is good. Keeps things fresh and interesting.

After I posted yesterday, I got two more interviews. One scheduled Monday, one Tuesday, and one yet to be scheduled. Of the three, the Monday job will likely pay the best and it is the one I will be most familiar with. And, I play tennis with the guy who runs it. The last one I didn't even apply for, but it is just an adjunct position and not much money.

That's awesome! Keep us posted as to what happens.

DW has been on a cruise with just some friends. For fall break, DW and younger dd and her father are going to fly to Yellowstone Park. I elected to stay home with the new job. I think it's easier when the children are older. Not sure I'll make it to Disney without DW though.

My DW went on a trip to Ireland with a friend of ours about a year after we got married. I think that was the best thing she could have done. Not only did she spent time with a friend, and saw Ireland in the process, but it was last minute...something that I feel she needed. My wife tends to be, shall we say, frugal, so a last minute trip to another country did her good. So I think that's awesome that you and your DW feel comfortable doing that.

Prayers appreciated for my son. He was sent home from Basic Training on a medical discharge.

Oh no! Hope everything is ok.
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So can photography. A top end lens can cost in excess of 1K. The lens I'm looking at, which although highly rated by majority of the people who have used it, is not top end can still run me around $600 So both are in the same boat when it comes to price.

I scratched my primary lens back in July, to replace it it will cost me close to 1000.
I scratched my primary lens back in July, to replace it it will cost me close to 1000.

How'd you scratch your primary lens? And a $1000 to replace it? What do you shoot with? I shoot with a Canon 80D which is a crop sensor, so lenses aren't as expensive. I say that, but the lenses I've looked at, and can get away with, aren't over a 1K.
Morning, folks.
Showers yesterday morning and forecast again this morning, so car, not bike to work. Disappointing. Hoping to get a few more rides in before putting it to bed for the winter.

I got a second interview scheduled for Tuesday. So excited.
That sure sounds promising!
I was told by the recruiter that while I didn't have the background/experience they were looking for, I was the top choice because I was outgoing and had a personality, which in the job I'm going for is a HUGE plus.
"Not a great personality, but at least you have one. Better than the rest of the nebbishes we interviewed."

Had a great first day back at my old job. I definitely surprised everyone when I walked in.
Ha! I bet!
Keep us in the loop. Praying that everything goes well.
So far so good. My division does have a couple of things protecting it that the other one didn't. So we'll just hold onto our hats and (me personally) hope that the job sticks around for another five years or so.
I scratched my primary lens back in July, to replace it it will cost me close to 1000.
Ouch! That'll learn ya to throw a UV filter on it.
Good morning, fellas. Had a nice weekend not doing much of anything. Looks like I'll have a lot more time on my hands since I don't need to watch any more football this year.

Prayers appreciated for my son. He was sent home from Basic Training on a medical discharge.

I'm sorry to hear that. Is he ok?

So a bit of an update regarding the interview I had last week with the big bank: I got a second interview scheduled for Tuesday. So excited. I was told by the recruiter that while I didn't have the background/experience they were looking for, I was the top choice because I was outgoing and had a personality, which in the job I'm going for is a HUGE plus.

Good luck! We're all counting on you.
Morning all.

Mixed bag of weather here for the next few days, humid but cloudy with showers. The rain is still needed so I'm not complaining.

Lots of projects on the go this week but luckily not too many meetings scheduled....yet.

How'd you scratch your primary lens? And a $1000 to replace it? What do you shoot with? I shoot with a Canon 80D which is a crop sensor, so lenses aren't as expensive. I say that, but the lenses I've looked at, and can get away with, aren't over a 1K.

CANON EF-S 18-135MM F3.5-5.6 IS STM LENS, to replace it new is about 920 Cdn including tax.

I scratched it on a hike. Not sure how it happened but it is almost dead center so not it looks like I have there cool light flares in any bright picture.
Morning all. Well, after a few days without the boyfriend, he's back and they spent most all of yesterday together, at my house. He works 6 days a week, and I guess he was tired. I was gone yesterday for quite a bit, so it worked out well. I did finish adjusting the sites on the rifle, and brought home the targets to show the boyfriend how good I shoot. I haven't scared him off though. He's even been going to our Church with us. Last night, we did burgers on the grill with a firepit and s'mores.

On the bad news side, neuropathy kicked in Saturday night. For those unfamiliar with that, it's nerve pain that comes about suddenly and feels like someone quickly stuck 1000 needles in your foot, then removed them, waited a minute, and did it again, over and over. Causes include injury, alcohol, smoking, and diabetes. I had smoked a cigar and drank a few carb full tasty draft beers Saturday night, so I refrained from those last night and all was well. I don't have diabetes and enjoyed several s'mores, so it wasn't a sugar issue. There is a chance it could still be from standing on my feet all week at work (repetitive motion injury), and will find that out this week. If it's not work, then it's the alcohol or cigar or the combination that I'll have to give up. :sad2:

How does one shoot with tennis?

I have two hoppers full of old tennis balls. I keep them for dd to practice drills. But, I could start shooting the tennis balls. :lmao:

Cj didn’t sleep well and was always up early.

True. I was up early Saturday morning. It makes it for a rough day.

Evening, Gents! Well, it's currently Sunday evening and I've done pretty much nothing all day. Ok, I lied. I fed the DD and did a load of laundry...man am I tired. So a bit of an update regarding the interview I had last week with the big bank: I got a second interview scheduled for Tuesday. So excited. I was told by the recruiter that while I didn't have the background/experience they were looking for, I was the top choice because I was outgoing and had a personality, which in the job I'm going for is a HUGE plus. I've got my dad to thank for the outgoing personality and the ability to talk to anyone. Hahaha I just hope it works out. Well, outside that all's well. Had a great first day back at my old job. I definitely surprised everyone when I walked in. And it was like I never left. I sat down at my old desk and started working. Funny how quickly that came back to me. Well, gents, gotta run. The DW's cooking dinner and the DD wants to watch Moana as a family.

Sounds like you had a hard day. :lmao: Good luck at the 2nd interview. I haven't felt any pressure at job interviews. Also, knowing you already have a job/ money makes you more confident. Dave Ramsey said something "like you can smell broke salespeople" because of their desperation.

Do you know which one you'd take if offered?

Don't feel bad. They didn't tell you everything you needed to know about the job, so they did it to themselves if you leave. You have to make the decision that is right for you, not for them.

As for the job, the place I'm interviewing with today has expanded over the past 20 years, and has a good reputation. While I'm familiar with both, today's interview has the larger company and other areas to work. I'll still interview tomorrow as well, just to see what's out there. The adjunct position is with a professor I had in graduate school over 15 years ago? So, I'm guessing she is close to 80 now. It feels good to be remembered enough to be considered, but that is only a part time gig and wouldn't pay much. Still, some extra cash would be nice, and I'd just work from the house.

So far so good. My division does have a couple of things protecting it that the other one didn't. So we'll just hold onto our hats and (me personally) hope that the job sticks around for another five years or so.

Hopefully so. Part of my job decision kerfuffle is the stability. I'm working in the only factory in the world that makes our product, and was just purchased for $700 Million a few years ago. It's not going anywhere.

Good morning, fellas. Had a nice weekend not doing much of anything. Looks like I'll have a lot more time on my hands since I don't need to watch any more football this year.

Giving up on the Eagles already? The city of Philadelphia may boo you. :lmao:
I did finish adjusting the sites on the rifle, and brought home the targets to show the boyfriend how good I shoot.
Last night, we did burgers on the grill with a firepit and s'mores.
Dang, that sounds good.
On the bad news side, neuropathy kicked in Saturday night. For those unfamiliar with that, it's nerve pain that comes about suddenly and feels like someone quickly stuck 1000 needles in your foot, then removed them, waited a minute, and did it again, over and over. Causes include injury, alcohol, smoking, and diabetes. I had smoked a cigar and drank a few carb full tasty draft beers Saturday night, so I refrained from those last night and all was well. I don't have diabetes and enjoyed several s'mores, so it wasn't a sugar issue. There is a chance it could still be from standing on my feet all week at work (repetitive motion injury), and will find that out this week. If it's not work, then it's the alcohol or cigar or the combination that I'll have to give up. :sad2:
That doesn't sound like a ton of fun. Take care of yourself.
I'm working in the only factory in the world that makes our product, and was just purchased for $700 Million a few years ago. It's not going anywhere.
Knew about the purchase, but not how much and not that it was the only one.
Jeff must be cheering for the Eagles this season.

That must be it. It's Jeff's fault!

On the bad news side, neuropathy kicked in Saturday night. For those unfamiliar with that, it's nerve pain that comes about suddenly and feels like someone quickly stuck 1000 needles in your foot, then removed them, waited a minute, and did it again, over and over.

Oh, that's not good. Hope that goes away quickly.

Giving up on the Eagles already? The city of Philadelphia may boo you.

Well, I'd be in good company, anyway.
Morning, folks.
Showers yesterday morning and forecast again this morning, so car, not bike to work. Disappointing. Hoping to get a few more rides in before putting it to bed for the winter.

May Mother Nature smile in your direction for more bike rides to work.

That sure sounds promising!

It sounds promising. I've been told that the guy that's interviewing me, which I think is a regional manager, is really nice. So as long as I don't screw things up I'm ok.

"Not a great personality, but at least you have one. Better than the rest of the nebbishes we interviewed."


I know, right?! I wish he'd used the word "Great," that would be...well, great. :rotfl2: Kind of makes me wonder what the other people interviewed were like.

Ha! I bet!

Love surprising people, and I'm glad it didn't get around that I was coming back.

So far so good. My division does have a couple of things protecting it that the other one didn't. So we'll just hold onto our hats and (me personally) hope that the job sticks around for another five years or so.

That's good! May those protections stay in place. I'll say a prayer that you'll keep your job.

Ouch! That'll learn ya to throw a UV filter on it.

That's the only reason I have a UV filter on my lens is to protect it.

Good morning, fellas. Had a nice weekend not doing much of anything. Looks like I'll have a lot more time on my hands since I don't need to watch any more football this year.

Those are the best kinds of weekends. I did that yesterday when I should have been working around the house. Oh, I did work on a dresser we bought our DD, a used one that's really nice that just needs a bit of TLC. I had to re-glue the the drawers as they were coming apart.

Good luck! We're all counting on you.

Thanks. You know, I think of the movie Airplane every time someone says this.

Morning all.

Mixed bag of weather here for the next few days, humid but cloudy with showers. The rain is still needed so I'm not complaining.

It's really humid here right now. It did rain pretty hard last night, but we still need more rain, and I think a lot of people are in the same boat.

Lots of projects on the go this week but luckily not too many meetings scheduled....yet.

CANON EF-S 18-135MM F3.5-5.6 IS STM LENS, to replace it new is about 920 Cdn including tax.

I scratched it on a hike. Not sure how it happened but it is almost dead center so not it looks like I have there cool light flares in any bright picture.

That sucks, dude. I'd toss a UV filter on the end just to protect the end of the lens...that's the only reason I have one on mine.

Morning all. Well, after a few days without the boyfriend, he's back and they spent most all of yesterday together, at my house. He works 6 days a week, and I guess he was tired. I was gone yesterday for quite a bit, so it worked out well. I did finish adjusting the sites on the rifle, and brought home the targets to show the boyfriend how good I shoot. I haven't scared him off though. He's even been going to our Church with us. Last night, we did burgers on the grill with a firepit and s'mores.

If you haven't scared him, then you could always up your game. Sit him down and tell him you have no problem going back to prison if something were to happen to your DD. :teeth:

On the bad news side, neuropathy kicked in Saturday night. For those unfamiliar with that, it's nerve pain that comes about suddenly and feels like someone quickly stuck 1000 needles in your foot, then removed them, waited a minute, and did it again, over and over. Causes include injury, alcohol, smoking, and diabetes. I had smoked a cigar and drank a few carb full tasty draft beers Saturday night, so I refrained from those last night and all was well. I don't have diabetes and enjoyed several s'mores, so it wasn't a sugar issue. There is a chance it could still be from standing on my feet all week at work (repetitive motion injury), and will find that out this week. If it's not work, then it's the alcohol or cigar or the combination that I'll have to give up. :sad2:

Ouch! So sorry to hear. Hope you feel better.

Sounds like you had a hard day. :lmao: Good luck at the 2nd interview. I haven't felt any pressure at job interviews. Also, knowing you already have a job/ money makes you more confident. Dave Ramsey said something "like you can smell broke salespeople" because of their desperation.

I had an extremely tough day. :rotfl2: Actually, I feel guilty, I really do, because I should have grabbed my DD and taken her out to do something outside and didn't.

As for the job, the place I'm interviewing with today has expanded over the past 20 years, and has a good reputation. While I'm familiar with both, today's interview has the larger company and other areas to work. I'll still interview tomorrow as well, just to see what's out there. The adjunct position is with a professor I had in graduate school over 15 years ago? So, I'm guessing she is close to 80 now. It feels good to be remembered enough to be considered, but that is only a part time gig and wouldn't pay much. Still, some extra cash would be nice, and I'd just work from the house.

Well, I'll pray that you get the job, or multiple offers to choose from.

Dang, that sounds good.

It does sound good, and all I have for lunch is a PB&J and a bag of Cheetos.
Okay - so - Liverpool plays at 3:00 (local time) on something called Peacock premium. so, I guess I'll just cheer for L'Pool and not watch. Next: the handball rules in English football are ridiculous so far. 3) I liked that Jose Murhino lost. I don't have anything against Tottenham per se, but, I don't like that guy.
4) for anyone that isn't into EPL, sorry about this post.
5) I've been trying to work out the past 8 weeks, to put on quality muscle weight. Or, convert fat to muscle. I'm within the gov't BMI range (even though BMI is a joke), but I'm tall, and comparatively thin. So in my hope to adjust my diet and up my exercise, I was expecting to keep my weight the same, but instead of being 20% body fat, drop it to 15%. So my wife would be willing to hold my hand in public, instead of like.... not admitting we're married.

Instead, I've lost muscle weight, without dropping the % body fat. The irony is, I need to eat MORE calories ,not fewer. but none of those calories should be beer, so, I'm not sure how to do that!
May Mother Nature smile in your direction for more bike rides to work.
Thanks. Looking good so far, for tomorrow.
It sounds promising. I've been told that the guy that's interviewing me, which I think is a regional manager, is really nice. So as long as I don't screw things up I'm ok.
I know, right?! I wish he'd used the word "Great," that would be...well, great. :rotfl2: Kind of makes me wonder what the other people interviewed were like.
Love surprising people, and I'm glad it didn't get around that I was coming back.
That's good! May those protections stay in place. I'll say a prayer that you'll keep your job.
Thanks. Appreciate that. :)
That's the only reason I have a UV filter on my lens is to protect it.
I don't think I've ever even bought a lens without simultaneously buying a UV filter.
Crappy part is that I have one but didn't have it on.
D'oh!!! Why???
4) for anyone that isn't into EPL, sorry about this post.
That'd be me!
5) I've been trying to work out the past 8 weeks, to put on quality muscle weight. Or, convert fat to muscle. I'm within the gov't BMI range (even though BMI is a joke), but I'm tall, and comparatively thin. So in my hope to adjust my diet and up my exercise, I was expecting to keep my weight the same, but instead of being 20% body fat, drop it to 15%. So my wife would be willing to hold my hand in public, instead of like.... not admitting we're married.
:laughing: Good luck with that. All of that.
The irony is, I need to eat MORE calories ,not fewer. but none of those calories should be beer, so, I'm not sure how to do that!
More beer?


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