Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. April 09 week Four page 16 post 239

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Sorry I've not kept up with this thread but I wanted to post that I lost 1.1kg this week for a total of 27.2kg (or a smidge under 60lbs) since I started in November.

The reason I started this diet and why I have stayed determined and kept loosing every week, is that I knew that my dad didn't have long left after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis about this time last year. He had always said he would love to see me loose some weight (I was nearly 17 stone and he knew that it wasn't good for my health as well as how I looked ) so I decided, in November to go for it. Sadly my dad died on Monday but I know that he was proud of what I'd achieved and I''ll carry on now and loose the rest of it.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I wanted to post because my dad was the inspiration behind it all.

:hug:im so sorry to hear about your dad, i hope you are able to keep up with your weight loss in memory of your dad im sure he was proud of what you have done so far x
So sorry to hear about your Dad he must have been so pleased to see those 60lbs falling off. Make him even more proud and carry on :hug: x
Sorry I've not kept up with this thread but I wanted to post that I lost 1.1kg this week for a total of 27.2kg (or a smidge under 60lbs) since I started in November.

The reason I started this diet and why I have stayed determined and kept loosing every week, is that I knew that my dad didn't have long left after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis about this time last year. He had always said he would love to see me loose some weight (I was nearly 17 stone and he knew that it wasn't good for my health as well as how I looked ) so I decided, in November to go for it. Sadly my dad died on Monday but I know that he was proud of what I'd achieved and I''ll carry on now and loose the rest of it.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I wanted to post because my dad was the inspiration behind it all.

Bless you, Jakki... :hug::hug::hug: Thinking of you and your family at this sad time... Well done with your brilliant result so far and good luck with reaching your final goal, I just know you will make it...
Karen xxx
Sorry I've not kept up with this thread but I wanted to post that I lost 1.1kg this week for a total of 27.2kg (or a smidge under 60lbs) since I started in November.

The reason I started this diet and why I have stayed determined and kept loosing every week, is that I knew that my dad didn't have long left after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis about this time last year. He had always said he would love to see me loose some weight (I was nearly 17 stone and he knew that it wasn't good for my health as well as how I looked ) so I decided, in November to go for it. Sadly my dad died on Monday but I know that he was proud of what I'd achieved and I''ll carry on now and loose the rest of it.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I wanted to post because my dad was the inspiration behind it all.

So sorry about your dad :hug::hug::hug: Well done on losing weight, I bet he was really proud :hug:
Sorry I've not kept up with this thread but I wanted to post that I lost 1.1kg this week for a total of 27.2kg (or a smidge under 60lbs) since I started in November.

The reason I started this diet and why I have stayed determined and kept loosing every week, is that I knew that my dad didn't have long left after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis about this time last year. He had always said he would love to see me loose some weight (I was nearly 17 stone and he knew that it wasn't good for my health as well as how I looked ) so I decided, in November to go for it. Sadly my dad died on Monday but I know that he was proud of what I'd achieved and I''ll carry on now and loose the rest of it.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I wanted to post because my dad was the inspiration behind it all.

So sorry to hear your sad news about your dad Jakki :hug:

Wow 60lbs is a fantastic achievement Jakki, well done, keep up the good work hun
Ive lost 1.5lbs :cool1::cool1: goodness knows how ! i know weigh 9st 12.5lb and that is the lowest ive been EVER !
Nice to have you back, Terri and that's fab news about Isabelle's progress! :hug: Good luck for the next week and beyond... :thumbsup2

Tracy, oh hun, you haven't failed!!! :grouphug: You've been on hols and put on a few pounds - that's it!!! You had a good time but now you're ready to carry on and I just know you will do fine... My best wishes and fingers crossed for next Wednesday's weigh-in... :wizard:

Excellent result, Joh!!! :yay:

Well done, Libby!!! :woohoo:

STS is great, Claire - especially if you've had a difficult week... :goodvibes :hug: :goodvibes Best of luck for the coming week, hun... pixiedust:

Just wanted to echo Karen's comments:thumbsup2

thanks everyone:)
well i am back,on my shakes & feel better already.i agree,i should have probably gone today,to find out the damage,as i bet it's not as bad,as i think,because we did alot of walking & swimming,also when i put my work clothes on today,they didn't seem tighter.maybe my holiday clothes felt tighter,because i had never worn them before & they were,smaller sizes.i definately felt bloated & sluggish,but i think,that was to be expected.
heres to a good week

Good for you Tracy, you're back on track already:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Sorry I've not kept up with this thread but I wanted to post that I lost 1.1kg this week for a total of 27.2kg (or a smidge under 60lbs) since I started in November.

The reason I started this diet and why I have stayed determined and kept loosing every week, is that I knew that my dad didn't have long left after getting a terminal cancer diagnosis about this time last year. He had always said he would love to see me loose some weight (I was nearly 17 stone and he knew that it wasn't good for my health as well as how I looked ) so I decided, in November to go for it. Sadly my dad died on Monday but I know that he was proud of what I'd achieved and I''ll carry on now and loose the rest of it.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I wanted to post because my dad was the inspiration behind it all.

:hug::hug: Oh Jakki, so sorry to hear you've lost your Dad:hug: Your weight loss is amazing and an inspiration, I bet he was so proud. Thinking of you.

Ive lost 1.5lbs :cool1::cool1: goodness knows how ! i know weigh 9st 12.5lb and that is the lowest ive been EVER !

Well done Natalie on this weeks loss and being your lightest ever :dance3::dance3::banana::banana::yay:
May I ask, have you reached your WW goal?
Ive lost 1.5lbs :cool1::cool1: goodness knows how ! i know weigh 9st 12.5lb and that is the lowest ive been EVER !

Wow!!! That's brilliant, Nat!!! :worship: :worship: :worship: Well done - will you have to re-set your target or is it OK to bubble under? Can you tell I know nothing about WW...? :rolleyes1 :lmao:
Well im hoping to rejoin....i did try in the new year but dieting and breast feeding doesnt mix, anyhow were pratically switched to bottles now, i just couldnt keep up with her anymore, and the docs are happier with her weight gain on the special formula, so im free to crack on with my diet, i will weigh in again next week and let you know how my first week went.

Have been following the thread for a while and well done everyone...some good loses there. x

Good Luck with beginning your healthy eating (as I'm a non-diet person :)) and I'm glad to hear your little one is doing well.

just thought i would pop in & give an update.
we got back from spain,late last night & i never stuck,to my shakes:sad2::sad2:
i know,i have put on weight,as i just feel it,which is to be expected!
i am back on my shakes tomorrow,for definate.i have made an appointment,for next wednesday,to get weighed,so hopefully,this week,i will manage to lose,what i have put on.
i feel totally different,with eating,i feel heavy,bloated,sluggish & i have had the worst weeks sleep,in ages!
i suppose my body,has been in detox & to start putting crap & alcohol,back into it,has cetainly had an affect.
just thought i would let you all know,i failed,as you have all given me support,in my success.i will let you all know,the result next wednesday.i don't want to go tomorrow,as i think,i will be really upset with myself,with what i have put on,so i am giving myself,a week to lose it.
we did have a lovely week in spain though,with lovely weather,apart from sunday,when we woke up,to rain,but it was a great break.
just want to say,i have read,everyones posts & well done,on all your losses.good luck,for the coming week,

Oh Tracy, you poor thing. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way after your holidays. But, we all need to enjoy our holidays, so try not to be too hard on yourself and I'm sure next Wednesday's weigh-in will be fine!

Well, after a week of obsessively climbing on the scales and worrying I wasn't going to lose a single ounce, despite having been extremely good this week, I was absolutely delighted to find I have lost 1 1/2 lbs again this week :thumbsup2

Well done, good weight-loss for this week! :thumbsup2

Myself, I lost 1 lb yesterday. I was hoping for more, but I lost more than I deserved last week so I suppose it's just balanced (excuse the pun) out.

1lb is better than none at all, well done & good luck for this week!

Ive lost 1.5lbs :cool1::cool1: goodness knows how ! i know weigh 9st 12.5lb and that is the lowest ive been EVER !

:banana::banana: Wayhey, well done Nat! Must be a great feeling knowing you've achieved your goal & more!

I've been back on my gym mission this week, done my class and swam this evening. Tomorrow I'm going to be brave and try a Legs, Bums and Tums class :scared1: It's taken me ages to pluck up the courage to go, as I'm certain I won't manage a full hours worth of work on my lower half :lmao: Fingers crossed and I'm hoping by Sunday I *may* have lost something!
Ive lost 1.5lbs :cool1::cool1: goodness knows how ! i know weigh 9st 12.5lb and that is the lowest ive been EVER !

:banana:That's brilliant Skinny Minnie, well done ;)

I've been back on my gym mission this week, done my class and swam this evening. Tomorrow I'm going to be brave and try a Legs, Bums and Tums class :scared1: It's taken me ages to pluck up the courage to go, as I'm certain I won't manage a full hours worth of work on my lower half :lmao: Fingers crossed and I'm hoping by Sunday I *may* have lost something!

:wizard:Good Luck Rachel, I hope you enjoy the Legs, Bums and Tums class
I've been back on my gym mission this week, done my class and swam this evening. Tomorrow I'm going to be brave and try a Legs, Bums and Tums class :scared1: It's taken me ages to pluck up the courage to go, as I'm certain I won't manage a full hours worth of work on my lower half :lmao: Fingers crossed and I'm hoping by Sunday I *may* have lost something!

:thumbsup2 good luck with the class !
Goodluck Rachel and well done everyone.

Weighed in a day early as can't weigh tomorrow morning and I have lost 1ib so happy as I haven't been the best. :goodvibes

Going to go swimming tonight and maybe tomorrow as well and hoping for a lot of walks/jogs at the weekend if its nice weather. Although bad point being dbf is planning a bbq if its nice.
Weighed in a day early as can't weigh tomorrow morning and I have lost 1ib so happy as I haven't been the best. :goodvibes

Going to go swimming tonight and maybe tomorrow as well and hoping for a lot of walks/jogs at the weekend if its nice weather. Although bad point being dbf is planning a bbq if its nice.

Thats great :cool1: enjoy your weekend x
3 lb loss this week

total loss to date - 1 stone 13 lbs

Hello everyone I'm now trying to shed a few pounds too,:scared1: it's been a strange and stressful last 12 months and I've been fond of a few treats to help me feel better. I had my "well woman" check on monday and got real nasty shock:scared1: so now I'm waiting for blood test results to check organ function and such. Since monday I've lost 5 pounds:woohoo: and my BMI is going down (thank goodness). It's so easy to lose track of what you eat each week. I'm walking to work each day too to try to boost my metabolism up to encourage by body to burn up the excess fat/calories. I've got to get it under control DD had a stroke at age 53 he eats a very bad diet full of fat and high in carbohydrates which he doesn't work off and he's a heavy smoker. Thank goodness I don't smoke at all or drink much (2 units a month at most). I'm full of cold at the moment too but I'm working through it;);)

Well done to everyone else this week who have managed to either lose a little or maintain their weight loss. It's going to take some determination for me so I know it's not going to be easy:grouphug:
Hello everyone I'm now trying to shed a few pounds too,:scared1: it's been a strange and stressful last 12 months and I've been fond of a few treats to help me feel better. I had my "well woman" check on monday and got real nasty shock:scared1: so now I'm waiting for blood test results to check organ function and such. Since monday I've lost 5 pounds:woohoo: and my BMI is going down (thank goodness). It's so easy to lose track of what you eat each week. I'm walking to work each day too to try to boost my metabolism up to encourage by body to burn up the excess fat/calories. I've got to get it under control DD had a stroke at age 53 he eats a very bad diet full of fat and high in carbohydrates which he doesn't work off and he's a heavy smoker. Thank goodness I don't smoke at all or drink much (2 units a month at most). I'm full of cold at the moment too but I'm working through it;);)

Well done to everyone else this week who have managed to either lose a little or maintain their weight loss. It's going to take some determination for me so I know it's not going to be easy:grouphug:

:hug: well done for taking the 1st step ! please join in each week and let us know how you are doing, we are a very supportive bunch x
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