DIS Ladies Only Meet 2006 Weight Loss Challenge - Starts March 28

daisy_77 said:
Good morning, ladies!! :sunny:

I am so happy to hear that some of us have lost some! Shirley, don't be discouraged....your weight loss will kick in again! You are awesome for not giving up! I have been on WW for over a year now and there are times when I just want to throw in the towel....you have already come to far to do that! Good for you for being stubborn! :cheer2:

Princess Michelle princess: TOM sucks! I wish our bodies wouldn't retain so much water! I am glad that you are sticking with a plan....you are kicking butt!

COngrats to Mac and Sarah for getting in some good losses! :banana:

I lost all the weight I gained from my camping trip! Woohoo! So I am glad about that! I worked out and ate only my 22 points. Not activity points and no allowance points. I lost 7 pounds. That is unusual for me to lose that much. I gained it in 4 days...so I guess a lot of it was water retention :teeth:

Good luck to everyone this week! :wizard:
Congratulations on losing what you gained on your trip. It will be interesting to see if I gain when we go to the mountains. DH loves to walk so I might be getting a lot of exercise though so that might help. :teeth:
Hello Ladies! I just realized that I didnt check in here today. :blush: Tsk Tsk to me. This morning my scale showed that I gained two pounds. Someitimes I get so discouraged it makes me want to throw the thing in the trash. I've been working on loosing weight since 1998 (After my Back surgery). I'm so tired of flip flopping back forth. I just dont understand how I can be really good and right on target one week and totally blow the next one. :sad2:

Sorry , I dont want to bring everyone down with my rant. I'm very proud and happy of each of you that lost the week. I'm also proud of the ones that didnt loose but are not giving up! That is just awsome. It makes me want to try harder when I see my friends doing it too.

I can tell that last week I hardly drank any water & I was only able to get in 3 days of Curves. This week I'm going to drink tons of water, and work out every day.

I've been having a salad every day for lunch & sometimes lentil soup, and South Beach Diet wrap for breakfast. I know that I just need to try harder. ::yes:: Thanks for listening everyone. :grouphug: Keep up the good work!!!!
wendy pan and the rest of the homies.......want to tell you something.

you need to drink water while dieting and exercising.

divide your weight in half. the number you then have, is the amount of water you should be drinking each day.

for example: you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces.

if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ozs of water daily.

at 160 pounds from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed, drink 80 ozs of water. if you drink the 16.9 fl oz bottles then you need to consume 4 and 3/4 bottles of water.

if you drink the 24 oz bottles, then at 160 lbs, you would consume 3 and 1/3 bottles of water.

if you are drinking glasses of water, measure out the liquid in the glass you will always be using into a measuring cup, that is 8 ozs.

that way you will know how many glasses you need to drink.

i hope this helps.
sometimes we don't know how much water we should be drinking. i wanted to pass this info along to you to help in that area.
Mac, thank you very much for picking up the slack for me the past week and this week. I appreciate your input to everyone so much.

I did not weigh in today. I don't want to know. I will have a better week this week than last and of course I am now walking extra in the mornings and afternoon for my bus so maybe that will help.

Hugs to everyone who is discouraged. Just keep on trying.

January - Wow.

And now, I have some bad news. Well, most likely. The Cinderellabration show goes dark on the 16th of September. That's where the princes and princesses for the meet and greet come from. And the perosn I know who is in that show is the one that set it up.

I don't know what will go on with a new show and I don't know if he is in it or if there will be this type of situation to go to again, but I will ask as the time draws near.

There are still some neat things I have lined up for the top three, but I am truly disappointed that Cinderellabration is ending mid-September. I thought the 30th would be the last day as the new celebration starts the 1st.

I will keep you posted.
TinksPixieDust said:
Hello Ladies! I just realized that I didnt check in here today. :blush: Tsk Tsk to me. This morning my scale showed that I gained two pounds. Someitimes I get so discouraged it makes me want to throw the thing in the trash. I've been working on loosing weight since 1998 (After my Back surgery). I'm so tired of flip flopping back forth. I just dont understand how I can be really good and right on target one week and totally blow the next one. :sad2:

Sorry , I dont want to bring everyone down with my rant. I'm very proud and happy of each of you that lost the week. I'm also proud of the ones that didnt loose but are not giving up! That is just awsome. It makes me want to try harder when I see my friends doing it too.

I can tell that last week I hardly drank any water & I was only able to get in 3 days of Curves. This week I'm going to drink tons of water, and work out every day.

I've been having a salad every day for lunch & sometimes lentil soup, and South Beach Diet wrap for breakfast. I know that I just need to try harder. ::yes:: Thanks for listening everyone. :grouphug: Keep up the good work!!!!
:hug: I understand but just keep plugging away.
macraven said:
wendy pan and the rest of the homies.......want to tell you something.

you need to drink water while dieting and exercising.

divide your weight in half. the number you then have, is the amount of water you should be drinking each day.

for example: you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces.

if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 ozs of water daily.

at 160 pounds from the time you get up in the morning to the time you go to bed, drink 80 ozs of water. if you drink the 16.9 fl oz bottles then you need to consume 4 and 3/4 bottles of water.

if you drink the 24 oz bottles, then at 160 lbs, you would consume 3 and 1/3 bottles of water.

if you are drinking glasses of water, measure out the liquid in the glass you will always be using into a measuring cup, that is 8 ozs.

that way you will know how many glasses you need to drink.

i hope this helps.
sometimes we don't know how much water we should be drinking. i wanted to pass this info along to you to help in that area.
Miss Mac, you know so much, just a fountain of knowledge. I drink 52 ozs a day with my Bubba mug. I weigh 145.
AdventurerKat said:
Mac, thank you very much for picking up the slack for me the past week and this week. I appreciate your input to everyone so much.

I did not weigh in today. I don't want to know. I will have a better week this week than last and of course I am now walking extra in the mornings and afternoon for my bus so maybe that will help.

Hugs to everyone who is discouraged. Just keep on trying.

January - Wow.

And now, I have some bad news. Well, most likely. The Cinderellabration show goes dark on the 16th of September. That's where the princes and princesses for the meet and greet come from. And the perosn I know who is in that show is the one that set it up.

I don't know what will go on with a new show and I don't know if he is in it or if there will be this type of situation to go to again, but I will ask as the time draws near.

There are still some neat things I have lined up for the top three, but I am truly disappointed that Cinderellabration is ending mid-September. I thought the 30th would be the last day as the new celebration starts the 1st.

I will keep you posted.
Thanks Kat for all your hard work. :hug:
anut4disney said:
Miss Mac, you know so much, just a fountain of knowledge. I drink 52 ozs a day with my Bubba mug. I weigh 145.

aw shucks shirley, you're too kind.

half of 145 is 72.5

increase your water by 20 ozs more now and you will see the results within 10 days. i gurantee it........!!
kat, it was my pleasure to pick up the postings. i just like being a helper here.

if the prince/princess thing goes down, that's okay, we all here are happy you thought of us with a wonderful reward. don't worry about rewarding us.

losing weight is the reward we are striving for.

you have done a fantastic job on creating this thread and doing all the hard work, thank you

i say we should all celebrate together and go to beaches and cream armed with (how many spoons??) about a dozen spoons and take on the kitchen sink.............

kat, if you don't weigh yourself that is fine.
sometimes the mind set we get when we step on the scale works against our efforts to diet and exercise.

it is just not worth it to get upset over a number on a scale that is discouraging. most places say only weigh yourself once a month for the true affect. that's how it is at curves and the ymca.
an article i was reading, thought i would share.

Downsize Me: Walk to Burn Fat
Get Started
Turn on the TV and you're bound to see an ad for a miracle weight loss gimmick. With all the pills and contraptions, it seems hard to know what will help us lose weight safely. But the answer really is simple: To rid yourself of unwanted pounds all you need are your own legs, some comfortable shoes, and a little open space.

Energy In, Energy Out
When it comes to body weight, remember this: 1 pound = 3500 calories. For every pound you want to lose, you must burn 3500 calories worth of energy. The only way to do that is to move more.
Walking is one of the best forms of exercise. It uses up oxygen, causing your body to burn stored fat. For example, you'll expend about 100 calories by walking a mile. That might not seem like a lot at first, but just think about it. Most people average just under 3 miles through the course of their day. If you add an enjoyable morning jaunt or a brisk evening walk you could easily move 4 miles a day. If you walk 4 miles 4 times a week, you can burn 1600 calories! That's half a pound of fat gone. Add more steps to your day while making sure not to eat more calories than you use, and your body can't help but trim down.
Walking also strengthens muscles, which tones and shapes your body. The increased muscle mass boosts your metabolism. This means you burn calories long after you stop moving. And you don't have to get all of your walking in at once. If you don't have time for long walks, find pockets of time throughout your day for short jaunts.

Maximize Your Walk
Any form of walking burns calories and improves muscle definition. But to get the most from your walk, concentrate on these main points:

* Choose distance over speed. It's better to walk at a steady pace than walk too quickly and have to quit early. As your fitness level improves, you can speed up gradually.

* Go for the hills. To help build your muscles, alternate inclines. Try walking up stairs, bleachers, or hills.

* Warm up slowly. Walk the first few minutes at an easy pace to get your body prepared. If your start is too brisk, you risk burning only the immediate sugar supply in your body rather than the stored fat you want to lose.

Physical activity doesn't have to be hard to produce results; it just has to be steady. Walking lets you work your muscles and burn off stored fat. It's simple, enjoyable, and a good weapon in the battle against bulge.
this article on water consumption:

During physical activity the body loses water primarily through sweat, even in cold weather or in water. The body has several mechanisms to protect itself from the negative effects of dehydration, but thirst does not occur until the person is already dehydrated!*
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) points out that as we get older, drinking enough water is especially important because with age our body is less able to regulate our temperature, putting us at increased risk of heat-related illness. Age also affects our ability to stay hydrated during exercise and our ability to recognize when we need more water.
A key to successful workouts is keeping well hydrated before, during and after exercise. The length of your workouts, heat, humidity and the amount you sweat are all major considerations for keeping your body in proper fluid balance.*

Hydration Tips

* Start hydrating early by drinking 1-2 cups of water in the morning

* Keep a water bottle with you all day long

* Drink before you get thirsty

* Drink 1-2 cups of fluid 30 minutes before exercise

* Drink ½ - 1 cup of fluid for every 15 minutes of exercise

* Replenish fluids lost (2 ½ cups for every pound lost during exercise)

* Keep drinking even after your thirst is quenched

Water vs. Sport Drinks
For exercise lasting under 45 minutes, water is your best choice. For the recreational athlete who may exercise 30-40 minutes per session, water is sufficient for hydration:

* Water is easily absorbed

* Water is the best choice to drink before moderate length exercise

* Water is readily available and less expensive than sport drinks

Research suggests that for workouts consisting of at least 45 minutes of continuous exercise or high-intensity workouts of any duration – running, aerobics, biking and intense weight training – a sports drink may be beneficial in delaying muscle fatigue by providing your body with additional energy:*

* Sport drinks will replenish fluids while containing a small amount of carbohydrates and electrolytes

* A steady source of carbohydrates during prolonged exercise fights off fatigue and enhances performance by fueling the muscles

* Studies show that a solution containing electrolytes and carbohydrates may be absorbed more quickly and helps to retain fluids consumed after prolonged intense exercise

* The taste of a good sport drink may encourage you to keep drinking

Drinking too much water can cause problems such as water intoxication and, although this is not something most of us have to worry about, it does happen among many exercisers and should be something to be aware of. As the water content of the blood increases, the salt content is diluted; consequently, the amount of salt available to body tissues decreases, which can lead to problems with brain, heart and muscle function.*


* Dizziness

* Nausea

* Apathy

* Confusion

These symptoms can also be attributed to dehydration, so it is important to know your body and know how much you are drinking.*
Remember that you can get your daily water requirements from sources other than pure water. Your cup of tea counts! Water is the main ingredient in all drinks – carbonated drinks, fruit juices and even coffee. All these contribute to your daily fluid intake. Fruit and vegetables also have high water content, so proper nutrition is just as important.*
TinksPixieDust said:
Hello Ladies! I just realized that I didnt check in here today. :blush: Tsk Tsk to me. This morning my scale showed that I gained two pounds. Someitimes I get so discouraged it makes me want to throw the thing in the trash. I've been working on loosing weight since 1998 (After my Back surgery). I'm so tired of flip flopping back forth. I just dont understand how I can be really good and right on target one week and totally blow the next one. :sad2:

Sorry , I dont want to bring everyone down with my rant. I'm very proud and happy of each of you that lost the week. I'm also proud of the ones that didnt loose but are not giving up! That is just awsome. It makes me want to try harder when I see my friends doing it too.

I can tell that last week I hardly drank any water & I was only able to get in 3 days of Curves. This week I'm going to drink tons of water, and work out every day.

I've been having a salad every day for lunch & sometimes lentil soup, and South Beach Diet wrap for breakfast. I know that I just need to try harder. ::yes:: Thanks for listening everyone. :grouphug: Keep up the good work!!!!

Wendy, don't get discouraged. It has taken me over a year to lose half of what I gained while I was pregnant. Things that are worth it are the hardest sometimes to accomplish. Keep at it, you are doing awesome! :grouphug:
Mac, thank you for the great article!!

I most definitely need to drink more water! :drinking: :teeth:
I drink about half of what I am supposed to...but I do notice that when I drink more water I do a lot better on weigh-in day :thumbsup2
Thank you for the article Mac. That's very informative.

Today is weigh in day. I am up two pounds. I must make it go away.

i'm down 2 lbs today. think it is due to the fact i have been pushing water.

i hope the rest of you have happy news.

kat, don't fret. its all water weight you have and according to sissy, that doens't count.......... :teeth:
AdventurerKat said:
Thank you for the article Mac. That's very informative.

Today is weigh in day. I am up two pounds. I must make it go away.

Kat, I'm so sorry that you found the two pounds that I lost this week. Don't worry it will be better next week. Take it from someone who didn't lose anything for 2 whole weeks. :hug:
macraven said:
i'm down 2 lbs today. think it is due to the fact i have been pushing water.

i hope the rest of you have happy news.

kat, don't fret. its all water weight you have and according to sissy, that doens't count.......... :teeth:

Way to go Mac.

I hope everyone else has a great weigh in and as everyone has let me know, if you don't or stayed the same just keep plugging away.
O.K. girls, please post or PM me with the answers to the following questions:

1. What is your favorite color(s)?
2. What is your favorite character(s)?
3. What is your favorite ride(s)?

Good morning, ladies! :sunny:

Congrats on the weight loss, Mac and Shirley!! Two pounds is awesome!!
I have stayed the same this week. But I continue to keep going and to not give up!

Kat, you are doing great..don't let 2 pounds throw you for a loop!

Keep it going girls!! We will all reach our goals before we know it!! :Pinkbounc :cheer2:
AdventurerKat said:
O.K. girls, please post or PM me with the answers to the following questions:

1. What is your favorite color(s)?
2. What is your favorite character(s)?
3. What is your favorite ride(s)?

Okay I have decided I am the most undecisive person when you ask about favorites.

Color - Midnight blue, forest green, yellow & red

Character - Goofy, Tinkerbell, Flower, Thumper

Rides - Haunted Mansion, POTC, Jungle Cruise, It's a Small World. You notice it's all the safe rides. :lmao:


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