DIS Ladies Only Meet 2006 Weight Loss Challenge - Starts March 28

I was hoping to lose at least 10 pounds before this trip but I don't know if that's going to happen.
Why is it I can do okay for a few days and then seem to lose all will power???

And yes, I am whining. :teeth: It's what I do best. ;)
kit kat, i am sorry you gained but you still have to trip time to lose it.
i know you will.
you have been pretty steady in meeting the big goals.
it will happen, wait and see.

i'm down 2 lbs today. haven't been over eating and following a new plan.
i will type it out after my 10:20 doc appt today. it is good and it has made a difference for me. the only way i have been able to get a couple of pounds off in a week. i will be back later to post it.

i am very hopeful the rest of you are still on track. it can be accomplished.
you all have been successful, very successful on some of the weeks.

just by being able to lose should tell you it is possible.

of course, after all my hard work since we started, i will gain 10 lbs back during the trip. but, once i return home, it will come off again.

i am tired, very tired of yo yo dieting and this is the last year i will be doing that.

wish you all the best of luck and joy in today's weigh in !!
I weighed in at 215 this morning which I think is down 5 from last week. The Isagenix program I am doing is working pretty well for me! Hope you all are having a good week.
:wave2: Hello ladies!! I dont check here as often as I should. :sad2: I have once again forgotten to weigh in this morning. I will do it tomorrow. Here's wishing everyone good luck! :grouphug:
TinksPixieDust said:
This Detox thing sounds intresting. Does anyone know what it is called exactly? I am thinking I may want to try it out. ::yes::
It's called Isagenix. The first 9 days are a cleanse. 2 days of the cleanse liquid and water only....then 5 days of 2 shakes and one 600 calorie wholesome meal...and then 2 more days of the cleanse liquid and water. I lost 15 my first 9 days and then I went ahead and kept doing the program which is 1 cleanse day a week and 6 days with 2 shakes and 1 600 cal meal. I think if you just type in isagenix you should be able to find the website and if you are interested in doing it, just let me know. I can sign you up and help you get started.
Good morning ladies! :sunny:

Congrats to all the losers! :cheer2:

I gained a whole lotta weight and that is all I have to say about that! :p

I hope that everyone continues to kick butt!! :banana:
daisy_77 said:
Good morning ladies! :sunny:

Congrats to all the losers! :cheer2:

I gained a whole lotta weight and that is all I have to say about that! :p

I hope that everyone continues to kick butt!! :banana:

Sarah is it something I would have to pay for to do?
OMG, I finally got in.

Hello everyone. Well I gained a pound this week and considering I was on vacation I guess that isn't too bad. I'm not happy but it could be worse I guess.

Congrats to those that lost and stayed the same. Those of us who gained just hang in there and it will be better next week.
Hmmm... Okay. This week was just bad. :sad2: I gained weight again. I'm thinking I finally figured out why though. I started to gain weight back when I started to have "drinks". Lastnight I had 4 :sad2: Each one of them has pop mixed with it. The thing is I dont drink that much. Perhaps that coupled with snacking is the cause?? Anyway.... not really sure. slightly hung over this morning.
Good morning everyone. Last two weigh-ins this week and next. The home stretch so give it your all!

I have lost 2.5 pounds. 1.5 are ones that have been participating in my lose em, gain em pattern, and 1 pound was a new one so I am happy about that.

Good luck today.
kit kat, congrats !! you are on your way girl. you will lose more this week i bet.

my personal life was a zero this week but i did drop 2 lbs. the hard way.

i hope everyone here is happy with today's weigh in they have.

later i will post the article on kicking it in and losing weight the easy way.
it is from a magazine article. i do not have a scanner so i will have to type it all out.
i will get to it soon.

hope you all are happy.
Good morning ladies.

I finally lost some weight. I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week. :woohoo:

I went and bought jeans yesterday and went from a 16 to a 14 in size. :cheer2: I was so tickled, my old jeans looked so baggy.

I hope eveyone has a great weigh in. Congrats Kat and Miss Mac.
I am only down one this week but that makes sense with TOM here. Wishing everyone good luck this coming week!
anut4disney said:
Good morning ladies.

I finally lost some weight. I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week. :woohoo:

I went and bought jeans yesterday and went from a 16 to a 14 in size. :cheer2: I was so tickled, my old jeans looked so baggy.

I hope eveyone has a great weigh in. Congrats Kat and Miss Mac.

shirley by what you have posted before i thought you and i were the same weight.
when you listed your size, that threw me off.

i think we are the same height and weight from what i read earlier.
you would be in size 8 now wouldn't you?
well, you will be by september trip time.
don't toss your old jeans away, i might need them after my 14 day stay and free food at disney......

congrats on the weight loss and size change.
that sure does make one smile !!
this tip will help you tone up and lose weight. for sure.
it's worked for me and it will work for you.

if you can't do the entire walk, do what you can.
the main thing is to make it part of your routine.

this is the article.
it's a lot for me to type. hope the computer doesn't die on me.

Good Housekeeping Sept 2006:

Every day for four weeks, spend 26 minutes walking: a 3 minute warm up, a 20 minute power walk, and a 3 minute cooldown period.

For maximum weight loss, walk in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Why? Some research suggests that exercising before you eat breakfast may help you whittle down faster. The reason: When your body is full of food, your insulin levels rise - and when those levels are elevated, you can't burn fat.
Walking in the morning means you probably have not eaten in the last 6-7 hours.

Find the right pace for you. Go too slow for your level and you can hit a weight loss plateau. Exercise so hard that you end up super sore for days and you will do the worst thing possible, lose your motivation.

To find the best stride, try to talk while you are walking and see how hard it is.
You should not be pushing too hard, you should have enough breath to carry on a converstion. However, if you are able to talk nonstop for 20 minutes, you are not moving fast enough.
An avid walker? Chatting should leave you huffing and puffing.

Over the weeks, you will grow stronger, so you need to bump up your speed or walk up hills to keep the fat burning.

If you want to lose even more weight over the next four weeks, stick to a 1,450 calorie daily diet.

If you are not a walker, start slowly now. It is recommended to do a straight 20 minute exercise without breaks to be effective in losing weight.

If you need to lose weight after the trip, start the 4 week program when you get back. You will lose those extra pounds you found in the motherland.

hope this helps you. it has for me. just wanted to share how i have been able to take off some of the unwanted pounds this past month.
If you do not have anyone to walk with, which is my case also, you can sing a song in place of chatting with someone.

it has the same effect.

the talking/singing while walking is to let you judge the pace you are doing.
at the end of your walk, it should be harder to talk/sing at the pace you started out with.

if you walk, talk/sing the entire 20 minutes and it hasn't fazed you at all, then you need to step up the pace and try to walk at a faster pace.
Hello ladies! I stayed the same this week! Thank GOD!! I was afraid that I'd gained some more. :sad2: I hope that everyone has a great weigh in!!!
Hi, ladies! Congrats Kat, Mac, Shirley and Sarah for you accomplishments!

I have lost 3 this week. But I am still heavier than I was a few weeks ago. I hope that next week I can get back to where I was. It is our last weigh-in! I cannot believe how fast time flies!


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