~DISappearing PEEPS~Vol. IV Come Play With Us!!!!!

One big worry next week!!! Brewers baseball game!!! You know how I love me some stadium food!! I think we are going to stop though at Subway and bring that in. But oh those HOTDOGS with the secret SAUCE!!! Have a great week everyone!! :goodvibes
I know, I am so pumped for the start of the season! When are you going? I'll be there opening day, but then my next game (I have a 20-game season ticket package) isn't until May 2. So that gives me almost a month of not being tempted by all of the yummy stadium. And I agree - hotdogs with the "Secret" Stadium Sauce are the best!

Since the Peep Thread is slowing down a little, maybe we could all start posting our daily exercise/ water cosumption to keep us all better accountable? What do you think?
Good idea! Although, water will be tough for me to count because I just drink it mindlessly. I typically have a 20-oz mug full every hour at work, and then I'll have 5 or 6 glasses at home. So I definitly get my water in.

Exercise last night was 50 minutes of strength training. Tonight it'll be an hour or so of cardio; not sure if that'll be exercise DVD's or what. But that's the plan at least.

Despite all of my struggles this year (I'm only 5 pounds lower than I was this time last year), my clothes do seem to be fitting me better. Shirts that were a little too tight to wear a few months ago are now fitting really well. And my pants have been feeling a lot looser lately. So maybe all of this hard work is paying off afterall.

Have a great day everybody!
I know, I am so pumped for the start of the season! When are you going? I'll be there opening day, but then my next game (I have a 20-game season ticket package) isn't until May 2. So that gives me almost a month of not being tempted by all of the yummy stadium. And I agree - hotdogs with the "Secret" Stadium Sauce are the best!

I am so jealous you are going to opening day!! You know if you aren't able to go..... :rotfl: My DD her friend and myself are going to next Tuesdays game then we have tickets for 5/10 game on Mothers Day against the Cubs!! So excited for that game. Hey if you ever can't go to a game you know someone on the DIS that will be glad to take them off your hands!!! All you have to do is PM me!!!! :goodvibes

We try to get to a few games over the season. My DD and I usually go sometime around her B-Day in July. I still need to purchase those. Have fun at the opener! GO BREWERS!! :woohoo:
i am back from the cruise! it was a good time..but oh my do i have a lot of work to do..it hit me that my wedding is 6 months away and i am NO WHERE near where i want to be weight/fitness wise..time to turn it up gang.
So here is my pledge to myself and fellow peeps:
1. Work out 6 times a week..3 will be strictly cardio and 3 cardio with strength
2. STAY ON PLAN with weigth watchers...i think my downfall has been using all my extra points on the weekend instead of spreading them out if need be..this will be a big challenge for me since eating is the bigger issue with my weight than exercising..but i need to do it
3. drink that water and stay positive!
I will not be working out today since i am still totally doped up from valium i took to fly yesterday..but tommorow is begins!
i hope all is well with all of you..i will be checking in alot more now..it always helps me stay on track!:)
Hey all! I'm still here. I've been OP nad didn't even miss my 'free' meal on Sat. I didn't exercise at all this weekend but my trainer told me to take a break. I got on the eliptical today and pushed myself. It felt good and I was going faster than I had before. I'm constantly pushing and cheering myself on.

I hopped on the scale this am and liked what I saw. In past weeks I'd be heavier on Mon than I was Fri and need a few days to lose it but today, I'm dead even. That means everything I do this week will be all progress, not redoing what I did last week.

Other than that, I've been hanging out on facebook. I know there are a lot of peeps over there. I'd love to add you to my friends list. PM me for my last name if you're interested!
Hello everyone!
Only 4 days of school this week.

My mom agreed and is letting me get up at 5 in the morning to do pilates as long as I'm quiet. :goodvibes

Since the Peep Thread is slowing down a little, maybe we could all start posting our daily exercise/ water cosumption to keep us all better accountable? What do you think?

Sounds good!

I'll count all my water tomorrow since I don't remember for today.

But I did 30 minutes of pilates today.
Hey guys!
Didn't count my water, but 40 minutes of Jillian Michaels for today!
Boy she kicks my butt. Hopefully I'll be able to work up to doing all of the circuits soon. But for now it's working very well.

I'm on facebook too!
Why dont we have a Facebook group for the Peeps?
Ok I found you guys, sorry computer crashed house got struck by lightning and I started a 2nd full time job gotta pay the big mouse for June! HOpe everybody is doing well and will catch up tonight!

Happy Hump Day!
Hey guys!
Didn't count my water, but 40 minutes of Jillian Michaels for today!
Boy she kicks my butt. Hopefully I'll be able to work up to doing all of the circuits soon. But for now it's working very well.

I'm on facebook too!
Why dont we have a Facebook group for the Peeps?

There is a Facebook for Peeps..put in your search DIS PEEPS :goodvibes
I hopped on the scale this am and liked what I saw. In past weeks I'd be heavier on Mon than I was Fri and need a few days to lose it but today, I'm dead even. That means everything I do this week will be all progress, not redoing what I did last week.

Other than that, I've been hanging out on facebook. I know there are a lot of peeps over there. I'd love to add you to my friends list. PM me for my last name if you're interested!
Yeah, I've got the same problem. I always seem to be up a pound or so on Monday, so like you said I'm working all week to just get back to where I was on Friday. Although the past two weeks, I seem to have turned a corner. I lost over a pound last week, and I'm down almost a pound this morning. And I honestly haven't changed a thing except for the bread that I eat my sandwich on for lunch every day. I went from a white bread to a multigrain bread. Can it really be that simple? Or is all of the strength training I've been doing finally starting to kick in and increase my metabolism? I don't know, but I'm not complaining. Of course, this weekend will be the true test. Brewers baseball game on Friday, wife's family Easter on Saturday, my family's Easter on Sunday. And there is never a shortage of yummy foods at any of those.

Oh, and check you PM inbox...

Yesterday I drank my usual large quantity of water. And since it was such a beautiful day (50 degrees and sunny), I took the dog for a nice long walk instead of doing an exercise DVD for my cardio workout. And I'll probably do the same tonight before my strength training.

Have a great day everybody!
Yesterday I drank about 9 glasses of water

This a.m. I did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones.

Feel puffy today Aunt Flow should be visiting me any minute today!

I leave for Disney in ONE MONTH from Tomorrow! :thumbsup2
I'm checking in for last Friday! I'm sorry I'm late but my internet is still not working. I'm down 1lb and currently weigh 144 lbs. Only 9 more to go.

Only 3 weeks of clinicals and I'm officially done with college. I can't wait! :goodvibes
Just joined the DIS Peeps group on Facebook! I'm Stacey Y! Someone approve me please!

Today was not a good day. I called in sick due to major migraines :(
I have my passover seder tonight and hopefully I can get home/feel better early enough to get in a bit of cardio.

Happy Pesach to those that celebrate! Matzah, here I come!
I'll start with today for water and work outs - I drank 14 glasses of water, and I walked for 30 minutes at lunch. Then I did 68 minutes on the bike tonight when I got home. :cool1: (That's me working it!)

Yesterday I drank about 9 glasses of water

This a.m. I did Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones.

Feel puffy today Aunt Flow should be visiting me any minute today!

I leave for Disney in ONE MONTH from Tomorrow! :thumbsup2

We need to plan a meet!! It may take me a day or two, but I'll send you a message over on Facebook. Someone else is going at the same time as the both of us, right?

Just joined the DIS Peeps group on Facebook! I'm Stacey Y! Someone approve me please!

Today was not a good day. I called in sick due to major migraines :(
I have my passover seder tonight and hopefully I can get home/feel better early enough to get in a bit of cardio.

Happy Pesach to those that celebrate! Matzah, here I come!

You are approved! :)

Peeps, Wendy doesn't seem to be showing up on Facebook anymore. Has anyone heard from her? That means that for now, I am the only one who can approve requests to join the Peep group over there. If anyone sends a request, could you please do what Stacey did and let me know here that there is one waiting to be approved and give me your first name. You can PM me if you would prefer. I have one waiting for approval right now, and I'm not sure who it is. Noni, I got yours! :thumbsup2

Actually, I just saw that the other person requesting to join the group has punkin as a friend, so I'm going to go ahead and approve that one.
Yay! I'm a Facebook peep! And I'm the other peep that's going to WDW in late May. We check in on the 17th for a night at SoG and then we have a week at OKW.

I drank my usual 2 liters today, yesterday it was over 3!!:eek:

I've been really good with my exercise. I haven't made up my mind about a 5k but I'm still training like I'm actually going to run one. I do have a big walk in the fall, it's 40 miles over 2 days. It's for breast cancer treatment so it's an important issue. This event has been going on in Canada for several years and they decided to bring it to the US. I'm not sure how they chose one of our hospitals to partner with but Indy has the honor of hosting this event for it's US premier.

Aaron~ Sometimes all the body needs is a little nudge and everything falls together. I thought I was eating well and stayed OP but this week I changed my eating gabits and I'm seeing lots of progress. The weights and cardio help a lot I'm sure but I really think shaking things up a bit is the key to continued progress. I added you as a friend. The background in my photo should look familiar.

Stacey~ I hope you got a bit of rest and felt better for your sedar.

Fran~ Congrats!!! You are so awesome for getting your degree and sticking with your healthy eating through all of it.

I've got to get going........ I only did 2.17 miles on the elliptical at lunchtime. I have to do at least 2 more before bed.
OK, you folks inspired me. I came home completely exhausted, but the thought of not posting exercise bugged me, so I hopped on the bike.
Today's total:
Ten glasses of water,
35 minutes on the bike
10 minutes of strength training
10 minutes of THE BUNNY HOP! Don't I lead the glamorous life? If you want to join me in the hop, heed this warning - Make a visit to the potty before you start.:laughing:
So... I'd like to tell all of you some SPECTACULAR news. After a year of being at the wrong schools and suffering, having no life and suffering!!!!
I GOT INTO EMERSON COLLEGE AS A TRANSFER STUDENT!!!! :cool1::thumbsup2:goodvibes:):eek::woohoo::yay::dance3::cheer2::cloud9:

Yes I know that was a lot of smilies but I am SO excited, you have no idea! I've been waiting for this day for months and months and the only thing I had to cling onto this year was getting myself healthier and looking forward to the future.

YAY!!! Hope everyone is well!!!

Congrats on the transfer

Hi fellow losers! It's been a busy week around here. I've been doing the c25k program, more or less. I'm not sure if I'm going to do a 5k but I am signed up to do a 60k walk in the fall. It's a 2 day event for breast cancer.

I want to do this too.

Just joined the DIS Peeps group on Facebook! I'm Stacey Y! Someone approve me please!

Today was not a good day. I called in sick due to major migraines :(
I have my passover seder tonight and hopefully I can get home/feel better early enough to get in a bit of cardio.

Happy Pesach to those that celebrate! Matzah, here I come!

Happy Passover to you.
I'll start with today for water and work outs - I drank 14 glasses of water, and I walked for 30 minutes at lunch. Then I did 68 minutes on the bike tonight when I got home. :cool1: (That's me working it!)

We need to plan a meet!! It may take me a day or two, but I'll send you a message over on Facebook. Someone else is going at the same time as the both of us, right?

You are approved! :)

Peeps, Wendy doesn't seem to be showing up on Facebook anymore. Has anyone heard from her? That means that for now, I am the only one who can approve requests to join the Peep group over there. If anyone sends a request, could you please do what Stacey did and let me know here that there is one waiting to be approved and give me your first name. You can PM me if you would prefer. I have one waiting for approval right now, and I'm not sure who it is. Noni, I got yours! :thumbsup2

Actually, I just saw that the other person requesting to join the group has punkin as a friend, so I'm going to go ahead and approve that one.

Let's try to figure something out....I am staying at the Dolphin Hotel May 9th then on the Disney Wonder from May 10th - May 14th. from May 14th - May 21st I will be at the beach club!
I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.
I'm so sad, we might have to cancel our trip for November. DH doesn't know if he has work after April. I'm so upset, the kids are too. I shouldn't have told them.

I'm so Sorry! Sending you some pixie dust so something can be worked out! :wizard:You deserve a trip to WDW after everything you have been going through :hug:


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