Disney and the War

I went through 9/11 with my 4-year-old in NYC. I work across from World Trade Center and what we went through was something I will always remember. My husband thought we were dead and I could not have imagined what went through his mind that day until he saw us came home.

Afterwards, I feel that with 5 minutes difference, it could have been me and my child lost our lives in the tragedy. Bottom line is, it could happen anywhere. Even if you sit at home, things could happen. I never would have thought World Trade Center would not be there one day and many people who lost their lives that day just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, while people like me have been there for years and there is really no explanation as to why it happens to some but not others. Sorry about the rambling.

I decided to continue on with whatever we plan on doing/vacationing, just with extra alert/caution, but I will not let the fear control how my kids grow up and how my family travel.
armydark, you ask a good question, and a fair one. I'm *very* confident that your initial post was not at all blase about the greater issue of the war over your individual concerns regarding the impact on your trip. The decision to travel is something we can control, as is preparing for contingencies. How a war affects that is beyond our control. We're going to WDW, for a cruise and a 4 day resort stay in early May. Our first family trip to WDW was booked August 28, 2001. We didn't cancel after September 11th. In fact, we've spent more money in the US on vacations than we ever have before.

People who know of our travel plans keep asking me 'what if the US goes to war?' Well, we're not cancelling this trip, either. But this is how we're handling the 'what if':

* We've made sure we have the ability to pay in the very unlikely event our travel is delayed.

* We've allowed even more time for airport security. Plus, we expect more questions at the border crossings. We know that our travel will likely be tracked, and don't particularly like the loss of privacy that means, though we rationalize the need given the times.

* We expect tighter park security. We expect tighter ship security. We expect some fellow passengers on the Magic to boycott the French side of St. Martin.

* We've thought more about the possibility of something going wrong. We've updated our wills.

* We send a hope everyday that the war will not happen, and if it does, that it will be over quickly. We know we will feel conflicted that we are enjoying ourselves if others are at war.

I guess we're selfish, too. We hope the parks don't close, because we've planned and saved for this trip for over a year and we know it will be our family's last to WDW for many years. We expect that there will discounts to be had, and likely shorter lines. I guess we will 'benefit' from that -- but only because we've decided to continue to live our lives, and *not* to stay at home out of fear.
Originally posted by northernmouse

* We send a hope everyday that the war will not happen, and if it does, that it will be over quickly. We know we will feel conflicted that we are enjoying ourselves if others are at war.

I guess we're selfish, too. We hope the parks don't close, because we've planned and saved for this trip for over a year and we know it will be our family's last to WDW for many years. We expect that there will discounts to be had, and likely shorter lines. I guess we will 'benefit' from that -- but only because we've decided to continue to live our lives, and *not* to stay at home out of fear.


I've been back and forth to my computer reading this thread all day, feeling mostly a sense of saddness that more people were not rejoicing in the fact that all of us here are ABLE to plan these vacations, that we are priviledged to be healthy and strong and live within a country were freedom allows us to share such magic as Disney provides.

Then I came back one more time and read your post. THANK YOU for saying it so well!! To me your words spell it out clearly. Life is so very short, be prepared but never give up the hope that has been freely given to us!!
I feel we are all affected by the fear of war, and perhaps the original poster was expressing a concrete fear. The abstract is the Servicemen and women over seas. and the ultimate terror of perhaps us again being attacked. When you are traveling and you are out of your home comfort zone, the fear of the abstract becomes paramount to you... now... we as well have fears about taking our children and perhaps putting them in a situation that is more likely to harm them. But, that is with any public place not just a theme park. I still need to buy groceries, I need to buy them socks, and I will go to a place they have told us is a threat. For example a mall. We have to live our lives and not impart our fears on our children. That being said, we will travel by air to Disney, and I will sweat every second of the plane ride, I will give the hairy eyeball to people I am not sure of. But I will go and we will have fun and in that way we win...and..... No I am not racial profileing, I also give the hairy eyeball to people that smoke near my children, I am just adding another layer of Vigilance...... A vigilance That is now new to all of us.:confused:
Originally posted by aahmom1
My problem wasn't with the question itself, it was with the obvious emphasis on "WILL IT AFFECT OUR TRIP' and that it would be good for him if people didn't travel but bad for him if things got closed down. Seriously, I think there are bigger concerns than how it will AFFECT HIS TRIP. Not everything is about any one person.

This is a Disney Resorts board why wouldn't you ask how the war would effect your Disney Trip? Good question and I am surprised it was not brought up before.

Interesting to hear how everyone is dealing with this.
Originally posted by gepetto
FYI this was the part of the OP's post that I had a problem with. I thought that it sounded very selfish. Sorry, but I would rather have a very crowded Disney vacation than see our country go to war.

I don't see the big deal. We went to WDW 30 days after 9/11 and even though 9/11 was a horrible tragedy it made for an empty park. No lines, no crowds, no problems. That isn't selfish. That is simply my opinion. Take that anyway you like but I much prefer the parks to be on the empty side as opposed to packed in like sardines. That is why we travel during off season times. To the other poster that just has to chime in with spelling corrections........ grow up! If you can't add to the thread in a meaningful way then don't post. You only make yourself look bad. The OP had every right to ask a question. She wasn't nasty about it. Just wondering what effect the war would have on her trip. I'm going the end of April myself and do believe that many people will be canceling for one reason or another. I've read on other boards where families are canceling their trips. No, I don't ever want to see anyone laid off for any reason. That doesn't mean that we cannot enjoy what is thrown at us. And if that means less crowds to fight, so be it. :Pinkbounc
Originally posted by aahmom1
My problem wasn't with the question itself, it was with the obvious emphasis on "WILL IT AFFECT OUR TRIP' and that it would be good for him if people didn't travel but bad for him if things got closed down. Seriously, I think there are bigger concerns than how it will AFFECT HIS TRIP. Not everything is about any one person.

But the question was about it affecting HER trip. Not your trip. Not my trip. Her trip. She has every right to wonder since it is her trip. Of course there are always other things that are more important but we are all still posting on the boards right? Aren't there more important things you could be doing besides posting here? There might be a war you know and here we are all yapping about Disney. LOL! It was a valid question. It was on topic. If I wanted to know about how the impending war is going to affect gas prices, our loved ones, and so on then I wouldn't be reading this board. Sometimes it is nice to talk about US once in awhile. It gets a little tiring always worrying about terrorists and everything else. Once in awhile you gotta look at the bright side even if that is very limited.
PS. I do not spellcheck! :D
Though I think Disnay is a relatively safe place, I'm not in agreement that it is as safe as your house, unless of course you live at WDW. Also, I would think that the terrorists would love a crack at WDW, as it is a symbol of everything they find wrong with the USA (and may the 67 virgins they look forward to upon completing their suicide missions be virgin goats). Some people are more nervous then others and don't feel comfortable traveling in these strange times. That is their call to make and they shouldn't be made to feel that they are giving in to terrorists if they put off or cancel trips. (We are still going in May.)

On another note, I'm sure most would agree that Disney is now spending significantly more on security. Given the need to satisfy the shareholders expectations for a good return on their investment, this would imply that something has to give (either a decrease in service or an increase in prices). From what I've read on these boards many people are angry with some of the cuts in park hours or a lack of more generous resort discounts (I don't think the AXA code was bad at all).

Should Disney eat the increased security costs? Give me a minute to put on my flame proof jacket.
Why the heck did the moderator move this to this forum? Just for Fun? Community Board? I don't get it. War..Just for fun?????
This is long, I apologize...

Boy, I really think ARMYDARK was unfairly treated for his question, and the whole tone of this thread shows how anxious we all are about the upcoming war. (AS WE SHOULD BE-DON'T BURN ME!)

I went to WDW 2/14-17 this year under the Orange Alert. My friends were joking nervously with me before we left about the Epcot sphere being bombed and rolling across Epcot, and Mickey passing out gas masks. Another friend had been to WDW on President's Day weekend in 99, and warned me that Epcot would be "horrendously crowded". WELL, it was amazingly uncrowded. I was torn between being pleased and being discomforted because I realized how bad this is for business. We literally walked onto every ride-our longest wait was 20 minutes for Maelstrom.

Later in the evening as we watched the Tapestry parade we had German tourists on one side and Japanese on the other. As the narration with the children talking about their dreams of the future started, tears filled my eyes. I hadn't realized how much the war was weighing on me. The message of cooperation and peace was so timely.

By the way, I didn't read the newspaper the whole weekend-it was great! (even though the Swan charged me for it!).

So, ARMYDARK, I would guess that if the war starts the parks will be relatively uncrowded in April, and the hours will be shortened or parades cancelled.

There is a French Creole word called "Lagniappe" (pronounced lan-yap). It means being given something unpaid for or undeserved, like a 13th doughnut. We have traveled a lot since 9/11, and have had several lagniappes. We went to Santa Fe right after 9/11, and were given a convertible for our rental for the economy car price because it had been driven there from FL after 9/11, and no small cars were available. We were upgraded at the Swan, probably because it is pretty empty. We had the nicest day at WDW imaginable, because there was an Orange Alert. So, you may get a lagniappe if you are willing to travel when others won't; don't feel guilty, enjoy, you are doing your bit for the economy. (By the way, I believe that the economy has more to do with the decreased business than the terrorist threats).

Last, on a funny note-my husband had never been to WDW before (!). Now he thinks it is ALWAYS that uncrowded!~
Unless something really horrific happens between now and December (who can tell), I plan to be at WDW enjoying my vacation. I sincerely hope we do not go to war, and that the worst thing our military men and women have to worry about is sand in their teeth. But we don't have to be at war for bad things to happen (like the eleven lives lost on the Black Hawk helicopter that crashed at Ft. Drum today). Just goes to show you that life is uncertain and anything can happen.

I have traveled several times since 9/11 and if I could afford it and had the time off, I'd be on a plane or a ship as often as I could. I have flown to Puerto Rico, Washington, DC and taken a cruise to Mexico. I have seen a vast inprovement in airline security (I know it's not perfect, but it's probably a lot better than per-9/11). Problems with the travel industry (airlines, hotels, restaurants) has a ripple effect--what affects one affects another, and another, and another. I'm going to do my part, enjoy Disney, pray for our troops, for my family and for America...God Bless Us All!
Come on down and try not to worry about something you have no control over.

We'll look forward to making this your best vacation ever.

Best wishes and have a safe journey to Orlando.
I can't wait for the vacation like I said, in fact, I just paid today. But my next question on here is for OTIMAN, the last post before this one. Otiman, you are a Epcot Cast member? Will the war effect the hours of operation for the parks? Also, can you get me on Mission Space? Had to try didn't I?

In answer to your question armydark - yes, I am an Epcot Cast Member.

In the event of war any decision regarding park hours will be made at that time.

As for Mission Space, it is not as yet open although the exterior has been completed. The fence around the building has been removed but the entrance has a barracade in front so no one can enter. I must say the building is quite impressive. Nothing official has been announced regarding the opening date.

We'll be looking forward to having you with us, also. Have a safe journey. :D
I have flown twice since 9/11 and been to WDW once...My DS is in the military and in Kuwait, so I will be directly affected by the war..but I am still going on my vacation in September. DS would not want me to cancel or alter it in anyway, he knows how I love to go to WDW.

I lost my job due to cutbacks after 9/11, life is going on and I am a homemaker again..nothing much stops me.

War is a terrible, terrible thing and I pray this does not happen but life will go on in the US even if there is a war on...I think Orlando will be a wonderful distraction for folks and most folks will be willing to go through maybe more security than before with no fuss....

Have wonderful vacations everyone and try not to worry too much about things..If you cancel trips or alter plans you are making the terrorists happy as they want to disrupt and ruin things here in the US.
Reading everyone's comments about the safety of traveling to WDW in the event of war reminded me of a conversation I had with a family from Australia just a couple weeks after 9/11. They were standing in front of us in a very short line at the Jungle Cruise having a ball. I thanked them for coming to the US as I thought it was very brave of people to fly so far to a land that had just suffered such a terrible blow. The response I got was "We wouldn't have missed it for the world". I think that said it all.
We just went in February the week before Presidents Day weekend and I was told by many CM's that it had been extremely slow, of course the MK is always the busy park, all the other ones was basically walk in or the longest wait was 5 minutes.
Epcot was a deserted park , even at noon when the showcase was open , it was pretty empty. To me I would rather see the crowds , I had never seen so many CM's free in my life.
But even the morning we went to the MK early in the morning, I was at the castle hub waiting for the rope to drop to go to frontierland and there were maybe 25-25 people including ourselves, now I have always seen people running trying to beat the crowd.
I would rather see the parks crowded and everyone busy, it's better for everyone.
We went to WDW during the last Gulf War. We actually made two trips during that time, at the beginning, for a conference, and then mid way through the war for our preplanned family vacation.
During the first trip, the park was very uncrowded. That could have been a seasonal variation. The second trip, there was a lot more activity, since is was during school vacation. We were able to change our rate from the existing Magic Kingdom Club rate at the time to a 50% off rate if you had the "gold card". Of course, by the time the family vacation rolled around, victory in the Gulf War was assured, and the atmosphere was more optimistic. I think a lot depends upon when the official beginning is. Obviously, we have troops behind the lines, so in a sense the war has actually begun. We will be on a Caribbean cruise mid April, and security is something one wonders about. It isn't just a matter of "are you going to have fun" but "are you going to be safe". I think the original poster asked a fair question. We plan to keep our family together while in port. Carrying walkie talkies, and be sure everyone knows where the life boat is and how to muster. In this day and age, it is perfectly reasonable to have a plan for communications and where to meet. I do not think it is selfish to want to have fun.
We went to WDW a couple weeks after 9/11 and had a great trip. Yes, it's nice when the crowds are small, but it's also sad, because it reminds you of WHY they're small, and also reminds you that Disney is not doing well. It changes your outlook when you know the CM who's helping you is worried about losing his/her job at any minute. And, of course, it changes the CM's attitudes.

Mostly, it makes you aware that things just aren't NORMAL. I remember when we didn't even think about these things. Nobody worried about light crowds at WDW, because there was no reason to think Disney would have problems. E-nights were there all the time; you could look at last year's calendar and figure out when they would be this year. You knew what the hours were going to be, because that's what they always were. You didn't have to worry about whether your favorite hotel might be closed down when you want to go.

I'd like it to go back to being that way. But I don't think it ever will. At least, not anytime soon.


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