Disney and the War

Originally posted by Disneymad
I see nothing wrong with this question...so why people are trying to make anyone feel guilty for asking it is beyond me.

Could it be good in the fact that alot of people will cancel their trips?

FYI this was the part of the OP's post that I had a problem with. I thought that it sounded very selfish. Sorry, but I would rather have a very crowded Disney vacation than see our country go to war.
I need to ask these questions What is your actual fear? What are you afraid of?? If there is a war, what do you think will happen if you are on vacation?

I am a TA and I can tell you for the most part, people are not travelling......espically to Europe, which is understandable. I cannot understand the fear of domestic travel. I am just curious as to what everyone is afraid of? Is there anything specific to fear?

Do people feel unsafe flying? Do you fear - what??

I do not fear flying, as a friend of mine is a sky marshall. From what I know from him -our planes are very well protected, and you don't even know they are there. I also have a lot of faith in the airport securities. As far as WDW parks or anyplace else for that matter - what do you think could happen, I mean really??

We are our own worst enemy, by not travelling, spending money we are not doing any good to anyone. The impending war is doing more harm than good. Take WDW for example. Less people visit - attendance is down - park hours are cut - hiring freeze & people laid off - laid off employees = high unemployemnt rate - families on tight budget = less spending on everything. It is a vicious cycle.
My neighbor is high up in the police force here in St. Paul, MN and has briefings with the FBI quite frequently. He told us this last weekend that there have been NO signs of any threats against WDW or Disneyland. He said it's probably one of the safest places to be because "even the Taliban knows that kids should not be a primary target and that if they were every nation in the world would be blowing Iraq off the face of the earth".

Those were his words not mine so don't start judging me as some people have been doing. It's not hard to believe that countries can't get along when people on the disboards are flinging negativities at each other. We should all agree to pray for the servicemen and women and their families and leave the negative comments out of this.
We went to WDW shortly after 9/11 and while it was a sad time for the country and for ourselves we were determined not to live in fear of what may or may not happen. We met wonderful people from all over the world, but especially from New York. Their spirits were amazing. Some even wore t-shirts with the names of victims. They were determined not only to carry on with their lives but to give themselves and their kids a respite from the tragedy. What a wonderful place to do it at. My feelings are the same about the impending war. We are going to be there late April and I am going with my sister whose son is in the Marines and sitting in a sandstorm waiting. He is over there so we can carry on our lives in this wonderful country we call home. WDW is a very safe place. While you see some of the security, it is only the tip of the massive security system they have in place. I would feel safer there than in our local mall. As far as whether it is right to go to WDW when the country is in crisis, I think it is absolutely what this country is all about. In fact, by everyone keeping their travel plans we will keep the economy going. The folks in Florida have suffered enough from the 9/11 downturn. There are some things in life we can't control. Go and have a good time.
Gonga -

I speak only for myself, but I can tell you what I am afraid of. I have extended family here at home and a house and a cat and a dog and neighbors and friends. I go on vacation or tavel for business. Something happens. Maybe not where I am, thank God, but something happens, and I can't get home. I am in a hotel with limited provisions, limited transportation, miles away from the rest of my family and friends and all the rest. The thought of that is a little (maybe more than a little) scary. I am not cancelling my plans, but I am also not going to say that I am not a little nervous about being away when the chance of the "something" happening seems a little more real each day. I am trying to take the "I could get hit by a truck in front of my own house tomorrow" philosophy, but I'd be lying if I said this trip to Disney is going to be like all the rest....it's going to be in the back of my mind.
People are confusing the "war on terror" with the "war on Saddam". The only time people could not get home for a few days was when all the planes were grounded 9/11. I have friends that express their fear of "not getting home" - based on what though? If a war is declared we are still free to travel about. We are so blessed in this country to have the freeedoms we have, we are protected by our brave military. I think being afraid is showing no faith in the strength of this nation. Our economy has suffered enough, I think. Being from NY, 20 miles from NYC, I can tell you that the effects of 9/11 are still strongly felt emotionally and economically. Its hard times, but we cannot let fear dictate our lives, it if does they have won.
Originally posted by Disneymad
I see nothing wrong with this question...so why people are trying to make anyone feel guilty for asking it is beyond me. Knock it off.

This is a great question! I guess some people like to be mean and enjoy making people feel bad. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ArmyDark - I hope that your trip is safe, uneventful and most of all a GREAT time!
Originally posted by anne60
Gonga -

I speak only for myself, but I can tell you what I am afraid of. I have extended family here at home and a house and a cat and a dog and neighbors and friends. I go on vacation or tavel for business. Something happens. Maybe not where I am, thank God, but something happens, and I can't get home. I am in a hotel with limited provisions, limited transportation, miles away from the rest of my family and friends and all the rest. The thought of that is a little (maybe more than a little) scary. I am not cancelling my plans, but I am also not going to say that I am not a little nervous about being away when the chance of the "something" happening seems a little more real each day. I am trying to take the "I could get hit by a truck in front of my own house tomorrow" philosophy, but I'd be lying if I said this trip to Disney is going to be like all the rest....it's going to be in the back of my mind.

I know how you feel. We were living in long island Ny on 9/11. My husband worked in New Jersey. My entire circle of friends and my husbands are all involved with the stock market and all work down where the trade centers were and in the trade centers.
My husbands office in Jersey City is directly across from where the trade centers were. They all watched what happened from his window.

Well, anyway, My husband could not get home for 2 days and I'll tell you how he suffered about that. Because he felt he had let us down and we were all alone.

Now we live in Jersey. We have had this trip planned for over a year now. Am I nervous about flying, yes, Am I nervous about being in what has been called a "soft target" - yes.

But bottom line, We have to continue with our lives and pray that our military can protect us and will protect us. God bless them.

I can't wait to be in Disney and hopefully have at least 10 days where I'm not checking CNN every 5 minutes for breaking news, or cringing every time I get a breaking news e-mail across my pc.

It is sad, that park hours will be cut because attendance is down, but my kids need to see stability and also need to have fun. They are scared out of their wits and hopefully our trip will provide some peace for them.
I don't think the OP should feel bad about the question either. I'm sure he/she didn't mean it the way some seem to be taking it. I'm sure nobody on this board is looking forward to the US going to war. But, if it does happen, our lives will go on. I agree with the poster who said that folks not traveling and spending money is a vicious cycle - our economy is already in the toilet. I think we should pray for our armed forces and go on with our lives (and that includes Disney vacations for me!) in as normal a fashion as possible.

AND, most of all get along with our friends, family and DISers.

On my local news this past weekend they did a report of major attractions being closed when we go to war. Disneyland was one of the attractions that was taped by the terrorist, so our government is aware that they, at least, thought of Disney.
Has anyone else heard anything such as this....:confused:

At the risk of sounding selfish.... It would be bad news for ALL involved for it to effect Disney... That includes the travelers as well as the workers....no one will win... if I was a worker, I would be concerned with my hours and possible job security... if I am a traveler...I will be concerned with my plans... and so forth... it all comes to who you might be..be concerned for all and be concerned for yourself as well
I have friends who work at WDW and yes, they are afraid of their hours being drastically cut, or being laid off, due to people's fears.

I just don't get it. We live in one of the safest countries in the world, and we are afraid to go out of our front door? Think of Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, countries and continents whose people have lived their lives with terrorists attacks for years... some for all of their lives. Are they afraid of getting on with their lives?... NO! They live their lives to the fullest. Maybe because this is something new we are reacting badly... but sooner or later, we have to get on with our lives... war or no war... terrorists or no terrorists!
No reason not to ask the question. The answer, of course, is who knows.

Of course no one would actually welcome a war to thin the crowds. I don't see anything wrong with a little black humor about a bleak situation. We had a WDW trip scheduled right after 9/11, which we almost cancelled. Even when we decided to go, we were sort of down about it-- we live right across the bridge from the WTC, and we felt it was wrong to leave the city.

Everyone in NYC we told our quandry about to-- that we couldn't decide whether or not to go-- made the same joke-- "Hey! No lines!" Nobody was being insensitive. These were people who had lost their neighbors, who had to pick up burned Cantor Fitzgerald paperwork from their backyard.

I think it was September 13 that during one of his press conferences Giuliani noted that it would be a great time to try to score tickets to "The Producers." He got a big laugh and was widely quoted. I don't think anyone thought it was tasteless.
I think that these are very valid questions and that no one wants the CM's or anyone for that matter to lose their jobs, but they do however want to be reassured that their trip will be a magical one.

There's always some in the crowd who like to rain on the others parade and that is no different here.

I hear the debate board calling this thread!!!

Enjoy your vacation, that's if you can after reading some of these posts!!!!
My problem wasn't with the question itself, it was with the obvious emphasis on "WILL IT AFFECT OUR TRIP' and that it would be good for him if people didn't travel but bad for him if things got closed down. Seriously, I think there are bigger concerns than how it will AFFECT HIS TRIP. Not everything is about any one person.
Crowds or no crowds...shortened hours or not...e-tickets or not... Hey you're still going right?? I'm glad to hear that you're not going to let this stop you from enjoying yourself w/ your family.

I just hope we're not going to war...I pray that we're not going to war. That is my biggest concern...not so much if how is it going to affect my trip.

Besides thinking about our trips to the most happiest place... We should also be thinking about our American troops who will be serving our country and protecting us. God Bless them!

quoted by Gepetto
Sorry, but I would rather have a very crowded Disney vacation than see our country go to war.

I agree!
Who would have thought my question would have sparked such a debate. I do feel however that I should respond. First and foremost, I don't want war and I don't want people to lose their jobs. Its tragic and I don't like it, but guess what, I AM SELFISH. I live in NJ and my job, without going to much into it, is a front-line against terrorism kind of job. I was dramatically effected by 9/11 and am effected everyday by the threat of war. I was in the military and I feel for the men and women in uniform everyday.

That said, YES I AM SELFISH. I work hard and I want my vacation. And, like everyone has said on here, I want others to enjoy their vacations too.

People should not fear flying or going anywhere in the United States. Actually, if you stay home and cower in your house, you feed into the terrorist's strategy. Disney is VERY VERY well protected. You may not always see it, but trust me, the security is there.

One last thing. I am going, I would never cancel, and I can't wait to see everyone at the pool.

I don't think I "fear" traveling within the USA, but I do worry about what would happen if there is some type of terrorist action in the USA while I'm on vacation. You have a sense of safety, familiarity and comfort within your own home, neighborhood and community you don't feel when you're on vacation. And for most people you have a support system of friends and family nearby. Plus, as someone else said, on vacation you're in a hotel with limited provisions and money. Someone else posted questioning why people are afraid about the impending war when in other countries war is a part of daily living. I think many American's view of war and terrorism was "that take place over there" and 9/11 turned a concept into reality for all of us. Most of us never felt unsafe in this country until 9/11 and war and terrorism was never more than a quick segment about some other country on the evening news. Maybe war and terrorism will someday be a part of our daily lives (I hope it never happens) but I think right now it's such a new concept to us that we're going to be afraid. I don't plan on canceling my trip to WDW. I want to take my family and experience all the magic I can. My family has had to deal with impending war, rude, foulmouthed neighbors, hospitalizations, numerous unplanned business trips and 6 day work weeks and 14 hour days for DH and a lot of other junk so I'm ready to get away for awhile!
Thanks Tay'n'evies's mom - that's exactly how I feel. I am not "cowering" but I do think about the fact that something could happen, because it already did. My daughter (age 17) recently spent 5 days alone at a conference in DC. I was afraid, but I let her go because not letting her go would, on some level, be giving in to the terrorists. I guess what I'm saying is that I think about it more now than I did before because I honestly believe the chance of "something" happening is greater. I understand the fear that prevents some people from living their lives as they used to, and I really can't blame them. I understand the difference between the war on terrorists and the war on Iraq. But, if war is declared, it not unreasonable to think that the terrorists are going to kick it up a notch. I'll be going anyway, and plan to have a wonderful time, thinking how lucky I am to be there and to live in this country.
We recently went to Washington DC during the elevated alert level over Valentine's Day. Some said we were crazy, but I wasn't worried in the least. I firmly believe that if you hide at home that you are not leading much of a life. The likelihood of dying in your bathtub is greater than a terrorist event.! The news media has to fill 24 hours a day of airtime and they are using it poorly, as their entire newscasts are trying to scare us. I am very patriotic and cannot imagine our ancestors hiding in their houses "just in case" something "might" happen if they went out.


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