Disneyland Divas: Working out, getting healthy and thin in 2010!!

Dan started doing a lot of research on coffee's effect on cortisol levels in the body and how that is attributed to belly fat. :eek: Since we gave up the coffee, we are both sleeping through the night which hasn't happened in a long, long time.

I'm surprised at how much I am liking tea. I drink one cup in the morning with stevia, and one decaf cup in the evening (chamomile or coconut chai). It's been a good replacement for me and when I had a "special" cup of coffee on Christmas morning, it wasn't really all that tasty. I think a lot of my addiction was mental.

Beth and Sarah, thanks so much for posting those pics! You both have come such a long way and the results are amazing. Just the difference in your faces is astounding!

Ok, well I said I was gonna call my dad, so I better follow through and do that. :thumbsup2

I only drink 1 cup a day, although it's a BIG cup, and in the morning when I first get up. The rest of the day it's water, but thinking I need to drink green tea as well, and I think I even have some decaf green tea around here somewhere... In the summer, I drink iced tea, usually no coffee.
I have been on the diet yo yo myself for years. I am glad we have a new thread and I plan to get on board as well!

I have my own photos of shame LOL.

This was me at about my top weight around 190 back when I was married to my ex. This was in about 97.


Then I had the fabulous divorce diet and lost about 60 lbs in only a few months. I managed to keep it off over a year and prob would have kept it off longer but I got pg with Katy.

I was about 135 here.


I would love to get down to this weight again but doubt that is possible. My NEW goal is 145. I was 155 when I came down last year but I don't know if getting down that low again is possible or not but I am sure going to try! :)

This is me after the two babies when I was back in the 170's


Then I lost it AGAIN and got down to about 160's.


Then when shane got deployed I gained it back AGAIN


Then I lost about 30 lbs this last year and the lowest I got was 155. But over this past year I have gone back up to 166. SOOO I need to get back on the horse.


I want to get to about 140 or lower if possible. But that is my yo yo journey.

So you guys are not alone.

I hope to start working out tomorrow or at least this week and of course getting back on track with my eating!

Good luck to us all!
So like I posted on the other thread, I started weight watchers today. I was a member long ago before I went back to school, and since then, I gained everything back and then some. So now I got to get back on track. Mostly for health reasons. And plus, Im hot and want to look like it too. :goodvibes
Stacie, you are hot!! Just think how you're going to rock that little black dress in Vegas come June!! :thumbsup2

Kelly, you can totally do this!! :cheer2:
That's the attitude!

I love the pics Kelly...if I didn't know they were of you I wouldn't have realized it! You look so different at the different weights! I am glad you are back with us and working towards a comfortable spot for you!

My family of 4 just had an impromtu dance party to "the power of love" iin the living room! It was fun! Now it has gone to a screaming match between the kids but for a moment it was really fun!

YAY we have a new home!!

I am thinking of joining WW.

I am looking into buying a stairstepper or treadmill this week. I figure if I am going to watch tv I might as well be doing something while I am watching.

Beth~ Great changes girl!

I am cutting back to 1 pop a day if that. But give up coffee NEVER!!!!!!
The Bowflex is now sitting in my guest bedroom. Guess I better figure out how to use it!

I want something sweet so bad tonight. I think it's just that I have become so used to eating the Christmas candy/sweets after dinner. I have some sugar-free coffee nips, I might have one of those.
I am joining you all...again! After seeing recent pictures I realize I can't crop out my body forever. I am so tired of my fat clothes! I want to get back into my cute clothes and now that I live in CA and there really is no winter I really can't easily hide behind bulky sweaters.

I still have my subscriptions to WW that I had last Spring when I was doing well so I'll be logging in there and I plan to start walking every day and then I'm going to try running again to see how my foot responds this time around - but regardless I've got to get moving!

I've done my share of Yo-yoing too and I am not sure I can get off that cycle but I plan to spend a lot more time in the down cycle than in the up!

Thanks in advance for the support that I know I'll be getting from you all!
The Bowflex is now sitting in my guest bedroom. Guess I better figure out how to use it!

I want something sweet so bad tonight. I think it's just that I have become so used to eating the Christmas candy/sweets after dinner. I have some sugar-free coffee nips, I might have one of those.

Callie, I was just wanting the same thing!!

I just want something sweet & yummy!
The Bowflex is now sitting in my guest bedroom. Guess I better figure out how to use it!

I want something sweet so bad tonight. I think it's just that I have become so used to eating the Christmas candy/sweets after dinner. I have some sugar-free coffee nips, I might have one of those.

Callie, I was just wanting the same thing!!

I just want something sweet & yummy!
I'm here to join you ladies. I signed up to WW and I'm feeling pretty good about it, except for all the Christmas goodies still lingering in the house. I have to lose weight for more than just looking good. I have some major hormone issues and the specialist has told me that I will be a diabetic in no time if I don't lose the weight and start eating healthier. One of my many issues is that I have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) which makes losing weight a little bit harder, I'm also insulin resistance so I should cut back drastically on the carbs.
I LOVE to eat, especially pasta, breads, sweets and I'm addicted to Pepsi. I really have my work cut out for me.
I've been heavy since I started puberty. The only times I've lost weight was when I was pregnant 3 times. Normally pregnant woman have hormones that are out of whack but mine become regulated so I lose 20lbs in the first 3 months then don't gain anything the other 6. After each baby I gained it all back plus another 10 at least:sad2:
I also have a bad habit of staying up until 2 or 3 am and snacking constantly.
My short term goals are to cut out pop and start sleeping better. Hopefully the rest will follow!
Thanks Sarah, Beth and Kelly for posting pictures. It really helps to see the differences and that it can be done.
How did I miss that Callie is going to Maui? That is great motivation to get it in gear!

I bought a WW cookbook a couple of weeks ago, hoping to use some of the recipes in my business. I guess I should use them for me, too.
Wow, Beth, you really know how to firestart a new thread! It was amazing to see your journey in pictures! It was so inspiring. You look fabulous to me and you'll look even more so, I know it.

Sarah, you too - so great!! Kelly, brava to your courage for showing your yo-yo history (which I easily share).

Angie and Christabel, you two could share notes. Both of you have posted here that you could be pre-diabetic.

Any of you who have the following symptoms: cold hands or feet, trouble staying awake during the day, weight gain - you could have what I have, hypo thyroidism. The at home test is to take your temperature while still in bed in the AM, with very little movement, five days in a row and record it. If it's consistently low and you have those symptoms, you are probably hypo and should see a good endocrinologist who is sensitive to this (many internists are unaware and look for large numbers). I take a tiny pill for this (and it is helps prevent thyroid cancer) and now my symptoms are gone. Any weight gain is my own fault. :lmao:

Can I do it?? Trying to figure out what type(s) of exercise to do to get the most benefit, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have an elliptical machine as well as a Soloflex and Wii fit. It's not like I need to join a gym or anything... I'm not even going to weigh myself until tomorrow morning, we're still finishing the junk food around here. One question, when is the best time to exercise in the morning? Before breakfast? After breakfast? How long before or after?? HELP!!!

Yes, you can do it. You are well fitted out, with your in house eqt. Most trainers say exercise about 30 min after a light breakfast but really, what matters is what works for you.

Dan and I are doing some serious weight-loss dieting right now which we did a couple summers ago where we both lost 15 lbs the first 3 weeks. Hoping that at least takes care of the immediate situation. It's a carb-free, sugar-free diet, which I realize overall is not the healtiest, but this is a Maui Emergency!!

The first couple days of this diet are always the hardest while the body is going into ketosis and you feel like you're starving to death. I might be posting a lot just to complain about hunger pains.

It sounds like you have this under control. We'll be here to listen to you complain. ;) Are you going to do fun stuff like snorkeling in the ocean, kayaking, hiking, swimming?

Me, I had lost about 25 lb over the last year, year and a half, very slow but a lot of work, but then gained back about 7 lb of it since some very stressful changes this fall. The holidays have not helped but I am now back to my healthy eating.

I exercise on the elliptical 6 days a week, for 30-60 minutes and do a good hour of weights and routines one day a week. My goal for this week is to up that weight routine to two days a week.

Glad to see Angie, Stacierita, Stacielee, Callie, Christabel, Deb, Vicki and anyone else I missed (can't scroll back that far)!! Let's all get healthy together!:cheer2:
Okay, I am here, but unfortunately I am gaining. :confused3 Why do new boyfriends cause that???? Gary went shopping this weekend and filled my freezer and fridge. He says my fridge looked like a bachelor's fridge. So, I must find the time between all this eating, working tax season and working at the shop to exercise so I don't gain 50 pounds.
Good luck to us all! Thanks for looking at my journey and Beth and Sarah your pics are awesome and inspiring!

This is exciting and I hope to see a BUNCH of skinny minnis come Feb! ;)

I ended up getting a NASTY migraines last night and luckily (after going to bed at 6) I was able to stave it off but I think I am going to have to do a pretty light workout today or it will come right back.

But I knew I was going to have to ease back into my workouts anyway because it has been several months. I had to stop working out back in August when I had my surgery. That plus the bad eating and wa la, add 10 lbs! It is SO frustrating to have to go backwards and know that I have to "re-lose" what I had already lost BUT so be it. The eating is going to be MUCH harder than the exercise. I know once I get back to it that I enjoy it and will have no problem. The ONLY time I get bad about working out is when I don't feel well or I have stuff going on and get distracted. Like today I have to call my doc first thing about getting my meds fixed and when I get fixated on doing something I get distracted. But I actually plan to workout as soon as I drop the girls off (my normal routine) so then I will call AFTER I am done. It doesn't help that I have to go in to work today too AND I have to start on the corp taxes this week. BUT I don't want to let anything stand in my way.

Now the tough part is getting back to eating right. I have managed to lose the weight every time by just cutting back and watching what I eat. I have never had to do any special diets and it actually works really well for me because I am able to eat NORMAL food without anything special. The ONLY reason I have ever gained back is when I have let myself get off my routine but as long as I stick to it which I usually do I am fine. You CAN get off sugar but I have learned it takes a min of 3 weeks to stop craving it and I know how hard it is cuz that is my BIGGEST faux pas! I have found that substitutes are a good thing.

I drink LOTS of water too. I have a bottle of water in my hands at ALL times. I wake up and get one first thing and drink one all day long and even have one next to the bed. I only drink maybe one caf free diet coke a day. I dont' drink coffee at all so my one diet coke is the only splurge I allow myself. For my sweet indulgence I try to stick to fruit or a 1/4 cup serving of non-fat frozen yogurt. I also buy those dove chocolate squares (the dark not milk) and eat 1 square every so often. It is not too bad on calories and gives you a nice little boost once in awhile!

Anyway good luck everyone and look forward to seeing everyone and hearing everyone's progress! :)
YAY Deb, Donna, Vicki, Marcie and Angie are here! We need Jen, our resident coach, cheerleader, and quote provider. :goodvibes

Marcie, new boyfriends always cause weight gain once you get comfortable with them. At first you are all nervous and don't eat much. When Ruben and I first started dating, I didn't eat in front of him for 3 months!!! No dinner plans or nothing. Then once we got comfy with each other, we'd eat all the time! :eek:

Tina, I know you can make some awesome low cal meals.

Donna, good work getting back on track!

Callie, I know what you mean about sweets. It's so easy to get used to eating them nightly.

Everyone else, it's Monday!! New week, new year, new you!! One day at a time. Heck, one hour at a time if that's what it takes in the beginning. We can do this!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Okay, I am here, but unfortunately I am gaining. :confused3 Why do new boyfriends cause that???? Gary went shopping this weekend and filled my freezer and fridge. He says my fridge looked like a bachelor's fridge. So, I must find the time between all this eating, working tax season and working at the shop to exercise so I don't gain 50 pounds.

Maybe Taco Bell & JIthe B is better for you than cooking......:cool1: :rotfl2:
I just wanted to say to everyone I am so glad to see you all here. We all need the support no matter what our goals or reasons are.

Please do not feel like everytime you post you need to reply to everyone. If you have time, great, if not, you can also just use this thread as a place to vent about frustrations, or post about successes. You can list what you ate, what you did for exercise, post a quick reminder to yourself to drink more water, whatever.

Whatever works for you, is what you need to do. If you want to share your weigh-ins, that's fine. If not, that's okay too. Use this as a tool in whatever way works best for you.
Just don't do what I do, which is stop posting every time I fall off the wagon. I've learned now that whether I'm doing "good" or "bad" coming here helps. :)

Have a healthy day ladies!!!! :yay:


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