Disneyland Needs Help

I'm new here. After 7 days staying at the park I was overwhelmed and worn out by the things that are wrong at Disneyland. I came here to try and get some one in power to notice that things aren't right. If this in against the rules, or makes people angry, please remove it... and don't get me wrong, I LOVE all things Disney. I just want it to get how it was.

When I was a child my family made it’s first visit to Disneyland. I was about 7 or 8 years old. During that time of my life I was being sexually and physically abused by a neighbor and kept it a guarded secret from everyone. The trip to Disneyland was the first time I can recall feeling safe. I was in a magical place where I couldn’t be hurt by the evil that attacked me almost every day. Shortly after the trip we moved from the town we lived in and I was away from the evil that hurt me. Physically away, but the scar will last my entire life.

Over the next few years we have made several trips back to Disneyland and every time I went back there I felt the same safe feeling. Like I was coming home. I could be myself and know that I am in a magic place. Somewhere that I cannot be hurt. Somewhere that makes me happy. A place filled with well cared for "Lands" and Cast Members who would go the extra mile to make sure you were having a magical experience. I never told anyone about the abuse growing up. I was 26 years old when I finally opened up about it to my family and sought professional help.

My counseling has been a difficult journey, and one that will last my whole life. A common practice in counseling is to imagine your “Safe Place” in your mind. Some people imagine island getaways, or flying high above the earth somewhere. My Safe Place was always Disneyland. I would imagine walking through the tunnel under the train tracks and getting the first view of Main Street USA. Smelling the popcorn and candy and hearing the rag time jazz. Imagining the freshly painted facades and well cared for gardens. The safe magic feeling would wash over me. In my mind, when I need a safe place, I always go back there to Disneyland. But it’s not the same place. I will go, in my mind, back to the Disneyland of my youth, when it was magic, before it was lost. Before it was sick.

Don’t misunderstand me. I still love Disneyland. It’s a fun place to be. The rides are fun and imaginative. The food is good and the shows are immersive. I’m writing this from the Disneyland Hotel right now after spending a week here. It is just no longer magic. It is not the same park Uncle Walt built. It’s a corporate money making machine. It probably always was, but they hid it better years ago.

I come here often. I have been a Premium Passport Holder for a few years now and make the trip a few times a year from Northern California to Southern California just for the visit to Disneyland. Yearly, my Father and brothers make the trip for several days in the “off season” to maximize the lower crowd times. The last few years there doesn’t seem to be an off season.

So what is different from the Magical Place Disneyland was to what it has become today? Here are the bullet points:

1. The Cast Members are grumpy. Not all of them, but most. I’m sure they are tired of dealing with stupid questions or are working long shifts. I’m not sure of what is causing the problem, I’m just sure there is one. I recall years ago, that the cast members would great the guests with smiles and a friendly persona when they we’re “on set”. Today I saw two cast members gossiping about someone else while not paying attention to the guests right in front of them trying to get an issue they were having resolved. These cast members obviously didn’t care about the guests experience. I see this all over the park. Unhappy cast members just doing their time until they can go home. I will often smile and ask cast members how there day is going. Sometimes I’ll get a smile and a response, but more often than not I get back a grumpy look and either ignore me all together or give a quick ‘fine’. There was also a time when you’d never see a Frontier Land costumed Cast Member in Tomorrow Land, but now it’s a common occurrence. Disneyland is no longer concerned with the magic of the Land’s they built.
2. The Crowds. There are no more “off season” times at Disneyland. It’s a tribute to the popularity of the brands and the intellectual properties they’ve built or bought. Or the marketing team is doing it’s job. But there are always major crowds at Disneyland. This is a condition that Disneyland does not want to fix. Why would they? They make millions of dollars, maybe more than millions. They pack us in and file us into long lines to ride the rides or see the shows. They cord off the streets for parades and corral us into sidewalks like cattle, making us bounce off each other like salmon swimming up stream. There are bottlenecks all over the parks that are impossible to navigate without running into several people. Imagine having people step on your feet almost every step as they push past you on both sides in a constant stream. A sea of people all moving in two major directions. And if one person stops to check their maps, or phone, it all comes to a halt. It’s enough to drive anyone to the edge of their patience. The lines for the rides have become so long that make shift queues made of ropes and metal poles to corral the herds away from the major traffic streams. Perhaps the constant crowds are the reason issue number 1 exists. It’s also a reason the measles made a comeback. If you want to pass an infectious disease, Disneyland is the place to spread it. People packed into confined spaces, breathing the same stale air as everyone else.
3. Tired and Worn out. There was a time when there was a major difference from a Six Flags or a local Carnival and Disneyland. Graffiti and chipped paint, worn out wood rails and obviously fatigued walls, metal, rides and facades. Disneyland used to be in excellent shape daily. No issues with paint chips, or obvious wear and tear. Now standing in line for Space Mountain you can see where people touch the walls, or play with the chains, or turn a corner. The paint is worn through and the metal scratched and broken. The higher standard that once existed is gone. The park too often is worn out which detracts from the quality of the place. It’s not cared for like it once was. Dead plants are all over. Chipped concrete is everywhere. The high cost of tickets are obviously not going to the maintenance of the park. It makes me sad when I climb aboard the Doombuggies to find the rough paint has come off the safety bar and the speakers don’t work. Some of the animatronics have lost their steps and the curtains that separate the rooms are hanging by a thread. All the rides and the lands have been neglected. Not because it’s too expensive, because Disneyland has no shortage of money. It is because the powers that be no longer care about the guests experience.
4. Same Merchandise, every store. There are two parks and a DownTown Disney full of shops that on the outside look unique and fun. When you walk in however you will see the exact same items you’ve seen in every other shop thought the Disneyland Resort. The same shirts, hats, keychains and cheap toys. There was a time when each shop had special items that you can only buy in that shop. Which made souvenirs from Disneyland a special thing to look forward to. Now you can find the same merchandise in every store, in every Mall in America, on their website. It’s not special. I know there is no reason for Disney to change this. Everywhere you look you see the same shirts on their customers. The same hats. The same bubble guns. The same cheap plastic toys and plush characters.

I hope that Disneyland gets better. I love this place like it’s a member of my family. It’s a part of me and I mourn it’s loss. It’s sick now and the management is too busy counting the revenue and what gets us to spend more money than fixing the experience of it’s guests. Disney employees some of the most talented and imaginative people in the world. I’m sure if they cared about fixing these issues they would be able to do so quite easily. But if they’re making money as much as they are, why should they change? It comes down to caring about the guests.

I was speaking to a Club 33 member on the Monorail on the ride into the park. I said something like “That must be awesome” His response was “It’s not anymore”. He told me in detail why he feels Disney has abandoned it’s customer service for it’s bottom line. In talking with other Club 33 members the feeling is common. Disney no longer values their members worth. I’ve always wanted to be a member, for as long as I can remember. But now I don’t know if it’s worth it. At this point, I don’t know if renewing my annual pass is worth it. I hope I’m wrong and that it can turn around. But for now they can no longer claim they are the Happiest Place on Earth, or even the Magic Kingdom. They are a corporation, drawing in people like moths to a bug zapper. We are drawn to the call of the pied piper and march into the park and open our wallets and hand over our credit cards. By looking at the other guests, and hearing the same complaints over and over, from feeling the exasperation of the cast members I can tell that I’m not the only one who feels this way.

If anyone at Disney would like to know how to fix this, it’s simple. Put the customer over the dollar. The magic can be rekindled with effort. Take care of the park. Take care of the guests. Make Disneyland the safe place that it was to me when I was in need. The world is a dangerous place and is getting worse. A trip to Disneyland should be a magical experience that is set apart from every other place in the world. For now it feels like a trip to a Walmart on Black Friday. It needs to stand apart, and doesn’t. Bring back Walt’s vision. Bring back what it used to be. Please take care of the place I love. Please bring back the magic.

I'm not sure this is the place to get "someone in power" to notice the problems at Disneyland because this is just a fan board and not owned by Disney. Did you send this to Disneyland in any way?
I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience! I agree with 3Gsandme's suggestion. The best way to get Disneyland executives' attention would be to email or snail mail Disney directly regarding your concerns.

Also, for privacy reasons & Internet safety, you might want to consider changing your DISboards login ID to something that is different from First Name+Last Name.
I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. I always have a magical time at DL. I rarely have any issues with CMs being grumpy and find the magic is very much alive when I go.

Maybe you have gone so much having an AP that your view has changed?
Also, for privacy reasons & Internet safety, you might want to consider changing your DISboards login ID to something that is different from First Name+Last Name.

I understand your concerns about privacy, but some people (myself included) purposely use full names for the purpose of transparency. (I don't like the anonymity of the Internet, as it allows people to say things they wouldn't necessarily say if their names were attached to their statements.)
I am so sorry that you are not enjoying the park as much these days! I do understand your concerns as my family has also noticed some of these same situations. We enjoy "Disney". We have gone on a few Disney cruises and are AP holders at Disneyland. We do agree that just in the past 10 years or so, the corporation has become more about the money. But, we have also experienced some "pixie dust" on many occasions. We were even there on the 24-hour event last week, and while some did not enjoy the experience, we actually established a couple of friendships with a couple of CMs during that time. That being said, I do agree that Disney execs need to start thinking more about the customer and the experience that Walt wanted them to have and make some changes.
I'm really trying to hold back on this, but I completely agree with the OP. I've visited Disneyland, WDW, and even DLP multiple times. I won't be going back to Disneyland. They have some serious work to do.
Tracy -- I noticed that you removed your original text, even though it is quoted in full in the post immediately beneath it. I don't know if you want the thread closed. I think you have some valid concerns and have expressed them very well. If nothing else, your thread can lead to some informed discussion and examination. However, if you want me to close the thread, just say the word and I will. :)
I don't notice all of the stuff that the OP mentioned but I have a different outlook when I go to the parks, I look at it as a place that I get to spend time with my family and create memories that will last a lifetime. I don't look at the chipped paint or the broken speakers, I look at the smile on my children's faces and how they feel that everything is "magic." They are what make it special, not the little details. Is DL expensive? Yes, I agree with that very much but I also wouldn't put a price on memories I create with my family. I am also a single mother of two so we don't visit the park often, maybe if I went more then once every few years then I might have a different opinion.
I don't notice all of the stuff that the OP mentioned but I have a different outlook when I go to the parks, I look at it as a place that I get to spend time with my family and create memories that will last a lifetime. I don't look at the chipped paint or the broken speakers, I look at the smile on my children's faces and how they feel that everything is "magic." They are what make it special, not the little details. Is DL expensive? Yes, I agree with that very much but I also wouldn't put a price on memories I create with my family. I am also a single mother of two so we don't visit the park often, maybe if I went more then once every few years then I might have a different opinion.
Hard NOT to notice, when you are someone that has grown up going to Disneyland. It has changed so much....
You do have to remember that when you went as a child, you were looking at Disney with child's eyes, and now you are looking through with adult's eyes. Yes, Disney is not the same as it once was, but neither is the world in general. I can say that when we took my 2 little boys last September, it still held a lot of magic for them. They still ask to go back almost everyday since we went. To me, that shows that is still has magic.
Tracy -- I noticed that you removed your original text, even though it is quoted in full in the post immediately beneath it. I don't know if you want the thread closed. I think you have some valid concerns and have expressed them very well. If nothing else, your thread can lead to some informed discussion and examination. However, if you want me to close the thread, just say the word and I will. :)

I appreciate that SherryE is thoughtful about closing the thread. But I think you should leave your original thoughts..it's YOUR opinion and YOUR experience and may help others/
I noticed a lot of chipped paint and items that needed repairs this last week, I had hoped that the slower season before the 60th kick off would have been the time to try to correct some of these things. I was happy to see that the animals on the Splash Mountain boat were working this time but there does seem to be some slacking off on some of the upkeep.
Yikes - is it really bad? I was planning on visiting next year but if things are not good I might not want to spend the money
Yikes - is it really bad? I was planning on visiting next year but if things are not good I might not want to spend the money

I don't think it's bad at all. I can't say I agree with much of what the OP said but I respect that they feel the way they feel. It IS very crowded a lot of times but I think almost everyone has a different idea of what crowded even means so it's hard to know if what one person thinks is super crowded will be what you think is super crowded.

I will say I think this board is way more negative than it was last year (I usually am here only for the few months before our annual trip in June). Although I was in the parks for a day this Feb as well. I absolutely agree with everyone that these kinds of concerns should be emailed directly to Disney management - not that they don't also belong here but because I want everyone's voices to be heard.
When you spend the kind of $$$ we do between airfare, hotel and park tickets I don't think that it's asking too much to have things in good repair. I went to DL and WDW a few years ago a couple of months apart and WDW is cared for better than DL is. There is a big difference! Maybe it's more difficult because DL is older? I don't know. DL is not in the best of neighborhoods too. I don't stay on at a Disney resort when I go to DL I stay across the street on Harbor. It's a little scary walking back to my hotel at night. There is always a lot of people around but it still makes me nervous.
I don't think it's that bad. There are some things that have slid over the years, especially in regards to a good paint job and repairs (Tomorrowland, anyone?), but overall, it's still better than any other competing theme park. Six flags has no theming, is out in the middle of the desert, and lacks enough "family" rides to make a trip worth it...and I live 20 minutes away. I do agree that some (though NOT most) CMs are grumpier than they used to be, but I find that the majority are very friendly. The only time I have really seen them upset was on the 24 hour day, which is a totally different monster.

In terms of the off-season, I actually find the crowds in September, November, January, February, and early May to be manageable. Have you tried one of those times? It's not as empty as it was years ago, but it's definitely not horrible, especially on a weekday. I do wish there was still a true off-season, but I've given up the idea because I figure it's a sign of Disneyland's success and try to make the most of it.

Everyone always complains about the cost, but here's the thing. People pay the same or more for a concert with a big name performing. You're paying for entertainment, and premium entertainment at that. The premium AP, if you go enough, is actually a great value as you're paying for access any day of the year.
because I figure it's a sign of Disneyland's success and try to make the most of it.

i agree with this, totally. I find that Disneyland seems to be way more successful than in the past. It is very busy, there does not seem to be an off season… I guess with the two parks, the new upgrades and refurbs, the success of new movies like Frozen and Big Hero 6 etc, I feel like Disney is in a bit of a Golden Age again. A Lasseter Golden Age lol. As a result more and more people seem to be flooding to Disneyland.

I think, previously, there would have been a 'slow season' where they could have done more painting and fixing and landscaping etc, but now the park is packed all the time and just general maintenance on that sort of wear and tear is probably expensive and time consuming… they just don't have the time anymore to keep things up? I didn't notice much of a difference when we were there last year….

And I'll be the CM are exhausted with having to have THAT much magic in them all day long with that many people. It isn't an excuse, for sure, but I imagine it is demanding. When I was there last time I saw A LOT of cranky visitors, not CM, but the cranky visitors were upset with the crowds and the heat and the prices and they were taking it out on the CM… I imagine that would be frustrate ding after a while….


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