Do you have a security system?

When we first moved into our house, there was already an alarm system installed, but we never activated it because we didn't see a need.

After all the serial killer stuff started over here last summer, we called and got it activiated. Ours is w/ ADT and I think it's around $20 or 30 a month.

I love it! It really makes me feel better. We turn it on every time we leave the house that way I can be fairly certain that no one is in the house waiting for me when I get home...sounds silly, but w/ the serial killer around here, you can't be too careful. I always turn it on "at home" when I am home. We do the same at night.

I'd consider canceling it if they ever catch the serial killer. But until then, the alarm is well worth the money each month!
We have a security system. It's called Golden Retriever. Only problem is, it would welcome burglars. I think you might want to stay away from it and get an ADT.

I have the same system. If a burglar decides to ring the door bell he'll be in BIG trouble.
12 gauge pump shotgun and .45 auto handgun. I had to get rid of the hand grenades... :teeth:
We live in a very small town (I'm talking no sidewalks,stoplights etc) and we live right on the main road. Last summer some dumb drunk tried to enter our house from the back gate (got a 6ft fence) and happened upon our security system. Sassy, a 120lb Newfoundland heard a noise out back, broke through my screen door, knocked the poor fool down and proceeded to give him the drool bath from he!!. She never barked until she had him under her paws. I immediately woke up when I heard the screen go, woke up DH and we bounded into the backyard to see this poor drunkin fool flat on his back with our Security System parked on top! I called 911 and within minutes the police we there (I also work for the township) Mr. Stupid Drunk covered in Dog SLIME was escorted off the property and Sassy was given the largest bone that PET CO had!
Well deserved!!!
Yep, an 80 plus pound Weimaraner that is trained to attack on command with one little German word that only me, DH and our trainer knows.

And if you try to get in the back yard, he can make it to the fence in 3 seconds. Can you?
we installed a security system in our house when we built it, but honestly we never use it.
Of course it won't do any good that way, but I do like having it if I want it.
We also have the panic buttons on each floor, and the motion sensors which add an additional sense of security....lord knows the german shepard won't!
We also purchased a home that already had one installed. I use it but don't have it monitered but I feel secure just knowing it will go off if someone tries to break in. Well, that and the German Shepard and the 2 guns we have "set aside" in case of emergency.
mom2of2, that is a GREAT story! I would have loved to see your drunk being carted off by the police covered in dog slime! I'd hate to have been the officer who had to touch him though.....


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