*Doing the Donald in 2010* Jan. Half Marathon Support Thread!

Hi all. I was very happy to see this thread.
Let's see.. I started training in mid Feb. for the HM and did really well until this summer hit. And then.. well.
Life happened. I'm in nursing school (trying so hard to hang on when so many are failing out left and right) so that has consumed all of my time.
When I'm home I have my three little ones so DH can work. Quit the gym because I just couldn't afford it and didn't have the time to go, anyway (they don't provide childcare).

Anyway- I have decided that I need to make the time- just figure it out somehow..

But- is it too late for me? I'm completely embarassed to admit this, but I can probably only run about 1.5 miles right now. It's just been so long. I don't care at all about making a great time. Just need to finish and not get swept. What sort of training program should I look at? I know it's down to the wire.. and might not even be possible at this point.
I'm embarrassed to even mention this- I'm so inexperienced (and obviously a total slacker for not having kept up the training!).. but need some advice.
Thanks :)

I think you could totally do it!! If you haven't already, check out Marathoning for Mortals. There are plans for walk/run and if I remember the plans are about 12 or 14 weeks. Good luck and we will see you there!!!
Wait, did you start the Hal schedule this week?

I've started it, but I'm adding in a week at the end plus DH is going to be gone a week so that will be a week of rest for me! Can't leave the kids at home alone quite yet you know! I guess I may be able to get a couple of short runs in while DS is at preschool.
Anyway, it looks like your thread is going to be a hit!

I'm so excited to get to know all of you and support each other on this adventure:goodvibes Everyone just remember it's about one foot in front of the other!
Is there room for a walker in this group? I started training in September, 2008 to walk the Inaugural Princess Half Marathon March, 2009. The first really demanding athletic feat I have ever tried. It was great! I didn't get swept! Since then, I have tried to keep in training. I did a 10 K this summer and got passed by old ladies (well, I'm an old lady but they were even older than I am!.) I did the Air Force marathon 10 K last month and had my fastest time in a race. I finished at a 14:32 pace, a little less than an hour and a half to finish. I am using the Hal Higdon training plan since it was successful for me last year. However, I put in a lot more brisk walks than he suggests, since the clock is my big concern at the Donald. This year, I am also using the Wi fit for cross training. I am emphasizing the strengthening and balance sections of the program. I figure I am a year older and I need to put more effort into my training program. Glad to see a thread started here for the January Half. Last year, we had a great thread for the Princess. Keep on training everybody.

I'm in. This will be my 3rd trip to Marathon Weekend, but my first race. DH has run the marathon the last 2 years and my BFF ran the 1/2 last year. This year I'm the sucker - and we've already identified who will join our crazy group for 2011!

My traveling party is DH (running 'Dopey'), DS11 (5K), BFF (1/2), and DS9 who is trying to figure out how to push all 4 of us through the parks in wheelchairs.

We bought DVC last month when we were down for EEC, so this will be our first trip "home" to BLT!

I'm in. I, too, started with C25K early this year. I've run a few local races (5k and two 4 mile). I started the Marathoning for Mortals half plan last week. I'm slow. Aiming for a 13:00 pace in January.


C25K has become a rite of spring for me - I use it for the run part of my triathlon training. I'd be happy with 13:00 for the half - I'm averaging 12:30-ish on my shorter "wogs". That's what I do - walk-jog-walk-jog-lather-rinse-repeat. I actually hate running! I'm a reasonably athletic person. I run triathlons (run is my least favorite part), aerobics classes, hockey, distance biking, blah-blah-blah. Running has never been my thing, but gosh darn it, I'm going to waddle for a Donald!

I've been doing a Galloway training program, but I don't love it.
... Thanks Liz, we'll be one big happy (or sleepy!) group on Saturday! And I'm just learning my outdoor running pace. It's been hard to get a feel for keeping the same pace and to know when you are going to fast or slow. It seems to be getting easier finding that groove so hang in there! I'm off to the gym shortly where I've been doing my running on the TM for continuous running otherwise I'd die outside in the 1st 2 miles probably going to fast LOL ...

LOL Yep, I have done exactly that. Ran too fast and then had to stop at a couple miles to prevent passing out and/or throwing up. It makes me feel so pathetic!

I'm in too!! This will be my second half, my first was only a few weeks ago! We (me and my inlaws) have been training since June 1. We are doing a 16 week program, so 16 weeks for the first half marathon, then a rest week, then started with week 2 to train for WDW.

I finished my first half in 2:36, mostly running, but due to so *unfortunate* chafing:eek: and a rather unfavorable course, I walked about 1.5 miles of the race. I am looking to do 2:20 for WDW, knowing the course should be better and knowing that a pair of bike shorts or running tights will be my very best friend:lovestruc.

I have been running since 2007, when I did a similar program to C25K. I am not a speedster, being only 4'11" my legs are too short. But I like the longer distance runs. I don't know that I want to do a full marathon yet, I really did enjoy the half despite the chafing, cold and yucky course.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and seeing you at the start on 1/9!!

Hi Veronica! Congratulations on your first half, how exciting that must have been! :) You had a great time too.

HEY!!!! I'm here :) Thank you for telling me about this thread Liz! It's a great idea!

I'm running the half. This will be my first one. I have always been a runner. I love everything about running.

My goal is to finish under 2 hours... I run a little over ten miles in an hour and 20 mins so I think I can do it. My next race will be Nov 1st... It's a 10K. I'm going to use the 10K or my proof of time for the half!

I look forward to getting to know you all, and hopefully I will get to see you at the half :)

Hi Lynn! I'm so excited for all of us whose first half this will be!! :) You are speedy, woohoo! My longest and fastest run since I began in Feb. was 7 miles in just under 80 minutes.
... With the runs spaced apart I have time to worry about the little things... camera, I'll probably bring it. I got a SPIBelt for my birthday. Phone? Do people carry their cell phones? GU? I like Chocolate Outrage. Will I really need it? DGF is coming to Disney with me for the first time (she went one day in HS, uh, 20+ years ago). Will she be able to find/see me on the course? We arrive Friday afternoon. I hope to do the WISH meet at POP and hook her up with some other spectating spouses. ...

I need to get a Spibelt, or something, still. I tried a Spibelt on and it held my iPhone, but I didn't try to get my camera in there too. I want to carry both with me, plus whatever fuel I'll be using. Not sure if all of that will fit in there.

I also need to know if it's necessary to carry your own beverages with you, or are the water stops enough? I really don't like Gatorade and those types of things...

Add me to the list.

This will also be my 1st HM...
I started running Jan 2009 to lose some weight and 25lbs lighter I am still running. I still get tired over 7-8 miles so hoping that things will get easier now that I am following an actual training plan. (Hal Higdon's). I am hoping to continue to see speed improvements but right now I would expect 11min pace if I was to run it this month.. Would love to be sub 10 mins by January...

It's definitely getting closer isn't it.

Hi Joanne! Wow, you just started running in January and you have a great pace already! 10 min would be amazing, good luck!

Hi all! You will not be able to miss me on race day....I will be the one waddling as fast as possible to stay ahead of the sweepers! Seriously. I started planning this a year ago, but ended up having knee surgery in July so my goal is to finish the race without being swept (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can). I am using the Marthon for Mortals training plan.


Hi Anne! I'm sorry you had the knee surgery set you back. I understand to some degree due to my Achilles issues. It is interesting how it can all change so quickly... At one time you think you're going to do great in the half, and then something happens and you just hope to finish in under 3h30m. Hang in there with the training!
... I have a nice group working on supporting each other in my pretrip report - I'll be sure and post the link to here Liz- thanks for starting the thread - - its great having a cheer group! :cheer2: a support group :wizard: as well as a group to bond with!!...

Hi Sandy! Thanks for joining, I see your PTR too and that is great!

Hi all. I was very happy to see this thread.
Let's see.. I started training in mid Feb. for the HM and did really well until this summer hit. And then.. well.
Life happened. I'm in nursing school (trying so hard to hang on when so many are failing out left and right) so that has consumed all of my time.
When I'm home I have my three little ones so DH can work. Quit the gym because I just couldn't afford it and didn't have the time to go, anyway (they don't provide childcare).

Anyway- I have decided that I need to make the time- just figure it out somehow..

But- is it too late for me? I'm completely embarassed to admit this, but I can probably only run about 1.5 miles right now. It's just been so long. I don't care at all about making a great time. Just need to finish and not get swept. What sort of training program should I look at? I know it's down to the wire.. and might not even be possible at this point.
I'm embarrassed to even mention this- I'm so inexperienced (and obviously a total slacker for not having kept up the training!).. but need some advice.
Thanks :)

Hi emh! (Are those your initials, or does that stand for "extra magic hour"? LOL)

Don't feel badly about it, you have a busy life, it's totally understandable. I don't think it's too late for you if you really want to do it. I only just started back up running a few weeks ago after my Achilles injury. The longest distance I've run straight so far (with no walking) is only a 5K, and that was just this past Saturday. I would look at the different training plans and see which one appeals to you. I think your body will remember how it is to run after a bit too. If you just want to finish in under 3h30m then I really think you can do it.

I've started it, but I'm adding in a week at the end plus DH is going to be gone a week so that will be a week of rest for me! Can't leave the kids at home alone quite yet you know! I guess I may be able to get a couple of short runs in while DS is at preschool.
Anyway, it looks like your thread is going to be a hit!

I'm so excited to get to know all of you and support each other on this adventure:goodvibes Everyone just remember it's about one foot in front of the other!

Oh ok gotcha. You've officially begun then, woohoo!
Is there room for a walker in this group? I started training in September, 2008 to walk the Inaugural Princess Half Marathon March, 2009. The first really demanding athletic feat I have ever tried. It was great! I didn't get swept! Since then, I have tried to keep in training. I did a 10 K this summer and got passed by old ladies (well, I'm an old lady but they were even older than I am!.) I did the Air Force marathon 10 K last month and had my fastest time in a race. I finished at a 14:32 pace, a little less than an hour and a half to finish. I am using the Hal Higdon training plan since it was successful for me last year. However, I put in a lot more brisk walks than he suggests, since the clock is my big concern at the Donald. This year, I am also using the Wi fit for cross training. I am emphasizing the strengthening and balance sections of the program. I figure I am a year older and I need to put more effort into my training program. Glad to see a thread started here for the January Half. Last year, we had a great thread for the Princess. Keep on training everybody.


Hi Meg! Walkers are definitely welcome! I think no matter whether you walk, run or how fast you are at either, we can all learn from and help each other. I know I have learned things from all types on these WISH boards. :goodvibes

Congratulations on doing the Princess Half! I want to do that race someday too, it sounds fun.

We just bought a Wii Fit Plus recently and I can't wait to use it for the first time! Unfortunately, our Wii unit is broken but dh is working on getting it fixed... So hopefully soon I can start using it to crosstrain. I don't do any other crosstraining so doing that and running will be it.

I'm in. This will be my 3rd trip to Marathon Weekend, but my first race. DH has run the marathon the last 2 years and my BFF ran the 1/2 last year. This year I'm the sucker - and we've already identified who will join our crazy group for 2011!

My traveling party is DH (running 'Dopey'), DS11 (5K), BFF (1/2), and DS9 who is trying to figure out how to push all 4 of us through the parks in wheelchairs.

We bought DVC last month when we were down for EEC, so this will be our first trip "home" to BLT!

C25K has become a rite of spring for me - I use it for the run part of my triathlon training. I'd be happy with 13:00 for the half - I'm averaging 12:30-ish on my shorter "wogs". That's what I do - walk-jog-walk-jog-lather-rinse-repeat. I actually hate running! I'm a reasonably athletic person. I run triathlons (run is my least favorite part), aerobics classes, hockey, distance biking, blah-blah-blah. Running has never been my thing, but gosh darn it, I'm going to waddle for a Donald!

I've been doing a Galloway training program, but I don't love it.

Hi sk8! You are too funny! You sound like a very athletic person to me, I bet you'll do great in the half. Congrats on buying DVC, woohoo! Maybe Jenny and I will see you around BLT that weekend.

That's great your DS11 is doing the 5K! My 10 yr old wants to do his first 5K in a couple weeks, on Halloween. But he is not as committed to training as I think he needs to be... However, he and I ran a 5K this weekend in 35m45s and that was the first time he had run like that since back in May or so. He was breathing easier than I was!! Oh to be young... But anyway, I would love for my boys to get into running and do well with it before they are even adults. I wish I had done that.
Good morning to everyone! :sunny:

Today no running for me. I did a short run yesterday and will do a medium one tomorrow.

So get this... I had to email Active.com because I wasn't able to view my registration online, and I wanted to see it to print it out. They reply back and send it to me within the email, great. But then I looked at it and it says:

Anticipated Half Marathon finish time? 2:15:00

I had put down 3:15:00 when I registered. Do you think that matters??

I also noticed it says a medium sized shirt, but I'll need a small. I wonder if I can change that?

Happy running today!
Liz, Thanks for inviting me over. :goodvibes First, I want to let you know that your Private Message box is full and you can't receive anymore till you clear some out.

I had planned on walking the 1/2 Marathon, but it looks like I may have to wait till the new one in October. Still, I would like to keep up with this thread because it really helps me stay motivated to stay in shape and work to improve my training.
Liz, Thanks for inviting me over. :goodvibes First, I want to let you know that your Private Message box is full and you can't receive anymore till you clear some out.

I had planned on walking the 1/2 Marathon, but it looks like I may have to wait till the new one in October. Still, I would like to keep up with this thread because it really helps me stay motivated to stay in shape and work to improve my training.

Sorry about that, I just cleared it out.

I'm sorry you aren't doing the half in Jan. but the October one sounds like it's going to be fun. I would love to go down there in October for it and make a trip out of it with MNSSHP too...

Defintely stick around if you want to! :)
Good morning to everyone! :sunny:

Today no running for me. I did a short run yesterday and will do a medium one tomorrow.

So get this... I had to email Active.com because I wasn't able to view my registration online, and I wanted to see it to print it out. They reply back and send it to me within the email, great. But then I looked at it and it says:

Anticipated Half Marathon finish time? 2:15:00

I had put down 3:15:00 when I registered. Do you think that matters??

I also noticed it says a medium sized shirt, but I'll need a small. I wonder if I can change that?

Happy running today!

2:15 finish:rotfl: If they go with that finish time they will assign you to one of the earlier corrals so you can be up there with those speed demons like Lynn who are looking at 2 hours. However, if you go down a corral assignment that is never a problem. So just go to the lower corral at the starting time. I'm not sure what I put down for my finish time, but I'm sure it's in a lower corral so just stick with me.
As far as your shirt, I don't know if you'll be able to change that or not. Your best bet is to probably ask at the Expo when you pick up your packet.

Just got back from a 3 mile run. Did it in 33:30. So far so good.
Oh! Can I join!? :banana::goodvibes
This will be my second half, first one being the WDW half this past January. I didn't do too hot the first time around (understatement of the year :laughing:) It was my first race ever, I didn't train enough, I barely slept or ate the days leading up to it, I got super lost on my way to the race (I lived in Orlando at the time, so I just drove over to Disney at 3am) and I had some major nerves the morning of. Around mile 9 I ended up throwing up and really dizzy. I was pretty PO'ed that I had gotten so close to the end, but hadn't been able to finish (I lost a lot of time throwing up on Disney's pretty green lawn. :rolleyes1 I would have had to be Superman in order to play catch up.)

Even though I had a super rough first race, it made me even more determined to do the half in 2010 and actually finish this time. :banana:

liznboys - the shirt I got last year was super tiny (they run pretty small) and I was able to exchange it at the expo on Friday night. I just asked someone about it and they gave me a piece of paper with the time to come back. Also, thanks for posting that 10 training schedule. I like that one much more then the one I was going to follow.
Liz, thanks for inviting me to the thread. My 15 YO DD and I are registered for the half. You can add me to the walking wounded list. We started training in February and I got up to 3-5 miles a run/walk. Then I busted up my foot and have not trained for 3 plus months. Pretty much gave up to be left for the sweepers but am ready to start again. DD is doing well. Soccer just started and she did the 2 mile run in 17 minutes. Wiped out the rest of the team. She is going to get plenty of running time.

Thanks to everyone for the useful training advice and I am sure I will have questions.

YAY Arelys your here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will do it this year girl!!!

Okay so I have a question... for my proof of time, do I email them or bring it with me when I go to pick up my packet?

The 10K I'm doing in Nov is the time I want to use to show them my proof of time.
Okay so I have a question... for my proof of time, do I email them or bring it with me when I go to pick up my packet?

I have no experience, but what I've heard is they CAN switch you at the Expo, but it involves a magic marker and your bib. If you fax it in ahead of time you'll have a pristine bib to hang with your medal.

Vicky if you want him you've got him!!!!!

Wow!! Thanks Syko!! I guess I should clarify though :blush: My last half was 2:15. I'm pretty sure I can get my time down to 2:10 or lower. My goal eventually is to run 2:00 or under so that's what I meant. I'll send you a PM.

I love reading about people's running history and plans. Thanks for sharing! Congrats on being a runner for almost 2 years now! I hope I will reach that milestone too. I've never stuck with anything as long as this (it's only been 7.5 months now. lol) But I love it and hope it becomes a very long term thing.

Congrats on making it to 7.5 months!! You're almost to your one year anniversary! I'm hoping to make running a long term thing as well.

YAY Arelys your here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will do it this year girl!!!

Okay so I have a question... for my proof of time, do I email them or bring it with me when I go to pick up my packet?

The 10K I'm doing in Nov is the time I want to use to show them my proof of time.

I sent an email last year with my 10K results (hey it was a November race too!). I can't remember what it was but I'll look it up when I get home.
Well the Princess half marathon is my goal. This will be my FIRST one ! Can i walk some then run some ? I want to pace myself and not burn out to quick.
You can run, walk, hop, skip or jump your way around the course in any pattern you like, you just have to do it in the time allowed.

Come over to the Princess thread, there are many that run / walk.


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