Donald's Defiant Dashers Team Challenge

:cheer2: Go Team Go :cheer2:

I was out of town quite a bit for work, but I dd manage to get in some walking and some workouts.
Week ending 11-6:
255 minutes 14 miles
Hello Dashers! I had sort of a slow week last week, this is the miles from last week, 2 Nov thru 8 Nov. Which could as well have been 2 Nov thru 4 Nov, as I did nothing Wed thru Sat, due to both weather and back pain. Sunday (the 2nd) I competed in a duathlon, and finished 31st (if I remember correctly) overall, and first in my age category. So running 2 (twice) and biking 10 becomes 8 miles running and 20 miles biking. btw, if any is interested, the link to the series is here Monday and Tuesday I rode to work, so that is 50 miles and I ran 2 miles on Monday. But riding home on Tuesday my back had begun to bother me, and it took a half hour longer. It then rained most of the rest of the week. So complete total for the week, 70 miles biking, 10 miles running, and 5:23 total time.

New week, and I was able to ride again! have a good week, everyone!
I have got the spreadsheet updated with all of the miles that have been submitted to me. We have a solid hold on 2nd place but 1st is getting away from us. It's sad but it's ok. This team has done a phenominal job and I couldn't prouder. You guys are awesome!!!!:cool1: :thumbsup2
I'll try to get on the bike as much as I can after my surgery. I'm travelling this week....and can't find my training log (must have left it at home) to tell you what I did first week of November. I'll update as soon as I get home. Won't have much for this week, I hate to say. My shoulder is hurting a bit, and it's so cold and rainy and dark here in Alaska that running isn't a good option. :sad1:

Everyone get moving!! Not just to try to win, but to be moving in general, which is what this is all about! :)
Hello, all you 3D's! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. My plans for this weekend have changed several times, and now due to the weather changed again. And the weather put a kink in my hours and miles as well, along with the holiday on Tuesday. I only rode the bike twice this week, so the total comes out to 50 miles and three hours. Hopefully next week will fare a little better.

Have a good remainder of the weekend!

Hello all, sorry for missing last weeks post but been fighting the flu and a sinus infection for 2 weeks now - finally feeling better today. Even with being sick I did manage some miles and here they are:

Week ending 09-Nov-2008
21.4 miles running in 2 hours and 59 minutes
4 miles walking in 1 hour
Weight lifting 1 hour

Week ending 16-Nov-2008
21.7 miles running in 3 hours and 5 minutes.

I guess the reduced miles can be counted as a forced taper for the Philadelphia Marathon I was talked into running next week.

Great training all,

Mike "GG" B
Hey all!
Checking in and out of slacking mode :thumbsup2
11/8/08 - 11/14/08
Miles: 48
Hours: 17.5 (wog, weights, etc.)

Hope everyone is doing well :goodvibes

Good luck on your surgery Betsy!

Hey Augie! How's your back?

Bryan - stay focussed, we're in the final stretch so NO
stress eating after hours baby brother :hug:

To everyone...
hope everyone has a great, productive week!
I'm not sure how many of you I'll meet in January,
but this competition with the DDD's has made my
goals easier to obtain, so thanks
for being great team members! :goodvibes
good job, twotoohappy!!

OK, are the last 2 weeks. Sorry it isn't more...I was in Alaska all last week and the weather kept me in, plus resting up for the surgery, which is really sort of a lame excuse, but I'm going with it! ;)

Nov. 1-7:
Walk 1.5 miles/:30
Run 3.7 miles/1:05
Swim 1.2 miles/1:00
Run/weights 4.0 miles/1:00

Total for Nov 1-7:
10.4 miles/ 3:35 hours

Nov. 8-14:
Bike 17.5 miles/1:10
strength and core / :40

Total: 17.5 miles/1:50

That is pitiful for me!
Surgery is today..will see how soon I can get on the exercise bike, or outside walking.
Too bad my flying miles don't count for the challenge...I get way more of those! :rolleyes1
The transition from walking outside to walking on the dreadmill is proving difficult!
Here are my minutes and miles for the week ending Nov. 13th:
395 minutes
17 miles
Betsy Please let us know how you are doing and if the surgery was able to take care of the problem. You are an amazing person and a great friend. Here is some pixiedust: pixiedust: from all of us here wishing you a speedy recovery.

All the miles and hours are updated with all of the info that I have. We still have 6.5 weeks left in this competition. I believe we can still make it to that 20,000 mile mark by then.

As for me, I just realized I never posted my miles for last week. For the week, I had 110 miles and close to 13 hours. I am really trying to keep my miles in the triple digits for the rest of the year in honor of the Triple D's.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey Liz, good to see you back here! The back is feeling better. I think the running aggravates it, so will have to stick more with the biking.

Betsy, good luck with your surgery.
Hey guys! I am in and out of training mode, and so my miles and hours are continuing to be low. Last 2 weeks I had one week on and one week off, so my totals from 11/8 - 11/21 are:

Miles: 8.7
Minutes: 110

I hope to do better this week. I hope that everyone is doing well - I am so impressed with how many miles & hours we have added up this year. Amazing!
Happy Thanksgiving team!
I can hardly believe it's Thanksgiving week already.

My totals for the week ending Thursday, Nov. 20th.
385 minutes 13.5 miles
A bit of a disappointing week as this was a taper week for my run at the Philly Marathon this morning = more disappointment.

Run miles for the week = 23.1 (I only finished the half due to a pulled hamstring and a ton of knee pain related to it - in over 250 road races, this is the first time I have ever dropped out :sad2: :sad: :sad: - do I get to count my half a marathon miles twice since it was a race?) in 3 hours 14 minutes.
Hello 3D's! Hope everyone enjoyed a good weekend. It was quite cold here for November. All week, as a matter of fact. I did ride every day to work despite the coolness, so my mileage is 125 and the time is 7.5 hours. No running, but I may do a run on Thanksgiving if there is one nearby.

Goffyguy, sorry to hear of the pain but congratulations on doing a half. A neighbor of mine also went down to do the half, he is also nursing a sore leg.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Hey Team! It looks like we are having a pretty good week as the numbers are rolling in. I was on my way to having a really good week. (Planned on doing at least 150+ miles.) But then something happened and I pretty much had to take the weekend off. I had some kind of stomach virus that just laid me up for the weekend so I wasn't able to do any training. Luckily, the week was a little more kind so the numbers won't be that bad.

Miles for me - 91
Hours - 10

I will try to get the spreadsheet updated tonight when I get home from work. By the way GoofyGuy, of course you can count the half that you ran. I know you wanted to do the full but you get to count what you were able to do. I do hope everyone is doing well and is looking forward to having a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!

Thanks ahoff and bubba73,

ahoff, how did your neighbor do yesterday? Hope better than my running buddy and me - just talked to my buddy and he dropped out at mile 14 due to cramping because he wasn't able to take in enough fluids - too cold and most had ice in them.

bubba73 - thanks for doing the spread sheet - with my double miles that would make 36.2 running miles for the week. Probably will be a low week with the amount of leg pain I have today.
Great training all,

Mike "GG" B
Mike Take care of that leg. I would rather see you at Marathon Weekend than to think that you further injured yourself making it where you couldn't compete. I know I can't compete with your speeds but I am looking forward to meeting you.

I have the spreadsheet updated with the numbers that have been provided so far. We are finally over the 16,000 mile mark. That is phenominal!!! I am so proud of all of you. It has been a long year but at the same time, a rewarding one.

I know at times I may have let my "competitive spirit" get the best of me. When we were in the lead, I could taste the finish line. So much so that I let myself forget that this is a friendly competition. I just wanted to win. Well, truth be told, I have won. First and foremost, I have made some truly great and inspirational friends here. All of you have pushed me to do more than I ever thought I could. Secondly, I am in the best shape of my life. When we started this thing, I was between 22-25% bodyfat. Now, I am between 13-14% bodyfat. (Makes me happy!) I guess I am trying to apologize if I ever lost sight of what we were trying to accomplish here. I never intended to do that.

Knowing that Thursday is Thanksgiving, I would like to start by saying that I am very thankful for being on the same team as each and everyone of you. I hope you all have a wonderful week, fantastic holiday, great food and even better family time.

Talk to you soon!
Bryan:cheer2: :grouphug:
hey, team! some co-captain i am disappearing like that for a week. :rolleyes1

so, as far as i know, my surgery went well. who knows, though, as i am in a sling and not allowed to use that arm! i had a rough day a couple of days post-op, due to the pain meds. mostly off them now. first followup visit is this afternoon.

not much training last week, obviously, but i got out for 2 short walks.
total of 1.3 miles/1:00 hours. how sad. :sad2:

but should be able to ride my bike on the trainer more now (did a short ride yesterday), so hope to not lose all my fitness and continue to contribute.

happy thanksgiving to all!!


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