DVC exclusive Danube River Cruise

Beautiful photos. They bring back great memories. My kids had a snow ball fight in back of the Schönbrunn Palace. Vienna is a lovely place to visit at Christmas time. That's great they broke up the touring of the palace with the strudel making and marionette show. That really illustrates the plusses of ABD to doing it on your own. As fabulous as Schönbrunn is, the shows sound like a welcome break to touring around the palace.

What are the age ranges of the children on your ABD? Do you see many kids younger than teens?
Gorgeous! This is *so* adding to the excitement, although I must admit, I'm skimming through some of the pics so as to not be *too* spoiled! :D

Beautiful photos. They bring back great memories. My kids had a snow ball fight in back of the Schönbrunn Palace. Vienna is a lovely place to visit at Christmas time. That's great they broke up the touring of the palace with the strudel making and marionette show. That really illustrates the plusses of ABD to doing it on your own. As fabulous as Schönbrunn is, the shows sound like a welcome break to touring around the palace.

What are the age ranges of the children on your ABD? Do you see many kids younger than teens?

The youngest is 7 1/2 and there are four 8 year olds. The rest are tweens and a few teens. I believe our trip has the least number of children compared to the ones that follow. I asked for you as I had not really noticed the age range.

It was a nice way to break up the morning. I think a few people stayed back at the palace and decided to make their way back via can later so that is also an option if you want to spend more time there.

Thanks for the nice compliments on the photos! I love taking pictures on trips but sadly have no idea what I'm doing. Thank goodness for point and shoot cameras LOL
Gorgeous! This is *so* adding to the excitement, although I must admit, I'm skimming through some of the pics so as to not be *too* spoiled! :D


I am also purposely not including pictures of absolutely everything I see :goodvibes So you should still have lots of stuff you haven't seen yet when you go on your trip :-)
The youngest is 7 1/2 and there are four 8 year olds. The rest are tweens and a few teens. I believe our trip has the least number of children compared to the ones that follow. I asked for you as I had not really noticed the age range.

It was a nice way to break up the morning. I think a few people stayed back at the palace and decided to make their way back via can later so that is also an option if you want to spend more time there.

Thanks for the nice compliments on the photos! I love taking pictures on trips but sadly have no idea what I'm doing. Thank goodness for point and shoot cameras LOL

Thank you. That helps. I'm thinking about ABD River Cruises as a good option for my younger kids in a couple of years.
I may actually be able to talk my DH into a river cruise. I've been showing him your pics and he thinks it may be something he would enjoy (especially since you stay in the same room and don't have to take trains/flights to the next destination). So thanks for all of your pics :-)
Calypso, so enjoying your trip report! I was surprised to read that you had to choose your excursion/activities ahead of time... I thought the big selling point they were making was that you could decide on the day what you felt like doing (that's one of the reasons I was so nervous about the trip--fearing you could end up with tons of people on one excursion). It sounds like they re-thought? I love the DVC gifts you pictured in the beginning... very cool Have there been more? Did they do anything special for the inaugural? I know you guys loved the maiden voyage you did with the Fantasy and wondering if it's the same kind of thing? Also, wondering what the size of the excursion groups have been so far. Sounds like you guys might not be sold out though? Sorry for all the questions, LOL. And say "hi" to W.
Calypso, so enjoying your trip report! I was surprised to read that you had to choose your excursion/activities ahead of time... I thought the big selling point they were making was that you could decide on the day what you felt like doing (that's one of the reasons I was so nervous about the trip--fearing you could end up with tons of people on one excursion). It sounds like they re-thought? I love the DVC gifts you pictured in the beginning... very cool Have there been more? Did they do anything special for the inaugural? I know you guys loved the maiden voyage you did with the Fantasy and wondering if it's the same kind of thing? Also, wondering what the size of the excursion groups have been so far. Sounds like you guys might not be sold out though? Sorry for all the questions, LOL. And say "hi" to W.

He says "Hi" back! Each group I have been with has been 38 or less. Everyone is assigned a color before they leave for their activity so you can group with your two guides and bus assigned to that color. You can change your mind but I think they need to have a general idea of how many are doing a particular excursion so they can break them up into groups and guides. If 80 people sign up for the same thing there would be 2 buses and 2 guides on each bus is how it looks and things will be staggered so you don't have all 80 people in the same spot at the same time.

For example, when we are all doing the same thing like this morning then it is 4 colors, 4 buses and 8 guides, 2 per bus. One group may have gone to the gardens, while the other group was touring the palace, another group doing the strudel show and the other group watching the marionette show. They've got it all figured out.

Yes, there have been gifts each night. Although, I am not sure if the ones after the first night are from DVC or ABD. I'll ask and find out. I have just neglected to add pictures. Each of the subsequent gifts has reflected something important or well known about the city we are visiting.

We do have DVC and ABD VIP guests on board for this inaugural cruise. They have been actively seeking feedback from the guests and are tweaking things to make a better and smoother experience based on feedback for the next groups. Mind you, nothing has been bad or chaotic in any way. They are "plussing" to use a Disney term, things for the guests as they go. The Disney Parks Blog team is here too and they have been filming the trip. They work really hard, manage to film without impacting anyone's experience and are just so nice!

Our experience has been amazing! DH and I have always felt Scotland to be our favorite trip. I don't imagine any trip will ever top that one for us. This will likely be our second favorite ABD if things keep going the way they are. I can tell you right now we will definitely do another river cruise since we have enjoyed this one so much. Now, I have read cruise critic, talked to others who have done river cruising and took a peek at some of the other River cruise ships this week and compared them to ours. So I can also say I will only do a river cruise again if it is with ABD.
I may actually be able to talk my DH into a river cruise. I've been showing him your pics and he thinks it may be something he would enjoy (especially since you stay in the same room and don't have to take trains/flights to the next destination). So thanks for all of your pics :-)

In that sense it has been a little more relaxing than the typical land based ABD. I also think it adds a tad more flexibility. I am glad you are enjoying the pics and I am happy to share!

An added bonus is no sea sickness for me at least. I normally get nauseous if I don't take Bonine when I am doing a DCL cruise even when the water is like glass. I forgot to take it when we sailed off the first night and found I didn't need it.
Calypso....can you expand on why you would only do another river cruise with ABD? Which isn't a bad thing:-) Just curious how what you've read/heard from others and how that compares from your current experience. I will say the river cruise itineraries with ABD both look amazing. I guess I'm just not too familiar with how a 'normal' river cruise operates. Probably part of my naivete .
I guess tgeorge that it boils down to chevy vs. ford people. We did Tauck Bridges Danube cruise a few years ago and it was comparable to what has been posted so far. Ours (Tauck) and ABD are on par for what I read so far from Calypso. And if you have some assistance being a DVC member it would be hands down that anyone would choose the trip that you feel most attached to. Still am in LOVE with the report and can't thank Calypso enough for the real time reporting.......and also creating a huge jealous factor for all of us U.S. continent bound followers.
Calypso....can you expand on why you would only do another river cruise with ABD? Which isn't a bad thing:-) Just curious how what you've read/heard from others and how that compares from your current experience. I will say the river cruise itineraries with ABD both look amazing. I guess I'm just not too familiar with how a 'normal' river cruise operates. Probably part of my naivete .

Sure. I was in the same boat as you so to speak. I'd always wanted to try a river cruise but did not know much about them except that they went to some interesting places the ocean cruises don't/can't and that the scenery would be really neat. That was the extent of my knowledge.

When ABD announced River cruises I booked and then decided to learn more about what to expect. I spoke to some people I knew who had been on River cruises and perused various online forums to get an idea of what was coming.

First of all the demographic is waaaay older. Most folks on these River cruises are in their 60's to 80's. Nothing wrong with that and I find that demographic to be my favorite dining companions :-)

However, the type of excursions that cater to that demographic are likely different than what I would find fun. I love history, museums and city tours too. I also understand that these are the typical types of excursions on River cruises. But, I am also a kid at heart and like to do fun things. For example, earlier in this TR I mentioned that we visited a castle ruin and ABD had all these stations with midieval activities just for us. I thought that was awesome and really enjoyed it! The other River cruise companies won't have stuff like that. Now some folks may not find that sort of thing appealing and that is ok. They don't have to do it if they don't want to. I am glad that ABD River cruises will have stuff like that for people like me.

ABD is going to cater to their demographic which is families and that includes kids and experiences that are beyond the city and museum tour. This is good for the adults like me who have an inner 12 year old that wants to play and have fun while getting her culture and history on.

Our ship has a swimming pool. I looked at a few others docked on the river and did not see that they had a pool. Our ship also has a gigantic chess set on the deck. The chess pieces reach me at about mid-thigh and you have to walk on the board to move the pieces. I had a blast playing chess like that with DH the other night. Neither of us has played chess in years but did because it was there and was different and looked like fun to play that way.

Then of course the one thing we always come back to and that is the guides. ABD guides have an intangible element about them and they really enhance any trip. I don't think I need to or could explain that. Anyone who has been on an ABD trip knows what I'm talking about.

I guess it's just things like that and the excursions that have an added fun element to them. I don't think I'd be enjoying this as much if weren't for the added ABD flourish. I hope that helps.
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Calypso, thanks so much for the trip report. Our family of 6 was scheduled for the July 21 departure but had to push back our trip once I realized I was on crack thinking we could do this trip plus the obligatory time in Prague/central Europe ('cuz you can't go to Europe for just 7 days), and still pay for my twins to start college next year. So I'm living vicariously this summer thru you.

That said, dh and I had looked at river cruises, and had several years ago decided AMA would most likely be our preferred line. I was so excited to see DCL had partnered with them. Their demographic skews a bit younger, they have free bicycles to borrow for each port, they offer "active" excursions, and many of their ships have pools.
Thank you SO much! That is exactly what I was after. And I certainly appreciate you taking time on you adventure to answer ;-)

That sounds perfect for us! I love the history aspect of Europe, but I loved it when you talked about the archery ,etc they had set up for you. That is definitely up our alley. Like you and Mare1203 I enjoy being a kid.

I, too, find the older demographic among the best for dining companions and still keep in touch with some couples I've cruised with in the past,but we don't typically do the same excursions.

I'm sold! Not that I needed that much arm twisting. Thanks again. Now, to decide when to fit this trip into my vacation schedule. That may be the most difficult part.

For now, I'll sit back and enjoy the rest of your trip from my living room or office/lab (since I'm addicted to this board lately)
I guess tgeorge that it boils down to chevy vs. ford people. We did Tauck Bridges Danube cruise a few years ago and it was comparable to what has been posted so far. Ours (Tauck) and ABD are on par for what I read so far from Calypso. And if you have some assistance being a DVC member it would be hands down that anyone would choose the trip that you feel most attached to. Still am in LOVE with the report

Thanks! I am glad to know you are enjoying it. :-)

Please excuse all my typos. I've been writing and posting on the fly, when I can grab wifi or like now at 1 am when my eyes are crossing. I do go back and edit periodically when I catch the typos later. I appreciate that they are overlooked until I get around to editing though.
Calypso I want to add my thanks to you.

I'm hanging on your every word (and photo!) We sail on July 28 and while I know I'm a planner, I didn't realize how stressed out I was about not having ANY information about what to expect. Your trip report is both calming me down and getting me completely pumped up about our river cruise! You are totally tossing pixie dust my way with all this amazing information. Thank you.

So glad you're having an excellent time - I hope it continues to be extremely magical!!
Thank you Calypso for your awesome posts! We're booked on the July 28th sailing. I assume the wifi on board is pretty decent? I have an odd question. We started looking at river cruises last year and decided on AMA. The other couple we travel with have severe, life threatening peanut and tree nut allergies. When I spoke to AMA - I was flat out told that they couldn't accommodate their allergies. We booked the ABD Costa Rica trip instead. When the ABD river cruise opened up, we moved our reservation over but only after we checked with several sources (ABD as well as a few Guides I know from previous adventures) to make sure my friends would be safe on this adventure. Being such a new adventure, I just want to make triple and quadruple sure that they will be safe (especially since we talked them into this trip). Is there anyone on board, by chance, that has a food allergy and how do you think they've been handling them? The marzipan making demonstration will be a real problem (cross contamination) so I wonder how that will be handled. Also, I'm glad you mentioned that the motion sickness wasn't bad - our friends have never cruised before (have never been to Europe before either - it's hard to communicate how severe their nut allergies are when you don't speak the language) because she has terrible motion sickness too. Your pictures are GORGEOUS and I can't WAIT for our friends to experience this! Thanks for any information!
Calypso, I just want to echo others in appreciation for posting this great TR on the fly! The pictures are wonderful and I've enjoyed reading about your experiences. It's certainly convincing me that the River Cruises are not something to overlook in the future. Although this itinerary seems awesome, I just LOVE the Rhine itinerary. Also, I second the sentiment about enjoying ABD getting into the river cruise game for the family aspect and "fun" excursions. Like you, I can't help but be part 10-year-old, so those options are often high on my list. While I love art and history, I admit to having a short attention span, so breaking it up with either fun or food is right up my alley. Keep having a great time on the cruise!


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