Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust - Doug & Emily TR - SBP/Mangino's - UPDATED page 8

I am soooo looking forward to reading...hopefully later have left a few teasers for us to wonder about!!!
I woke up at about 6:00 a.m. on March 8, ready to go! It is amazing how through the week when that alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. I snooze for 20 mins, before I finally drag my sleepy butt out of bed, but today.....I think I pole vaulted out of bed! :rotfl2:

Doug was coming over to pick me up at about 7:00 a.m. So, I took my shower, gathered up my last minute things, packed my poor dress into a carry on size bag :eek: , and checked my list one last time, to make sure I had everything I needed.

Doug got to my place early :yay: which is a big thing for him, he tends to be late most everywhere. We packed up the car, checked my list again (I was very scared I would forget things), and hopped in the car to head to Indianapolis International (about a 20 min. drive). Once we got in the car Doug decided he needed to scrape some icy frost off the windshield. So he gets out of the car and stops scraping. Now, I thought....."I will be a good future wife and help him out a little by using the mister and spray the windshield with some washer fluid". So I go about my way and I do it. At this point I am jamming to my Ultimate Disney Princess CD, and let me tell you I was rocking! :dance3:

Low and behold I hear this faint yelling and cussing. I look around to see what is going on and I can't find Doug.....hmmm....where could he be?

Then out of the corner of my eye, I see this figure rolling on the ground, now mind you, I am right in the middle of "Can you feel the love tonight..."

Doug is rolling on the a little girl. I JUMP out of the car and say, "OMG what is wrong" And I get this answer....."YOU SPRAYED WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID IN MY EYE!"

So I rush over, pick him up off the ground, and take my now blind future husband upstairs to rinse his eye out, we get it all clear, and now he can't find his contact!

Thank God it was on his shirt and not in the parking lot of my apartment complex!

*Sigh of relief*

We are on the road at 7:35 a.m., which isn't bad considering the plan was 7:30.

We are on our way to the airport and I tell him he is missing his exit....(he has lived in Indy since birth.....I have lived here a year.....should have Like a good man....he listens to me and takes my lead.....whoops...wrong exit. We get turned around and arrive safely.....seeing clearly....and in the right 8:00 a.m.

It was as if the clouds had parted, we pulled up to the Southwest curbside and WE ARE THE ONLY ONES UNLOADING! :cloud9: Easy as pie, we unoad and check in. I waited in the aiport while Doug parked for about 10 mins. Checked our flight status.....ontime....yay!

Once we meet up again, we decide to get some breakfast and magazines.....I get people and us weekly.....he gets The Wall Street Journal.......hmmmm....they say opposites attract! Next is breakfast....I get of all things.....a pretzel from Auntie Anne's...yummy. Doug gets no other than McDonald's.

Doug's McD's:

After breakfast we go through security and go to our gate to meet my family from Ohio. The whole gang, Mom, Dad, Sis (Amy-MOH), Brother Brian, Bro-in-law Jack, niece (Jordan - FG), and Isaac (nephew - RB). It is about 9:45 and our plane leaves on-time at 10:20.

We board and our pilot looks 12 years old.....and flew like it too. The flight was awful and the landing was even worse. But who cares.....we are in Orlando!

Up next.......check-in, dinner, and DTD!:goodvibes
:lmao: You almost blinded your dh! That was just too funny. Keep it coming!
Glad to see you back!!!! :cheer2: I hope you had a great trip and I'm looking forward to reading ALL abou it!
Congratulations, Mrs.!!!! :woohoo:
I know I'm relatively new to the boards, but I love reading the TR!!! I can't wait to hear more!!!!

Your morning sounds exactly like what would happen on my way to the airport for my wedding, but this time I'll know whatever I do- don't spray the washer fluid! hehehehe

You've got me hooked now!
I literally just laughed out loud! Shooting someone in the eye with windshield wiper fluid is totally something I would do!!!! Looking forward to reading more!

YEY:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
YOUR BACK.. SO glad to see you back on here... Love the TR so far... Your poor DH at the beginning with his eye:eek:.... Glad he found his contact..

Cant wait to read more:surfweb:
Yay, I woke up to some TR. I was totally lauging out loud at your DH, you described it quite vividly:laughing: Really excited to read more :hyper:
:wave2: Hi and Congratulations :cheer2:

Love the start of your TR!

Poor DH at least there was no lasting damage!

Can't wait to read more!! :coffee:
Then out of the corner of my eye, I see this figure rolling on the ground, now mind you, I am right in the middle of "Can you feel the love tonight..."

Doug is rolling on the a little girl. I JUMP out of the car and say, "OMG what is wrong" And I get this answer....."YOU SPRAYED WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID IN MY EYE!"

I love that you included the song that was playing. Sounds like it was a real romantic moment.:lmao: You had me rolling.

Can't wait to read more. popcorn::
Hi Emily,

Congrats!!! Glad you had a great time, lmao:rotfl: at getting your DH in the eye!

Cant wait for the next installment!
Congrats on your wedding!! Great TR! I cant wait to hear the rest of the story :)
ok, i've gotta find out what else happened.. if you're already blinding your hubby on the VERY FIRST DAY?!? :lmao:

sounds like a perfect marriage alright! :thumbsup2

(i'm always telling my DF that I"m the Lucy to his ricky cause I do crazy stuff like that)

I cant tell you how long ive been waiting for this. I swear you and I have so much in common-- I think our personalities are very very similar (From the get-go youve always been a favorite of mine). When i started reading about you getting in the car, arriving at the airport, etc... all those chills and butterflies started coming back to me as though I was the one at the airport again waiting on the plain-- really not knowing what magical experiences lied in front of you! I cant wait to hear every little detail and see every photo (you better have taken a lot!!;) ). So as for the eye incident-- that sounds like something that would happen to Shane and I-- me jammin to Disney and him cussin up a storm-- doesnt get any more real than that right there folks! Im glad things turned out okay and you all made it in good timing! As for opposites attract-- well I couldnt have said that better myself. Im very much into politics and DH is like "huh? Whats that?"-- so it works! Im getting so excited-- as if I were going to Disney right now with you through this story! Its been so long since ive seen a trip report (Tiffany's was probobly the last one I saw)-- so this is definitetly exciting! I hope you and Doug had the time of your lives-- you certainly deserve it! I guess we will see soon, right? Missed you!
-Maggie :hug:

BTW- Summer and I are still here:cheer2:
Oh my goodness, I was cracking up about the windshield wiper fluid incident! Bless, you had his best interest at heart!! I can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
We land in Orlando and gather our bags and meet our driver from Tiffany Town Car. We chose to use Tiffany instead of ME because we got a grocery stop and part of our group was staying at SOG. We make our grocery stop and gather some small breakfast items and granola bars, etc. Doug decided he needed the whole store though and we spent $65.00......uhhh we havent even started yet and we are already spending $65.00? Becomes the theme of the trip.........

Doug and I arrive at POFQ at about 2:15. I left all of my bags with my mom and dad, as I was staying with them that night (the wedding was the next day). Doug and I are checking him in..........and it takes forever! The lady checking us in was new and "earning her ears".........but she was VERY friendly and we did not mind the time at all. She congratulated us and gave us our Just Married pins. She then offered us "the best room on property in her opinion".....intrigued we of course said yes. Room 6224.

We head up to the room and as we get closer I am gasping at how nice of an area we got! On the corner, king bed.....out one window is the Sassagoula (sp?) River..........out the other window is the courtyard with beautiful gardens. Wonderful! Doug and I call for the bags and wait for them to arive....only took about 5 mins. Once we received the bags we high tailed it over to SOG, we had to meet up with everyone, because we had ressies at Big River Grille at 6:15.

Now I must say the trek from POFQ to SOG was awful. I needed to feel some Disney Magic, so I decided we would take the bus to MK and then the Monorail to Poly, then walk to only took about 45 mins! :eek:

Once we arrived at SOG our entire guest list was checked in and ready to go, so I freshened up rather quickly.

We decided to give the gifts to our parents, FG, RB, and BM. We made ressies for my parents at Alfredo's in the Italy pavillion for the following Tues. and gave them a $75.00 gift card to use for the bill. Let me explain: My parents have ALWAYS wanted to eat there, but never have because they always had kids with them and never wanted to spend the money. And since Alfredo's is closing, I took the opportunity for them.

We gave my in-laws a gift card to their fave expensive restaurant in Indy that they would not spend the money to go to on their own. We gave my FG Two giant bags of York Peppermint Patties (her fave) and $20.00 disney dollars. My nephew got the same Disney dollars and a 3 pound bag of skittles.....yeah their parents hate me now....I think they are still on a sugar high! :rotfl2: Our BM got a Chuck Norris t-shirt (Doug and his brother's humor is weird) and a memory card he has been wanting. Simple basic gifts, but loved by all.

All 17 of us headed to the BW for dinner at this point, I wanted to see SBP before the next day and I had a cake to pick up at the BW bakery. We checked in at Big River Grille and Brewing Works. We chose this place because my husband loves beer and it was pretty casual and relaxed. It was not what I expected, but the food was good and we had fun.

I got a fave. In this picture maybe I had too much mojitio!

After dinner we had the cake I had ordered:

One ear says "Doug and Emily" the other ear says "March 9th, 2007"

This is the point where our best man ate Doug:

The cake was delicious which gave my high hopes for that wedding cake you have all been telling me about!

After dinner, Me, Doug, and my family headed over to DTD to get no other than............

After shopping around and making a wish list in my head, we left empty handed and exhausted. We headed back to the hotel to prepare for the next day and get some much needed sleep.

I layed my tired head down on the pillow and began thinking of the next day and all that I had to do. I made a mental list in my head and started going over it slowly.....dress - check, shoes - check, jewelry - check, makeup check, veil......, veil......, "Mom did you bring my veil?"

Oh crap!

Next day: Wedding Day and why David's Bridal will forever be in my heart!;)
oh my goodness...I am on the edge of my poor veil???? ugh....


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