Faith, Trust, & Pixie Dust - Doug & Emily TR - SBP/Mangino's - UPDATED page 8

more, more!! I can't wait to hear about the rest of it....

wow, I didn't know Alfredo's was closing! Not that it's a big deal to me (I had really chewy calamari there and almost choked!).

I may have to request that exact room at POFQ now since that's where we are staying!! yay! I can't wait to see more pics!!!
I'm dying with anticipation....I cant wait to read more! ;)
Can't wait for the next installment. For a wannabe/gonnabe Disney Bride, this is definitely living vicariously. If I had a drink or two, I could almost imagine I'm there!:bride:
Thank you everyone for reading up so far! I am having fun reliving it all! :goodvibes

I am going to try and post the first half of teh wedding day tommorow, and then the rest of the wedding wont be until Monday, because I am getting some pics from my mom this weekend i want to post!

And Maggie: I totally feel the same way! We are very much alike and I was missing talking to you on the boards! You are too sweet! I have shown Doug pics of your wedding and talk about you so often that he knows you and Shane by name now! :goodvibes Before he would refer to you as the girl with the cool glasses......he is a goofball.....:goodvibes
What?? NO veil?? :sad2: I would have had a nervous breakdown-- but it could have been worse-- it could have been the shoes (well-- i guess in my case it wouldnt have been so bad since i wore blue flip flops anyway). Great TR so far... im loving every minute of it. And i miss Disney-- have I mentioned that yet? I swear-- I keep dropping Shane suddle (well, not so suddle) hints about how he could easily surprise me by scheduling a WDW trip for our anniversary-- ive even went so far as to putting our agents phone number in his cell. Haha-- maybe he'll get the hint. Let me know when Dougs deciding to go back-- it would be great fun to meet up.

Oh yes and let me briefly mention that I know all about the Chuck Norris humor. DH doesnt do it so much-- but my 'clique' in HS-- especially the guys-- they were certainly into the Chuck Norris is my hero stuff. But they were the same guys who would be funny and shave one of their hair and grow it out like a mullett for a day just for laughs. haha-- oh the good ole days. Haha-- Has your DH ever heard of Jessco White? Haha-- hes the clogger that pretends hes Elvis-- if not he has a documentary out (my friend just so happens to own it). I think Jessco accually has a mental disorder but he's went so far as to appear on Roseanne-- Doug should look him up, it makes for good laughs.

I cant wait for the next installment popcorn::
Emily you've started your TR, yay :goodvibes I am loving your writing style, and like Maggie, feel like it's been forever since I have read a wedding TR. I can tell this is going to be good :goodvibes

You spraying your DH in the eye w/ washer fluid while singing Disney princess songs, does it get any better :rotfl: Just kidding, that was so funny! I'm glad you got an awesome room at POFQ, such a romantic resort :cloud9:

It kills me that I'm going away for the weekend and won't be able to read more til Sunday night! I'll be anxiously waiting until then ;)
Oh my gosh!!! No veil!! I would have panicked.. haha... can't wait to read more, it's great so far!!

and welcome back :grouphug:
Just dropping in to say that I am loving your TR Emily. It is 01.30 in the morning here and I am just about to go to bed, but I couldn't do that until I popped in to say I'm still here.

Oh, wow, how lucky are you, the room at POFQ sounds perfect. I have just recently change part of my booking and we are now going to be at POFQ for 4 nights, one before the wedding and 3 after. Do you remember the room number you stayed in? Do you have any pics? I would so love a room like that for our Wedding.

Am I hearing that your veil went AWOL? Oh no, I would be devestated, major panic stations, bridezilla alert:scared1:

I have really missed you on these boards, and oh no, Maggies wedding has past, and now, so has yours:sad1: I liked it when you were both still planning, like me. Out of our original cheer team there is only me left:sad2: Guess I'll just have to read your TR's over and over again, look at your wonderful pics, and listen to all the advice you dish out.

I can't wait to read about your wedding day :hyper:

I don't watch soaps but I would if they were like this TR. :3dglasses

Congratulations to you and DH.

Congratulations Emily and Doug!

I am enjoying reading your TR so far! Very amusing...except I think it would have been my son doing the windshield washer fluid to my fiance and I would had to try really hard to control my laughter! Anyways! Congrats again! Can't wait to read more!

Loving this story! I just got back from Orlando and am missing it already.

But your report is making me happy in that I soon will be planning for my own DFTW!

Congratulations to you!
Emily I am subscribing now too!!! I can't wait for more and to see pics!!!



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