Fat Girls Walking Club

Well I'm at the hotel next to the airport!! I'm getting REALLY close to the World!

I'm getting REALLY excited for the Princess run!! I just keep having these dreams about forgetting my running shoes!
Well I'm at the hotel next to the airport!! I'm getting REALLY close to the World!

I'm getting REALLY excited for the Princess run!! I just keep having these dreams about forgetting my running shoes!

Did you check you luggage to make sure you have them. My running stuff was the 1st thing i put in my bag. I cant wait for the meet on Friday. Have a great flight.
I know we talked about 9am is this still an ok time for everyone? Are we still walking or should we meet later and walk over to studios to go to the expo. Let me know what you think. I want to get everything finalized so i can put it in our schedule.


9 ish is fine. We are walking to DHS after a quick breakfast at the Boardwalk to get the bus to DWoS so that will work for us too. I am getting so excited.:yay:

I need to pack tomorrow and we will be leaving Thursday afternoon. :banana:

See you all soon.
Okay...so I signed up for the half marathon yesterday and literally woke up with panic attacks three times during the early am. Also, I couldn't sleep last night because of worrying.

I haven't walked much since my father was in hospice in the fall and passed away. I walked 1.5 earlier in the week and was extremely sore. Probably because I was walking with a friend who was going way too fast me. My husband and I did another 1.5 last night and it was difficult. I planned to take the day off today and walk tomorrow but the pushy friend made me walk this am and we did a leisurely 3.5 miles! It wasn't too bad. I planned on doing 2 miles then felt so good I just kept adding another lap. I am feeling less stressed now.

Any good walking plan suggestions that you have would be appreciated. I have found a few and I really like one, but can't remember where I found it.


Marathoning for Mortals is at your library - you can check it out!! Its very inspirational!!

Getting out and doing it - having the courage to start - that's what WISH is all about - and you have a great support system at home!! :banana:

I basically am on my own - and I dont have the drive to just get up and get out there - I get bored, its too cold, I get bored, its boring... I whine...

but I do know there are podcasts (I dont know how to get them on my ipod however) and I do know that I started with the Couch to 5K program - you are in great shape to get to the Half Marathon in Disney :cool1: Jan '10!!

I've done so very little since '08 I am starting all over... and I didnt do so great in '08 - I'll begin again in O ten!!
Well today is the day. We are just gathering up our belongings and heading out to the airport.
Good Luck to everyone.
See you soon,
Good luck, girls! Wish I could be there to cheer you on! Can't wait to hear your reports when you get back.
Thanks guys, I bought Marathoning for Mortals yesterday. Actually, I had to exchange it because I bought Running for Mortals Monday by accident. Thankfully I checked it after I got home because it didn't seem quite right... same authors and all, I think. I also got a nike plus for the ipod and shoes that I already have. I plan to get new shoes soon. I cannot say enough about how much I love the nike/ipod thingy! I also found out that the track that I have been walking on is .6 miles instead of .5 no wonder I was always screwed up on time.

:cheer2: Good luck Princess Girls!!!!
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Mental Health Day

We all know that our mental-health days are just as important as our workouts, recovery days, and proper fueling. So, Monday's question for the 'Ohana mixer, which starts here on the team thread, is....

If you had an unexpected free day--no work or other obligations--and $20 to spend just on you, what would you do?

So please share those small indulgences that are essential to your mental well-being. Hopefully, we'll get new ideas and find kindred souls.

There are three little rules. Just because.

  1. You have to spend at least part of the $20 on you. No giving it away, no saving it for a rainy day, and no spending the $20 entirely on your beloved partner, cute kidlets, or BFF. You can spend time with these folks, of course, and some of the money. But the focus is on YOU and what you want to do.
  2. You can choose to work out, if you wish, or your mental health day can coincide with a recovery day.
  3. What you do on your mental health day has to reflect your everyday, local life. No "I just happened to be in Paris..." :rotfl2: You can imagine, however, that you have perfect weather.

As usual, full stories that are related to your mental-health day are welcome. Not to mention the odd digression! And you're always welcome to bring drinks, goodies, and profound thoughts on the meaning of life.
Hi everyone,
Well we're back. What a great time we had at the Princess Weekend. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet as many friends as I would have liked but all in all the ones I did meet were just so nice and supportive.
I completed the 5K in my record time and had a blast. My daughters and granddaughters are already talking about next year and coming again; but this time they want to do the 1/2 marathon too.
We just feel so elated and successful.
Thanks to all of you for the encouragement and faith in us.
Well, back to reality and on with the training.
Woo Hoo!!

I'm back and had a GREAT time at the Princess Weekend!

I finished the 5K in 42minutes 40seconds! 3 minutes faster than I thought I would!

Congrats to all the women out there! I can't wait to do my next race, which is going to be in May in Grand Rapids!

I'm actually starting to contemplate doing a 1/2! But i'll get there slowly!
Okay everyone,

It's almost spring- what are your goals? Mine is to get to a 14 minute mile. I'm currently at 16 minute mile.

Anyone signing up for next year's Princess Half? Amanda and I really want to do it. I would love to do the Jan half, but that is just too many people. I would freak out.
Congratulations, girls! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :thumbsup2 Sounds like you did great at the Princess 5K. Nikki - That's a great finishing time! You should be so proud!! :cheer2:
Congrats! to our WDW Princesses!
I am so very proud of you!!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Sorry I've only had time to lurk lately. Work, work, and more work. Hopefully the other gal I work with who has been gone for over a month will be back on Monday and we will be fully staffed again. Our director decided not to hire a sub to replace my two co-workers who have been gone since January to save $$$. So the rest of us in the office have had to absorb the work load.

I have been exercising and working out! Working toward my DLHM goal!

How the heck has everyone been?
I'm glad to be walking again. A couple of days after the race i had a gout attack on my lt big toe so i was finally able to walk yesterday and im signed up to do a 5k next weekend. I also signed up for a 5k next month and a 1/2 the end of June for my Birthday.
Hello Everyone!

Sorry I've been so absent! It has taken me a while to get back into the swing of things since I got back from vacation!

Amanda- sorry about the gout but congrats on signingup to do a 1/2!!!

I have now signed up for 2 5Ks!! One on April 25th (borgessrun.com our local hospital) and one on May 9th (Grand Rapids River Run).

I hope everyone is having a good Spring!!
Hello Everyone!

Sorry I've been so absent! It has taken me a while to get back into the swing of things since I got back from vacation!

Amanda- sorry about the gout but congrats on signingup to do a 1/2!!! It's a good think i work for a podiatrist:rotfl:
I have now signed up for 2 5Ks!! One on April 25th (borgessrun.com our local hospital) and one on May 9th (Grand Rapids River Run). There was a list of wishers doing races:confused3 and i think another wish person is running those also.
I hope everyone is having a good Spring!!

Happy Spring:flower3:

DO you know where the list of other races was posted! I"d love to meet some MI DISers!
:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Please join us on the 'Ohana team thread for the Monday Mixer. The Mixer starts here.

There are many reasons why we race. Sometimes it's a way to challenge ourselves. Sometimes it's a strategy to keep ourselves motivated. Sometimes it's a reason to reunite with old friends and meet new ones. And sometimes, just sometimes, it's about the goodies. :teeth:

This week's question is about those goodies:

What is your favorite medal/t-shirt/race-bag goody, and WHY?

So come on over to 'Ohana. Share with us your favorite pictures and stories. Brag about the bling. If you haven't done a medal-awarding event, tell us about a shirt. If you love a particular expo, we want to know why. And if you're new to races, visit anyway. You can get some ideas for future races and "ooh" and "ahhh" over the pretty, shiny things.

On a more serious note: Two of our 'Ohana cousins, Maria and Richard, could use some extra hugs, well wishes, and PD this week. If you've got the time, please let them know you're thinking of them. :hug:
Hello everyone,
Happy Spring to all of you too :hug:. Been gone for awhile since son was home for Spring Break and we celebrated my birthday yesterday.
Back on track today, walking and enjoying it. :cool1:
Goal is to to do 14min. mile with ease and be able to do the Princess Half next year. Will try to do some local 5K's to keep me on track.
Thanks to all for keeping me excited and motivated; it sure helps.


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