feeling defeated

❤️and Good Morning🌅to all:grouphug:Much extra prayer dear Mommasita for safe travels to dear you! Keep in touch please. Wishing all of you a day of joy.
Good day my friends 🤗

This morning started with a call from the oncologist.. yes my heart sinks. They have decided my DD needs a biopsy right away! The oncology team has reached out to a surgeon at my home hospital plus one at the next hospital. I also asked about a surgeon that has followed my DD in the past as we have a wonderful relationship. So they added her to the contact list. I have been sad ever since receiving the call, it I knew it was coming. As strange as it sounds . It’s easier to ignore it and not deal with it .. but my mind knows that is not the answer. My heart is cracking. So after lots of tears .. my husband asks if I ordered anything . He opens the door to receive a small box. We open it together as it’s addressed to all of us .. the sweetest gesture ever! My eyes flood with more tears, different tears … thank you friends for thinking of us! This sweet ornament set could not have arrived on a better day!!!!! Insert more tears here … DD was so excited!!!! I think her dad was too 🤗 This gesture is beyond kind 🤗 today is a very emotional day but this delivery arrived at just the right time❣️ Thank you so much for helping us smile through our tears! DD called her siblings to brag as she put it 🤣 they were so happy for her!!! I have not explained anything to DD yet as she is not able to comprehend medical information. As I know more I will prepare her for the procedure. Again.. thanks for adding some Disney magic and love to this otherwise dark day.
Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend!! Much love 🤗

Sheila, Wesley and Shavonne xo
I forgot to include a sweet pic … look at her smile. No words required to see the joy each of you brought her today❣️
She has the absolute best smile (and Princess hair!!) She deserves every bit of that smile, and so do you! I think today is a great day for a Frozen movie marathon and extra hugs.

I think back to the beginning of this thread and how you feared you’d never be able to take her back to Disney…and you did that this year! The future is frightening when we let ourselves fill in all the blanks with our worst thoughts, but remember that reality up until this point is that beautiful smile, being in her happy place this year when you filled in a blank that said otherwise, and your loving family, your husband right there with you today and your other children having adventures of their own. You’ve reached so many beautiful, happy milestones so far and there are so many more along the way yet to come. Big hugs to you guys 💖
She has the absolute best smile (and Princess hair!!) She deserves every bit of that smile, and so do you! I think today is a great day for a Frozen movie marathon and extra hugs.

I think back to the beginning of this thread and how you feared you’d never be able to take her back to Disney…and you did that this year! The future is frightening when we let ourselves fill in all the blanks with our worst thoughts, but remember that reality up until this point is that beautiful smile, being in her happy place this year when you filled in a blank that said otherwise, and your loving family, your husband right there with you today and your other children having adventures of their own. You’ve reached so many beautiful, happy milestones so far and there are so many more along the way yet to come. Big hugs to you guys 💖
What a beautiful post 🤗 thank you
Shavonne is beautiful dear Sheila and so are you, her beloved mom! Thank you for all the love you give her! God's timing is always right on time that is for sure. I give Him so very much extra praise that you got our 📦of❤️today! Yay that it brought all of you comfort and joy as it was intended to do! You absolutely are never alone and all of us love you and care :grouphug:
@weswife i will start by saying that your daughter is absolutelly stunning ! The look of joy is absolutel perfection!
It’s impossible to state any better than what the people in our family/thread have already. Please know, we are always here. We 🙏, we love, we have open hearts, wide shoulders.
Good day friends,

Another week begins! We are still waiting for a call from a surgeon, waiting on a biopsy. The waiting is the worse, again I get my thoughts settled and bam! No updates yet...
Today she enjoyed her day, spent time playing her game on her phone .. she claims she will beat it one day ..lol. The hematoma on her belly is settling nicely, mostly a large brown area. Her wound is at a stand still but the upside its no worse! I will take that for a win <3 No blood work until early Sept. I will have to find out if we are doing tumour markers as well. My husband is waiting on a test to check for PAD disease, interestingly enough.. I suspected he had this when it all started a year ago. Go figure, now they plan to test for it! Good news to share .. My DS wrote another thesis and it will be published. Yesterday he got called to present it and defend it! The examiners fired questions at him for 2 hours. He said they were fierce but being the tiger he is, he gave it right back! After deliberation he received news.. he PASSED! This made for an exciting day with lots of positivity! It was so sweet yesterday. My DD asked whats that thing my brother is doing, so I explained it in terms for her to understand. DD said, I have to message him a congratulations .. I had to listen to her voice text.. it was adorable! insert tears here ...She loves him so much. Now my son has obtained his Masters of Arts!!!! On the 29th of this month he will leave for university in Manitoba which is 4 provinces away from us.. insert sad feelings here. So proud of him but will miss him so much. He will need to attend there for 3 years to obtain his law degree. He plans to specialize in human rights.. hmmm wonder where he got that idea??!!
Time to sign off for now.. take care friends! Thanks for being my support system
Congratulations on your sons accomplishments! That is amazing. I can understand you completely , it is so difficult when they are far away for school or other. Hugs Mama😘🥰
Prayers said for Mr. Weswife and to your daughter, what a great sister she is ❤️
Much congratulations to your son, dear Weswife! Always 💕 to YOU! Tell your daughter please from me, I sure hold dear and give thanks to my belief that always God is with her. By His added Grace, so are we!

Mommasita, extra :grouphug: and prayers you are enjoying safe and fun travels, my friend.

Love to all. Happy Wednesday :)
Monday ❤️ to all! Thank God all dry here in LA this morning and calm. Dad and I are so blessed. No more earthquakes either! Yes we did feel the Ojai (nowhere near us though) quake yesterday. 🙏 all of you enjoy a calmer day, too. Always prayers that each of you are healthy and doing well, you know that my friends. I appreciate all of you so much.

Stay safe. For us yesterday was a great reminder to plan ahead and make sure you have needed supplies for a weather emergency. Also, pre pandemic, I remember intending you create for my car an overnight bag of clothing and supplies just to have if ever needed. That might be a good idea, too. Include, of course, a first aid kit and extra water/nonperishables.

:grouphug:to all with love


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