Fit for the Fairytale/looking good on "THE" day~beauty & weightloss ongoing chat~

Whats a good kid/adult friendly healthy supper we can have tonight? I am keeping my DH's little cousin tonight (shes 7) .....

Im always looking for new ways of trying different food. i really like what you all were saying about doing the chicken and lettuce shreds. Keep the ideas coming!!
I will be watching the superbowl put not attending any parties so I should be safe!!! We have DF's DD's so we will have our own party!!!
Whats a good kid/adult friendly healthy supper we can have tonight? I am keeping my DH's little cousin tonight (shes 7) .....

Im always looking for new ways of trying different food. i really like what you all were saying about doing the chicken and lettuce shreds. Keep the ideas coming!!

you could try :make your own pizzas
Pasta w/chicken
steamed veggies with some cheddar cheese shreds on top
Grilled chesse w/whole grain bread cooked on a gf grill
has lots of receipes
another good spot for healthy receipes

these are a few all depends on what the little one my daughter LOVES chicken

Good luck & have fun:flower3:
You all get the free kraft food & family magazine in the mail dont you? If not ill post the link so you all can get it.

Thanks so much-- I appreciate the help!
raspberry are to DH would probably get frisky!!

Anyway I tried a yummy low fat meal...
I did the salad package "shredds"(iceberg lettuce in shredd)
& Tyson Buffalo Style Chicken

I baked the chicken to get it crispy & cut it up in small pieces & spread it all over the lettuce.
Thats was dressing
The spices in the chicken was enough

the chicken was only 250cal for 2 pieces & the lettuce was under 100 & it filled me up!!
It was good

I need to start working on my arms.

Anyone use that Thighmaster by susan summers...I want to know if it works...they have it real cheap at a used sports store by my house....Id love to slim down my thighs!!

Keep it up girls!!!
Sounding good!!

Hee, hee - frisky? My DF would be laughing for hours. Especially if I put on some lycra!

Well, there's a way to tone your inside thighs - sit on the floor opposite your DH/DF/anyone who will exercise with you, both with your legs open. The person with their feet on the outside tries to pull their legs together, and the person with their feet on the inside tries to push their legs outwards. It really works, and my person trainer (he was Mr Natural Great Britain) recommended it.

Mmm.... that chicken sounds gooooood! I just had plaice, peppers, carrots, parsnips,field mushrooms and spanish seasoning. I am fit to burst now!

Its been a little high today & I can only imagine how it can get when planning a long distance FTW

Well I was SO close to grabbing for something sweet, but I thought about it & didnt....yeah me!!!

So what can we come up with that will help us beat stress & help us avoid food binges...Ive been so good I would hate to break the cycle just because I had a bad day(& they happen)

At least I didnt cheat & I feel better...its bad for the skin anyway;)

Its been a little high today & I can only imagine how it can get when planning a long distance FTW

Well I was SO close to grabbing for something sweet, but I thought about it & didnt....yeah me!!!

So what can we come up with that will help us beat stress & help us avoid food binges...Ive been so good I would hate to break the cycle just because I had a bad day(& they happen)

At least I didnt cheat & I feel better...its bad for the skin anyway;)

Well done for not cheating! I have found that nuts, a big variety of them, and some raisins are helping me at times throughout the day. I'm a primary school teacher and so I know allll about stressy days. I used to be a lawyer and I can tell you, I know stress! For me, having the fruit smoothie with spinach in it for breakfast and then having nuts at breaktime and a salad at lunch really works for me! It has taken me two weeks to get into the swing of it and retrain my tastebuds again, but now I'm very happy. If I don't get my spinach in my smoothie, I start to notice after about 3 days. It really is full of goodness!!! :)
I just tried on wedding dresses for the first time today....tht definitely gave me incentive to keep eating well and exercising!!! Although the dresses looked beautiful and my 2 favorite dresses look great on me and I wouldn't need alterations because the fit is so perfect...but it would be nice to have the confidence to wear a bikini on my honeymoon!!!!

Myprincessgirlisa - I come to the disboards a lot when I am stressed. Try putting a little dap of toothpaste in your mouth when you want to binge...that always helpe me.
I discovered a little treat that is not so bad for you. It is skinny cow ICE CREAM sandwiches...Not even close to being as bad for you are the rest. The are a little pricey but TOTALLY worth it if you feel the need for something sweet.

I hear on the stress level but I am couting the days 13 days until I will be in FLA trying on THE WEDDING DRESS! Hopefully all the healthy eating and exercise (and 9 pound weight loss) will help me look better in it.....Fingers crossed! You ladies are awesome we are all working so hard we should have no trouble reaching our goals!:cheer2:
I love the skinny cow bars! Great tip. :)

Good luck trying on wedding dresses - I am hoping that when I try mine on later this month it will be a lot looser! :banana:
I love those skinny cow bars too....Also when I have a sweet tooth I cut up some fresh strawberries, add a couple of fresh blueberries, raspberries and bananas and a packet of splenda in a bowl and have it as a snack. Not only does it kill my sweet tooth but it also is good for me!!
I have tried and looked for skinny cow bars, but I cannot find them anywhere here in Denver. All I find are the weight watchers ones...wonder if those compare to skinny cows?
You are lucky that you can find the WW ones! We don't get them here in Toronto. Let me know how they taste. Not too sure why the don't have skinny cow where you are but I am sure WW is just as good if not better for you.
I used to do WW... lost about 20 pounds and went from a size 12 to a 6. Their giant fudge bars are the best!!

I'm trying to start up again because I need to get in shape, but the hardest part is exercising! Does anyone belong to a gym? I've always been hesitant about joining one because I'm so shy, but I was thinking about one of those women's gyms. Opinions?

As far as healthy food, I'm a big fan of that V8 Frusion juice. It doesn't taste so great, but it's a quick and easy way to get a serving of fruits and veggies. I also LOVE hummus -- Tribe brand roasted red pepper is my fave. I also use Morningstar fake ground beef to make burritos -- whole wheat tortillas, black beans and some salsa. DF is a meat eater and he LOVES them.

This thread is a great idea -- it's nice to know so many other women are in the same boat. I don't have many female friends so I don't really have anyone to talk to about this kind of stuff :grouphug:
I have a gym membership and its at an all womens gym. You have no need to be watching your weight you are gorgeous! I do like the womens only ones since they don't feel as much like a meatmarket as the others. (Forgive my comment but here in Canada the coed gyms seem to be more like pick up joints rather than workout facilities). Good luck!
I have a gym membership and its at an all womens gym. You have no need to be watching your weight you are gorgeous! I do like the womens only ones since they don't feel as much like a meatmarket as the others. (Forgive my comment but here in Canada the coed gyms seem to be more like pick up joints rather than workout facilities). Good luck!

Thanks... unfortunately that picture was taken last summer, before the holidays and lots of this: popcorn::

I think I'm going to look into a couple of the womens gyms near me and try to get rid of all the extra jiggle I seem to have acquired :rotfl:
I belong to a coed gym. I refuse to workout there past 6:00 pm unless it is with my DFi because it is a huge meat market after that time and everyone is scoping out the place for dates. Luckily I get in at about 3:45 so I can make it through my workout before it all begins.
I forgot to add that I love all the classes that my gym puts on. My favorite is strip tease, dancers workout, salsa and amp'd abs!!! I use to really be in to kickboxing but the instructor get pregnant and her replacement is horrible!!
WOW.....Im not online all weekend & lots has happened!!!

It sounds like everyone is doing good & you guys are great for all the advice & tips

As for the question about gyms....In my area the park district is the cheapest & they are just as good as a Ballys or Lifetime. Plus I like that you can do month to month, every 3mths, every 6, every 9 or 1yr memberships with no extra fees...& they have all the stuff the pthers have.

I havent tried skinny cow yet, but it sure does look good...I think Im gonna now

How did you all do during the superbowl...I did good...yay me

So, are you girls ready to bump up your sit ups this week....Think "flat tummy"!!!!!:yay:

Anyone eat yogurt with grapenuts.....I love it & it healthy & low fat...give it a try

Keep it up girls!!!!!!!!!:cheer2:
I did really well during the superbowl. We didn't really have and unhealthy stuff around the house! I workout in a coed gym but I go in the morning to avoid the "meatmarket." I hate working out when it is like that. It makes me really self concious!


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