From Possums to Sea and a Rainy day parade! Sep/Oct 2014

I just love the GF. At Christmas the smell of the gingerbread house just hits you when you enter the lobby! I'm sure I put on a few pounds just breathing in!! Loved the pics from the rainy day parade, how cute! Claire :)
oh yes the gingerbread house. Beyond gorgeous! That smell. I gave a candle at home at the moment smells just like it , when I pass it I think of that GB house. Thanks for stopping by!
More great photographs, and love the hats :goodvibes Great that you found something to help your scalp. Did you stock up? I was in the GF lobby a few weeks ago; just after they had put up the gingerbread house. Lovely to sit there and listen to the band and then the pianist. Citricos is one of my favourite restaurants so I usually manage one visit there. Another big bonus for Cracker Barrel at Semoran Blvd (it's very easy to find) is that just yards after is a cheapish petrol station where we fill up before returning the minivan. Note, just in case you ever do it, the one immediately before Cracker Barrel has the most expensive gas in the USA I should think - price sign is tucked away for a reason (think $5+ per gallon :eek:). Looking forward to the next instalment :thumbsup2
thank you for the gas filling up tip! So we can fill the rental car and fill ourselves! Brilliant great thank you can't wait to tell Jo she can have a last chance at that amazing fried chicken.

Oh yes we did stock up for sure in basin but as ever wish we had bought me. I love those soaps with things in the middle like the mickeys and snowmen. Next time I am going to get some as gifts! The music at the Grand was lovely. One could stay there all day :-) thanks for your comments.
That rainy day parade is such a great idea!

How nice of Jo to get you the new socks!

Love the VGF! Beautiful room!
I am sorry that you did not feel well. The Frozen area looks great. The trays and the Pixie Dust were a nice surprise.

They must have changed the machines in the laundry at BCV since December. We did our laundry there and the machines were very straightforward.

The Haunted Mansion Magic Band looks great. Well done for scoring this.

What a shame about the rain and that you did not enjoy Figment. I rather like this ride even though it is nowhere as good as the original version.

We never really considered Raglan Road. I am glad that you had a good time and that the food was nice.

Looks like you did really well with shopping that day. I love the customized iPhone case. I was eyeing the Tink wallet at Disneyland, but I figured with my Dooney and Burke obsession I really could not justify branching out to Harvey's as well. I love your birthday presents.

Well done for getting a reservation for Be Our Guest for your birthday lunch. I got to experience the Rainy Day Parade at Disneyland a few days ago. There they don't have the dancers in the rain gear, but just the characters in the vehicles. It was very cute.

Your room looks amazing and that view is quite something. I am glad that you found some stuff at Basin that works for you.

That rainy day parade is such a great idea! How nice of Jo to get you the new socks! Love the VGF! Beautiful room!
thank you the room was amazing can't wait to stay again! I am wearing those very socks today. Hope Fran is ok and you managed to decide on meds.
I am sorry that you did not feel well. The Frozen area looks great. The trays and the Pixie Dust were a nice surprise. They must have changed the machines in the laundry at BCV since December. We did our laundry there and the machines were very straightforward. The Haunted Mansion Magic Band looks great. Well done for scoring this. What a shame about the rain and that you did not enjoy Figment. I rather like this ride even though it is nowhere as good as the original version. We never really considered Raglan Road. I am glad that you had a good time and that the food was nice. Looks like you did really well with shopping that day. I love the customized iPhone case. I was eyeing the Tink wallet at Disneyland, but I figured with my Dooney and Burke obsession I really could not justify branching out to Harvey's as well. I love your birthday presents. Well done for getting a reservation for Be Our Guest for your birthday lunch. I got to experience the Rainy Day Parade at Disneyland a few days ago. There they don't have the dancers in the rain gear, but just the characters in the vehicles. It was very cute. Your room looks amazing and that view is quite something. I am glad that you found some stuff at Basin that works for you. Corinna
welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your birthday trip. Yes the machines in the laundry looked brand new. Def give Raglan a go it was really nice. Oh how nice they do the rainy day at DL :-) I was watching Saving Mr Banks yesterday! Makes you want to go to Socal.
When we had gotten a good rest back at the room we had a shower and got ready to head on out to Celebration. It had stopped raining which was nice.

Through the wonderful lobby


Past the lovely penguins ....


We had another lovely meal at the beloved mainstreet cafe diner. We could not resist the burgers again! They were just the best. Then we had a little look around town. The cute pet store and some very unique stores selling candles and nice trinket type items.

Then driving back to VGF to catch the fireworks we passed a charming pumpkin patch run by the local church in Celebration.


Jo stopped the car and we went to have a look. There was a sign saying help yourself to a pumpkin and donate any amount you could spare you towards domestic abuse victims in the area. We thought this was great. So we donating some money but obviously left the pumpkin! But we did have a good look around the fun zone.


Me at pumpkin patch


Jo at pumpkin patch


Can you spot Jo?


Great displays


Then we drove back to VGF eager to catch those fireworks! There was a movie playing on the beach. We could hear and see it from our room. Then the light show began! I was super surprised at what a standard view room affording in the way of fireworks!




It was such an amazing end to my birthday. I did not expect to see the fireworks at all and I never have the energy in the evening to stay in the parks for them so I was thrilled! Then after watching some shows on TV we had a peaceful sleep...

Next up..last day flying home :-(
Another lovely day! Those pumpkin displays look amazing! Must have been fantastic to be able to watch the fireworks from your room! :goodvibes

Claire :)
I love the penguin fountain. The pumpkin patch looks like a lot of fun and your fireworks view is amazing.

What a great evening! I told mom about the diner in Celebration, we're going to have to go over there some time.

Too cool to see the fireworks from your room, what a perfect ending to the day.

Fun pumpkin patch!
What a great evening! I told mom about the diner in Celebration, we're going to have to go over there some time. Too cool to see the fireworks from your room, what a perfect ending to the day. Fun pumpkin patch!
it is a lovely town!
thank you the room was amazing can't wait to stay again! I am wearing those very socks today. Hope Fran is ok and you managed to decide on meds.

We saw the Doc today and he sort of decided for her. They will figure out if the insurance will cover it enough as the list price is evidently $20K per year. The funny thing is that they were quibbling about when she could come back. Evidently insurance wouldn't pay for the office visit if she came back for the same thing within 10 days so they were trying to schedule her for the 22nd which is practically two weeks away. So I asked what the "out of pocket" cost of the visit was, thinking it must be $400-500 if they are being so sparing. It was less than $100!!!!

For the pain that she has, we will pay OOP to get her in there sooner and get the new meds! So hopefully next Wednesday she can get these expensive pills.

But back to your TR! Do you not have Hamburgers as readily available in the UK as we do in the US? The way that you talk about visiting the diner in Celebration makes me think you don't have anything like it in the UK.

I do love the penguin fountain, it is so cute! I'm glad that you could see the fireworks from your room. We couldn't see them for ours.

It's nice you had fun in the pumpkin patch. We have those all over and I never give them a second glance. I can see how it would be novel for you.

Sorry the report is coming to an end. I have been enjoying your story!
We saw the Doc today and he sort of decided for her. They will figure out if the insurance will cover it enough as the list price is evidently $20K per year. The funny thing is that they were quibbling about when she could come back. Evidently insurance wouldn't pay for the office visit if she came back for the same thing within 10 days so they were trying to schedule her for the 22nd which is practically two weeks away. So I asked what the "out of pocket" cost of the visit was, thinking it must be $400-500 if they are being so sparing. It was less than $100!!!! For the pain that she has, we will pay OOP to get her in there sooner and get the new meds! So hopefully next Wednesday she can get these expensive pills. But back to your TR! Do you not have Hamburgers as readily available in the UK as we do in the US? The way that you talk about visiting the diner in Celebration makes me think you don't have anything like it in the UK. I do love the penguin fountain, it is so cute! I'm glad that you could see the fireworks from your room. We couldn't see them for ours. It's nice you had fun in the pumpkin patch. We have those all over and I never give them a second glance. I can see how it would be novel for you. Sorry the report is coming to an end. I have been enjoying your story!
that is a good idea to see the doctor sooner OOP $100 I would pay also to start the meds sooner. Mind if I ask what it is? My liver problems turned out to be autoimmune hepatitis. So now I decided it was a good idea to attack my own liver! I hope the new med works for Fran.

We do have Hamburgers but they aren't anywhere as nice. The quality of your beef is much better than ours. Plus yours are much better cost than ours for a better patty. Ours tend to be processed and we don't quite trust the meat!
We now sadly land on our last morning.... But we tried not to think about that! We had an evening flight back to England so still some time left.

There are many reasons to love VGF but one of them is being able to have ice cream for breakfast....


It was a lovely sunny day. So nice to leave WDW on a high. We wondered around the Grand grounds and found the lovely wedding pavilion..



We were shortly joined by a family of cute little ducks..



It was then sadly time to say goodbye to The Grand. We wanted to check our bags into the bag drop that Virgin Atlantic provide at Downtown Disney which is very handy. This went smoothly, we parked gave our bags had as we had seat plus booked for the way home ( an extra seat between you so you get three seats for two people ) we got allocated our seat numbers. This will turn out to be a big mistake more on that later!

We decided to leave our car where it was parked by the House of Blues and catch the boat to the Market place to have one last Earl of Sandwich before heading home. Nice view from here ...

The hot air balloon ride ...


Downtown Disney by boat....



We enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Earl :-) we then looked around the stores, got the boat back then drove over to Typhoon Lagoon where Pam was enjoying a day with her friend. Pam kindly came outside and we all said our sad goodbyes and hugged. It was a teary goodbye.

Then we drove to the airport , had some dinner in the food court and made our way to the gate.

I wanted some snacks for the flight and was amused by the size of this beauty...


Jo took a phone call getting ready for work so soon? Noooo...


Next up...boarding the plane and the stress to unfold when finding our allocated seats...


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