Gail's Journal (comments welcome)

Maybe I should do Monday as a weigh in...that would keep me honest on the weekend. You're kicking butt on the exercise this weekend.

Change in plans:confused:

I decided yesterday evening that I am changing my weigh day to Friday. Yesterday went great with eating after all those calories burned...but I decided before I ate dinner that I was going to have some munchies with my kids while we watched a movie. I made that decision and felt no guilt:rolleyes: Anyway, I decided that since there is always something going on over the weekend, whether it be a b-day, or cookout, or whatever...that either Sat. or Sun.(not both) I would not follow as strict to plan. I think this will help me more not to cheat during the week knowing I can have something on one of those days if I choose.

Last Friday I went from 220 to 216.5...then had that bad weekend, weighed in Monday at 220, then had a great week, and just this Friday weighed 213 :confused: So, that's what I'm going with. I will do measurements next Friday, since I just did them in the middle of this past week. Whew! I feel much better putting this in my journal. I honestly do not feel guilty about my snacks yesterday, and don't feel like it was the end of my diet. I got up this morning, knowing what I was going to do!

Kellee...sorry to be such a disappointment! But I just can't stick with the Monday weigh in. The weekends are definately worse for me than weekdays. I thought I could do it...but decided I couldn't stick with that Monday weigh in. My intentions were good, but still a little unrealistic...if that makes any sense!!LOL!!

So, I will be claiming my first 5 lb clippie!!! WOOHOO!!!

Congrats on the new 5 pound clippie!

I agree Monday weigh ins are really hard for me. I'm usually really good during the week but something always happens between Friday dinner and Sunday's dinner. There are always too many events and yummy things to make me stray off plan.
Gail, congratulations on your new clippie! Something you are doing must be paying off! Glad you changed your weigh in day. That way you won't feel like beating yourself up on Mondays anymore. I also let the Friday weigh in motivate me to stay OP on the weekends if I have lost something. It is good that you didn't let your munchies discourage you. I know how it is to say okay, well, I have messed up so I might as well quit dieting. You didn't do that and you should be so proud. I am also really proud of your daughter for getting those workouts in! Hope you have a great Monday!
Didn't do that great on eating at all Sunday...I'll just leave it at that. No exercise...blah!

But, I did get my exercise in today and have been eating OP!! Have a good day everyone!
WOO HOO!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc Another 5lb. Clippie!!! Way to go Gail!!!!

I don't blame you for changing your weigh in day, holy moly, Monday would be the worst day ever to weigh in! I think you will like Fridays much better! ::yes::
Had a great day yesterday! :tongue: Everything was OP!

Tomorrow is my daughter's weigh in and I will let you know how she does.

I've been having the hardest time getting on the boards lately.

Better go exercise if I want today to be as good as yesterday.
Hurray! Hurray! For a very good day! :teeth:

I'm anxious to hear how your daughter did. It may not mean much to her since I'm a stranger on the internet but I'm very proud of her. I hope she does well at her weigh in so that she will be encouraged to keep going. Maybe you could do measurements with her too just in case the scales sometimes don't show anything.

I hope you have another wonderful day! :)
Glad you have done well so far this week, Gail! I can't wait to see how well your daughter has done. I also am so proud of her! I know what you mean about not having as much time to get on the boards. I feel like the last couple of days have been much harder for me to find time too, now that I am working. I guess we will just have to make an effort to post as often as we can, huh?
Seems like you are feeling confident and strong...that's what it takes! I think if you enjoy your new lifestyle it makes it easier to deal with. I hope your daughter sees progress and doesn't give up. I agree with Michelle about the measurements (you know I'm a measurement freak!) so she'll see progress even if the scale is mean to her!

Keep up the good work, let us know how your daughter is progressing as well!
:Pinkbounc My daughter had her first weigh was 121.5. She started at 126! She's so excited. I think it has motivated her to want to keep losing. I've come to realize, even though you all have said it, that as long as I stay focused she will stick with it. I'm really proud of her.

Not much new with me:rolleyes: Just doing my thing...eating OP and exercise.

Have a good day!:wave:
Wow! I literally want to jump up and down...I am so excited for your daughter! I am sooo proud of her! I hope you tell her what all we say (unless it embarrasses her) b/c that may make her feel more motivated the way it does for all of us.

I'm so glad for your DD! Tell her we are ALL in this together!

So much good news today guys...let's keep it up!!!
Well, tomorrow is weigh day. ::yes:: Oh yes, and measurements..(can't forget this can I Kellee?) I'm a scaloholic...yes I admit it. I check everyday! I know that's so bad. I used to make my husband take the scale and hide it in his van and bring it in only when I could weigh in. But that drove me nuts!!:crazy2: I really admire those who are doing the scale challenge...I could never do it!! Anyway, I've been doing okay:rolleyes: this week. My girlfriend has a place in Ocean City, so her and I are getting away this weekend. No kids, no husbands. We're both dieting. But we both have said we are going out for some good ol' crabs and beer while there...that's what Maryland is known for:teeth: We plan to walk the boardwalk...which is 2.25 miles one round trip would be 4.5 miles.

So, I'm going to have another one of those off plan weekends and have to work my butt off again just to get back to where I am tomorrow...:sad: But I will enjoy my weekend. Thankfully, this is absolutely my last planned trip of the summer. I was almost jumping for joy when I found out that a weekend trip to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg had been canceled for mid August. I really want to do so well on this diet. I've actually made it 3 weeks..longest I've been able to stick to in 2 years. Usually at 2 weeks I give in and go back to bad habits. I really believe it's posting here in the journal and the support of all my fellow WISHers.

Anyway...sappiness over:tongue: today has been a good day...eating going well, exercised. I will be able to start good tomorrow and get my workout in before we leave...not leaving until 3.

Have a good day!:bounce:
Hey Gail! I can't wait to hear about your weigh/measurements tomorrow. I hope you do great! I am so with you on the scale thing. The first thing I do every single morning is step on the scales. We have a scale that we use for daily weigh in's because they are a piece of junk. :rolleyes: I don't want to use my nice scales every day so I only use them on my official, Saturday, weigh in.

I hope you have a great weekend! At least you're going away to do something. I screw up my weekends just being at home! :rolleyes:

I have some Disney trips planned in the next few months and also a cruise so believe me, I won't be worrying about what I'm eating when they come around. :teeth:
I am w/both of you on the scale thing. I weigh myself daily but I have a scale that I am afraid is very off. I am going to go by what it says though until I get a new one. I especially have weighed myself daily this week since I broke my diet once, have not exercised, and have had my visit from TOM. I actually have not done that bad...which was surprising. I have my official weigh in day tomorrow too. I have yet to do my measurements so I plan to do that too. Good luck Gail. Hope to see that you have lost some more. Hope you enjoy your trip too. Don't worry about it if you stray off course some. That walk on the boardwalk will help and afterall it is a vacation. ;)
Gail I am a scale freak too!!! I get on it at least every morning. I'm going to weigh in at work also because I want to check the accuracy of my scale.

Are we all weighing in tomorrow? It'll be like all of us standing around the scales and holding hands...ha! :grouphug:

Good luck for tomorrow and have a fun weekend!!
Congratulations on your clippie! Wow, you're daughter is making great progress too!

I've also been thinking about changing my weigh in day 'cause Mondays are soooooooo hard. I'm usually really good during the week but all hell breaks lose from Friday afternoon till Sunday night. Who knows what'll end up in my mouth. LOL - Last weekend 6 rice krispie treats found their way in! I'm also addicted to the scale. I weigh myself at least once a day. I'm embarassed to admit it but I've actually weighed myself before & after using the bathroom just because I was curious to see how much actually comes out. LOL. :blush: I think THAT's being addicted to your scale.

Have fun on your getaway this weekend!


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