Game of Thrones Season 7....(WARNING SPOILERS)

Loved the episode and all its earlier interactions and the later battle. It would have been a travesty had Jaime died in it because it would have been the halt to a great (and unfinished) redemption arc. I don't think he'll survive, but he has t hings to do yet.

(Dany fans will probably hate me, but imagine the ramifications had he succeeded and killed her. The dragons would go wild, everything would have been changed. It would have been Ned Stark beheading x1000.)

I had the disconnect I had when I saw previews. 1. Horses and dragons. I can't remember if it was ever addressed, but horses are skittish creatures. It would take a lot to get them to tolerate a dragon--a mucking humongous predator who no doubt eats horses--in the distance, much less flying above them in "attack" mode. 2. Horses and fire. I don't see any horse leaping through flames. This is not something you can easily train. Maybe a circus horse, but that's individual. How could Dothraki set up a wall of fire to fire train horses? They live in grassland, where wildfires are common, but uncontrollable. I doubt they'd set a fire that could destroy everything just to train horses for a very rare occurrence. Anyway, it made for some great effects, but they lost me a bit. I'm still trying to figure out how they got the Dothraki all the way down there. I guess they had more ships left at Dragonstone than I had thought.

If anybody was going to be written/portrayed as being able to wage war on horseback against all opponents/modes of fighting it would have to be the Dothraki. They love their horses, but they also are gifted at training them to wage warfare in ways impossible to others who would try.
I guess I'm the only one who doesn't want to see Jamie killed off. He was the one who talked Cersei out of a painful death for Olenna, he is the one who knows that Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey, etc... I agree with the PP who said that they wouldn't have shown him in the water if they were just going to kill him off, but it's GoT, so who knows, lol. Loved the Sansa and Arya reunion for all the reasons mentioned above. Agree, too, that it doesn't make sense that Dany would burn the food. She needs to feed her army, too, so wasting that was stupid.

With Bran, I think it's kind of fascinating. Usually in stories, the seer is old and has been sort of odd as long as anyone can remember. Here, we get to watch a seer from the beginning. Really cool.

Nope, I actually thought for a moment last night that they were killing Jamie in the battle -- mainly because I realized Tyrion was there watching it play out, hoping Dany would prevail and yet wanting his brother to survive.
If anybody was going to be written/portrayed as being able to wage war on horseback against all opponents/modes of fighting it would have to be the Dothraki. They love their horses, but they also are gifted at training them to wage warfare in ways impossible to others who would try.

I keep thinking of Robert Baratheon saying something like he was glad the Dothraki wouldn't cross the sea because the armies of Westeros could never take them in the open field or something.
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I think so too, and it will be Tyrion's undoing. I don't think he could ever harm Jamie, but Jaime's character, on the other hand, is so far gone into Cersei's madness that he will finish Tyrion on her behest - he wouldn't have done that up until now. :sad1:

No - Sansa was definitely never on the list.

Tonight's Hero: Dracarys the dragon
Tonight's Villain: Bron (for shooting Dracarys the dragon with Cersei's catapult/cross-bow thing)

Just a note...the dragon's name is Drogon. "Dracarys" is the command word for "breathe fire on that guy" LOL.

Loved the episode and all its earlier interactions and the later battle. It would have been a travesty had Jaime died in it because it would have been the halt to a great (and unfinished) redemption arc. I don't think he'll survive, but he has t hings to do yet.

(Dany fans will probably hate me, but imagine the ramifications had he succeeded and killed her. The dragons would go wild, everything would have been changed. It would have been Ned Stark beheading x1000.)

I had the disconnect I had when I saw previews. 1. Horses and dragons. I can't remember if it was ever addressed, but horses are skittish creatures. It would take a lot to get them to tolerate a dragon--a mucking humongous predator who no doubt eats horses--in the distance, much less flying above them in "attack" mode. 2. Horses and fire. I don't see any horse leaping through flames. This is not something you can easily train. Maybe a circus horse, but that's individual. How could Dothraki set up a wall of fire to fire train horses? They live in grassland, where wildfires are common, but uncontrollable. I doubt they'd set a fire that could destroy everything just to train horses for a very rare occurrence. Anyway, it made for some great effects, but they lost me a bit. I'm still trying to figure out how they got the Dothraki all the way down there. I guess they had more ships left at Dragonstone than I had thought.

It's a work of high fantasy...i think we can all suspend a little disbelief LOL. That said, this army of Dothraki and their horses has been traveling with the dragons for a bit now. Also, we've been led to believe that the Dothraki are some amazingly stellar horsemen, so their training skills must be pretty good. And finally, with an army of horses galloping hell bent for leather like that, they may have just been herding like lemmings off a cliff at that point.
Just a note...the dragon's name is Drogon. "Dracarys" is the command word for "breathe fire on that guy" LOL.

It's a work of high fantasy...i think we can all suspend a little disbelief LOL. That said, this army of Dothraki and their horses has been traveling with the dragons for a bit now. Also, we've been led to believe that the Dothraki are some amazingly stellar horsemen, so their training skills must be pretty good. And finally, with an army of horses galloping hell bent for leather like that, they may have just been herding like lemmings off a cliff at that point.
:thumbsup2 Got it - Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion! Good to know you're fluent in dragon-speak! :laughing:
"Dracarys" = goosebumps

I wasn't expecting that battle and that made it so much better.

Have you heard that the episode was evidently leaked as part of the HBO hack? I've seen several comments elsewhere from people who watched on Friday. I'm glad I didn't see any of the details spilled until after I watched Sunday night. I enjoyed watching it play out without having anything spoiled.
Have you heard that the episode was evidently leaked as part of the HBO hack? I've seen several comments elsewhere from people who watched on Friday. I'm glad I didn't see any of the details spilled until after I watched Sunday night. I enjoyed watching it play out without having anything spoiled.

I had it totally spoiled without being able to see it:(
Have you heard that the episode was evidently leaked as part of the HBO hack? I've seen several comments elsewhere from people who watched on Friday. I'm glad I didn't see any of the details spilled until after I watched Sunday night. I enjoyed watching it play out without having anything spoiled.
I heard but didn't watch it.
I heard all the remaining episodes are out there. I am avoiding spoilers.

That stinks. Speculating is fun. Not really interested in watching if all the fun stuff gets spoiled first. That's coming from a perspective of having read all of the published books before the series was even in production and understanding Ned's fate, the Red Wedding, etc. It was still fun and exciting to watch because I was getting to see it visually for the first time. Completely different to hear someone's hamfisted spoilers before watching.
I don't know how it all ends, but the show seems to have (for better or worse) lost George RR Martin's hand. I mean, when was the last time a major character bit the dust? George killed 'em off left right and center! Happy endings for nobody! LOL. I'm kind of okay with it. It made getting invested in his characters unpleasant and no fun. The show has outstripped the books and whoever is writing it now is doing pretty darn good...especially since we don't have 45 minutes of describing every suit of armor.
Also, the Tarley dad commented that the gold had already made it to Kings Landing so all Dany burned was soldiers and food. I think she thought she was burning the gold though. I hope Tarley was wrong. Don't want Cersei to get her mits in the gold.

The gold is going to the Iron Bank... Who are probably a lot less likely to "reinvest" in Cersei's regime given what just happened. So Cersei will still be left with no supplies, no gold and no army.
I don't know how it all ends, but the show seems to have (for better or worse) lost George RR Martin's hand. I mean, when was the last time a major character bit the dust? George killed 'em off left right and center! Happy endings for nobody! LOL. I'm kind of okay with it. It made getting invested in his characters unpleasant and no fun. The show has outstripped the books and whoever is writing it now is doing pretty darn good...especially since we don't have 45 minutes of describing every suit of armor.

I got so lost in the books with all of the details, all of the history, I knew stuff was in there, but the volume of it just swamped me. Now that I'm learning a bit more about how certain pieces fit in I realize there is so much hidden in those details it's even more amazing to me -- and makes me curious to see the explanation for a couple things happening on the show right now.

The gold is going to the Iron Bank... Who are probably a lot less likely to "reinvest" in Cersei's regime given what just happened. So Cersei will still be left with no supplies, no gold and no army.

It may be worse than that. We've been told the gold is in KL. Even assuming that is correct I suspect it's on Cersei to complete payment of the debt by delivering the gold to the Iron Bank. If so, that's a devil of a detail.
Did anyone read the books?
I love Jamie! In the books he distances himself from Cersei a LONG time before this... I predict he doesn't die and I'm so pumped for a Tyrion and Jamie reunion!!!
Arya's home too.. Oh man so amazing!!!


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