gmaxmoms report

Great report! Glad you ALL had a fun time ( even you UtahMama- I think your part of the family now :thumbsup2 )! You are very lucky to have such a freespirit mom like Gmaxmom. My mom doesn't get the whole WDW thing :sad2: . Thanks again for sharing! Can't wait till next years trip report ;) .
Disneyland_Mama said:
Me, too!! I love hearing your view of things. I just got back from a trip with my mom and dad. I have to say you all are troopers, keeping up with us! Dad says he'll only go again if I rent him and scooter! :rotfl2:
I just wanted to say "HI" :wave2: I read Glenda's TR and loved it.
I loved hearing about the tiara's tea. I told Glenda when the tiara's have a reunion tour, I want a ticket!


I hope we can have A REUNION TEA. I would love it. :Pinkbounc
katydidbug1 said:
GMaxMom....can you talk my mom into going to the world with me...Pretty Please :) :) :)

I'll try to talk to your Mom. She would love it. If she is about my young age it will put a spring in her step. I've learned to click on quote and have a lot of catching up to do. :cool1:
aldisneygrl said:
Hi Gmaxmom! :welcome: to the DIS! We are so excited to have you here! :yay: Of course we want more. :surfweb: popcorn::

I loved the pictures of you and Gmax on EE! You are such a brave woman.

The tea set was such a sweet momento to Gmax, and will bring much joy to her over the years. The memories of a mom/daughter DW trip will be priceless.

Gotta go see if Gmax added any more pics. :moped: Post again soon! :love:

I'm not so brave. I think I lost my mind when I sat in that car and shot off in the dark. The picture proves that I did it but never again!
allaboutmm said:
Great report! Glad you ALL had a fun time ( even you UtahMama- I think your part of the family now :thumbsup2 )! You are very lucky to have such a freespirit mom like Gmaxmom. My mom doesn't get the whole WDW thing :sad2: . Thanks again for sharing! Can't wait till next years trip report ;) .

UtahMaMa does feel like part of my family. Thanks for your kind comments. My spirit was too free and out control on EE.

How great to hear both sides of the story!!! I still have to go catch up with the rest of Glenda's TR.

I was there the week after you guys with my mom too. Not just us though, my DH and kids too. How fun!!!

Can't wait to hear more.
Hey Gmom, :wave: I tried to reply last night and had a whole paragraph typed out when this site froze up. I gave up and went to bed. :sad2:

I can't remember everything I wrote last night but I wanted to tell you I love you trip report :love: and hope we can meet up again in the future! :teeth:


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