Goal Getting....my journey....lmhall2000

Have you been reading other journals?? Those Cheese Curls are invading the WISH Journal board!!!! :rotfl2:
Remember - dark (or semi-sweet) chocolate is good for you in moderation and definitely think 15 chips qualify for moderation.

I hear ya about the lettuce. I am not finding very good stuff here either. SOON spring will be there (not soon here :rolleyes: ) and the fresher produce will start appearing. Don't forget some nuts! Pistachios, almonds, something tasty and satisfying.

One day at a time, my friend, and you WILL look MIGHTY FINE on July 4th! :love:
Hi Tara - Sorry it took me so long to visit your journal, but I finally made it :)

Wow, you've gone through so much the past couple of months and your still able to stay focused on your goal... good for you.

I hope you house sells soon and will be saying a prayer for you. I use to deal in real estate years ago and they always say to bake something right before a showing is a great idea. Also have all the lights on to make it as bright as possible.

What ever happened with the lawsuit against the Psycho neighbor?? :earseek:

Try and stay postive and everything will work out. :sunny:
Well, with the sleuthing my mother did we managed to find both husband and now ex-wife...their divorce was final 10 days after the incident...we had them served last week and the court date is 2/25...I'll update you on if it actually happens that day...I have a feeling their lawyer will ask for a continuance...just to be pesty.

We have a showing today at 4:00....wish I had something to bake and the eggs smell up the house...I can't eat 4 deviled eggs..they'll just have to understand....how can boiled eggs smell so bad???UGH! I have cloroxed everything and I'm about to vaccum then mop the kitchen..maybe after I mop the kitchen the eggs won't smell so strong.. Imight just have to take them with me as we leave the house....

Thanks guys!!
First, I FINALLY got off my duff and walked 3 miles outside....I may do it again today if the sun comes out...I hate walking when it's cold outside...it takes me forever to warm up. The showing on Thursday went great...they like the house and said we're on the "short list" and will probably make an offer next week...their hitch is they have a house to sell in Atlanta...although they're both in banking and commented that they could get a bridge loan to close if they needed to. So that's a possibility...then we had another couple come yesterday and they came again this morning at 10:30am!!!! So, God is working hard to keep my anxieties down...hope to hear something this weekend!

I started TOM today...I was not too surprised to see the scales up almost 2 pounds from the day before...I did pretty well on my eating yesterday, one piece wheat toast, chicken salad, slim-fast...but last night while playing cards with our friends they brought chips/salsa from Chili's...man those are addictive...it wouldn't have been so bad but they had SOOOO much salt on them...that combined with walking a fast paced 3 miler yesterday led to bloating feelings and sore sore legs...so I'm hoping by Valentine's Day I'll have met my goal of 10 pounds off and can shoot for my goal of 10 pounds off by March 17...St. Patrick's Day...I did buy a cute little bakery cake with a heart on it...it's from my favorite bakery....I may have a very few bites of the cake (homemade strawberry) but try and avoid the sugar frosting....and I'll only have it if I walk my 4miles tomorrow...I may just avoid it to have a good weigh in on Monday and plan a big ole cheat day for April 14th..the day I'll have met my goal of avoiding french fries and white breads....the cake thing makes me feel like I'd be cheating on the white bread...does cake count as bread??? UGH!

I'll get it off....and I love the way my clothes are getting looser! :)

Great news! I am crossing my fingers and toes for you!!!! :cool1:

Happy Sunday! :flower:
Good job Tara! I know it's so hard getting outside when it's cold out! You're so brave! I wish I could go out and walk in the park by our house but it's currently a blizzard outside so I guess I have to wait till Spring:)

Congrats on the clothes getting looser!
Strawberry cake...okay, I did it...I broke down and had a half a piece and then finished the piece my daughter nibbled on...there. I've done it, it's past...and it's not going to stop me getting to GOAL!!!! Although it did taste heavenly...it really did not make my body feel as good as it does when I eat salads, grilled meats or fruits...so for a good lesson I am learning how to read and listen to my body and cravings. I don't think I'll ever crave cake again...I may WANT it but I think now I know the difference between true cravings and wants. Lesson learned...on to tomorrow to eat well and exercise long! :)

Onwards & Downwards!
Happy Monday! :sunny: Don't worry too much about the cake.. It's done and over now!
After I read all the information I'll put more updates...but it looks like lots more exercise for me!!! :)

YEAH!!! 12 weeks to lose!!! Then on to Fourth of July GOAL!!!
Me too!!! Me too!!! Cool!!! We can do it together!!!! Wouldn't it be something if us wishers made it to Oprah?! :wizard:
No news on the house...dog had a hot spot probably from a bite/scratch from the fight (more evidence)...and all is well in the Hall family...

So, now for what this journal is about!!! :)

I got up and did 45 minutes of Pilates...it really almost put me back to sleep except for the ab workouts...but I did it...after teaching school I'll do my strength training exercises and then tonight I plan on doing some aerobics. I had eggs/sausage for breakfast...I still weigh 1 pound over last week's weigh in...tomorrow is my official weigh in so I hope it's in my favor.

Weighing daily has been a huge help...I think I'll do it for a bit longer...my eating has been great...never eating past 6:30 each night...during TOM (today should be my last day) I only had about 10 semi-sweet chocolate chips daily...I think those two pieces of strawberry cake with buttercream icing wrecked my momentum...but I'm moving on! The exercise may play with the scales...it seems to stall for about a week while my body is getting used to the changes then it rebounds.

I lost 9/10 pounds for the Valentine's Challenge..I hope to lose 9 pounds more before St. Patrick's Day...then to Memorial Day challenge..lots of time between then and the end of May...I'll shoot for 15 pounds atleast. Working on drinking my water..I've been better on diet cokes...have had unsweet tea on some days but for 5 out of 7 days I have avoided the diet cokes.

So far..so STRONG!!!

Losing losing losing!!!

You are doinf so great!!! :cheer2: You sure are an inspiration to me! :cheer2:
The daily weighing, the daily journaling, the Oprah Boot Camp, whatever it is it's working!!!

I made homemade chocolate chip cookies (oh so sinful) to take to my builder tomorrow when we do the final walk-through (praying our house sells so I can actually buy that house I put sooo much into!)...anyhow, I usually can't make those cookies without eating about 4 cookies worth of dough. I didn't have a single spoon! Granted, I did lick my fingers after putting 12 blobs of dough on the cookie sheet...it was sheer habit...nothing intentional...and after I caught myself the first time I used the sink the next two times! :) I pulled 3 dozen out of the oven and was not even tempted to eat one! :)

I can't tell you all how HUGE that is!!!! :banana:

So, off tomorrow to Huntsville...driving there...driving back...I hate to put the kids through that 6 hour drive but I promised them another Adventures in Odyssey CD so they said they'd be tough and handle the drive...plus they want to see what the house looks like. I'm sooo hoping we move in the next few weeks!!!

Awesome job! :cool1:

Have a safe trip there and backl! :sunny:

Happy Friday!
Scales are heading down again!!! :) I was 192.5 today...I REALLY think I can make it to189.5 by Thursday!! I know that's a bit much...but I've been sticking to the boot camp of exercise and I've really managed my eating well..not even tempted by most things that would usually throw me into a spiraling down spin.

It's Saturday and hoping the house gets a showing or two and we hear good things about yesterday's showing...it's gotta work out soon! :) We got to do the final walk-through on our house in AL and we all love it...we can't wait to get in there! :) The plants are beautiful..gardening is my love...I wish I had patience for vegetables but I just love flowers...iris, gardenias, azaleas, tulips....I can't WAIT to plant more! :) Well, off to make these next 5 days LOSING days so I can see the 180's maybe! :)
I hope the house sells! I have two showings today and I admire you. I can't imagine doing this with kids. I feel like I am living in a museum already!
Hi Tara - Good luck with getting that house sold. Like you said, it'll work out. And with all the hard work your doing with working out and staying OP, I know you'll hit those 180's soon.
It's going to selll!!! It's going to sell!!! It's going to selll!!!!

Let's keep the mantra going!

Here come the 180's TOO!!!! I can feel it!!!(Well I can't actually feel it :rotfl2: )
We have ANOTHER showing today at 2:30...I am becoming such the great domesticated human being...never knew I could maintain such a sparkling home! :) With three kiddies and a dog to boot! :) Let's pray this is an offer today.

Food did okay yesterday...eggs/sausage/water/chicken salad/summer sausage/cheese for dinner...should have had more veggies but really wasn't hungry at dinner time...I did sneak a dark chocolate filled Russell Stover Valentine's candy...I was punching through the bottoms of them to find my children a good one (who eats those coconut and pink ones anyway???) and when I punched into the one filled with dark chocolate I just couldn't resist...I ATE IT!!! Yes, it was worth it. Well, I haven't weighed yet this morning so we'll see. :)

Judge Mathis wrote to me (a judge on television) and wants my case to be on his show...interesting..but I think we're better going to court this Friday so I'll have time to place a lien on their property before it sells. That's assuming they won't pay...who knows??? Dog is walking on the leg more..but she still limps... :sad2:

ONwards and DOWNwards!!!



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