Goofy Support Group (AKA Goofy Challenge 2010)

I had the worst run ever this morning. It was freezing - well to me it was freezing - I think it was around 44 so I figured it was a good time to test out one last time what I was wearing for the races next weekend. I wore my long tight running pants and the charity tech shirt along with the throw away jacket I bought last year at the expo and a Bondi band around my head so my ears wouldn't get cold. I did 18 miles with the jacket tied around my waist so I will definately not be throwing it away - it is very light.

I do not know what the problem this morning but my legs did not want to work. I have not felt soreness in my outer shins in a long time - that was last years issue - I had only just over 6 miles planned but I turned around early - not too early maybe I got 5 miles in.My legs started feeling warmed up just as I was getting close to finishing. I don't know if its just the cold but I am getting worried that I won;t be able to do 13.1 let alone 39.3 next weekend. I sure hope its not as cold as predicted next weekend otherwise its going to a LONG weekend!!! YIKES

Trust your training. I rarely have a good run this weekend. Usually some nagging type issue rares it's ugly head. I am guessing that what you were feeling in the legs was in fact cold and tight muscle that was not being cooperative. Remember that on Race Days you will have a good 45-60 minutes on your feet from the time we start to move to the corrals until the start; longer if not in the first wave. This will take that initial cold shock off the muscle and your legs will be feeling a little more normal in the race.

In the corral you will be able to bounce a little to loosen the legs. Just remember the feeling and know that you were warming up within 5 miles.
Reporting in from BCV! It is COLD here!! When is everyone arriving?

Tricia - Try not to stress! You are gonna do great!

Jim and I arrive Thursday 10AM. We are staying at Pop. I will be getting my last real training walk tonight....
Becky we're still going over the weather reports and checking our packing lists (forget checking the list twice I'm up to 50! :lmao: )

Tricia - 2 years ago before the half I did a 3 mile run and could hardly run at all. I was in tears before I finished and came home to DH blubbering "how am I gonna run a 5K (New Year's Eve), let alone 13.1 miles at Disney?" I was fine on race day. I think everyone has a bad run sometime - it's part of the taper madness. You'll be fine!

Becky - I'm bringing everything I own (or at least that's what the pile looks like right now). I should be prepared for everything from 30 degrees to 80. I don't expect a run like this morning (it was 28 when we started out), but I'll have some stuff anyway just in case. And like Diane said, we're checking the weather daily since it keeps changing!

Syko - We're going through the same thing. Fortunately we're mostly on the tail end of it now, so I'm hoping we can get to Disney without too many sniffles.

- I braved the cold. Brrgghhhhh!

Headed to dinner now.... see you in a week!

OMG guys, this time next week we will have our Donald medals!!! Is anyone else FREAKING OUT???? :scared1::scared1::scared1:

I flew home last night and got to the pool this morning (it was 45 out and the pool is outdoor, if thats not commitment I dont know what is! :rotfl:) I got in about an hour and my shin immediatly felt better, not cured but better!

then I went to the hospital for my volunteering for the week, tonight will be a bath in Epson salts before a 6 mile run tomorrow.

I have never seen the boards so busy, its like a full time job keeping up with the posts :banana:

I also downloaded all my music for the race, I wont use it the whole time but for the boring parts I might need it, I got a mixture of classic music from my childhood, inspirational and of course DISNEY MUSIC! right now I am listening to the Princess and the Frog music, if you havent seen it yet you should its awesome! Oh and while you are there next weekend go see the new princess tiana showboat, in MK its lots of fun and is only playing till next weekend I believe!

Getting closer! Yahoo!

Charles, I read your response an immediately thought of Yoda; "Trust your Training" :rotfl:

My son is here until tomorrow and we haven't had a chance to run together until today. He wanted to run intervals. Ugh. So 1 minute flat out, 2 minutes walking, 9 times. At least he walked 2 minutes I usually jog for a minute so that was good.

Anyway, he is much faster than me so I told him to run as fast as he wanted and I'd catch up when he stopped (he is in the Army and has PT everyday). So he'd get about 100 ft in front of me by the time the minute was up. I'd run and catch up then repeat. Stayed this way through the 8th interval. He was getting slower and I was hanging pretty steady. Around mile 7 I knew I would crank it up for the last interval.

Had nothing to lose so I thought why not give it my all since this is the last interval. So off we go for the last interval and I smoked him. 200 ft easily. OK, I was dead but I didn't need to save anything. I might not be fast but that long distance training builds stamina :)

Oh yea, the route I took us had us finishing about a mile form the house. After we walked for a minute or so, I told him I was going to run home. Had to rub it in a bit :) He walked. Darn young whippersnappers!

I had the worst run ever this morning. It was freezing - well to me it was freezing - I think it was around 44 so I figured it was a good time to test out one last time what I was wearing for the races next weekend. I wore my long tight running pants and the charity tech shirt along with the throw away jacket I bought last year at the expo and a Bondi band around my head so my ears wouldn't get cold. I did 18 miles with the jacket tied around my waist so I will definately not be throwing it away - it is very light.

I do not know what the problem this morning but my legs did not want to work. I have not felt soreness in my outer shins in a long time - that was last years issue - I had only just over 6 miles planned but I turned around early - not too early maybe I got 5 miles in.My legs started feeling warmed up just as I was getting close to finishing. I don't know if its just the cold but I am getting worried that I won;t be able to do 13.1 let alone 39.3 next weekend. I sure hope its not as cold as predicted next weekend otherwise its going to a LONG weekend!!! YIKES

Tricia - It was cold this morning. Good on you for going out in this weather. The wind chill over here was about 21 degrees. I had to turn back and get the neoprene face mask that I use when I snowboard to protect my face from the wind. I too had issues, no stamina, legs hurting, feet hurting, etc. I chock it up to taper madness. Still, I loved the appalled looks on the faces of the people in cars as they drove past me while I was running today.

My current challenge is figuring how to pack my energy gels, cell phone, and camera in my race belt I use. Since I've been doing the back to back runs, I've been using a gel pack every 2 miles. That's a lot of gels. Maybe too much, but I don't want to change my strategy this close to the races. With my Camelbak, I didn't have a problem of holding a lot of gel packs, (I also didn't run the full 26 miles, so I didn't bring all that I would need for Micky). My race belt is a lot smaller. Also, on previous marathons, I didn't bring that many gels or a camera. I think part of the problem is I'm using the Powerbar gels which are larger than the Gu packs. I like that the Powerbar gels have electrolytes since I've had bad leg cramps on the other marathons, but I used Gu before also which are smaller. I may have to go buy some Gu and go half and half to fit them in. I could also go old school and safety pin them to the inside of my shorts, but I haven't done that since the '97 Honolulu.

Anyone else having this problem?

Nos - I have the same problem, I find if I pack my fuel belt too full it causes chafing on my back, (which I never realize is there until I get in the shower and the soap runs down my back :scared1:) anyway, for my 20 miler I tried the safety pinning to the shorts and that worked ok. I still havent decided what to do :confused3

Good job you guys getting in the runs in in the cold I have no idea how you do it, you are all stronger people than me! After 10 days of IN I was DONE!

Tricia - It was cold this morning. Good on you for going out in this weather. The wind chill over here was about 21 degrees. I had to turn back and get the neoprene face mask that I use when I snowboard to protect my face from the wind. I too had issues, no stamina, legs hurting, feet hurting, etc. I chock it up to taper madness. Still, I loved the appalled looks on the faces of the people in cars as they drove past me while I was running today.

My current challenge is figuring how to pack my energy gels, cell phone, and camera in my race belt I use. Since I've been doing the back to back runs, I've been using a gel pack every 2 miles. That's a lot of gels. Maybe too much, but I don't want to change my strategy this close to the races. With my Camelbak, I didn't have a problem of holding a lot of gel packs, (I also didn't run the full 26 miles, so I didn't bring all that I would need for Micky). My race belt is a lot smaller. Also, on previous marathons, I didn't bring that many gels or a camera. I think part of the problem is I'm using the Powerbar gels which are larger than the Gu packs. I like that the Powerbar gels have electrolytes since I've had bad leg cramps on the other marathons, but I used Gu before also which are smaller. I may have to go buy some Gu and go half and half to fit them in. I could also go old school and safety pin them to the inside of my shorts, but I haven't done that since the '97 Honolulu.

Anyone else having this problem?


Wouldn't change brands at this time unless you have trained with GU. I am PB Gel person as I like the science behind their CHO mix. I would not feel comfortable with a change.

You have the option of pinning or adding a second SPI belt of Fuel Belt with Gel Loops. I would suggest going with bulk on a fuel belt (6 oz container designed for gels) but if it is in the 30's you will not have gel... Can you say thick?

Or you can cut back to one every other water stop and cut the number by a third. Again this is a late in the works revision.

You have spectators? Give them a baggie full of gels to supplement our load say at mile 13 (Poly).
All this gel talk is making me a bit nervous. I was only planning on 1 gel for the half and 2 for the full... Mile 10 and 20. I chomp shot bloks every 30 mins or so in addition to the gels...

It was really cold, but I did go out and join that group for the 5K--though we actually did about a 10K. Pace was slow...but, I figure that was good enough for my 6 miles this weekend.

I did some errands after the walk. I went to the running store to look for a race belt. I found instead KT Tape. They had samples, so I was thinking about taping my knees to see if I it helps. Anyone have exprience with this tape? .
All this gel talk is making me a bit nervous. I was only planning on 1 gel for the half and 2 for the full... Mile 10 and 20. I chomp shot bloks every 30 mins or so in addition to the gels...

It was really cold, but I did go out and join that group for the 5K--though we actually did about a 10K. Pace was slow...but, I figure that was good enough for my 6 miles this weekend.

I did some errands after the walk. I went to the running store to look for a race belt. I found instead KT Tape. They had samples, so I was thinking about taping my knees to see if I it helps. Anyone have exprience with this tape? .

Hmmm a packet of shot blocks is the equivalent of two gels..... Sounds like you are on track

what do you want to know wbout KTTape? If you have 'runner's knee' then KTTape is a good thing. If you want to be sure you get some get it locally. But I would head to the expo (no lotion before) and purchase it from them and have them tape your knee(s) there. Leave it for the race.
I was planning to use the sample I got (have DH tape me) and buy some at the running store before I leave. Good idea on having them tape me at the Expo...I would not have thought of that. :thumbsup2

Do you know if bloks are considered liquid for carry on purposes? I don't know if I should leave it to chance and hope they have what I want at the Expo. I am only doing carry on.
Do you know if bloks are considered liquid for carry on purposes? I don't know if I should leave it to chance and hope they have what I want at the Expo. I am only doing carry on.

I'm sure you'll be able to buy the Clif Bloks there since they're one of the major sponsors and have a big booth at the Expo. I'd be happy to bring you some too if you want. I always have a whole grab bag of things to eat during a race - some chocolate and/or raspberry Clif shots, a package of sport beans, and a package of Clif Bloks. I never eat it all, but I never know when someone running around me is going to need one, and if they do, it's nice to be able to help them out.
Good point about Cliff sponsorship. I think I will wait. Thank you for your offer to bring me some gels. Will you have a car with you? I am looking for a ride to go offsite to get water and G2.
Good point about Cliff sponsorship. I think I will wait. Thank you for your offer to bring me some gels. Will you have a car with you? I am looking for a ride to go offsite to get water and G2.

We will have a car with us. We're flying in on Wednesday and staying at our house about 45 minutes east of Orlando until Friday. Send me an email with what you want, and we'll pick it up for you and bring it with us when we head for Disney on Friday.
We will have a car with us. We're flying in on Wednesday and staying at our house about 45 minutes east of Orlando until Friday. Send me an email with what you want, and we'll pick it up for you and bring it with us when we head for Disney on Friday.

John, what flight are you on? We are coming over on the last flight (7:10 ish).
Christine When do you want to go shopping?

Just let me know and we can take you if you want.
Charles, we're on the 4pm flight. My in-laws are picking us up at the airport, and my wife didn't think asking them to be there too late was such a good idea. They're letting us borrow one of their cars for the weekend, so I really can't argue with that. :)

When are you flying back? I'm on the 6pm flight on Tuesday. Have to get a few days of rides in at Disney after the race.
Charles, we're on the 4pm flight. My in-laws are picking us up at the airport, and my wife didn't think asking them to be there too late was such a good idea. They're letting us borrow one of their cars for the weekend, so I really can't argue with that. :)

When are you flying back? I'm on the 6pm flight on Tuesday. Have to get a few days of rides in at Disney after the race.

We are on the 2:40ish flight on Tuesday.

We were originally were heading over on Thursday AM but this winter is setting itself up as an unpredictable weather winter. Would hate to set on the plane waiting for fog to lift. We did spend one year waiting on a mechanical and watched two MCO flights leave while they attempted to replace a windshield wiper. Seems like they had a hard time fitting the replacement in but finally got it in (using what sounded like a really big hammer) only to find that the wiper was for a 737 not a 757.

Looking forward to the trip though not really to the race. I am on record as saying 5 Goofies and I am out. But this one will be a kick in the pants for me so I am sure that 11 will be the year of revenge. I am sure that once I clear out of the Goofy tent on Sunday morning I will know.

Look to see you there.


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