Goofy Support Group (AKA Goofy Challenge 2010)

I'm officially done training outside. It is miserable cold/snowy here and I'm in for the season. I can't wait to meet up with everyone. Soon! We're almost there! We leave Thursday and touch down is 11-is at MCO. Magical Express from there to BWV and bus to Expo.
Tiger Lily - Congratulations on finishing the outside runs!!! I can't wait to be able to say that.

Kristy - I did the pinning to the shorts on the '97 Honolulu. I flipped them so they were inside my shorts, but in between my shirt and shorts so they don't flop around when I ran. At some poing of the race, my shirt came out of my shorts and the edges of the packets gave me wierd chaffing all around my hips. Anyway, while I was typing this, I realized that I got a USAA freebie pouch at the Marine Corps Marathon Expo. It's the perfect size for my camera so I should be able to hold everything. With any luck, USAA or another vendor will be a this Expo with have something similar so I can get another pouch and spread out the weight a little to reduce the bouncing. Of course I'll look like I have the Batman utility belt on.

Christine - Thanks for the reminder. I fogot about airline regulations on liquids/gels. I was just going to put the boxes of gels in my carry on, but I guess I have to put them in a 1-qt bag.

I got my last 8-miler this morning and I'm hoping for it to warm up a little. It's currently 18 degrees with 20-30 mph winds w/gusts up to 45mph. I got to say that this last month has been the worst training weather I've been through.

Good luck to all. We're in the home stretch.

For those of you training in really, really cold weather (below 20), current Florida weather will seem like a heat wave. :teeth:

I'm glad the predicted temp is going to be low. I'd rather it start in the 40's and end in the 50's, though. With cooler weather, I may have a shot at completing the Goofy. If it's hot like the last 3 years, I'm a gonner.

I just hope that Disney doesn't skimp on the electrolyte drinks like Competitior Racing did in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. For us back of the packers, there was Cytomax at the first and last water stops, the other water stops just had water. I still sweated even though the temps were on the cold side.
It's been neat the past several days looking back over all the support and encouragment you all have been posting here. As a newbie, part of my anticipation includes seeing all the WISH shirts floating around next weekend.

We are glad to finally be at this point in the training. Our last runs of any real effort are now behind us.
Wendy's last 5 miler was Friday, leaving 2/3/1 for M/T/W of this week.
Ty's last 8 was Saturday, leaving 3/4/2 for M/T/W of this week.
Then leave after work on Thursday and head down with 2 rest days )(Thur/Fri) before the big days.

Thanks again for all the postings. Even though you may not know it, they reach far beyond just those that post and respond and they keep us all encouraged.
Hello All Fellow Goofiers,

Just thought I would share some wisdom or "lack thereof"...... My wife and I did our first Goofy 4 years ago.....yes we are "perfectly goofy" or as we have said each year....just need We had always been walkers but had never walked a half marathon or marathon, let alone both in one weekend.
What were we thinking? Well, it was the first year and we said, hey lets do it. We did little to no training besides our daily walks but never went more than about 10 miles. We did not know about throw away clothes, it was 30 at race start.....that was after standing and sitting around for almost 2 hours, unless you drive, you are pretty much forced to because of the bus schedule, last one leaves at 4AM. Anyways, we had bought all this nice Goofy merchandise to wear and keep warm, not thinking about the fact it would warm up and that by the end of the race I was carrying an extra 10 pounds of wet clothes that I was not going to throw away. We wore thick socks, hey that would give us more cushion for the long walk.....wrong. Can you say one giant blister over the whole foot.....yuk....and oh so painful. Basically we did everything wrong and still finished.....yes it was at the time max on both days.....but "no bus for us"!!!!!!!!. All by the GRACE OF GOD....were we able to accomplish this. Each year has been easier....except for last year for my wife.....she had a C-Section in September and still finished.....what I am saying to you all matter what size, shape, age or condition you are in.....if you believe......and pull strength from can make it!!!!!
Hello All Fellow Goofiers,
...what I am saying to you all matter what size, shape, age or condition you are in.....if you believe......and pull strength from can make it!!!!!

Thanks, Triplr1 - I needed to "hear" this....I was starting to have my doubts. I haven't trained like I should have, my feet are giving me fits, my cold won't go away, blah, blah, blah. However, I gotta believe that I can do it. Thanks to your post, the many encouraging WISHers and my fortune cookie fortune - "I think I can, I think I can..." :teeth:, I'm going to give it my all next weekend.

To all my fellow Goofys...

WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!

:cheer2: :cool1: :woohoo: :yay: :banana: :thumbsup2 :banana: :yay: :woohoo: :cool1: :cheer2:
My question is for everyone, but Charles if you are around if you could help that would be great.

I've been doing mostly treadmill running the last couple weeks. I did my 10 outside then 14 of my 20 outside a couple weeks ago. (Thursday and Friday the 17th and 18th) Since then my only outside run was last weekend when I did a 6 miler outside. I've done a couple of runs on the treadmill at a 2% grade (4 miles) and I did all others (12, 8 and 4 miles) at a 1% grade. I've always trained outside, but the cold as well as the ice got to me this year. So my question is how bad is this going to hurt me come next weekend? Oh and my pace inside has been a 12 minute mile.

Susie - WE CAN DO THIS! I have to believe in the power of WISH, or I'd probably just stay home. I'm at least grateful that it won't be hot, but you should see my bed right now! Every item of running gear that I own is in the potential "to be packed" pile.

- Glad to know we're encouraging others too! Truly, without this crowd, I would never have considered this whole Goofy idea. Sometimes I wonder... Come by POP on Friday afternoon and say hello!

Triplr1 - Thanks for the words of wisdom. It's nice to know that you can do it all "wrong" and still get it done. I hope by now I've learned enough "right" to make it just a little easier, but I have a feeling that by noon on Sunday nothing will make it seem easy. Well, maybe the thought of that Goofy medal...

I did 8 miles yesterday in the cold. Cold being 28 degrees, which is balmy compared to what some of you faced. All I know is that when I pulled my water bottle out of my fuel belt and saw ice crystals, I figured that was cold enough! :rotfl: Had planned to do 10, but our unofficial group leader has done Goofy before and absolutely insisted that DH and I stop at 8. I wasn't going to argue with her. Hope to get in one more 3 mile run on Monday afternoon; then we leave bright and early Wednesday to drive down. Have to meet up with the inlaws for dinner Wednesday night, then have the rest of the week free for us.

See everyone soon!

FINALLY!!!! The last long training run is in the books. I froze the whole way. Even with a knit cap that covered my ears, I lost feeling in them. Even though it was only 8-miles, it seemed to last forever and I felt like I didn't have any go in my legs. The nice thing is that I checked my pace while walking and I was still faster than a 16 min pace. I'm really hoping it was the cold that was sapping my strenght and that the warm (40s) Florida weather will energize me :thumbsup2

Susie - I hate races that do that. Last year's National Marathon ran out of cups. They were filling up the gallon water jugs putting it out on the table, people would grab one, take a swig and drop it on the ground (which the crew would pick up and refill...yuck) or others would put their mouth on the jugs and drink from them and put it back on the table (double yuck). I was a lucky one since I grabbed beer in a cup someone was serving to the runners. After I drank the beer (I couldn't let good carbs go to waste), I kept the cup and used it at all the water stops. Oh yeah, they also ran out of gels, all that was left was the empty boxes to tease us.

It's all downhill from here...until the 9th, then it goes straight up again (just joking)

Hey Gang!

I just finished my final long run, it was only 6 miles (who knew there would be a day when I would be saying "only 6 miles!) and I was in a terrible mood, I dont know if it was a tapering thing because I am not the moody kind of person but I was in a BAD mood! I woke up and it was cold! (the family I live with is trying to save money by not turning on the heat, and they dont seem to feel the cold like I do!) then I looked at the weather for the day and it said high of 45! (i know all you people up north have ha sub freezing temps but I had it in my head that it would be a nice sunny warm run after I got back from IN) and my warm running clothes were all dirty from my trip so I was like "I guess I will just freeze then!" well in the end I got out there and got in my miles and ended up taking 8 mins of my previous 6 mile PR! so then I felt better!!! I think it must be the tapering because my moods are just insane right now, I am either crying or laughing or yelling!!!! Not long to go now though, I just have to make it through the week :scared1:

Congrats to all you who got in those cold runs, you are all so inspirational and the fact that you guys can run through that helped me get through my 6 today!

Triplr1 - thanks for your story, it really helped out a panicing girl :thumbsup2

escape - YES WE CAN!!! (at least I think I can!)

Nos - I had the same problems with the chafing on the safety pinned gu, it seems not matter what I do somewhere on me gets chaffed! My friend said I should just roll in a vat of vaseline before the races and maybe I would be ok! But I dont even know if that would do it, great job on the final run :rotfl2:

I am now starting to worry about after the race, meaning the day after, I have to work and I start my first day at a new college, my day will start @ 7 and I wont get back into the house until after 9 :scared1: not sure how I will be able to keep my body going the whole day long!!!

My question is for everyone, but Charles if you are around if you could help that would be great.

I've been doing mostly treadmill running the last couple weeks. I did my 10 outside then 14 of my 20 outside a couple weeks ago. (Thursday and Friday the 17th and 18th) Since then my only outside run was last weekend when I did a 6 miler outside. I've done a couple of runs on the treadmill at a 2% grade (4 miles) and I did all others (12, 8 and 4 miles) at a 1% grade. I've always trained outside, but the cold as well as the ice got to me this year. So my question is how bad is this going to hurt me come next weekend? Oh and my pace inside has been a 12 minute mile.


I'm not Charles nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I'll offer my $.02 worth anyway. :)

The most common problem I've seen in going from a treadmill to outside is shin splints because people's legs aren't used to the pounding on a hard surface. In your case, with the solid base you've built up over the past several months, I think you'll be fine. Just go easy and steady during the race, and back off your pace if anything starts to hurt.
I'm not Charles nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I'll offer my $.02 worth anyway. :)

The most common problem I've seen in going from a treadmill to outside is shin splints because people's legs aren't used to the pounding on a hard surface. In your case, with the solid base you've built up over the past several months, I think you'll be fine. Just go easy and steady during the race, and back off your pace if anything starts to hurt.

Splints can be an issue but I also think you have enough outside miles to prevent that...and if it does occur, it will be manageable.

I think you will have another issue to deal with. The treadmill controls your speed so your sense of speed has gone away just a bit. You may get out and really blast through the first mile or so at a pace that will surprise you. We had a discussion on another thread about 100% training on a mill and I said a runner would go slower. I failed to couch that in the light of the entire event. The logic is that you will go out faster than you can manage for 2-4 miles then are in a bind for the remainder of the race.

The other issue that may rear its head is you may have lost a little stride length. I run 20% of my miles on a mill for the hill work and I can feel the shortening of the stride if I spend too many miles on one.

If I remember correctly you are coming in midweek. I think the best thing you can do is run 2-4 miles one of the mornings at the resort. I would run a loose mile to warm up then a little very light speed play in the second mile. And then bring it back to a marathon training pace for a mile. You will not find this in any training plan (other than an IM). It is a great way to loosen yourself up, get acclimated and get a grip on your nerves. Also, feel free to drop back to a walk or jog at any time. You are not trying to cram, just loosen up and get a feel for who you are at the start of the weekend. If you have not run in the dark it will also let you calibrate early morning running.

I normally run the BW Crescent Lake – DHS loop on Friday pre-race. I have met folks several times. This year I am at BLT and have a cool little 5k course set up. I have no problem meeting up with anyone who may want to go out for a light spin. I NEED to start no later then 5AM as I have a MOJO moment with Goofy scheduled at 7:30 in Cape May. As a side light, I always think I want to run the 5k. However, as evidenced by my first two miles on New Years I cannot count on not competing.

All this to say you will be fine!
Thanks guys.

I'm planning on 3 miles either Wed or Thursday. I think I'll be ok with pace as the start seems to hold me back with no where to go. I hadn't thought about pace though so I really appreciate that.

Oh and Charles my strides are really slow and short. Lol
Charles your postings have been extremely informative and helpful. I do have a question (and I apologize if this has already been asked). Do you recommend a light jog to warm-up the muscles on Saturday & Sunday before the race starts? If yes, how long of a jog and if no, why not.
Charles your postings have been extremely informative and helpful. I do have a question (and I apologize if this has already been asked). Do you recommend a light jog to warm-up the muscles on Saturday & Sunday before the race starts? If yes, how long of a jog and if no, why not.


Ther race is a long race and you are trying to survive as much as maintain time. We have a 0.6 mile walk along with an hour or so on the feet before heading out. What I do recommend is kind of bounding in place while waiting for the race to start. Nice small controlled jumps – like jumping rope. Not looking for anything other than loosening up the legs. A few little well controlled squats will also warm the legs and stretch the legs in a dynamic stretch – NO long slow traditional stretches on cold muscle.

The first mile is the real warm up you will be slower than in training for a bit and will have a few lateral steps thrown in.

If you are lucky enough to have a blue course bib you have a grat little warmup at mile 1 - the last hill of the half course is right there.

Hope this helps

If you were looking to win an age group I would offer different advice
I appreciate your response. This does help and answers several of my questions. Thanks Again.
We will have a car with us. We're flying in on Wednesday and staying at our house about 45 minutes east of Orlando until Friday. Send me an email with what you want, and we'll pick it up for you and bring it with us when we head for Disney on Friday.

Christine When do you want to go shopping?

Just let me know and we can take you if you want.

You are both very kind to offer. I am arriving on Thursday. Will you be there yet, Kirstie? Have you found a place to stay? I will be at POR. John, are you staying onsite as of Friday?
You are both very kind to offer. I am arriving on Thursday. Will you be there yet, Kirstie? Have you found a place to stay? I will be at POR. John, are you staying onsite as of Friday?

Yes, we're staying at All Star Sports and will be there Friday afternoon after we go to the Expo. If you need me to bring anything for you, just let me know.
Christine I live down the road.
I only have to go out of my front door and the grass I have to cross to get to the pavement is owned by WDW!!!!!

If you want a run out to go shoping just let me know, or if I can help out anyother way.
Christine I live down the road.
I only have to go out of my front door and the grass I have to cross to get to the pavement is owned by WDW!!!!!

If you want a run out to go shoping just let me know, or if I can help out anyother way.

Wow! I knew you were close, but I had no idea you were that close!! If you are sure it is not a problem I would love to go out on Thursday sometime. I should be to POR by 1, then my plan was to get a bite and head to the Expo. I have dinner plans @ Ohana at 6:30. :goodvibes


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