Goofy Support Group (AKA Goofy Challenge 2010)

I too have been having choppy sleep. I fall asleep early - well early for me and then wake up at like 3 AM and start thinking of everything I need to get together, then start stressing about money issues and everything else under the sun and then I am wide awake. The other night I had to go out on the couch and turn the TV on to get back to sleep - then woke up at 6:30 and went back to bed although I needed to get up at 7 - ended up sleeping until 7:30.

I noticed this morning that we are leaving on Thursday and I only have my running stuff laid out by the suitcases and said "guess we will have to go nekkid the rest of the time" I thought it was funny but my DH didn't think it was too funny. I told him he could pack then - you think he would learn his lesson - especially since one trip I forgot to bring all his hang up shirts - which is basically ALL his shirts.

Kirsty-Leigh - my sister and her 2 girls are going with us (well they will be meeting us there on Saturday so they will be there for the full) but she is not being cooperative on the coming out to see me at AK and at the end - she keeps saying "well if its that cold then I am not going to be able to be standing around with the baby outside for long" What does she think I am going to be feeling like being outside for that long???? She is planning on leaving from Orlando and going up to see my mom in NC after the weekend so unless she plans on ALWAYS being in the house when she gets up there she is going to have to bring the baby out in the cold sooner or later. I also think she might have some anxiety about going since it will be her first trip to Disney since her husband passed away. I am hoping once she gets there on Saturday she will be better.

As for me I did 2.2 miles on the TM yesterday - .5 mile walking on 4MPH and I could start to feel my shins tightening up so I ran - felt ok on 6MPH but I can't stay at that pace for too long due to not being able to breathe after awhile. When I put it on 5MPH which is good for me to breathe at I could feel my shins tightening up again - UGH. I was only planning on doing 1 mile - then I extended it to 1.5 miles - but the show I was watching was still on so I did the last .5 miles on 3MPH and then added the .2 on going like 2MPH - at that point the show was finally over - it felt better to keep the legs going slowly then to just be standing there on the TM. LOL Needless to say I didn't get any packing done last night. I had planned on working half day on Thursday and then leaving sometime in the afternoon but now I am just going to go ahead and take the whole day off on Thursday. I know I won't be any good at work even for the half day on Thursday - I will be too anxious to get going.

Hope everyone is doing good and staying warm. See everyone soon.
Nos - We're at POFQ too. This is our 3rd year staying there for marathon weekend. Think maybe we like it there? :) I'm definitely taking the bus both mornings, probably between 3:45 and 4:00.

Anne - I'm blaming you, Susie, and Mel, even though Mel has now decided NOT to do the Goofy!

Christine - Sleep? Are we supposed to sleep this week? Sunday night was a joke. I did a little better last night, but kept thinking about things I needed to add to the pile. Tonight will be non-existent, since we're trying to leave around 3:00 tomorrow morning. :eek:

Kirsty - I actually have most everything in a suitcase, but there are still piles everywhere. I keep adding things every time I look at the forecast. At this point every piece of cold weather gear I own is in the pile. And there's a box in the kitchen too! When DH starts to pack the car you'll all be able to hear the screams. :rolleyes1

I'm wearing my fuel belt, more because of its pouches than for the water bottles. The gels, camera, cell phone, tissues, chapstick, and whatever else I think of between now and then will be in those. And I won't have to worry about timing my gels with water stops. I ditched the belt for the last race and discovered that was a real pain since it was the first time I'd ever run without it! I am planning to buy a Spibelt for DD at the Expo though - if I could possibly get all my crap in that, I might try using that for the half. (I know - don't try anything new on race day, but maybe, just maybe...) I have a ton of things I need to get done at work, but my nerves are shot so I'm here instead. See everyone soon - hopefully at POP Friday at 4:30!

Sleep? Ha! I think we'll do that again Sunday night

My nerves are shot too. I told Mom last night that I was worn out. I crashed! Talked a lovely friend last night and I swear I didn't know who I was talking to for the first 2 minutes and she knew I was confused :lmao: My head was already spinning on Monday then on my drive home it really hit me that we were going to be WAITING/sitting/standing/huddling in about the same temps as I was driving home in. :scared1: I need to finish packing and it doesn't seem like I'm leaving yet. Totally lost. Hands shaking.

Sunday night I stood up and had a pain in my foot. I spent Monday night cuddling a ice pack to my foot. Wore my sneakers to work today and around the house last night too when I wasn't wearing ice. Today was 100% better so I'm thinking it was a freak thing cause I don't have feet issues especially since I haven't run in a few days. But Monday I was freaking out and had my 1st moment of "what will I do when the bus pulls up?" my mind just blanked. Feeling better now that my foot is behaving and it seems to be a fluke but back to the weather worries and packing and repacking LOL

I have looked forward to the race(s) all year. Been my total focus. And now I'm like I can't wait till around 1 pm on Sunday cause I'll be able to breathe again :lmao:

Taper madness?

Check back in a bit. Gotta hunt down another pair of sweatpants for toss away *sigh* When is the next Weather thread update? I've become obsessed with that thread!

Charles and I know Robert has them too.... those things you wear over your shoes to keep the rocks out. I've meant to ask about those for months now. Just thought of it again this morning. But do those do a decent job at keeping the wind out? How much of the shoe do they cover? Who makes them? They might be something I'd buy to try for the weekend because I thought something like that would have helped keep my feet warm and breeze free around my park lake. That wind gets cold whipping across the lake and I had frozen toes. So if they work I'd be interested in them for home training. Hope that makes sense, as I'm a bit scattered now and always LOL
Good Luck to all the Goofy participants! You've done the go enjoy the event and claim your well-deserved prize. Look for me at water stop #7 during the full and scream-teaming on the course during the half. I'll be at either Contemporary or TTC for all you speedy runners and then onto Poly where I will wait for the last runner to pass. See you all at the Pop meet.

GO WISH!!!!!!
Had a good time at not one, but 2 running stores today!! I got a race number belt, a small flask for water that will fit in my vest pocket, some recovery mix, my Cliff Bloks and a roll of KT Tape. I also went to Dick's and got a pair of compression shorts to wear under my running pants. I will give the shorts a trial run tonight to see how I do with them. I think having another layer on my thighs and bum will be helpful.

Weather has been cold like everywhere else, but now the forecast is for a clipper system to hit sometime Thursday morning. My flight is at 9 on Thursday morning. :rolleyes: Here's hoping for safe travels for one and all!!
Sleep? Ha! I think we'll do that again Sunday night

Charles and I know Robert has them too.... those things you wear over your shoes to keep the rocks out. I've meant to ask about those for months now. Just thought of it again this morning. But do those do a decent job at keeping the wind out? How much of the shoe do they cover? Who makes them? They might be something I'd buy to try for the weekend because I thought something like that would have helped keep my feet warm and breeze free around my park lake. That wind gets cold whipping across the lake and I had frozen toes. So if they work I'd be interested in them for home training. Hope that makes sense, as I'm a bit scattered now and always LOL

Gaiters - No Not Florida - Those things you wear to keep the rocks out. I have never really thought about them for cold weather. Sure they will keep the ankle and lower leg warm. Gaiters are made for everything from running along a trail on a warm summer day to treking up Everest. You need to go to a place like REI or other outdoor sport place and they should have a selection of them. The answers to the remainder of your questions depends on what you get but generally from the mid tongue in front to about ground level in the back. They are anywhere from thin ballistic material to insulated.
Another season of Biggest Loser starts in about 10 minutes, so I am off to my treadmill. How many are with me?
Gaiters - No Not Florida - Those things you wear to keep the rocks out. I have never really thought about them for cold weather. Sure they will keep the ankle and lower leg warm. Gaiters are made for everything from running along a trail on a warm summer day to treking up Everest. You need to go to a place like REI or other outdoor sport place and they should have a selection of them. The answers to the remainder of your questions depends on what you get but generally from the mid tongue in front to about ground level in the back. They are anywhere from thin ballistic material to insulated.

Here's where I got my gaiters from. They're an almost necessity for any type of trail running.

Just got back from my last run here before getting on the plane tomorrow afternoon. A balmy 38 degrees - perfect practice for this weekend. Now I'm off to pack the shirts, shorts, tights, jacket, vest, goo, and everything else that's been piling up around here recently.
Almost time. I've got everything in the suitcase and I'm looking to put in more layers for sitting around before the event. I cannot wait to get to after event part of Sunday. This is the toughest part and especially since I feel I need to take my entire winter closet.
Just finished packing my race gear. Haven't packed anything else yet. Under Armour top and bottoms - check, shoes - check, gloves and ear muffs - check, hand & toe warmers - check (wait, I'm going to warm, sunny Florida, right?) Guess not. Maybe this is gonna be the 5 year incremental Goofy curse. 1st Goofy it was freezing, now again for the 5th. Maybe we won't have another cold spell until the 10th Goofy. (although I don't want it 70-80 during the race either! :scared1: Syill need to get some more throw-aways.

Hopefully I finish packing tomorrow, er tonight (forgot it's 2 AM now). Thursday morning I'm on my way!

Diane - I was freaking out the other day when I got a pain in my foot and the sniffles. These aches and pains always like to show up the week before the event. ;)

Can't wait to see everybody at Pop.

Thanks Charles and John!!!

Teri! Doing good so far today :thumbsup2 probably one of those last might freaky pains that just has to pop up days before LOL Hope your sniffles are doing better!!!!

See you all real soon!!!!!! Safe travels!!!!
Finally decided to pack. I drive Mary crazy as I am a last minute packer. I travel so much that I just never really panic. We moved this summer so I did have to stop a couple times to figure out where I had stuck stuff. I did find a Mylar blanket from 2000. You will see me at the start one morning sporting the 10 year old Mylar look.

Headed off to work in a few and then coming to MCO on the 7.10 flight. SHould be in bed by 12:30 in the AM.

Not 100% sure of our plans over the weekend. Definitely not hitting the parks as much as we had thought. I will be working most mornings from the villa due to a huge project that a certain government agaency dropped on the company December 18. Not real fair but then I am not charging vacation for all days either.

WIll try to get to the Friday meet. We did sucker into the Pasta in the Park. Looks like a blast and it will be the warmest evening of our stay. Hop to see folks race day morning - sounds like many are sleeping in and catching the 4 am bus.

Safe travels to all
Will try to get to the Friday meet. We did sucker into the Pasta in the Park. Looks like a blast and it will be the warmest evening of our stay. Hop to see folks race day morning - sounds like many are sleeping in and catching the 4 am bus.

Safe travels to all

I can't make the WISH meet, but I'll definitely look for you on race morning. I'm catching the 4am bus like everyone else, and will head for the W once I'm there.
I have packed, repacked and now packed again! Can't believe I got it all in my carry on! It will be good to shed those 2 fleece jackets for the trip home. Almost time to get my boarding pass!! :banana:
I ran an easy 2 miles today, it gave me a chance to get a feel for running in the colder weather, it was about 27 this morning but by the time I got running it was in the lower 30's, and it wasn't as bad as I imagined, I wore pretty much what I will be wearing for the 1/2 (minus a few shedding layers :lmao:) and I was comfortable, just a word of warning, when the sun was out it felt fairly warm but if you got in a breeze or a shadow it was COLD! Just don't shed your layers prematurely and the find yourself cold later on.

Now i have finished my final run I have put things in the wash and they are ready to be packed! we still haven't decided which car to take and that will determine what case I take but I am getting closer!

Oh this isn't running related but its pretty darn funny, today I got in my car and the 3 yr old says "whats that on the window?" (it was frost!) so I explained to her and she said "how will you get it off?" and I said "thats easy I just....." I had no idea where the buttons on the car were to clear the screen because we never get frost here :rotfl: then we are driving down the road and the car starts beeping, I panic and think I broke the car, turns out the car has a feature that lets you know when the temp drops below freezing, didnt know that either!!!! :rotfl2: lol we are so not prepared for cold down here :lmao:

then we are driving down the road and the car starts beeping, I panic and think I broke the car, turns out the car has a feature that lets you know when the temp drops below freezing, didnt know that either!!!! :rotfl2: lol we are so not prepared for cold down here :lmao:


Too funny! My wife had the same reaction in her car when we got "snow" here last month. She finally figured out the beeping noise is the "hey, dummy, you're in a RWD car! Get off the roads now!" alert.
I have lurked since the beginning of this thread and just wanted to send a little pixie dust (pixiedust:) you to all of you and wish you good luck while you are all goofy this weekend.

Wow, I've been busy trying to finish up loose ends at work and have been falling asleep as soon as I finish dinner. I haven't even looked at the weather till this morning and got shocked at the forecasted temps. What happened to the 60s? This changes what I was planning to run in...AAAARRRGGGG!!! The kid's races are on Saturday the rain. :headache:

I think this is the first race I've done in a jacket. Shouldn't be a problem, but it's boggling my mind that I'm going to run in Florida in a jacket. I got a jacket with slip off sleeves, but it's probably too warm for the temps so got to back both a vest and a jacket.

On the bright side, I read somewhere the "perfect" running temp was around 35-40 so we're in the zone.

See ya all on the course

On the bright side, I read somewhere the "perfect" running temp was around 35-40 so we're in the zone.

Woops wrong temp. For men, it's 51-55 degrees, for women it's 53-57. This was from a Army study..."A study conducted by the US Army investigated the effect of cloud cover and low solar loads on marathon performance. The results were quite surprising. The army researchers looked at the finishing times and weather conditions for the winning performances of seven North American marathons...The study did confirm that the common factor among fast performances was cooler temperatures, specifically between 51 and 55 degrees F for men and 53 to 57 degrees F for women...The army researchers believe that the most ideal marathon running temperature is a numbing 41 degrees F" I guess it was my wishful thinking that it was lower.

Anyway, for me as long as there's no piles of snow and ice I'll be happy. If there is piles of snow and ice in Florida, I think we have bigger problems to worry about. Well, I'm off to Goodwill to go buy throw away sweats.



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