Got My Suitcase and a Dream – A DCP Adventure Updated 1/28

Over the weekend, I started reading your trip report and clicked the link to watch your YouTube video. Then, I watched your other videos and realized I was at the same MNSSHP that y'all were at in October 2012! I remember seeing Alicia in Frontierland while waiting out the rain and hoping for the parade. I remember thinking how pretty she looked in her costume and how great her costume looked. Then, a few minutes later Andy walked up to her and I was all :lovestruc because Bert found his Mary. They were so cute! I can't believe how crazy, wet it was that night.

I hope you enjoy your college program and that you don't run into more Elsa wannabes shredding paper in the rain and that you get to do all the fun things at Disney!
Thanks for all the great updates Sam.

I have an added appreciation and admiration for what custodial does. Love hearing all the details of your DCP.
Really enjoying your DCP report Sam! Honestly, if I were to go back in time and do the DCP, I think custodial would have been one of my top choices...not because I just love cleaning, but I don't know, attractions and merch just seems too stressful to me! :rotfl2: Glad you're having fun and making the best of it! :thumbsup2
Enjoying your posts and love hearing about your adventures at work. It sounds like you are really enjoying your time in the dcp. :)
Character Hunting! Week 5 Pt 1

Monday September 8

Today I woke up early because I was in desperate need of getting my pay card. When I checked in they said they would call me when I could pick it up. Well it's been about a month since I checked in and never got a call. I was told to go to vista service center to pick it up so that's where I went at 9. I got there they asked if I got a call and then looked to see if it what wasn't. So they called Chatham and said they had it over there. So pretty much I took a bus to vista for no reason. But I have money now!

Brittany and I headed to mk on a mission to meet characters. Her nieces and nephew are coming to visit in October and she wanted to make a character video for them to make them excited for their upcoming trip. So we got Ariel, goofy, Donald, daisy, Minnie, rapunzel, Cinderella and the tremaines.

Sassy girls

Brittany had to go home to get ready for work but before we left we needed to make a quick stop at Starbucks. PUMPKIN SPICE FRAPP! It's going to be consumed so much this fall.

Brittany caught the bus back to Patterson and I took the monorail to Epcot. I went to Epcot just to meet my bae. I was the very last person in line to meet Aladdin and Jasmine however it was a quick meet because they were late for break. But we had a big group hug because I'm tight with Aladdin and jas.

I left Epcot right after. I took the monorail back to the ttc then hoped on the resort monorail. I decided to stop at the gflo and hang out in the lobby. I was in desperate need to call the cast line to make reservations for gmas stay. Since the service sucks at home I decided what better place.

I was able to snag all star sports with a discount for her stay as well as a discounted dining plan. So November 11-14 we will be celebrating her birthday (kiss will also be joining in on the fun). With reservations made I headed back home. That's when I realized Brittany was sitting behind me on the bus and we didn’t realize this till we got to westclock. But she was on her way to work.

Once I got home I facetimed with Gma and we planned our sit down meals. She wanted to eat at each park so we are going to beirgarten, liberty tree and 50s prime time. So I'm pretty excited! After our little chat sesh I made some dinner and headed back to mk to visit Brittany at work.

A casual Monday night!

When I got to the magic kingdom she wasn't on stage so I hung out at the dance party for a hot second. She then came out and worked fast pass. We chatted for a bit and then I let her get back to her job while I hopped in the 10 minute wait….actually no one was there!

I ended up purchasing the little mermaid mug I have been wanting since our graduation trip back in May.

Then I walked over to frointerland. The wait times weren't as nice so I walked back to tomorrowland went on buzz, carousel of progress and space one last time. Then I left the kingdom for the night.

When I got home I made some tea in my new mug because I just needed too. Brittany arrived home soon after. Brittany, Zoe and I hung out around the living room for a while and just talked about life. But soon it was time to sleep because we planned on going to studios bright and early!

Tuesday September 9

Today Brittany and I woke up nice and early. Today we were going to studios with Meredith and Diego. They picked us up and we were on our way. We talked about rock n roller coaster and how Meredith was afraid to ride it. Diego told her it was just like its a small world...a ride in doors with music. Sounds about right.

When we got into studios we went on toy story mania. In the line we played heads up... We looked like fools acting out the phrasing and humming out the songs. However it makes the wait go by faster!

After toy story we headed over to the animation academy. Our class had a choice of either pascal or eeyore, pascal ended up winning.

We then went to RnR, Meredith decided she would wait outside for us. We all told her how she should just go now when crowds are low. So she got in line with is, she was good up until she saw the take off and decided it was a no go.

We met back up with Meredith and headed to tower of terror. Can I just say I was on a roll with seeing these ghosts!
Sass masters of America

After our stay at the Hollywood tower hotel we were in need of some lunch. No one could decide where to eat so we went to the place I always end up at when I'm at planet! You really can't go wrong with pizza. During lunch we talked about all the "lovely" guests we meet, while we are on stage. (Another plus about custodial you don’t deal with many upset guests…you just give directions and dining suggestions!)

After lunch we went to star tours. Today was the day to go to the parks everything was about a 5-10 minutes (except toy story mania which was a 40 minute wait) the last thing we were going to do was the great movie ride. So we did that and ended up going on tower of terror, how could you say no to a walk on at 1pm?

However after tower we headed out because Brittany and Meredith had to work. So we took some photos in front of the tower and some magic shots!

Diego was kind enough to drive us back to Patterson. I rested for a little bit and headed to work. I didn't work today but I needed some new costumes and I needed to talk to a manager about the backstage soarin tour tomorrow morning. When I got to cast services at dtd I tried finding a manager. I found Greg and asked him about tomorrow morning, he didn’t know anything about it. So we asked the other managers…no one knew. Michelle was the manager who planned it and it was her day off, so we went to parking and asked them. That manager took my number and texted Michelle about it then texted me afterwards.

When I got back home I planned on going to see hallowishes at the contemporary, mostly because I LOVE HALLOWISHES. I was exhausted and decided to take a quick nap. When my alarm went off I was so tired that I decided to just stay home. I called ma and then Gma then called it a night.

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Soarin Backstage Tour! Week 5 Pt 2

Wednesday September 10

Today was SOARIN DAY! I woke up at 5:40 to catch the bus at 6:30. I had to meet up with my manager Michelle at 7:30. It was a big guest show cp party on the bus. When we got to Epcot we waited around for some time. However by 7:45 we were making our way to soarin. We entered from behind test track and walked over to the cast entrance in between figment and the land pavilion. This is were we met our guide Jamie. She first talked about how the ride itself. Then discussed how they had to add a whole new section to the land pavilion for soarin.

Fun Fact: the first idea for Hollywood studios started in the area where the soarin building is located. Disney planned on having a small pavilion dedicated to movie making. But the idea took off and now it has its own park.

Fun Fact: soarin was originally planned to be located in animal kingdom but then fit better in the land pavilion.

We then headed outside of the land pavilion where Jamie talked about the murals and how they represent the earths layers. Both sides are the exact same except on the right side there is one tile that doesn't belong. It is a little green tile near the entrance way. CMs like to tell the story of how maleficent places her mark there to disrupt the balance of the earth.

We then moved inside and talked about the pavilion. How each hot air balloon represented the 4 seasons as well as the seating areas. Then we were taken into the corporate room right about the garden grille. It sometimes can be referred to the treehouse. We got to look down at living with the land

Fun Fact: there is a bed in the house of living with the land.

Soon it was time to go explore the ride we came to see. We went to the entrance and Jamie told us how they set up the ride like an airport.

Fun Fact: At the very entrance right when you first enter the line the was the original room for kitchen cabaret and right behind the wall to your left was the stage and it is still there today.

A little further into the line they have a fire wall. If there was ever a fire inside the land pavilion they can put down the fire wall and keep running soarin. This is also the line where the attachment was added for the theaters.

We headed through the line and reached the theater. We entered and didn't really hang out in there. We were taken outside and around the building to see the generators. We then entered on the other side of the building/ VIP entrance. It was bright outside and the VIP entrance is all black painted walls.

Fun Fact: Gary sinise (mission space movie guy) went through the VIP entrance and walked right into the wall. This made disney paint that wall a light color so your eyes can adjust...they now call that the Gary wall.

We hung out in that room for a bit. Jamie told us how they originally wanted john travolta as the movie pilot but he was to busy.

The park opened and guests started coming in. We then went to my favorite part of the whole day. We went down underneath the screen.

Fun Fact: the screen is actually white mesh like metal.

It was time for take off and we got to watch the movie from underneath and watch all the guests fly high above. It was such a surreal moment! We then went into the VIP area and waited for our turn to fly. Here we learned all about the best seats in soarin. Many people request for B1. However from an engineer standpoint the ride was actually created around B2.

It was finally our time to ride. The orange smell was on point today! After our ride we were once again taken to the VIP entrance waiting area. Here Jamie told us how they just replaced the scents the night before. And we passed around the scent packets they use. She also talked about all the scenes

Fun Fact: the people in the river kayaking were actually the film crew

Fun Fact: the pilot of one of the jets last day was the day they filmed
Also the jets were late flying that day so the helicopter had to hover for a couple seconds.

Fun Fact: most to all clouds were added in after filming. They had all blue skies when filming. The hand glider was also digitally added after as well.

At the very end Jamie talked all about the rumors she hears from guests. Such as them adding another theater. After walking around the building you will find out that there is no where to build another theater. There is also no plan to make another movie so it's not just California. We were told that Shanghai is getting a soarin like attraction so if anyone gets a new movie it would be them. Then there is also talk about going digital. Jamie told us that they would have to change everything if they went digital from a new screen to a new projection room that it would go under refurb for a long period of time. So as of right now they are staying with film.

The ending to our tour had come. We thanked Jamie and headed out the doors of soarin.

After the soarin tour it was going on 10. I needed to make it home to get change and catch a bus to work by noon. So I caught a bus backstage of Epcot to the cast service building. There I talked to that disney bus driver Richard. He asked where I worked and what my major was in college. When I told him I was education he told me he taught over in japan for 4 years.

When I got to cast service I waited for the lovely transtar bus to take me back to Patterson. Where I then had an hour to get ready for work. I had a long day ahead of me I was scheduled 1:15- 11. Bring it on!

I had a 3 hour class, 4 keys basic class. It was brutal after waking up at 5:30 this morning. However during any class that you have to sit through during your training they love to play videos that pull at your heart strings and makes you a very happy person to be working for the mouse.

The class ended and left 15 minutes for us guest show CPs before we clocked in for work. When I clocked in I was marketplace support. I love support days they are so nice. I found myself hanging out at the dance party a lot. Then during my one break I hung out with the other CPs that were support for the night. We talked all about our not so good apartment living life. My life at home for example...

Our night was going super slow. But once it hit 9:45 and I did my one recycle run it went fast. After our shift they decided they were going to go out to grab a bite. I almost went but the lack of sleep I was running on decided I should just go home.

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It is nice to read a great trip/life adventure report from someone who really gets it. My DD12 love to follow along with you as DCP is her goal as well. Keep up the great work and we can't wait to read more.

Week 5 Pt 3
Thursday September 11

Today I slept in as much as I could. I had to catch the bus at noon for work today. It was going to be a long day at work, I was scheduled from 1-12:30. Let the fun begin!

When I got to work I signed in. I had a 3 hour training, which everyone told me that it would be water art training. Well it was after 1 and no trainer was to be found. A manager asked why I was here so early and showed them that I had a 1 o'clock training. So he went back to the office and said he would find out for me. Then my assessment trainer came out and said that she was going to be my trainer although she was back of house for work. So we sat in the cafeteria, she told me there is normally a presentation before on how it started but they didn't have it. So she gave me a packet of step by step how to draw Mickey, Minnie, Donald and goofy. However I would just be learning Mickey for the day and I can learn the others on my own time. So I drew Mickey over and over and over again for about 15-20 minutes. Then we went outside and used our pan and broom. Where I did it once and that was it. My trainer needed to take her break at 2 so I just hung out. After we went onstage and it was time to do some water art. I did Mickey while my trainer did Donald. And I got my first picture with my art from a guest.

That was pretty much training. Now we needed to find the pargo my trainer had because she had her iPad on it and someone took the pargo. We looked all over the marketplace, then we went back to the cast service building. Where we found it, she forgot she left it by the pump because it needed more gas...

We then took the pargo and did back of house. (This had nothing with my training) My trainer said I picked up water art really quick so we were going to have a training day different from the rest. We drove across the street behind company d (cruise looking building) to typhoon parking lot to the west side. Then we drove back because I had to go clock in for my shift. Just a quick little joy ride!

When I clocked in I got zone 11. The last zone of dtd. Wolfgang on the west side to behind cirque to the back bus loop and along side the water. It was a small zone and it was very slow at the beginning of my shift. However since I got my water art license I was able to do that all night. One of the first times I did it I had a family with a little girl so I asked her if she wanted to paint in the ears. Her parents were so excited and took pictures of the whole thing. I did this throughout the night. I started in an area with no one and end up with a good amount of people fascinated with what I was doing. Let me just say that water art makes my night so much better!

At the end of the night some of the CPs decided that they were going to go to splitsville because cm's get to bowl for $5 after 10:30. I decided to once again be lame and pass because 1) I've been at dtd for 12 hours and needed sleep 2) I had no money on me and 3) I was hanging out with alish and Brittany bright and early tomorrow morning!

When I got home I did my usual routine to try and not wake up Brittany. But tonight I found such a lovely gift awaiting for me on my bed! I have the best roommate! I can see this trend starting to take place.

Friday September 12

This morning I woke up nice and early around 8:30. Alish was planning on picking Brittany and I up around 9:30. Well this didn't happen until after 10, so I should have slept in. However I made sure I had everything for work ready because alish was going to drop me off after our lunch date.

Alish picked us about a little after 10 and we headed to the gflo. It had been awhile since our photo shoot around the boardwalk. So today was going to be a grand photo shoot. When we got there we discussed how we needed to stay there again and how I never was a fan of it at all. But then I turned into a Disney snob and loved it during my first stay.

Fetchingly draped against the wall

The 2 paths in life…tie the knot or run away to the magic kingdom

After walking all over the grand we headed to mcdonalds. I mean it was a good choice even though we were having lunch in a good hour and a half. The mcdonalds near all stars is super classy inside. I just ordered fries because I have been deprived from them. It started pouring when we got there but we left for studios once it stopped.

When we arrived at studios it was time for some tower of terror. It was my first time going on it with my baes in long time. And when we got there the wait was not even a thing. It was a walk on ride. It was perfect. Then we decided to go again but unfortunately there was a line but like a 5 minute wait. For some reason we decided to do a weird photo...but we waited till the family in front of us left.

It was time to head to our reservation. Andy was just making it to the entrance and met up with us. Today we were eating at the Sci fi! I love the atmosphere here so much and it has been awhile since I have been there. I got the buffalo popcorn chicken. The waitress tried to warn me it was hot...lady I live on franks hot sauce and blue cheese. During lunch Courtney and her boyfriend were seated in the car behind us...pretty funny. Also during lunch we discussed mnsshp that we will be attending on September 23rd!!! I'm so excited.

The best part about lunch was when Brittany's phone fell underneath the seat. If you have ever been to Sci if the seats are like boxes aka Brittany's phone was lost forever. Just kidding we told our waitress and she just lifted off the seat. By this time It was cutting it close for me to get to work. So I got my parking violation (check) and we were out of there.

Alish drove me to work and I made it with about 10 minutes to spare. So I ran to my locker and got changed before I could clocked in. When I clocked in I got "go see a coordinator" when I got my radio was I given WOD restroom. Oh world of Disney we meet again. This is the slowest of slow nights. I was in charge of one restroom. So it was check restroom, hang out in the stock room and repeat. However tonight I had my first code v, it was a little 4 year old so it wasn't bad. Plus the clean up procedure is 100% better than back at the daycare.

After clean up I got to go on break. Break always goes by fast. After break I check my restroom then hung out in the stock room with some other custodial members.
Another break came up and my roommate Olivia was there. She works at world of disney so it makes sense. True life: you never see your roommates on the program you are always working opposite shifts. My break ended, I went to check up on the restroom, did a trash run and came back for soap. Tonight we had a restroom support so she told me she would clean the rest. I hung out in the hangout spot for the whole night.

I made it through such a "rough" night. I got home a little after 1 like normal. Tomorrow I was headed to the kingdom by 8 with Brittany. NO SLEEPING IN DISNEY!

Saturday September 13

Today my alarm went off at 7am. I was not feeling that so I waited until I woke up when I heard Brittany getting ready. That was a little before 8. We got ready then headed off to the kingdom. Today we only have 2 things on our mind...Anna and Elsa and Mickey Mouse! The we got to mk a little after opening about 10-15. When we got to fairytale hall the wait was already 40 minutes...

However Brittany needed the video for her nieces and nephews so we waited it out. When I met Elsa I wanted to say "thanks for taking over maelstrom..." Still not over it. Never will.

After meeting the ever so popular Sisters we then went to meet Mickey Mouse. It was are first time meeting talking Mickey! The line was fairly long to meet him but that was the only thing we needed to do.

After Mickey Brittany wanted a cream cheese pretzel so we went to tomorrowland. Once she scarfed that down we then tried our luck with property control. Boy was I glad that we decided to go. Property control is a store just for cast members only, there they sell damaged merchandise for 75% off. I found quite a lot. I got a grumpy shirt and nutcracker for pa, a 2014 sweater, Minnie ears, sunglasses, and ice cubes because Florida water is not good.

Brittany got a big haul as well she got Minnie ears, Minnie and Mickey sweater, jasmine costume (for niece), 2 phone cases, Olive oil jar, and probably something else that I'm forgetting. We went at the prime time because the cms just kept bringing out new things. Some stuff is damaged but a lot of stuff the packaging is damaged so the merchandise itself is totally fine!

We then went to costuming because Brittany is one of the lucky ones to get a candy shift for mnsshp. So she went to pick up that cute costume for the party tomorrow. Then we headed home.

Once we got back to Patterson I made myself some lunch and Brittany skyped with her parents. Then by the time I knew it was time to go to work. Once I got to work I was given assist zone 3 & 4 (from trenD to WOD) and I just pan and broom all night. When I first got out in the Florida sun I started getting a horrible headache, it was horrible and I just wanted to put my head down. However I couldn't go home because I had some very special guests coming to visit. So I sucked it up. In the mean time I did quite a lot of pin trading! We finally got lanyards and I'm all about the pin trading life. From water art to pin trading my life is pretty much set.

At 6:10 I met ma and pa by the Mickey fountain in between basin and WOD. They were super kind enough to buy me an earls sandwich for dinner (holiday to be exact) we talked about my life, our plan for tomorrow, and how the heat and no food was giving me a headache. So in exchange for dinner I did some water art for them. It was still a hot night out, 88 degrees and the ground was drying out my water.

Ma and pa left and I went on break. When I went back out I walked around, did some pin trading, some water art (I had a little Elsa help paint in his nose, her parents were so excited!) and jammed at the waterside dance party. Like best job ever!

I got out at my regular 12:30. This time however the bus was packed and all the people who didn't work took up all the seats. That is literally the worst, I hate it so much. Because they either just stare at you the whole time or they sleep like they were the ones to work the 8 hour shift. However I did make it home and feel asleep real fast. Tomorrow was another kind of early morning...but my day off!

Sunday September 14

Today I woke up at 9, got ready and talked to ma. She picked us up around 9:45. I first ran out to get some stuff she brought from home for me (cider mill donuts, gmas banana bread, and my paint and paint brushes.) then Brittany and I piled into the back of the spark they rented for the week. When we got to typhoon I had to buy ma and pa a 1 day, with a 50% off cast member discount.

We were at typhoon from about 10-3. First thing we did was find some chairs near the water. Brittany and pa laid out in the sun while ma and I headed to the wave pool. We had a nice discussion all about my life so far. Then Brittany joined us. Around 11:30 we got out and caught some rays. By noon ma and pa purchased some tropical drinks for us. The 3 girls got banana cabana and pa got a rum runner.

After it was time to be lazy in the lazy river, connect your raft and take a siesta. The siesta lasted 2 laps around the park. It was then time to head back to our stuff. Brittany headed back to the apartment to get ready for work. Ma pa and I went to the family, crush n gusher and the last stop was the wave pool until 3. We dried off then made our way out of the park. Ma wanted to go to cast connections and since we had a car why not! So we went to cast connection and while they were browsing I decided to try my luck with property control again. I was able to find the Ariel scarf I have been looking at for $5 and it was just missing the plastic hook to hang it up at the store. I went back to cast connection where ma and pa found some things. Cast connections is nice because we get 20% off the already discounted merch.

After our little shopping trip I needed milk so we went to publix. Then we had some "lunch" at checkers around 5 o'clock. After some food we went back to my place where I got changed, grabbed my laundry and some pizza bake Brittany made. We then left and headed to alish and Andy's apartment for the night. When we arrived I started doing my laundry. Andy and pa watched football while I passed out on the couch. I just remember ma and pa leaving to drive alishs car because she is once again having car trouble. I was rudely awaken by ma when she told me to switch my laundry. By this time alish was coming home from work, ma dyed her hair and randy & pa went to Wendy's to get some food.

Brittany made this pizza bake for dinner tonight so I brought that over to eat. I just got some lemonade from Wendy's because it's an obsession of mine. Afterwards we just hung out and around 9ish ma took me back home. When I got back to Patterson jessie was in the kitchen. She asked about what kind of shoes she should get for me to paint and what she wanted on them. Then I tidied up a bit, watched princess and the frog and called it a night.

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Loved the GFlo photo shoot pics. Your sidewalk art is great, love that you can include kids in the process. Thanks for the updates.
Great character meets. I love that you were drawing Pascal. Great job. Congrats on your water art certification. How fun! The Soarin tour sounds like a lot of fun! Your gflo photo shoot turned out with some wonderful pictures!
i have never seen that, that's awesome! loving your updates, it 's cool to follow along with someone who works in the park :cool1:
Amazing DCP report! Can't wait to follow along on your Disney journey. Thank you for sharing all of your adventures with us.
It's Just Like Small World Week 6 Pt 1

Monday September 15

Today I slept in till 10:30 and I just needed a lazy morning. So all afternoon before I had to go to work was edit photos from our gflo trip. At 3 Brittany and I headed to the bus stop to head off to work. When I clocked in at work I got WOD restroom again. It was going to be another easy/boring night.

Surprisingly the night went by quickly. It also didn't seem to busy tonight so that's always a plus too. At 10 I went to help with the waterside stage clean up. Surprise surprise there were walls built up all around it. Dtd is constantly changing. 12;30 came quickly and I went off home. On my way home Brittany asked if I wanted to go to mk in the morning. Then she said she was a bad friend and went to ale house with out. First all the CPs were going to eat the kitchen sink together tomorrow & now Brittany. Forever alone! But whatevs because I'm saving my money.

Tuesday September 15

Today I woke up and it was already 10. Brittany changed her mind last night and said that she wanted to go shopping. So I got up but she was a bum and didn't get up till around 11. However in this time I found a pretty good version of festival of fantasy soundtrack and finished up editing the photos and getting photopass photos. So many photos!

When Brittany woke up she told me that some space people now changed their minds again were going to mk at 12:30. It wouldn't make since for me to go then because I had to go to work at 3. So I told her she could go but she decided to go shopping instead. So around 11:45 we made our way to the outlets. They are in nice walking distance, which is super nice. There I purchase a wilderness lodge sweater for $30 originally $65.

Then we went into Vera Bradley, we spent a lot of time there. Everything is 50% off and I'm use to the Disney Vera prices, which are ridiculously expensive so it seemed so cheap. Brittany purchased a cute small purse. Then we walked over to north face because she wanted to see raincoats. Then we thought that it would be best to come back here after our program to stock up on winter gear. Then the last store we went to was gap. We spent forever in that store! The clearance section is wonderful I got 3 shirts for $13 not to bad at all!

We then ended up leaving around 2. Where I got home, got ready for work, packed a dinner, had some lunch and headed to the bus stop at 3. When I got to work I got zone 3 & 4 assist. I walked and walked and walked the market place area. While walking around World of Disney I ran into Katt…Aka Katt789 here on the dis. I met her back in May and it was so nice to see her again. We talked about her big move to Florida in less than a month!

But there is always something that happens during the night. Tonight at the dance party I noticed a fellow custodial cm talking to a mother and daughter who were crying. The daughter was about 3 and just was throwing up everywhere. So I helped clean that up, then we got both of them brand new shirts from world of Disney while they talked to paramedics. Everything was ok and taken care of.

I got out at 12:30 and went home. On my ride home Brittany and I had a whole conversation via snapchat. We got home around the same time and we had a grilled cheese date as we watched the duggars.

Wednesday September 17

Today Brittany and I woke up a little before noon. A grilled cheese party at 2 will getcha. Then about 10 minutes later we heard a knock on our door. IT WAS INSPECTION TIME! A lady knock on our door came in Brittany was in the bathroom and then she left. They were there for like 3 minutes total. We passed and had treats waiting for us at the clubhouse. It was not what I was expecting. People on the Facebook group were saying they were marked off for trash in the trash can and stupid reasons like that. But it was so fast and they didn't look at really anything.

I worked at 4 so I left at 3. When I got to work I got zone 6. I didn't realize at the time but zone 6 is super small. It's raglan road to paradiso to some of the bridge. It was a slow day, so my job consisted of pin trading, direction giver and listening to the Irish bands at raglan. I mean my job is pretty perfect. Then at the end of the night I had to do one quick trash run that lasted all of 20 minutes.

Throughout the night Brittany alish and mines group text was keeping me entertained. Brittany got our mnsshp tickets for next Tuesday, we discussed dinner options that night and we have been discussing the thoughts about a cruise.

I got out at 12:30 and home at my normal time around 1ish. Tomorrow was going to be an early morning at the animal kingdom with Brittany, Meredith and Casey.

Thursday September 18

Today's wake up call was 8:30. We got ready and by 9 Casey and Meredith were at Patterson to pick us up. When we got to animal kingdom the first thing we did was dinosaur.
We can see who actually enjoys them some dinos.

Then we talked Casey and Meredith into going on Everest. They aren't big on thrill rides so once again the whole time we said it was just like small world. They both survived and said it wasn't as bad as they remembered it from their childhood.

We then went to festival of the lion king because neither of them have ever done it. On our way there we ran into katt again! We stopped and chatted for a bit, she told us how she saw all of us except Andy on this trip and was so glad we got to see each other. She is literally so sweet and I can’t wait to see her all over Disney starting in October!

When we got to lion king we were once again seated in the lion section. But this time we had better seats. However at the beginning I realized that there were only 3 tumblr monkeys and not 4. Then to make it worse they just cut out the whole tumble monkey section. It was heartbreaking.

After festival more of Brittany's friends showed up at the park. Alex and bobby went to auditions this morning, Alex made it through but couldn't do anything about it since the auditions weren't for CPs. So we all headed to nemo the musical because Brittany and I had fastpasses. So we were able to save some good seats for everyone.

After nemo we went to get some food. Half the group wanted pizzafari so we went there. Then we went to flame tree afterwards. By the time everyone finished eating it was time for us to head back home. I had to get to work and everyone else went to relax before they went to the cast preview of food and wine.

When I got home I got ready for work and made my way to the bus stop at 3. Today I had the usual schedule of 4-12:30. When I got to work I was given zone 2 Christmas store to once upon a toy. It was quite hot out when we started, the real feel was 101 and the sun was beating down. It's these moments when I envy everyone working in AC. However a storm was rolling in and we were 101 even before my first break.

After my first break I needed to do half a trash run around toy. Afterwards one of my managers came up and said that he was going to walk my zone with me. He told me that he is doing this with everyone. We started talking about school and that dreaded I planning on extending. Right now I would love to extend I'm loving every minute here. However I still have grad school and know I need to get that out of the way. So as of right now it's all up in the air.

Then once again we were 101 for lightning in the area right before my second break. The rest of my night flew by and I couldn't wait to go home and sleep. Tomorrow ma and pa were back from their cruise...Mama Melrose here we come!

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Week 6 Pt 2

Friday September 19

Today I was awoken from a call from pa at 9 saying that they were back and at the gas station just down the road. When they left they said 10-11. So I tried calling them back to see if they were going to alishs or if they needed me to sign them in at Patterson, of course the answer was Patterson. So I romped to security after just rolling out of bed. They left their suitcases in our closet and we went to mk at about 11. Pa wanted to ride mine train, so Brittany had 2 fastpasses for ma and pa to go on so we didn't have to wait the 80 minutes. While they went on the mine train Brittany and I rode pooh. By the time we got off they were done. They both said it was really short but the dwarfs were cool.

Next we headed over to frontierland to do some splash.

It was to long a wait for thunder so we tried to get those figaro fries. But alas the fry outpost was closed. So we had to go to pecos for some chili cheese fries. With fries in our bellies we walked to haunted mansion. Where Brittany learned all about the bride aka she didn't realize she was the same girl marrying different guys. After haunted mansion we walked to Brittany's home...tomorrowland! Where we rode buzz and space. By the end of space it was time to make our way to Hollywood studios.

Such concentration

I’m so glad I got to hang out with the rents the short while they were here. I won’t see them now till they pick me up at the airport after my program ends in January.

One our way to studios it started to rain. We got there and we were parked all the way at the end of the row. We were cutting it real close to our lunch reservations. We put on our ponchos and made it to mama melrose. We did the fantasmic package and it was delicious!

Appetizer – Caesar salad
Entrée – chicken campanelle

After lunch we had to take it slow so we decided to watch lights motor action. It was ok, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't the best thing. I now can say that I did it. Then we did the backlot tour where Brittany searched what it use to be and trying to remember it from my childhood.

Quick stop at the umbrella

Next we walked over to tower of terror. It was starting to rain harder and we had to wait a bit outside. However it was all worth it because both ma and pa saw THEM GHOSTS! After talking about them over and over again since forever they were lit up just for them. So they were actually excited about that since they have been riding tower of terror for forever and never noticed them.

We then checked to see the line for rnr but it was a 40 minute wait and we had our fantasmic package seating to get too. At 7:15 we went into the theater. It was rainy and dreary but we decided to wait it out.

After waiting 50 minutes in our ponchos getting all soggy fantasmic wasn't going to happen. However we got a different show of the effects. It started with little April showers and just colorful water. It ended with some fireworks. It was sad...

So we left the theater and headed to guest relations. We weren't planning on getting anything, maybe just a fastpass because we paid for the dinner package. So when we got there ma told the girl how it was their last day. So we got 4 comp tickets to come back to Hollywood studios and on top of that fantasmic package seating. Like we weren't expecting that at all! And it's linked to my name so I can use it next week or in 2 years. I would have just taken a towel or sweatshirt after all the rain.

Since it was 8:39 we decided to wait for the frozen fireworks. It was probably the only weekend night I would have off so why not. It was only the fireworks and not the show but I didn't care. I love frozen and I love the soundtrack so of course I loved the fireworks. However frozen is over done in Disney so us cast members are over it. But of course I sang my heart out on Hollywood boulevard. Love is an open door is my favorite how could you not?!

We left after and went home. I couldn't wait to put warm clothes on. I was freezing...let's keep in mind it was still in the 70s I should not be this cold and want to put on a hoodie. Our original plan tonight was to go to splitsville, Brittany alish randy and I, cause it was $5 after 10 for cm. But I guess that is only for week nights. So instead we went to Fridays. Cause why not eat more food? I was still full from mama melrose but why not get some more food. So Brittany and I shared the 3 apps and got some drinks. The service kind of really sucked but we are getting closer and closer to figuring out our Christmas trip cruise!

It was about midnight when we got home. Alish and ma were coming over bright and early to take us shopping in the morning. So we watched one of our 2 tv shows...4 weddings and called it a night.

Saturday September 20

I got a text from alish saying that they were about to leave. I got up and ready, Brittany wasn't feeling good so she stayed in bed. We went to Walmart where I stocked up on my groceries for the next 2 weeks.

We stopped at Patterson to drop my stuff off. They hung out outside while I ran in. I put away my groceries, made my dinner, got my work clothes and wheeled out ma's luggage I was storing in my closest. Brittany was still passed out so I tried my best to be quiet.

We went back to alishs, were we took the nice short walk to cvs. I needed some eye shadow for mnsshp Tuesday and shampoo since Walmart only had the huge bottles. When we got back we had some pizza for lunch and I passed out on her couch for a good hour. I woke up around 3, Andy got home from work and I needed to get my butt moving to get ready for work. At 3:25 we all piled into the spark and took a trip to dtd to drop me off at work. I looked at my schedule before I left and saw that I would be most likely in a restroom. However when I clocked in I was zone 3 & 4 assist! During our breakout meeting we had a going away party for our manager Michelle. It was her last day with us guest show folks and she will be moving over to dtd guest relations. So to celebrate her new job we had some cake.

For some reason when I got to work it decided to clear up and get hot out. All morning it was rainy and cool. Today at work was a lot of pin trading. Before my second break I ran into Olivia. I see her all the time at work and never at the apartment, like we live together why don't I ever see you?

The crowds were getting more and more bigger everyday. Tonight dtd was a little crazy. Marketplace stores closed at 11:30 tonight so the crowds went down around 11. Around 11:30 we got a call over the radio from Michelle telling us to enjoy the ride and transition to disney springs. Then it was bombarded with goodbyes to her.

I got out at 12:30 and the struggle of should I eat a meal before I go to bed took place. Tiredness won though.

Sunday September 21

Today was a just sleep all day kind of day. When I did decide to wake up I went through all the gflo photos to put them all up for alish since she has been asking for them for over a week. I bummed it till about 2 when I decided I should probably get moving for work. Today was once again my Friday and I had the next 2 days off!
The bus stop at Chatham was a hoppin place. All the buses came at once.

When I got to work I got marketplace tables. I heard this is super easy but gets super boring real fast. Tonight was literally the hottest nights...or so it seemed. It could also be for the fact that there is hardly any shade around the water. I went through about 4 water bottles before my first break, hydration station. Then too add to that I've been getting horrible heat headaches this past week.

Once it hits my first break everything turns better for the fact that the sun goes down. My pin trading wasn't as popular tonight. I need to get a new set of pins because mine are all lame.

Market place tables was an ok position. It's not awesome but it's not horrible. I kept myself busy with many trash runs...more like pull the 2 cans at the gharardelli seating. When I did my last trash run I finished around 11:45 but when I got to the compactor another cp was there saying that it was really full. So I waited a good 20 minutes just to get ride of my trash.

12:15 came around, I walked back to cast services and clocked out at 12:28. Normally we have to run to the bus stop however tonight was different. The bus wasn't there and there was a huge group waiting. A girl was on the phone with transtar saying she has been waiting for over an hour and a half. And to add to that it was Sunday which means house of blues night. It's literally the worst and I hate when people who party and drink at house of blues takes all the seats and have the people who worked all night standing. That wasn't happening today, all us custodians waited right at the front of the line. The bus came late and I made my way home.

Tonight I waited up for Brittany so we could have a grilled cheese night. Those are literally the best nights ever! Our other roommate olivia got home from work as well so we all stayed up and talked for a while. Tomorrow morning Brittany and I were headed to walmart.

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A Spooktacular Celebration! Week 7 Pt 1

Monday September 22

It was my day off! Brittany and I headed to walmart at 11, Brittany needed some groceries and I was on the lookout for something for my hair for dapper day. I didn't end up finding one though. So instead I bough myself some cinnamon donuts and apple cider. I also got some cash back so I can put money away. So far I've been good about taking money out of my check for school and vacation funds.

The bus ride back to Patterson took forever! So once we got back we quickly ate lunch and Brittany got her stuff ready for work. It was my day off and I wanted to see festival of fantasy. We caught the bus that would get us to the poly at 2:50. That gave us 10 minutes to get to the mk and find a spot on Main Street while the parade went through frointerland. Well when we got off the monorail it was pouring, it was 3:01. So we were pretty sure they canceled the parade. We didn't bring rain gear so we hid and waited till it stopped...that's when I heard FoF music and we pretty much booked it to Main Street. We caught Peter Pan and the rest that followed. I guess they started the parade early in hopes to miss the rain since it was 3:10 and the parade was over.

Brittany didn't start work till 4:15 so we had time to kill. We found ourselves buying more Starbucks and in front of the castle. Sometimes I can't get over how this is my life. The crowds though...what happened to the no crowds 2 weeks ago?! We thought we could get a quick buzz ride in but the wait for 40 minutes. I literally just walked on that the other day. So Brittany left for work and dark clouds were rolling in.

I made my way back to the monorail and too the contemporary. I ended up missing the bus by a minute so I hung out at the contemporary for a bit. I hung out on the roof over looking the kingdom and talked to Gma as I waited for the next bus. I almost missed the bus again but I just made it in time to catch it at the tennis court outside bay lake. I took the bus to west clock and went to property control because it's like I have money to spend. When I got there I thought I would be coming out empty handed but that was not the case. The place it self is really small but you want have to make sure to really take your time and look. From the children's rack I got a frozen shirt, then I found some beautifully nail polish so I picked that up, I was wondering the small store and one of the workers put out 2 scarfs. One of them being a scarf Brittany just looked at on Main Street saying she really liked it. Then the last thing I found was the Disney side Mickey shirt. I decided it should probably get out while I didn't spend too much. My bill came out to be $20 and I thought that was pretty good.

The bus back to Chatham was freezing. I couldn't wait to get off. When I got home I made some dinner and watched ratatouille. I then tidied up my room and updated this report. By this time Brittany was arriving home. We were going to have a movie night but someone was hogging all the wifi in our apartment. We tried streaming the emperor’s new groove but that didn’t work, so we tried Tarzan but no luck and we ended up watching wreck it Ralph. After the hour-long process I ended up falling asleep pretty early into watching it.

Tuesday September 23

This morning I was awaken from a text from alish saying if we were ready to be picked up to play in the parks. Brittany wanted to go to the gym before hand so alish picked us up around 11. We piled all our costumes in the trunk and made our way to Epcot!

When we got to Epcot we headed straight to world showcase...but not for food and wine because we are all poor. Instead we wanted to protest outside of the maelstrom. With all our magic bands we chained ourselves to the fence right outside.

There is nothing to joke about with this whole frozen take over here in florida

Me and Brittany had the good idea of chaining ourselves together and walked the whole showcase and back to the car. Why we did this who knows…but guests had a kick out of it

It was hot but by the time we got to America it was sprinkling. We went inside and listened to voices of liberty. By that time we thought it would have stopped didn't. So we walked in the little drizzle. By the time we got to France it started down pouring. We were soaked and just walked the rest of the way. By the time we got to future world the clouds went away. We decided to go to club cool...I obviously haven't been there since they changed all the different pops.

We left Epcot soon after and headed to get some lunch. It was a toss up between checkers and steak and shake. We ended up going to checkers because their fries are da bomb and its real close to alish and Andy's apartment. Of course when we got there it started pouring. So we got our food and left. When we got to alish and Randy's we had about an hour and a half before we wanted to leave for mnsshp.

We got ready and left around 4ish. On the drive to the kingdom it poured! Just our luck. We parked at the contemporary to see if they had umbrellas. They did but alish had a specific one she wanted to buy at the magic kingdom. So randy ran to the car to get alishs stuff while us girls rode the monorail to the kingdom because we didn't want to get drenched and randy had his umbrella. On the way to the monorail Brittany picked up a penny...hopefully our lucky penny for the night. We met randy at the monorail stop with a big golf umbrella he bought for alish. It wasn't the one she wanted but it would have to do. Brittany and I ended up buying umbrellas as well on Main Street and I'm glad we did because it started to pour! Before we left the shop a girl about 12-13 came up to me and asked how much my costume cost, I told her my Gma made it for me.

We weren't surprised because it poured on our first party ever 2 years back. Since it rained we went and did its a small world, haunted mansion, space mountain, and pirates and the laugh floor. The laugh floor was one of the most awkward shows I've ever been too. Buddy picked a guy who didn't speak much English and it was just embarrassing. Then mikes nephew or whoever was messing up real bad on his jokes. We quickly booked it out because the party had officially started...instead we ran out into a downpour

Throw up your deuces

It just didn't seem like it was ever going to stop raining. We started our candy rounds and were getting wet in the process. We then went to space to get some candy from all Brittany's work friends. Afterwards we headed out of tomorrowland to adventureland were it seemed to clear up. We got candy at pirates and officially put away our umbrellas!!! Thank god for that lucky penny it only rained for an hour and that's it.

Pirate bathroom selfie…the only place that was dry

It was almost that time to get ready for boo to you! So we went to get more candy and found a spot in frontierland. Boo to you is my favorite parade ever! Even though they changed a lot this year I still love it!

Pluto now joins the beginning line up as a lion instead of riding on the candy truck at the end

The most saddest change is now wendy and the lost boys are tied up on the ship and not running around playing with peter pan

So many ballroom dancers have been added

The cowgirls lost their cute dresses and now wear booty shorts…not a fan

vanellope and Ralph joined the parade

And the last change is that the villians close the parade and not goofy.

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Week 7 Pt 2

Since we were right outside pecos we decided to grab some dinner. I got the taco salad and it was just want I needed. We were trying to figure out our night when we realized hallowishes started at 9:30, I literally jumped out of my seat and was going to leave the group behind, I’m not even joking one bit. Alish was literally just laughing at me as I was walking away. I DONT MESS AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO HALLOWISHES!

We made our way to Main Street and Andy needed to use the restroom so us girls checked out the villians dance party. We definitely were planning on going back. When we got to Main Street it was packed! I have never been on Main Street when it was that crowded, like what?
Hallowishes was perfect like always those so we had that going for us. We stuck around right after for the villains mix and mingle. Another one of my favorites. Literally everything about the party is my favorite.

The villains didn't mingle and we went back to frontierland to watch the second viewing of boo to you! Were obsessed! Plus we also needed to see alishs bae who was in the parade. It was quite funny because Aladdin came up to her to interact but then it processed after he left that it was alish. To funny. During this viewing I FaceTime Gma so she could also enjoy the parade but my phone was almost dead so she didn't get to see the villians.

After the parade we went to splash for some candy then to the villains dance party. The tremaines were out and about. The DJ put on the Cupid shuffle and drizella found me from afar. She told me I choose the right sister and that it was like she was looking in a mirror.

I left her then went back with my real peeps and started videoing us dancing. That's when drizella came back and said that she was trying to photo bomb...too good!

The lighting in Club Villain was not great at all

Alish met her friend Michael who is a character attendant. He is so funny he was telling us how he always has a poptart and an energy drink before we comes to work. Then he added in that he hasn't slept in 24 hours.

We left and got some candy at the riverboat. Then went to see Madame Carlotta but she was leaving. So instead we walked passed the tangled bathroom where we saw katniss and prim! Big hunger game fans right here!

We then found ourselves going to tomorrowland for candy because we only had 45 minutes left. We did the trails in storybook circus and tomorrowland. The party was almost over...we stopped by the monsters dance party where alish found yet another character attendant friend.

Next mission was bubble tea and waffle!. Alish and Andy went to find the oogey boogey green bubble tea and Brittany and I went to sleepy hallow for the pumpkin spice waffle. I wanted one so bad last year and never got it. It was so delicious that I wanted to get another one. Alish and Andy found us and she did not have bubble tea just some lefou brew that she doesn't even like. By this time it was midnight and the party was over.

We made our way down Main Street getting one last picture in. Another Halloween party has come and gone. We walked back to the contemporary and went home.

So much candy!

Wednesday September 24

Last night kicked our butts. I kept hitting that snooze button and didn't wake up until 11:30. Today was my Monday so I had 5 days of work to get through.

Today I worked my usual 8 hour night. I was assigned zone 2 which I was more than happy with. When I was out and about I was once again your personal dtd tour guide as well as a pin trader. I also had a guy come up and tell me how he was starting his cast member career, he said he was mouse keeping at all stars.

The clock stroke 12:10 and I headed back to the cast service building to return my keys and radio. Then at 12:28 we were once again speed walking to catch the bus.

Thursday September 25

I had planned to go to a park this morning. I didn't work till 5 and I didn't really feel like hanging around all afternoon. I set my alarm for 7, when that went off I still wanted to sleep some more. When I woke up it was noon...guess I was staying home all afternoon. Maybe I will try again tomorrow.

So instead I worked on designs for shoes one of my roommates wants. Today I worked 5-11. So I left to catch the bus at 4. When I clocked in I got market place support, I was pretty happy with that. Then I heard this girl tell me she bumped me out so she now had MP support and I got stuck at west side support. I don't like the west side because the area itself is small and I'll be walking many many many laps. It is also takes a long time to get over there because of all the construction.

Overall it was an uneventful night. It rained here and there. I clock out at 11 and the bus never came so I waited around for a good 40 minutes while the app kept saying 28 minutes. Then we stopped at vista for another 15 minutes so I got home close to 12:30. Everyone was up and partying in the kitchen. I was so hungry because a 15 minute break is not enough to eat dinner. So I made a feast and Brittany and I watched ratatouille, still good the second time around in the matter of a week.

Friday September 26

Once again I slept in and decided not to go to the parks bright and early. Instead Brittany and I went to the outlets again. I was in desperate need of a hair thing for dapper day tomorrow. So first place we went to was Claire's where they had 50% off all already marked down items. So I got myself a flower for my hair and some earrings. Brittany was looking for a white floppy hat so we tried our luck with forever 21. There were none, however Brittany found me a different dapper dress. I was going to wear my polka dot dress from the gflo day but I decided to purchase the dress from forever 21. When we came out of forever 21 it was downpour mode in Florida. Just great! Forever 21 is a separate section from the we ran across the street back to the outlets and were drenched. We went back into Claire's where Brittany got some earrings and hair clips since she was unable to find a hat.

So we walked back to the commons in the rain. Which is located right across the street from the parking garage. There we caught a bus back to Chatham and walked back to Patterson. Once we got back I got ready for work and left at 3. I was back to the 4-12:30 shift.

When I clocked in I got WOD female. Restrooms are the worst to have when it's raining just for the reason that everyone comes in to find shelter and soak up the floor. Streets are so nice because everyone is seeking shelter.

I had my first rude guest. (One great thing about guest show is that you never deal with rude guests, you just give them directions) well this one lady saw me inside and I went outside to help her. She asked where la Nouba was and she kept pointing to the parking behind world of Disney. I told her she had to take the pathway behind TRex to get to the west side and it was at the very end. She told me I was wrong and insisted it was in the parking lot. So once again I told her directions to get to the west side. She didn't like that or the fact that I didn't speak Spanish. So she left...going to the parking lot. I hope she made it for the show!

WOD was a happening place tonight. The line was pretty much out the door all night. It was like the hunger games trying to keep the bathroom neat. Some ladies just don't care if you are planning on stocking the toilet paper before they go in, they will just hop in the stall before you. Have fun with that!

The rest of my night went...well it went and I made it too 12:30 so that's always a good thing.

Saturday September 27

I woke up at 8:30 to get ready, victory roll and red lips. We set out for Hollywood studios around 10.

Amid the glitz and glamour of a bustling young movie town at the height of it’s golden age

When we got there we were planning to meet up with Courtney. So we headed towards toy story mania. That's when Brittany got a text saying that she got fastpasses so her and her friend were going on. Brittany and I headed towards backlot and decided since it was the last day to give it one more go. They were desperately looking for people for the pre show, and if I wasn't so dapper I would have done it in a heart beat.

It was a good last ride, Brittany found those tumble monkey costumes this time around. After backlot Brittany said that she got a text from Courtney saying they were eating at the brown derby if we wanted to join...we don't make enough to eat there. So we passed and went to find some characters. We stopped to take a picture with Sven and then daisy. We actually got in line for goofy but he left and we were told chip and dale. Then daisy came out. But she was looking dapper so we were fine with that.

We got in line for Donald but then it down poured...go figure. We hid under shelter then called it quits at studios. We walked in the rain to the bus to the magic kingdom. We met a lovely family from PA, it was there kids first time in Disney so they told us all about there trip so far. They were such a precious family.

We got to mk with no rain in sight. So we got some pictures in front of the castle

First mission was to find some food. I ended up trying the bacon cheeseburger Mac and cheese from friars nook. It was so cheesy I loved it! I took my food to Columbia harbor house where Brittany got some shrimp for lunch.

It was then time to go home so I could get to work on time. On our way out dream along with Mickey was happening. We saw a lonely photopass guy and he had us wait for the fireworks.

We hopped on the monorail to get to the poly to catch the bus.

But when we made it to the ticket and transportation center I saw that the bus was coming in 3. So that's where we were headed. When we got on the bus the bus driver told is we looked like little girls....yes that is what dapper day is and the look we were going for.

When I got back home I quickly got ready and was out the door at 4 to catch my bus. When I clocked in I got market place support...but was once again bumped out. However tonight I got world of Disney...which just means I will be walking around world of Disney all night. No trash run just browsing the store. This sounds like a solid night.

The whole time I was in the store I was making a mental note of things I wanted. Then I got a call from a manager asking if I could take a banana boat filled with recycling behind rainforest over to behind toy. Then I went back to my lovely job in the AC. From 7-10 every night is the water stage dance party. It's probably the best part of my job. My favorite DJ was there tonight and he was playing my jams...we had 22 and that's what makes you beautiful remix! He then told parents that if there child is lost for a total of 24 hours that Disney will keep them as cast members, glue there feet down and that's how small world is always updated!

A little before 10 any guestshow that can help out with clean up goes to the stage. Today mr DJ was going way passed 10. So about 4 of us joined in on the dancing and were having a grand ole time. That was until one girl got a call over the radio her cans were over flowing. So Jason our manager came over and we had a group huddle. We all pulled together and did the quickest trash run of all time. I mean when you have 5 CPs and 1 manager things get done. Then on top of that we had to clean up the stage, which as of yesterday is wall free! So pretty much it was a HUGE mess.

By the time we ended it was time for me to call it a night and head home! Overall my night was a solid night and it flew by.

Sunday September 28

I slept as late as I could...shouldn't be surprised. I'm not even sure why I've been so exhausted likely. So my morning went by super fast like is always does. Today I worked 4-12:30. When I got to work I was scheduled for zone 3.

It was hot! I don't know if I was just spoiled from the past 2 days of AC but I was not feeling the sun. However there was dark clouds surrounding us an hour into our shift. We weren't however lucky enough to get poured on.

Nothing special happened today. Just a normal day at work. During my first break one of the newer CPs asked if tomorrow was my day off and if I would take her shift. She told me she wanted to go to the character performer audition for extending our program. I couldn't take her shift because I was going to the audition as well, plus I just need a day off in general.

Right before my last trash run of the night it started to pour. What I would have given for this downpour earlier in the night. Trash runs are no fun in the rain and neither are wet shoes. But if you ever find yourself stuck in the rain and most of the shops are closed come find me because I was giving away garbage bags left and right.

12:30 came and it was time to go home and sleep! Aka my favorite thing to do in life.

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Love your MNSSHP outfit. The pictures with Drizella are awesome! :) I love your friends Rapunzel outfit, too.

Your protest in front of Maelstrom is hilarious! I love all of the magic bands linked. :)

Your Dapper Days dress is really pretty.
Sam I'm so happy that you and Brittney are having a great time on the Disney College Program. I just started reading you report yesterday and got about half way through it. I plan to finish up today but wanted to stop and and say hello. :wave:

Okay…time to catch up!!

Love the opening quote! AND ANOTHER VIDEO?! Man I have been far to busy to catch up with these things! UGH I LOVE THE OPENING SONG! BEST! Yup…love the video…I just love how much your family all gets along and loves each other and has these goofy & crazy & awesome adventures all the time, makes me so happy!

Okay…Oh my gosh those days of “pending” must have been pure torture! I’m so happy that you got in and powered through those days!! YAY!

That ceaser salad looks amazing!! Boatwrights also looks amazing, definitely adding that to the list of things to try! Also the cabins…that needs to happen during my program…they just look amazing and like a fun time. I’m glad ya’ll had a great day of fun, food and campfire & that kinda fun! Disney has so much to do without even going into the parks!

Ugh! AKL, probably my favorite resort…the lobby just blows me away every time! And it smells so good thanks to Boma! Bahaha! Hoop de doo is just love, plain and simple…it’s such a great time!! Ohana…again…amazing and delicious! Can’t wait to go back there!

Despite the summer crowds it seems like a decent mk evening! Especially a 10 min wait for peter pan! That’s always a bonus! Love all the pictures of wilderness lodge & fort wilderness, they both look so amazing to stay at! I can imagine saying goodbye to Gma was tough! You guys seem super tight, and being away from someone you love that much for so long can be rough! I’m not looking forward to saying goodbye to my bff’s/roomates next week! UGH!

How cool that you ran into a future roommate at Eos!!

All this check in stuff is super helpful to read right now! Lol. And one question, I know we’re supposed to be in “Disney look from the shoulders up” on check in day for the id photo…does that include shoulders? (ie, do they need to be covered?) lol.

I definitely put Patterson high up on my housing choices (though the apts without the bunk beds lol) and I’m super happy I did they look great!!

Ah! Cowboy scene! How great!!

Is there a bus stop at Patterson? Or do you have to walk to chatham every time? Also YES to the toy story housing event! The aliens are best! YES! Epcot area resorts are amazing, we did 1 night at YC and I’ve vowed to stay there again during my program! In LOVE with the photos from that shoot, they’re incredible!

Uhm….I need to try this fake poutine…I keep attempting to get it but the place is always closed when I’m there….

Bad wifi? Oh no….bahaha…was it at least up and functioning when you got there? Or is that something you need to deal with?

Looks like you went through a LOT of training/information for training! Especially being in such a large area I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff to cover! Congrats on earning your ears!!

Bahahha grocery bus life…yup…got that to be looking forward too! Also I’m like 99% sure that was the day I saw Alicia around Adventureland & at least attempted to meet up with ya’ll but I think you left before I got back to MK from the poly lol!

Awe man, all of this walking with work! I can only imagine how sore you must’ve been the first few days/weeks! Does it still kill you or are you more used to it now? I’m really impressed that you’ve made it out to the parks/be social as much as you have while working the crazy hours/weeks that you have!! Yay for taking advantage of your time down there!

Boo to you changes…RIGHT?! I don’t understand why the Pooh characters don’t have their costumes on anymore?! Or why they took out the float….or put the awkwardness that is Ralph & Vanellope in…like…Ralph can barely wave and Vanellope just looks awkward all by her lonesome…. I more understand the peter pan section, less hard choreo for those people, so their dance levels don’t have to be as high, but the only reason they need wendy now a days is for parades & shows so I feel like they could’ve left it the way it was…

Also YES to Shrek the musical….

LOVE your parade pics! They’re so great!

Okay…laundry question…do you use cash or do they have those laundry cards to load up?

Oh my gosh that lady & her paper towel-ed Elsa daughter sound like not a fun time….

That Soarin tour sounds totally awesome and informative, and thanks for sharing it with us!

Again, in love with the photoshoot pictures! Gorgeous!

Yay for meet ups! I’m so happy we got to run into each other twice that trip, even fi they were both super short meets lol! And so soon we’ll have even more time! Yay!

Sucks that fantasmic was cancelled, but AWESOME that you got that much re-imbursed! How awesome of Disney. Ugh, I feel ya on the Frozen situation…so done with it already lol

Boourns for only 3 tumble monkeys! We definitely saw 4 at the show before yours, guess they didn’t want to pull from the other cast?

Glad ya got to a mnsshp! Are you doing anymore before Oct’s up?? Seriously everything about it is perfect, my favorite time of year for sure! Love all the pics! Glad you had fun!

I feel like I had something else but I can’t remember anymore…

FINALLY FINISHED! Okay, gonna try to keep more up to date on this now! And hope to see you soon!! Sorry not sorry about the 3 page reply! Bahaha

HOW DID I JUST FIND THIS NOW?! Okay…time to catch up!! Love the opening quote! AND ANOTHER VIDEO?! Man I have been far to busy to catch up with these things! UGH I LOVE THE OPENING SONG! BEST! Yup…love the video…I just love how much your family all gets along and loves each other and has these goofy & crazy & awesome adventures all the time, makes me so happy! Okay…Oh my gosh those days of “pending” must have been pure torture! I’m so happy that you got in and powered through those days!! YAY! That ceaser salad looks amazing!! Boatwrights also looks amazing, definitely adding that to the list of things to try! Also the cabins…that needs to happen during my program…they just look amazing and like a fun time. I’m glad ya’ll had a great day of fun, food and campfire & that kinda fun! Disney has so much to do without even going into the parks! Ugh! AKL, probably my favorite resort…the lobby just blows me away every time! And it smells so good thanks to Boma! Bahaha! Hoop de doo is just love, plain and simple…it’s such a great time!! Ohana…again…amazing and delicious! Can’t wait to go back there! Despite the summer crowds it seems like a decent mk evening! Especially a 10 min wait for peter pan! That’s always a bonus! Love all the pictures of wilderness lodge & fort wilderness, they both look so amazing to stay at! I can imagine saying goodbye to Gma was tough! You guys seem super tight, and being away from someone you love that much for so long can be rough! I’m not looking forward to saying goodbye to my bff’s/roomates next week! UGH! How cool that you ran into a future roommate at Eos!! All this check in stuff is super helpful to read right now! Lol. And one question, I know we’re supposed to be in “Disney look from the shoulders up” on check in day for the id photo…does that include shoulders? (ie, do they need to be covered?) lol. I definitely put Patterson high up on my housing choices (though the apts without the bunk beds lol) and I’m super happy I did they look great!! Ah! Cowboy scene! How great!! Is there a bus stop at Patterson? Or do you have to walk to chatham every time? Also YES to the toy story housing event! The aliens are best! YES! Epcot area resorts are amazing, we did 1 night at YC and I’ve vowed to stay there again during my program! In LOVE with the photos from that shoot, they’re incredible! Uhm….I need to try this fake poutine…I keep attempting to get it but the place is always closed when I’m there…. Bad wifi? Oh no….bahaha…was it at least up and functioning when you got there? Or is that something you need to deal with? Looks like you went through a LOT of training/information for training! Especially being in such a large area I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff to cover! Congrats on earning your ears!! Bahahha grocery bus life…yup…got that to be looking forward too! Also I’m like 99% sure that was the day I saw Alicia around Adventureland & at least attempted to meet up with ya’ll but I think you left before I got back to MK from the poly lol! Awe man, all of this walking with work! I can only imagine how sore you must’ve been the first few days/weeks! Does it still kill you or are you more used to it now? I’m really impressed that you’ve made it out to the parks/be social as much as you have while working the crazy hours/weeks that you have!! Yay for taking advantage of your time down there! Boo to you changes…RIGHT?! I don’t understand why the Pooh characters don’t have their costumes on anymore?! Or why they took out the float….or put the awkwardness that is Ralph & Vanellope in…like…Ralph can barely wave and Vanellope just looks awkward all by her lonesome…. I more understand the peter pan section, less hard choreo for those people, so their dance levels don’t have to be as high, but the only reason they need wendy now a days is for parades & shows so I feel like they could’ve left it the way it was… Also YES to Shrek the musical…. LOVE your parade pics! They’re so great! Okay…laundry question…do you use cash or do they have those laundry cards to load up? Oh my gosh that lady & her paper towel-ed Elsa daughter sound like not a fun time…. That Soarin tour sounds totally awesome and informative, and thanks for sharing it with us! Again, in love with the photoshoot pictures! Gorgeous! Yay for meet ups! I’m so happy we got to run into each other twice that trip, even fi they were both super short meets lol! And so soon we’ll have even more time! Yay! Sucks that fantasmic was cancelled, but AWESOME that you got that much re-imbursed! How awesome of Disney. Ugh, I feel ya on the Frozen situation…so done with it already lol Boourns for only 3 tumble monkeys! We definitely saw 4 at the show before yours, guess they didn’t want to pull from the other cast? Glad ya got to a mnsshp! Are you doing anymore before Oct’s up?? Seriously everything about it is perfect, my favorite time of year for sure! Love all the pics! Glad you had fun! I feel like I had something else but I can’t remember anymore… FINALLY FINISHED! Okay, gonna try to keep more up to date on this now! And hope to see you soon!! Sorry not sorry about the 3 page reply! Bahaha

I wore my green button down tank. Disney look says 3 inch straps. So my shoulders are showing.
PATTERSON!!! We will be neighbors!
No bus stop at Patterson you have to walk to Chatham every time but don't worry it's like a 3 minute walk. Not bad at all.
The wifi sucked when we got here, it took about a week to get it right but now it works fine.
Laundry you can use quarters or a credit/debit card.
I'm going to another party in October. Maybe 2? Our roommate didn't go to one yet so Brittany and I might take her.
Hopefully I answered all your questions!
I can't wait till you're down here! We can go to the parks all the time!


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