"Great deals" through travel agents

I understand what you are saying, but I was more or less talking about the ease and frequency of breaking Disney rules. I am in the business and have seen agencies do it all the time. Most times, to their credit, it is accidental. However, in my experience, they are not caught "very quickly" or even by Disney at all. Sure, Disney enforces the rules, but they are not necessarily the ones to notice the violation. I don't think Disney keeps as close a watch on them as you say. It is more of a see something, say something business. The Disney employees (bless them!) are extremely busy and don't have the time to monitor the social media of its clientele. Perhaps a few of the larger ones, but doubtful.

Yes, I completely understand what you are saying and I have seen it, too, mostly with agents who thought they were posting innocently on FB only to find out they were actually outside of Disney guidelines and got slaps on the wrist for it This is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about agencies that are working closely with the Groups Dept. who, literally, have dedicated Groups CM's working with them closely all year long (frequent face-to-face meetings, phone calls, etc.), year after year. These are close working relationships and it is in the CM's best interest to keep a close eye on what their contracted agency is doing. It's Disney's business (and Groups' revenue) on the line as well as the agency's.
My agent told me end of September beginning of October !

That's good to know. I looked last week/with in the past month and saw February and then I looked this week and saw up to April 30th.

I am waiting for August, I wish the end of August but my oldest plays soccer for HS and that won't work...sigh...


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