Guidelines regarding commercial links

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Ok, I have been sick all week and wanted to be able to think clearly before posting..

While I understand that many are hurt, I have been reading and absorbing everything you have had to say and asking questions to digital scrappers I know in regards to crediting and not having the credits attached to links. I have been told it is do-able.

We have been trying to figure out an amicable solution to the confusion.

The big problem was self promotion. It was not by one person, believe me we had posters on arts&crafts, scrapbooking and even the swap forum.

As for the smugmug site.. .I started that way before I was a mod and at no time until just recently did I realize there could be profit.. However, with that in mind, you have the option to save it to your hard drive and print elsewhere.
The most important thing I believe is not to drag Mark into this. He is a valuable member of the DIS who was/is doing a great thing to allow us use of his photos.

This has never and will never be digital vs traditional.. the problem is advertising.

While you all are upset, I totally understand that.. you have to believe Buffy, Rebecca and I have been in discussions with the WMs to clarify things and come to compromises. We had several PMs stating concerns and solutions and we have been working on them.
The most important thing I believe is not to drag Mark into this. He is a valuable member of the DIS who was/is doing a great thing to allow us use of his photos.

I agree -- I think Mark is amazingly talented and beyond generous.... sharing his fabulous photos with all of us is a GREAT THING. On the same note.... Britt is EQUALLY amazing and generous, and the freebies she repeatedly shared with members of this community were appreciated beyond words by all of us who digiscrap...
I agree -- I think Mark is amazingly talented and beyond generous.... sharing his fabulous photos with all of us is a GREAT THING. On the same note.... Britt is EQUALLY amazing and generous, and the freebies she repeatedly shared with members of this community were appreciated beyond words by all of us who digiscrap...

I agree -- I think Mark is amazingly talented and beyond generous.... sharing his fabulous photos with all of us is a GREAT THING. On the same note.... Britt is EQUALLY amazing and generous, and the freebies she repeatedly shared with members of this community were appreciated beyond words by all of us who digiscrap...

Here's an analogy -- Mark is to paper scrappers as Britt is to digi scrappers. I love Mark, too, and use his pictures. I would NOT want to see him banned. That's how I feel about Britt. I"m devastated that she was treated this way -- the way people on the photo and scrap board would feel if Mark was instantly banned with no notice and not allowed to share his extensive talents with all of us. I just don't understand why some people don't understand this.
Here's an analogy -- Mark is to paper scrappers as Britt is to digi scrappers. I love Mark, too, and use his pictures. I would NOT want to see him banned. That's how I feel about Britt. I"m devastated that she was treated this way -- the way people on the photo and scrap board would feel if Mark was instantly banned with no notice and not allowed to share his extensive talents with all of us. I just don't understand why some people don't understand this.

I agree completely. I never felt pressure to buy anything.
perhaps it is time to actually lock this thread because at this point it's just beating a dead horse. Or just shut down the whole board til y'all get all the rules clarified and can post them neatly at the top of the board. that way, no one else gets dragged into the fray... (specifically people who don't even post on the scrapboards...)
Oops forgot to answer part of your question, yes you can post a link to a site that got product from, like in the thread where Neverland Scraps posted about Star Wars, This was an informational thread and the image was used as reference. But say I had a place where I was selling digital kits (just an example because it's pretty darn safe to say I'll never do that LOL) and you were my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, even though you are not part of the team we don't want you posting tons and tons of links and images to my site because in a way that benefits me which is a no-no since I post here too.

SO help me understand a little further....since Designer Brittany is now banned forever from this site, anyone (including me) can post links to her products???
SO help me understand a little further....since Designer Brittany is now banned forever from this site, anyone (including me) can post links to her products???

No you can't because they've blocked her blog
http://*************************.com/ Really too bad since someone new could go there do a search on freebies and get enough great Disney stuff to start digi scrapping without spending a dime. The store seems to have been removed from the blocked list so I guess we can link her for sale products but not the freebies :confused3
Oops forgot to answer part of your question, yes you can post a link to a site that got product from, like in the thread where Neverland Scraps posted about Star Wars, This was an informational thread and the image was used as reference. But say I had a place where I was selling digital kits (just an example because it's pretty darn safe to say I'll never do that LOL) and you were my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, even though you are not part of the team we don't want you posting tons and tons of links and images to my site because in a way that benefits me which is a no-no since I post here too.

But I wasn't able to link to both kits in that thread. I could link to the one, but not the other. I thought I was doing something wrong and just decided to post it anyways. Then you came along and said to pm the person the link. Im not outgoing enough to bother someone in their pm about a link, photo, etc. That's why I do the forums. I can post and if they want to read it great...if not, then I didn't bother them or intrude in their personal space. I felt very uncomfortable pm'ing the woman the information and hope she wasn't upset with my intrusion.
But I wasn't able to link to both kits in that thread. I could link to the one, but not the other. I thought I was doing something wrong and just decided to post it anyways. Then you came along and said to pm the person the link. Im not outgoing enough to bother someone in their pm about a link, photo, etc. That's why I do the forums. I can post and if they want to read it great...if not, then I didn't bother them or intrude in their personal space. I felt very uncomfortable pm'ing the woman the information and hope she wasn't upset with my intrusion.

One store was originally blocked by the webmasters and is now off the blocked list.
You may request anything you like but the webmasters have said this is okay and they are the ones who make the rules. As I mentioned in the thread about the digital kits- you are welcome to post an enabler alert to a digital kit or sale if you are not a designer or ct member for that site.

And who monitors this?!

I am not on Britt's CT. I have NEVER been on her CT, but I will promote her kits and any other designer's product that I know about. But that doesn't mean Im a CT Member. I own over 67 digital scrapbooking kits of a designer named Flergs (Megan Farrow) I scrap with her products ALL the time. Does that mean Im on her CT? No, it just means I spent a lot of money in her store. To truly be on someone's CT, they have to pick you, give you some sort of access to their products. You cant just say "Oh Im on Said Designers CT" just because I have a lot of their products. That's not the way a CT position works. Trust me, I would LOVE to be on several designer's CT's, but I've never been picked for that wonderful opportunity!

So really, who is the one monitoring who's CT we are on compared to who's store we frequent and make purchases? I'd hate to be banned because someone thought I was on a CT when I am not.

And just for the record, I am on ONE designers personal CT and have been so for over a year. When we signed up to be part of the board, there were no "write down your CT's" forum and come back each time you make an adjustment to your CT clause.

Honestly if there is such forum, then you need to do it for the traditional scrappers as far as where they work because if they work at JoAnns and are promoting a product at JoAnns, its no different than a person scrapping for Said Designer.

What really decides where to draw the line and how do you monitor such things? There are so many people here to keep track of, just how do you do it? I understand designers promoting themselves. That's understandable. But stretching it to CT's and people working for companies (JoAnns) just seems like it is stretching way too far.

By the way we recently moved down south and I went inside my first Hobby Lobby Store. If I start talking about the deals, fabrics and awesome sales they have there does that mean Im spamming Hobby Lobby? I should hope not, especially if I am helping another scrapper (digital or traditional) create their fabulous pages from my finds.

Please dont be mad at me. Im not attacking anyone. I want to know some things because I truly want to stick around and be part of the community. But I also dont want to feel like Im stepping on toes with posts and answering/promoting my digital finds, you know what I mean? Im not looking to be banned but looking more for clarification and understanding
Some of it is a honor system but if the moderators or webmaster see one person bombarding the board with someone's stuff they will be issued a warning. If no one can tell from your posts you are a member of the ct then you won't have any problem.

The webmasters have already told the moderators if their is an inordinate threads on one designer or store (particularly all posted at once) it will be looked at as advertising and the site will be blocked.

Posting an enabler alert when your favorite designer comes out with a new kit is just fine - in addition I will have the digital links thread up on Monday and if you pm me I will add a link to the kit in that thread in the appropriate category.

I agree -- I think Mark is amazingly talented and beyond generous.... sharing his fabulous photos with all of us is a GREAT THING. On the same note.... Britt is EQUALLY amazing and generous, and the freebies she repeatedly shared with members of this community were appreciated beyond words by all of us who digiscrap...

Which is precisely why I mentioned him. Yes, Mark could profit, but he gives us stuff for free anyway. Britt could also profit but she herself has only given stuff away. They are both so comparable.

Brit was banned because other Dis-ers recommended her product for purchase. She herself only ever gave things away for free...
Ugh.. i have resisted posting for so long.. I can honestly see BOTH sides to this -- to a point.

However, i think as the Mod's are trying to compromise - in the process, (and i am speaking only for myself here) it seems to be getting more and more confusing as to when/why we can or can't link... It seems the "gray area" is starting to increase, which in causing more confusion..

I guess i don't see the difference b/w a CT/DT person promoting a kit, or someone (who is just a *fan* of a designer) linking to an enabler thread... (since i guess that is allowed now??) It's just confusing to me.. I mean, Sure, there are some who would abuse the system, so i guess they should be handled individually, but now, it seems that if you like a kit -- and it's Disney related, you can post about a sale on it - IF you are just a fan who is listing it as an enabler -- even though it's linked to a site for sale.. (which is advertising). BUT, if you are a person on a CT or DT, you can't link that same kit up -- b/c then you are considered "promoting" b/c you have a connection to that person??? That is what really doesn't make much sense to me..

Can someone please clarify that??
Some of it is a honor system but if the moderators or webmaster see one person bombarding the board with someone's stuff they will be issued a warning. If no one can tell from your posts you are a member of the ct then you won't have any problem.

The webmasters have already told the moderators if their is an inordinate threads on one designer or store (particularly all posted at once) it will be looked at as advertising and the site will be blocked.

Posting an enabler alert when your favorite designer comes out with a new kit is just fine - in addition I will have the digital links thread up on Monday and if you pm me I will add a link to the kit in that thread in the appropriate category.


See, this is what i am talking about.... this is confusing. Just b/c someone is on a CT doesn't mean they will automatically bombard the board all the time with for sale links -- so, if you are on a CT, that means you CAN'T link to a kit -- but if you are a "regular" scrapper - using the kit - then you CAN??? :confused3 That seems really really sticky to me... I don't honestly think that's fair..

I can see the whole point of the no advertising rule -- but, i think if you want to have a no advertising rule - with links being involved, then it needs to be ALL links / stores, and not just those on a CT or not on a CT..
Because, face it, if i am a reg. scrapper, and i link to a kit, then that person buys the kit - i am advertising for that designer - and the designer profits. Why does it matter if it's a CT person or not?

I think that is what i am more confused on.... And i know lots of digi scrappers will probably be upset if i say this -- but i would rather see the rules more black/white - if it's an advertising problem, then cut all adds/links.. it's really not fair to allow some to link and some not to.. :confused3

So, case in point -- if I use Stampin Up's software or a kit to do a layout - i can give it credits, but can't link to the site to buy it, b/c i am a demo. BUT -- if joe-shmoe does a layout with a SU kit, they could link to my su site to buy it?? That to me is what is not fair..

Don't want to cause any problems, just trying to clarify this!
See, this is what i am talking about.... this is confusing. Just b/c someone is on a CT doesn't mean they will automatically bombard the board all the time with for sale links -- so, if you are on a CT, that means you CAN'T link to a kit -- but if you are a "regular" scrapper - using the kit - then you CAN??? :confused3 That seems really really sticky to me... I don't honestly think that's fair..
While this may not seem fair- a ct member is getting free material to use so they can use it and show off the designers things- they are benefiting from posting the links while a fan is not benefiting.

So, case in point -- if I use Stampin Up's software or a kit to do a layout - i can give it credits, but can't link to the site to buy it, b/c i am a demo. BUT -- if joe-shmoe does a layout with a SU kit, they could link to my su site to buy it?? That to me is what is not fair..

Don't want to cause any problems, just trying to clarify this!

You can both list the credits without links- if someone then asks for a link to a store- you as a su demonstrator can't post a link to your own site- you could pm the information they asked for. Another non-su demonstrator could link to the main su site if they were asked for where to buy the kit they had used. They are not benefiting by giving this information.

I think it is a little confusing because we want to allow people to help each other find good things that are out there but once it becomes an advertisement then it is against board policy- we are trying to refine the guidelines (behind the scenes) to make them as clear and easy to follow as possible.

Thanks Rebecca. I can see where the mods are trying to go... i just think there is a lot of *gray* area that can be misinterperted..

And, reguardless of what another poster asked -- please do NOT lock this thread -- as i believe there are people (like myself) that will have questions, and want to be able to post them, and discuss them, as i did.. and we can do it peacefully. :) IF some don't want to read the thread, they don't have to.. ;)
as the person who suggested locking the thread, it was merely a suggestion because a number of people were flipping out and dragging non scrappers into the fray and trying to confuse the issues. the mods are trying to figure out rules that will make everyone happy, I think we should let them get organised before everyone flips out. I'm all for discussion, but it was getting really out of control there for awhile. maggie
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